HomeMy WebLinkAbout091034it 1 1 n MINUT'ts CITY COMMISSION, !SANFORD, FLORIDA, September 10 at 7:30 P M 19 34 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Session at the City Hall in Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 O'clock P.M. September 10,1934. t Present: Commissioner W.A.Leffler, Mayor. " T.L. Dumas " H J Lehman, " S. 0. Shinholser City Attorney Fred R.Wilson City Clerk F.S.Lamson Chief of Police R.G.Williams Absent: Commissioner V.A.Speer. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of Regular Meeting of August 27th., 1934 read and approved. Current invoices for the month of August 1934, properly audited and vouchered as evidenced by Vouchers Nos 6254 through 6347 submitted, examined, approved and payment ordered. Monthly reports of the Streets, Sanitation, Health, Water and Library Departments for the month of August 1934, submitted and examined. Financial Statement and Statement of Revenues and Expenditures during the month of August 1934, submitted and examined. Bank Statements in all accounts, properly reconciled , for the month of August 1934, submitted and examined. Commissioner'Leffler and Shinholser next registered their approval of the action of the Commission at the meeting of August 27th, in accepting the bid of Lee Brothers for furnishing 1450 ft. of 6" cast iron bell and spigot water main and other fittings as listed, at a price of $1345.93• Judge R.W.Ware, representing the Sanford Kiwanis Club, next presented a request for a frame building located at the southeast corner of Third St. and Laurel Avenue, known as the Runge house, this property having been acquired by the City through foreclosure of tax and paving liens, it being the intention of the Club to use the salvaged material in the construction of the cottages at the Boy Scouts Camp at Silver Lake. LrJ� Thereupon Commissioner Dumas moved that the Commission grant the request of the Kiwanis Club, as presented by Judge Ware, and donate the building for the purpose named, providing the demolished building is promptly removed from the premises and the lot cleaned up and left in first class condition. Seconded by Commissioner Lehman and carried. W.D.Hoffman next presented proposition to furnish and install , complete, radio communicating system for the police department , at a price of approximately $1100.00 , the proposition contemplating the equipping of three cars with receivers. Matter taken under consideration, the Chief of Police to contact the County officials with a view to ascertaining whether the County would be interested in going into the proposition with the City. X94 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, September 10 19--34 H.H.Coleman, local manager of the Florida Power & Light Company next ad- vised the Commission that his Company was desirous of balancing accounts by the payment its 1933 personal property t axes, amounting to $9100.00, and the payment at the same time by the City of an old balance of $1393.97, covering cost of street lighting furnished during the year 1933. Thereupon Commissioner Dumas moved that when the 1933 personal property taxes of the Florida Power & Light Co., are paid, the City pay the old balance of $1390.97 which is morally due the Company. Seconded by Commissioner Shinholser and unanimously carried. Commissioner Dumas next moved the purchase from Ed. C.Wright & Co. at a 4 price of 15 flat, of twenty City of Sanford bonds, 15 series RR,--:5J% Due 5 each 1932,1935 and 1936, Viand 5 series A -1 6% due 1939• Seconded by Commissioner Lehman and carried. Offers next received for various City owned houses, acquired by foreclosure of tax and paving liens, the purchaser to demolish and remove from the premises, but action was deferred pending inspection of the various properties by the City Commission, Fire Chief Cleveland next presented need for twenty —seven sheets, twenty —four pillow cases and thirty —six bath towels, for use at the fire station. Thereupon Commissioner Dumas moved that the items needed be furnished from. the supplies on hand at the Rayf air Hotel. Seconded by Commissioner Lehman and carried. Communication next read from L'Engle and Shands, representing the City not of Sanford Bondholders Protective Committee, advising that the Committee would/be able to meet with the Commission to discuss refunding before the first of October, and requesting that the 1934-1935 budget be adopted prior to that time; also that a budget and tax levy in substantially the same form as last year's budget and tax levy will be satisfactory to the Committee, with the exception that the collections of 1933 taxes shall be appropriated to those nally levied. purposes for which such taxes were origi- Thereupon the Clerk was instructed to advise the representatives of the Commi "t tee that the Commission would prefer deferring adoption of the budget until the pro- posed meeting on or about October 1st. On motion duly carried, payment of $225.00 was next ordered made to apply on Judgment of DeCottes and Boggs,' said payment to be from funds available therefor. Communication rt3ext read from the U.S.Engineer's Office, advising that appli- cation had been made by the St. Johns River Line Co. for permit to extend their present dock at the foot of Palmetto Avenue 24 feet further out into the Lake. Thereupon the Clerk was instructed to notify the U.S.Engineer's Office that the City has no objections to the permit being granted. Consideration was next given to the bids received at the meeting of August 27th., for pulling the piling in and around the boat basin at the foot of Park Avenue. I 1 LJ L 1 1 1 1 1 MINUTES 295 CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, September 10 at 7-:30 P 9-19-34— Thereupon Commissioner Lehman moved that the Bid of the St. Johns River Line Co. of $850.00 be