HomeMy WebLinkAbout0527351 1 I 'i 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION,. SANFORD, FLORIDA, MF y e7 , at 8 P M 19,35 The City Co-.mission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Session at the City Hall in Sanford, Florida., at S O' Clock P.',. May 27, 1935. Present: Commissioner T.L.Dumas, Mayor. If W.A. Leffler. if H.J.Lehman S. O. Shinholser if V A Speer City Clerk F S Lamson Chief of Police R.G.747illiams Meeting called to order by the Ohairman. Minutes of Regular Meeting of Lay 13th. 1935 read and approved. Robert Burns next appeared with the request that the Com:iission rescind the action taken at the meeting of May 13th. 1935, revoking his license to sell beer, but after hearing the evidence in the case, request refused. Chief of Police 'Nillia.ms next reported that Fred Alexander, employed by ,dill Alexander at 1219 Y'. 13th St. had been convicted in the Municipal Court under date of May oth. for selling intoxicating liquor without a license, and that !,' +ill Alexander had been issued a license to sell beer at this location. Thereupon Commissioner Speer moved that the license issued Will Alexander to sell beer be revoked. Seconded by Commissioner Leffler and carried. 11r. Frank Evans next registered a complaint that rental properties which have not paid taxes are being offered at prices far below the rents required for buildings upon which the taxes are being paid and requested that so:e action be taken to prevent such unfair competition. Matter taken under consideration. Mr. Evans next requested permit to demolish and remove two old houses, one on Lot 3 Block 10 Tier 7 and the other on Lot on Lot 4 Block 12 Tier 9, and on motion of Co,r-.Assioner Lehman, seconded by Commissioner Shinholser and carried, permit °ranted. At the request of the Committee appointed to investigate petition to route truck traffic south of Third Street off of Park Avenue to Sanford and French Avenue, additional time was next given for a report on this matter. Petition next received fror.o, Z. and Frank H.Harris, owners of Lot 8 Block 11 Chapman & Tucker Addition , located on First Street east of Sanford Avenue, that the City condemn the mule stables occupied by E.E.Brady on this property due to the terrible offensive odors and General unsanitary condition. Thereupon, Commissioner Lehman moved that these stables be condemned and ordered removed. Seconded by Commissioner Leffler and carried. 397 MINUTES CITY'CiOMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, May 27, 1935 S P M. 19_ Communication next read from Mrs. Esther Ridge, Executive Secretary, Semi- nole County elfare Boar d, requesting an appropriation of $50.00 for welfare work for the month of May. Thereupon Commissioner Lehman moved that $50.00 be paid to the Seminole County 17elfare Board for welfare work during the month of May 1935. Seconded by Commissioner Speer and carried. Consideration next given to the request of the Star Line to rent the dock fprmerly used by the Suwannee Steamship Company at the foot of Myrtle Avenue, this dock being located on Land leased from the City by ,inn & Lovett Grocery Company. Commissioner Leffler then moved that the lease with jinn & Lovett Grocery Company for this property , together with any other supplemental agreements, be canceled. Seconded by Commissioner Lehman and carried. The Clerk was next instructed to negotiate with Ninn & Lovett Grocery Co. offering to cancel out the rental due on this property for the past year in exchange for the building located thereon; otherwise notify them.that the City expects the buildi and old barge adjacent thereto to be wrecked and removed within sixty days. Communication next read from S�J. E. Ki rchoff Jr. with further reference to demand of Augustus T.Ashton that he be reimbursed $150.00 as prorata share for the period Oct 1, 1935 to April 11 1936, of premium on $30,000.00 insurance taken out by him on the Mayfair Hotel, Mr. Kirchoff requesting that the City make the payment demanded. Request refused in view of the fact that the City is carrying insurance on the Mayfair Hotel to the amount of 330,000.00 and in accordance with its agreement with Mr. Kirchoff, will continue to do so until October 1, 1935•. In connection with the loss of revenues due to the adoption of the Homestead Exemption Amendment, the Clerk was next instructed to telegraph Governor Scholtz urging his assistance and cooperation in the passage of legislation by the Legislature which will provide municipalities with needed funds to offset this loss. On motion of Commissioner Speer, seconded by Commissioner Shinholser and carried, the Commission next approved the following payments from funds applicable there- to: To DeCottes & Boggs, to apply on judgment X730.00 To Keefe, et al, to apply on judgment 5200.00 The Chairman next appointed Commissioner Shinholser, Leffler and Speer as a committee to investigate the matter of replacing the water line running from the wells to the water pumping station; also the matter of extending the present main on Seminole Boulevard West approximately 330 feet to French Avenue. The meeting then adjourned to meet again at S O'Clock P M May 30, 1935. Attest: City Clerk. og Mayor.