HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.01.92A G E N D A HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD Meeting October 1, 1992 City Hall City Commission Conference Room 200 N. Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 4:30 P.M. I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. New Appointments III. Excused /Unexcused Absences IV. Approval of Minutes a). August 18, 1992 b) September 3, 1992 c) September 18, 1992 V. Application for Certificate of Appropriateness a) Painting of Building & Replace /Repair Marquis at 113 Magnolia Avenue b) Replace Sign at 212 N. Park Avenue Vi. Update on Duany Project - Laura Straehla VII. Update on Mainstreet Program - Hal Welch & Chris Cranias VIII. Discussion on Proposed Goals IX. Appoint Committee to Develop a List of Appropriate Sign Lettering Styles X. Other Business a) Code Enforcement - All members are encouraged to turn in potential code violations in writing to Penny Turner at the close of the meeting. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford, (FS 286.0105) Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Personnel Office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626 48 hours in advance of the meeting. M I N U T E S HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING October 1, 1992 4:30 P.M. City Commission Conference Room City Hall, Sanford, Florida Members Present: Hal Welch, Chairman Kay Bartholomew Altermese Bentley Cal Conklin Jerry Mills Monte Olinger Members Absent: Chris Cranias John Mercer.. H.L.. "Lynn" Stogner Laura Straehla 011ie Williams - Others In Attendance: Jay Marder, City Liaison Penny Turner, Secretary The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Hal Welch at 4:40 P.M. Mr. Welch apprised the board of the City Commission's appointment of Beth Simons and Kevin Stubbs to the Historic Preservation Board. Ms. Simons is an Urban Design Planner for the City of Orlando and Mr. Stubbs is an Architectural Designer for Powell Design Group. Kay Bartholomew moved to approve the Minutes of August 18,. 1992 ' the Minutes of September 3, 1992 and the Minutes of September 18, 1992. Seconded by Altermese Bentley. Under discussion Mr. Conklin requested an amendment to the portion of the,Minutes of September 3, 1992, indicating that Mr. Conklin suggested there might be away to link the Greater Sanford Development Corporation to the Mainstreet Program. Mr. Conklin stated.what he suggested was the group might consider use of the corporate shell, existing charter and bylaws. Jerry Mills made a motion to accept the amendment to the Minutes of September 3, 1992. The amendment and approval of the Minutes were seconded by Monte Olinger and carried by unanimous vote. The Board requested Mr. Welch write letters to all applicants that did not follow proper procedures in obtaining approval from the board prior to changing the exterior of buildings. Tommy Speer, owner of the building at 113 Magnolia %Avenue, was present and. submitted an ,Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to make changes to the exterior of the building.. Historic Preservation Board Meeting, con't. Page 2 Mr. Speer proposed the following changes: 1) Steam clean the brick and grout to restore its original mustard color, then seal the brick; 2) Replace the flat canopy with a hip canopy made .of greenish color metal to match the brick tone. He stated the reason for the hip canopy would be to cover the sky lights above the canopy which have been closed by plywood. He explained there will be no signage on the canopy, only the street number for emergency identification purposes; 3) Requested the board allow him to chose the paint color for the canopy once the brick was cleaned. He will use a tone of green compatible with the existing mustard color brick; 4) Restore the 6' X 8' double doors that go up the middle of z the building back to 8 1 doors; 5) Remove screens on the second floor and put in tinted glass; 6 ) Put in a wood f loor in the balcony, as it was originally; 7) Trim all of the wood of the windows with the same green to match the green on the canopy; 8) Two sets of signs, three 12" -X 2 single signs perpendicular to the building underneath the canopy, in front of the three business and hanging signs inside the window, there will be no signage on the glass. Mr. Mills commended the Speer family for maintaining the integrity of'the historic elements of the building throughout history. Discussion was held regarding removing the windows. It was asked if the original historic glass could be used. Mr. Speer explained in 1932 his father had the word "Law Office of George A. Speer, Jr." engraved in 22 carat leaf gold and he wanted to have it removed and framed. It was recommended Mr. Speer remove the plywood from the original clerestory wood frame sashes and put in tempered glass and restore the existing mansard marquee.. Mr. Speer