HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.12.90A G E N D A HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD Meeting April 12, 1990 Cultural Arts Center 119 W. 5th Street Sanford, Florida I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of Minutes of March 8, 1990 III. Board Appointment IV. Report on Design Guidelines by Yeilding and Provost V. Review of the Walking Tour /Reception VI. Assignment for Distribution of Brochures /Holders VII. Presentation by Brenda Elliott on the Orange County /Seminole County Historical Societies Joint Application VIII. Hopper Academy /Georgetown Association Application for Florida Department of State Prepared by Charles Rowe ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford, (FS 286.0105) M I N U T E S HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD April 12, 1990 4:30 P.M. Cultural Arts Center Sanford, Florida Members Present: Cal Conklin, Chairman William "Duke" Adamson Kay Bartholomew Ron Fiorelli William J. Forbes Nancy Gunning Donald Moore Monte Olinger Halford Welch Members Absent: Edward Blacksheare Jerry Mills Others in Attendance: Bill Simmons, City Liaison Penny Davis, Secretary Chalmers Yeilding Brenda Elliot The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Cal Conklin at 4:30 P.M. Mr. Conklin asked the Board if there were any additional items to be placed on the Agenda. Mr. Conklin stated he had three additional items; 1) The budget recommendation, which he had prepared a proposed budget. This item needs to be conducted today, so that the City can have it for their deadline, 2) The two items that Don brought up in the last meeting, having to do with ordinance requirements of our jurisdiction, whether it was downtown versus the whole City and whether we have the authority about color, 3) Newspaper racks in the downtown area. Don Moore moved to approve the minutes of March 8, 1990. Seconded by Ron Fiorelli and carried by unanimous vote. Mr. Conklin advised the Board that on March 12, 1990, the City Commission appointed Halford M. Welch to the Historic Preservation Board. Mr. Conklin stated with the Board's permission he would like to move Brenda Elliott's presentation up to the next item on the agenda. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING, con't. Page 2 Mr. Conklin stated at the last Historic Preservation Board Meeting the Board decided to be a joint sponsor to participate in the survey for the black community. The survey would deal with Phase 2 of the current survey the Orange County Historic Society has in progress. He further stated he had written a letter to the. Orange County Historical Society offering this Board's assistance and they accepted the offer. Brenda Elliott, from the Orange County Historical Society, is present to explain the grant application. The Board will need to take action on this application tonight due to the deadline. Ms. Elliott informed the Board during the process of Phase 1 of the grant, she discussed with Tallahassee on the estimated 500 structures exclusively in the black community of Seminole County, Ms. Elliott stated to her surprise there were 1500 structures. Tallahassee was delighted with the amount, but funded only for the first 500 structures. The purpose of Phase 2 is to survey the remaining structures. Mr. Conklin stated originally when this project was brought up to the Board the survey was to handle both Georgetown and Goldsboro. However, Georgetown has been covered and they don't need any studies or funding. Mr. Conklin stated similar to the surveys and studies that have occurred in the past the buildings will be reviewed for both their historical and architectural benefits. Ms. Elliott stated the buildings have to meet criteria, they have to be 50 years old or older, they have to fall within an identified historic area and they have to not be material altered. If you can not look at the structure and see what it was before it will not be qualified. Ms. Elliott discussed the drawing of the guidelines for Phase 1. There had to be geographical guidelines, chronological guidelines, and historical guidelines. What was settled on was a combination of all those to decide where to draw the boundaries and what to include. The bottom line criteria was if an area had not been created prior to 1913 then it was not and nor had it ever been Orange County and could not be included. In phase 2 the constraint is no longer there. The constraint, which is self imposed, is the community must come in existence prior to 1940. Mr. Conklin expressed this was a survey and there are no implication or commitments towards the forming of Ordinances or districts. Mr. Conklin clarified that now that the grant had been applied for from the state with two parts local funding and one part state money. The next step should be to hire an architectural consultant. Ms. Elliott informed the Board that an architectural consultant will be hired to do the architectural portion, doing the assessment of the structures and mastersite file forms. She stated she would be responsible for all the Historical information. A brief discussion was held regarding the total cost of the project as it reads in the application. Ms. Elliot informed the Board it was $36,640. The grant funds total $14,000 and the matching local funds total $22,000. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD FETING, con't. Page 3 Ms. Elliott discussed the format of the report. She stated the mastersite file forms will be listed in the back of the final report and listed by address. This will make it easier to determine if the structure is contributing or non contributing. There are maps drawn to show the configuration of the buildings. Mr. Simmons commented on the budget recommendation. He stated we are getting in directions of flat budget from last year. This years budget is $8,050. for basically everything.., Mr. Conklin question whether that was new money, Mr. Simmons informed him it was. Mr. Simmons stated that as the City Commission moves into the budget process, which will be in the months of May and June, the Board should be in contact with the City Officials to assure they know what the Board needs for the budget. Mr. Adamson stated he had not seen such pride in the downtown area in a long time, with the plaques in place and with the events that have taken place. Mr. Conklin stated that he thought the Board was doing some good and there is a whole new turn towards the historic business in the City of Sanford. Ms. Elliott stated that in Seminole County the City of Sanford probably has the best historical resources in Central Florida. Mr. Welch questioned the boundaries in the survey area. He asked if they were coterminous. The Board informed him the study areas are continuous but the it may not go all the way to the lake front. Ms. Elliott expressed she had no problem with extending the study area but what you will find is structures that will qualify by the criteria of the structure, but they will not qualify for the study due to the fact it was not the black community. This could be identified as needing some other type of study. The Board asked Ms. Elliott since the process is in place would it be that much of an effort. Ms. Elliott stated no, she could draw the boundaries and submit them to Tallahassee this would. Ms. Elliott informed the Board they go to counsel the middle of June, we will have a final commitment and decision in July and start work in September. Mr. Simmons asked Ms. Elliott could they accept the money prior to September 30, she stated they could. Duke Adamson moved to endorse the application, for Phase 2 of the study, in the amount of $5500 and to instruct the Chairman to write the letter that they need to accompany the application. Seconded by William Forbes and carried by unanimous vote. Mr. Adamson commented if we are going to become the Historic Community, someone needs to start talking to the Mayor and the City Commission of expanding of the Downtown Historic Board and incorporating it more as a single entity. Mr. Yeilding presented an outline /list of issues for the Design Guidelines. Mr. Yeilding stated next month he would present a draft of the report and it will be the outline filled out. The following month the final draft will be submitted to the Board. He stated he would sent the draft out prior to next months meeting so the Board members could review it and give their input. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD, con't. Page 4 A discussion was held regarding the boundaries of the local Commercial District and the National Register District in the downtown area. Mr. Yeilding stated there was a little confusion on the exact boundaries and how the district was set up. He stated Jerry Mills and others cleared that up for him. Mr. Yeilding received documentation from the State for the mastersite file for Sanford.within your Commercial District. He was surprised that only the buildings in the National Register District have been surveyed and reported. Yeilding stated that huge amounts of land in the local area is completely undeveloped, not many in the National Register District. This gives you two different cases to deal with. He asked the Board if they wanted the Commercial (Local) district to have the same character as the National Register District, same building, scale, rhythm on the street, and the same kind of material, that would restrict density of development. Mr. Yeilding wanted to leave knowing how the Board would like to deal with the differences between the two districts. Whether they intended to favor a mandatory set of rules or totally optional or combination of both. The Board held a discussion regarding the contents of the Guidelines. The consensus of the Board was to include signs and site improvement to the Guidelines. Mr. Conklin suggested adding parking and streets as other items for the guidelines. There was a discussion regarding whether or not new development should be allow for an inward focusing building versus street focusing building. The Boards opinion was that it should have flexibility Mr. Yeilding discussed the buildings scale, height and mass. His opinion was that height was the biggest issue. He gave some examples of how the Guidelines could read regarding this issue. Mr. Conklin suggested that there be a special single purpose meeting called in order to discuss the Guidelines. The Board decided to meet Thursday, April 19, 1990, at 4:30 P.M. Mr. Conklin gave an update on the Hopper Academy /Georgetown Association. He explained to the Board that he had written the letter to the School Board and the School Board took action. They agreed to lease the academy to the Georgetown Association for a $1.00 a year. The School Board had asked Mr. Conklin several question regarding the Georgetown Association which he gave positive answers. He further stated he had been working with Charles Rowe to come up with the Grant Application. At the present time there is no application due to the Georgetown Association was not fully prepared and are now in the process of doing the things necessary to enable the to qualify for application of the grant. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD FETING, con't. Page 5 Mr. Conklin reported on the proposed budget. He informed the Board that there was no money in the budget for support and participation with the Georgetown Association on their project with Hopper Academy. The ,consensus of the Board was to add $1,000. to the proposed budget for participation. The Board decided to add $1,200 to the proposed budget for the replacement of the Walking Tour Brochures. That brings the amount for the proposed budget up to $10, 950.00. Kay Bartholomew moved to modify the proposed budget adding $1,000 for participation with the Georgetown Association, on their project with Hopper Academy.and $1,200 for replacement of the brochures. Seconded by Monti Olinger and carried by unanimous vote. As there was no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 6:35 P.M. Respectfully Submitted: Penny L. Davis