HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.03.92A G E N D A HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD Meeting September 3, 1992 City Hall City Commission Conference Room 200 N. Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 4:30 P.M. I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Approval of Minutes of July 9, 1992 III. Discussion Regarding Attendance IV. Discussion on Proposed Goals V. Update on Duany Project - Laura Straehla VI. Mainstreet Program - Hal Welch & Chris Cranias VII. Plaque Corrections - Penny Turner VIII. HPB Membership Openings IX. Discussion Regarding Collaborative Advertisement X. Other Business A. Code Enforcement - All members are encouraged to turn in potential code violations in writing to Penny Turner at the close of the meeting. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford, (FS 286.0105) Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Personnel Office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626 48 hours in advance of the meeting. M I N U T E S HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING September 3, 1992 City Hall City Commission Conference Room 200 N. Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 4:30 P.M. Members Present: Monte Olinger, Vice Chairman John Mercer Kay Bartholomew Jerry Mills Altermese Bentley Laura Straehla Cal Conklin 011ie Williams Chris Cranias Members Absent: Hal Welch, Chairman H.L. "Lynn" Stogner Others in Attendance: Alicia Clarke, City Liaison Penny Turner, Secretary Jay Marder, Director of Planning and Development The meeting was called to order by the Vice Chairman, Monte Olinger at 4:34 P.M. John Mercer moved to approve the Minutes of July 9, 1992. Seconded by Chris Cranias and carried by unanimous vote. A discussion was held regarding the attendance record and the current attendance policy for the Historic Preservation Board. Mr. Olinger stated that members needed to make an effort to attend the meetings on the first Thursday of the each month. Poor attendance is a bad reflection on the board as well as the City. Members expressed their concern with the difficulty in attending meetings which are rescheduled from the first Thursday of the month. The current attendance policy does not reflect excused and unexcused absences. Cal Conklin moved to place an item regarding excused and unexcused absences on the Agenda every month. An excused absence will be one the board has taken action upon by virtue of the reason of the absence. Seconded by Kay Bartholomew and carried by unanimous vote. It was recommended that the discussion on Proposed Goals be tabled until the October 1, 1992 meeting. Historic Preservation Board Meeting, con't. Page 2 Mrs. Straehla updated the board on the Andres Duany Project. The Sanford Historic Trust Committee made revisions to the Master Plan and Urban Regulations and the plan was sent to the City Attorney, Bill Colbert, for legal approval. Once the Committee has received the attorney's approval the plan will then go before the Sanford Historic Trust and then to Mr. Duany for approval. After Mr. Duany's approval the Master Plan will go before City Commission which requires two Public Hearings before it is adopted. It is estimated the plan will go before City Commission at the end of September or the beginning of October. Once adopted the issue of making the public aware will need to be addressed. Mr. Mills inquired whether buildings outside the district that are under Ordinance as Local Historic Landmarks were required to come before the board for a Certificate of Appropriateness. Mrs. Turner was requested to review Ordinances to ascertain whether or not approval of the board was required for exterior changes to Historic Landmarks. Mr. Mills stated that his house is not in the Residential Historic District but he would like the board to consider designating it as a Local Historic Landmark. The board concurred that Mr. Mills should submit a proposal for recommendation to the City Commission to designate his home as a Local Historic Landmark. Mr. Mercer suggested having all eligible structures within Sanford submitted to the City Commission for recommendation to pass an ordinance designating them as Local Historic Landmarks. Mr. Cranias reported that the Mainstreet Program is based on the networking of community organizations, which include Sanford Historic Downtown Waterfront Association, Sanford Historic Trust, the Chamber of Commerce, Sanford Committee, and the Historic Preservation Board. The goal of the program is to establish a welcome center, and to solicit and encourage new business, which will economically revitalize Sanford. Mr. Cranias stated the most important aspect of the program is that it has to be a total community project and not isolated. The program has been accepted by the City Commission and $10,000 has been allocated by the City for the program. The Board of Directors, made of representatives from participating organizations, will meet Tuesday night at the First Street Gallery at 5:30 P.M.. Mr. Conklin informed Mr. Cranias of the existence of the Greater Sanford Development Corporation. This corporation formed several years ago, still has a charter, bylaws and on record with the Secretary of State. Mr. Conklin suggested there might be a way to link this corporation to the Mainstreet Program. Mrs. Turner gave an update on the correction for the Garner Woodruff Building plaque. The missing plaque from the Sanford Herald Building has been located by Mrs. Bartholomew. Cal Conklin made a motion to order a corrected plaque for the Garner Woodruff Building. Seconded by 011ie Williams and carried by unanimous vote. Historic Preservation Board Meeting, con't. Page 3 Ms. Williams informed the board the address on the Hopper /Harper plaque was incorrect. The address on the plaque is East 12th Street and Pine and the address of the building is East 11th Street and Pine. It was requested that the Secretary research the draft to ascertain where the error was made. It was recommended that the plaque be used until rectified at a future time. A date has not. been set for presentation of the plaque. Discussion was held regarding corrections on plaques. Mr. Mills suggested having a two year waiting period to allow mistakes, deletions, and additions to be reported and all corrections be made at one time. I Mr. Mills recommended a note be included in the Walking Tour Brochure referencing the correction to the Garner Woodruff Building. Cal Conklin rescinded previous motion to order corrected plaque for the Garner Woodruff Building. Seconded by Jerry Mills and carried by unanimous vote. Jerry moved the board have a moratorium on changing plaques for a period of two years from this meeting to enable receipt of corrections on other plaques and at that time determine if a new plaque should be ordered and who will be responsible for the cost. Seconded by John Mercer and carried by unanimous vote. The terms of Kay Bartholomew, Lynn Stogner and John Mercer expire October 28, 1992. . Mr. Stogner will not be able to serve due to his heavy schedule. Mr. Mercer stated he did not wish to be considered for reappointment. Mrs. Bartholomew agreed to serve again if reappointed. Discussion was held regarding the collaborative advertisements. Ms. Straehla reported the project for collaborative advertisements will be based on "attack ad" proposals prepared by Andres Duany. The project will cover a year of advertisement in Orlando Magazine. She requested that the board contribute $1,000 for advertising the Sanford Historic Area in Orlando Magazine. Ms. Straehla explained other organizations such as the Sanford Historic Downtown Waterfront Association, Sanford. Historic Trust, and other private and non - profit organizations will provide the balance of the year's advertisement cost. John Mercer moved to approve $1,000 from FY 91/92 funds be donated to the Sanford Historic Trust for advertisement of the Sanford Historic Areas in Orlando Magazine. Seconded by Kay Bartholomew and carried by unanimous vote. Mrs. Bartholomew apprised the board that the City of Sanford was listed in the Florida Black Heritage Trail. Sanford has three photographs in the guidebook. She stated she spoke with Mr. Simmons and requested Historic markers be erected identifying Sanford as a Black Heritage Trail City. Mr. Simmons informed her that these temporary signs could be up within a week. Historic Preservation Board Meeting, con't. Page 4 Kay Bartholomew made a motion that the board request the City to put up signs identifying Sanford as a Florida Black Heritage Trail City. Seconded by Laura Straehla and carried by unanimous vote.. Discussion was held regarding the City Commission's action on the appeal by RTC to board up the windows of the Welaka Building. It was requested that all code enforcement violations be given to Mrs. Turner. There being no further business before the board, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 P.M. Respectfully submitted by: Penny L. Turner