HomeMy WebLinkAbout061834X268 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, .FLORIDA, June 18 at 7:30 P 11 19 34 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, F orida , met in Adjourned Session at the City Hall in Sanford, Florida at 7:30 O'Cloc : P.L. June 1 ,0, 19-3'x-. Present: Commissioner W.A.Leffler, 11ayor it T.L.Dumus it H . J . L eh�nan If V.A.Speex City Attorney Fred R.'Wilson City Clem., F .S.La,lson Chief of Police R.r.;'dilliams Absent: Cornilissioner S.O.Shinholser eeting called to order by the Chairman In connection with the proposed enlargement of the 'Municipal Zoo-and construction of a new building to be used as an Aquarium, labor for which is to be furnished by the FERA, Messrs F.17.Bender and J.L.11arentette, representing the Zoo Corlrnittee of the Charioer of Cotnrlerce, reported the need of $1000.00 for .materials, in addition to that raised through a membership drive, and requested the City'to advance this amount with the understanding that it is to be repaid from admission to be charted to the new aquarium. After careful consideration of the worthiness of this project, it being agreed that the impreveiaient will be a distinct asset to the City* of S tinford, Co n.13.s:,i oner Speer rioved that the City advance $1000.00 to the Chamber of Cor.•Z, erce for improvement of the Sanford 11unicipal Zoo in the way of building an aquarium, it being understood that the Charber of Com_,erce is to reimburse the City for this loan from paid admissions to the aquarium. Seconded by Commissioner Dumas and carried. At this point the Clerk .-!as instructed to secure the approval of Corinissioner Shinholwer to the, foregoing motion before action is taken in accordance therewith. l,Ir A.R.11arshall next reported on the re cults of his 1'.ork in connection with the effort to have darla.5ed sidew l'.s repaired by the adjacent property owners, advising the Cornmission that in all except two cases, the property owners had agreed to have this work done when officially notified by the City. '1Ir. Marshall also pre; ented the request of T.L.O'Connor to rer.ove oak tree fxom the parkway in front of his home at the northwest corner of Tenth Street and Park Ave, and request of the Catholic priest to remove and replace with new plantings, six burned trees adjacent to the Catholic church property at Ninth Street and Oak Avenue. Thereupon Commissioner Dur?:as moved that the requesthas presented be granted, the work to be done at their own e ;pense. Seconded by Com!:nissioner Speer and carried. Fire Chief Cleveland next presented request for two weeks vacation for members of his depattment, and authority to employ one extra fireman during that time at a salary of $60.00 per rlonth. 1 1 269 MINUTES CiTY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, June 1 at 7:30 Pi 19 34 On riotion of Co.m iissioner Lehman, seconded by Cora'': ^.i csioner Du':-:as and carried, request granted. The Clerl. was next instructed to prepare sl_etch and estimate of cost of laying new six inch viat-:lr ,iain frori T'_ .rd Street south to P�Tinth Street in .ley between Par',- avenue and Yagnolia Avenue, together frith fire hydrants at the street cressin;s. Corirnunication next read from A P Connell',T & Sons applyinJ for renewal of the Employers Liability Insurance pclic y for t' 1e year beCinnino June 15, 1934 the old policy e.,y;i ri.n-- on that date. After careful consideration, Co:i,,,missioner Speer r.:oved t'1< t the Employers Liability Insurance Policy, carried wit'i the Standard Accident Insurance Company through A.P.Connelly & Sons, for the year of June 15, 1933 to June 15, 1934, be -reneried for the year of June 15, 1934 to June 15, 1935. Seconded by Comr.issioner Dumas and carried. The question of the disposition to be made of the CountKy Club Orange Grove was next Liven consideration, the Umatilla Fruit Company offerin7- to either lease the grove for five years at $125.00 per year, or purchase for $2700.00 It not being t' --e f_esire of the Corir.ission to sell this grove, Co."arni�'sioner Du:ras rioved th'.t t'le O -'fer to lease ?e ;property for five years at $125.00 per year be accepted. Seconded by Commissioner Le l.lian and carried over the dissenting vote of Cornr:,iss�.oner Speer. At this point the Clerh was instructed to place in the record that Coramissioner Shinholser had been a--oxoached and was in accord with leasing the grove under these conditions. Thereupon the ? ayor and City Cler ?: were authorized and instructed to execute lease for this grove on behalf of the City, said lease being presented and approved by the Corirlission at this time. Engineer 17.S.EaT1e next adivsed the Corr: i8sion that the CIVA and FERA had been purchasing on a rent- purchase contract; approxirlately 500 feet of o" galvanized iron dredge pipe, used in connection with the se :Ter project, at a price of $25.00 per month, the total cost to be $250.0C, and that if the City will assume the uripdid balance amounting to *$130.40, the pipe will belong to the City when t'lis balance is paid. Thereupon, in view of the fact that this pipe is essential to the proper carrying on of the sewer work, Conmiissioner Dumas moved that the City assume the rental- purchase contract therefor. Seconded by Co.:i:.Assi over Le'1: pan and carried unanimously. Cotiliranication next read fro'.. t71e Sanford Ministerial Association urging that no action be tL'Ll:.en by the City with respect to the sale of liquor which would be con- trary to the State Law, and sar_1e was ordered act =orrled.ged with the advice that the Commission has no desire to increase dri.4ing or the liquor traffic. City Attorney Wilson next reported that the approximate cost of foreclosing the balance of the unpaid 1926 ta,> certificates Mould be "'1500.00 Thereupon Commissioner Lehman moved that I,Ir. Wilson be instructed to proceed with the foreclosure of these certificates. Seconded by Commissioner Dumas and carried. f 270 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, June 18 at 7:30 19 34 Commissioner Lehman neat moved that the City donate to the Boy Scouts for use in connection With the construction of a cabin at the Boy Scouts camp on Silver Lake, dilapidated house located on Lot 0, Cottage Hill Subdivision, this property having been acquired by the City through foreclosure of tax certificate. Seconded by Commissioner Dumas and carried. Commissioner Dumas next moved the payment of 0580.00 from funds applicable thereto, to apply on the DeCottes and Boggs judgalent. Seconded by Commissioner Speer and carried. The Coll" ission next apy,,roved two weeks vacation, with pay, to the members of the police department. The meeting then adjourned to meet again at 1:30 O'Clock P.?T. June 20, 1934. Attest: City Clerk. A. Mayor. C 1 1 i