explained that was his plan B and it could be done. The board concurred if Mr. Speer selected a color for the trim from the samples on file at the City the board will accept it. Ms. Bartholomew requested photographs be taken of the building and window prior to the work being done. Mr. Mills requested a detail of the shop drawing of the door. Mr. Speer invited Mr. Mills to go through the building. Jerry Mills moved to approve Plan B of the Application for Certificate of Appropriateness, as proposed. Seconded by Cal Conklin and carried by unanimous vote. Historic Preservation Board Meeting, con't. Page 3 Rick Colegrove, Roy Wright, David McFadden, Charles Hill, and Patrick Puranda, representing. the Sanford Masonic Lodge, were present and resubmitted an Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to replace the existing sign at 212 N. Park Avenue. Mr. Welch explained the applicants came before the board August 18, 1992, and the application had been denied due to the size of the sign and the proposed three dimensional internally;, illuminated sign. The applicants at that time was recommended to submit a couple of alternative proposals. Mr. Colegrove provided photographs and photo copies of the blue prints of the building when it was built in 1924. He explained that the original sign was internally illuminated. Mr. Hill described the sign as 30" in height, three dimensional, internally illuminated, the material will be aluminum and acrylic, color is white acrylic, blue lettering and grey border. the shape of the sign is the Keystone. It will be hung level with the balcony` projected straight from the wall, by 2 inch square galvanized steel brackets of .the building. It was requested that the sign be mounted 4 to 6 inches away from the building. Jerry Mills moved to approve the application for certificate of appropriateness. Seconded by Monte Olinger and carried by unanimous vote. Mr. Welch recommended that if they decided to restore the building they use the same sign but reposition it as it was originally. As Mrs. Straehla' was not present, the update on Duany Project was postponed until the meeting of November 5, 1992. Mr. Welch gave an update on the Mainstreet Program. The group met to begin working on bylaws and developing scope of services to hire an individual to act as a facilitator to help prepare the Mainstreet Application. Another meeting has been scheduled to decide on the scope'of services and then, the advertisement for consulting services will be done. It was recommended that the proposed goals be tabled until the new members were present. A discussion was held regarding excused and unexcused absences. It was suggested that the secretary remind members of the attendance policy when she calls regarding meetings. If a member has missed three meetings she will ask if they are still interested . in maintaining a position on the board. Mr. Mills and Ms. Bartholomew were appointed as a committee to develop a list of appropriate letter styles for signs in the Downtown Historic Commercial District. They will have the list available for the board's approval at the November 5, 1992, meeting. Historic Preservation Board Meeting, con't. Page 4 The secretary was requested to report the pile of dirt at corner of Second Street and Palmetto Avenue to the Code Enforcement Office as an unsightly nuisance. Ms. Bartholomew reported that Mr. Simmons, City Manager, is requesting locations for the Florida Black Trail signs It was recommended that the signs be placed at the outskirts of town, on main highways US 17 -92 and SR 46, as listed :below: 1) US 17 -92 Southbound (coming into Sanford by the Monroe Inn) 2) US 17 -92 Northbound just South of Park Drive (where the "Welcome to Sanford" sign is located) 3) West SR 46 Eastbound approaching the Auto Train 4) East SR 46 Westbound approaching the City Limits 5) East CR 415 Westbound approaching the City Limits Ms. Bartholomew announced Peter Schreyer, of Crealde School of the Arts, is doing a documentary photography project on Sanford, with his students. The resulting exhibit will be at the First Street Gallery in March. The board gave Ms. Bartholomew some possible recommendations on what to possibly photograph. Discussion was held regarding purchasing a set for the City. Mr. Welch suggested considering toss back photographs, which will be in excellent condition for the museum. Ms. Bartholomew recommended. that Mr. Schreyer be invited to attend a meeting for further discussion.on the matter. Ms. Bartholomew informed the board that the Downtown Water Front Association is scheduled to meet October 20th at 6:00 P.M. at the First Street Gallery. Mr. Welch will be speaking to the group on historic preservation. She invited the members to attend to show their support. There being no further business before the board the meeting was adjourned at 5:53 P.M. Respectfully submitted by: Penny L. Turner