accepted, provided the Company will sign contract to do.. the work under conditions which will be satisfactory to the City Seconded by Commissioner Shinholser and carried. Communication next read from E.E.BaIrd, District Engineer, FERA, advising that no funds are available at the present time for taking a census of the City but that a little later on there may be. Thereupon instructions were issued that the matter be followed up at a later date. Request next received for suspension of the sentence of Jake Sanders, sentenced in the Municipal Court September 4, 1934, to pay a fine of $15.00 or serve 45 days, and on motion of Commissioner Shinholser, seconded by Commissioner Lehman and carried, same was referred to the Mayor to handle in conjunction with the Municipal Judge and Chief of Police. On motion duly carried the Commission next approved issuance of license as vendor of beer to B.B.Baggett, First St. and Sanford Ave. On motion duly carried, the Commission next approved application of Charlie Singleton ( colored) for license to sell beer at Eighth St. and Sanford Ave. On motion.duly carried, the Commission next authorized the canoellation,of record of the following tax and special assessment liens heretofore extinguished through foreclosure of State and County Tax Certificates, the proceeds of the sale in each case being insufficient to pay these liens against the property: Lp 11 Fort Mellon 2nd Section Total Taxes and Paving Assessments n n N " $425.00 423.75 ZoT 12 Fort Mellon 2nd Section It " " �+ 423.00 1'07 13 Fort Mellon 2nd Section 'Lod " 432. 20 Fort Mellon 2nd Section: n n n 1180.10 1-57 21 Fort Mellon 2nd Section To7s 1/8 Blk 4 Fort Reed, Russells 94.50 Mt. Total Taxes. Lots 5/12 Blk 5 n �+ n n n 139.30 =8 1/8 Blk 7 n n n n n $5.50 s 122,3V 4 ( Less E. 55 ft of Lot 4 and Less E. 55 Ft. of N. 20 ft of Lot 5 and all 6 & 7 Blk S Fort Reed, Russell, Plat " " 70.50 Lot 6 Block 8 " " 21.25 P2,6 ( Less N. 20 Ft. of 6 44•S6 ` All & 8 Blk 9 Fort Reed Lots 1,2 6 and 7 Blk 10 41.53 Russell's Plat Fort. Reed. Lots 4 and 5 Blk 11 and Lot n n 27.26 S Blk 11, Fort Reed. L'oT 18 Robinson's Survey Total Taxes and Paving ssessments 1449.36 A= s z 1/4 of SW1 /4 of Sec. 6 Tp. 20 R. 31 West of Mellonville Ave ( Less Beg. 527 Ft. N of S E Cor , run N. 31 Ch. W. 10 ch. S. 3 ch. E. 10 eg ) and ( Less Church lot) and( Less R.R. R /W) ( about 32 A) Total Taxes. 254. 35 Seg. at N E Cor of S W 1/4 of N. W 1/4 of Sec. 6 Tp 20 R. 31 E. Run W. 540 f t. S. 487 Ft. E. 4o Ft. N. 487 Ft. ( Less R.R. i Total Taxes 121.40 Beg. S.E. Cor of S.W 1/4 of S.W. 1/4 of Sec. 6 Tp. 20 R. 31 Run. Run W. 529.9 ft. N. 476 ft. E. 327 Ft. , N. 574 ft. E. 202. ft. 97.66 S. to Pt. of Beg.(ll 3/4 A ) Total Taxes T-202.9 ft. ( Less N 151 ft. ) of N W 1/4 of S W 1/4 of sec. 6 Tp 20 R. 31 Total taxes 75.58 Beg 6j ch E. of S W Cor of Sec. 35 Tp 19 R. 30 Run N 12 ch. W. i 8 Ch S. 121 E. 8 Ch ( 10 A) Total taxes 151.75 2 of Lot 6 Blk 6 Tr. 7 Total taxes and Paving Assessments 907.23 W-1 WIJ2 of Lot 7 Blk 7 Tr . 7 Total taxes and paving assessments 406.34 Lot 509 Woodruff Subdiv. Total taxes and paving assessments 1035.19 7908-46 IGLU MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, September 10, 7:30 P M-19--14 Communication next read from L.E.Miles making application to be granted exclusive privilege for sale of peanuts and soft drinks at the City Zoo. Application refused. Application next received from Montez Harris ( colored) for permission z to remove 2 Eucalyptus trees in front of her home on Union Avenue between Sanford Ave. and Cypress Ave. Permission granted, provided the trees are removed at her own expense. Commissioner Lehman next introduced Resolution No. 456 and moved its passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Dumas and carried by the following vote of the Commission: Commissioner Leffler Aye " Dumas Aye " Lehman Aye " Shinholser Aye said Resolution No. 456 being in words and figures as follows: RESOLUTION N0. 456. A RESOLUTION CONDEMNING AND REQUIRING REMOVAL OF BUILDING ON LOTS 9, 10 and 11 of BLOCK 7 TIER 1 OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. WHEREAS there is located upon lots 9,10, and 11 of Block 7 of Tier 1 of the City of Sanford, Florida, a building which the Sanitary Inspector of the City of Sanford has reported to the City Commission of said City, is dilapidated, unsanitary and un- safe and a fire hazard to surrounding property, and the City Commission of said City is of the opinion that said building is in such condition that it cannot be put in a state of sound repair and ought to be demolished.. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that the owner or owners of the above described building be notified that unless just cause is shown at the regular meeting of the City Commissioners of Sanford, Florida, on the 24th day of September 1934 why said building should not be demolished, the Sanitary Inspector of said City of Sanford shall proceed at once to demolikh the same. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. Passed and adopted this 10th day of September A.D. 1934. W. A. Lef f ler T. L. Duma s H.J.Lehman Attest: S.O.Shinholser F. S. Lamson ity Clerk. ( Seal) As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. The Commission next proceeded to further consideration of the bids received for furnishing new automobile two door sedan for use by the Police Department. Thereupon Commissioner Dumas moved that the bid of Strickland Motors, Inc., to furnish one Ford Tudor - V -S Sedan at a price of $662.00, less allowance for Chevrolet Phaeton to be turned in of $110.00, be accepted. 1 I i 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Se}atember In at 7:30 P1-j9---7A Seconded by Commissioner Shinholser and carried. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned. Mayor. Attest* City Clerk. 2QQ�J ,J •