HomeMy WebLinkAbout070934MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,_ July 9s 19 340 The CityCommission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in regular session at the City Hall in Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 o'clock P. M., July 9, 1934. Present: Commissioner M. A. Leffler, Mayor " T. L. Dumas " H.J.Lehman " V. A. Speer " S. 0. Shinholser City Attorney Fred R. Wilson City Clerk F. S. Lamson " Chief of Police R. G• Williams. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of, regular meeting of June 25th and adjourned meeting of July 2nd, 1934, read and approved. Current invoices for the month of June, 1934, properly audited and vouchered as by Vouchers Nos..6129 through 6263, submitted, examined, approved and payment ordered. Monthly report of the streets, sanitation, health, Rater and library Departments for the month of June, 1934, submitted and examined. Financial Statement and Statement of Revenues and Expenditures during the month of June, 1934, submitted and examined. Bank.Statements in all accounts for the month of June, 1934, properly - -reconciled, sub- witted and examined. S. D. Highleyman next appeared on behalf of the Governor's Campaign for funds to keep open Floridats Exhibit at A Century of Progress at Chicago, and requested a donation from the City towards the amount requested from this City and County. It being the opinion that it Would be well worth while for the State of Flmicida if this exhibit should be kept open, Commissioner Dumas moved that the City subscribe $100.00 for this purpose, to be charged to the Publicity Fund. Seconded by Commissioner Lehman and carried. H. B. Pope next requested permit, in the name of the American Oil Company, for the -con- v struction of petroleum storage plant on the property leased from the Orange State Oil Company at the SW corner of Myrtle Avenue and State Road No. 3, in accordance with plans submitted. After careful study of the plans, and upon assurance of the applicant that the property is to be beautified and landscaped, Commissioner Lehman moved that the permit be granted. Seconded by Commissioner Shinholser and carried. Mr. Pope next offered to the City 25 or 30 yards of lime rook left on hand after com- pleting the construction of its bulk gas and oil storage plant by the Orange State Oil Company, provided this rook will be used for the impro*ement of the paving on Myrtle Avenue South of State Road. No. 3. Accepted if and when the City finds it advantagedus,to do this Rork. Mr. Pope; as Chairman of the City Planning Commission, next presented copy of minutes of a meeting of the City Planning Commission in so far as it applied to consideration of applicati of the St. Johns River Line Company to lease from the City on a long term basis, 75 feet aldn g the bulkhead, including riparian rights, lying immediately Vest of the property Aow owned by tb Company, said minutes being as follows: 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 Fil 1 771 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, July 9, 19* "The City Planning Come met at the home of Mr. Fred Williams, Monday Morning, July 9, 1934 at ten o'clock. Thole present - Mr. H. Be Pope Chm.- Mr. Fred Williams, Mr. Ralph Wight, Mr. Elton Moughton, and Mrs. W. E. Watson. Mr. Pope presented a letter from Mr. Lamson, City Manager, with a letter attached from The St. Johns River Line Co. to The City Commission. This letter contained an application from said Co, for lease from the City on a long term basis, of a frontage of 75 Ft. along-the bulkhead along the Western edge of their present dock, it being thdr purpose to enlarge their present dock and warehouse facilities. Mr. Ralph Wight made a motion that - -- The City Planning Come advise that this projected dock will.not interfere with this present area and sees no objection to same, providedt- let. --- No precedent be established. 2nd. -- St. Johns River Line Co. will raise no objection to permanent wall around boat harbor at present location. 3rd. -- Plans be submitted for approval to City Commission. 4th. Present building occupied by St..Johns River Line Co. be painted and repaired to conform with new construction. This Motion was seconded by Mr. Fred Williams. Discussion. Motion Carried, There being no further business a motion for adjournment was made and carried. (Signed) Mrs. W. E. Watson, Sooty." Thereupon the matter was taken under consideration, the Clerk being instructed to notify the agent of the boat line of the recommendations of the Planning Commission, Commissioner Dumas next moved the payment of the following amounts from funds applicable thereto and in accordce with the Budget: To apply on judgment of DeCottes and Boggs $13004,00 To apply on judgment of Kenneth M. Keefe, et al. $12 2200.00 To apply on judgment of United Xutual Life Ins. Co. 1265.00 Seconded by Commissioner Lehman and carried. Statement of dues in the Florida League of Municipalities for the year ending June 30, 1935, amounting to $50.00, next presented, and on motion of Commissioner Lehman, seconded by Commissioner Shinholser and carried, same was ordered paid. Communication next read from W. R. O'Neil, with reference to certain past due City of Sanford bonds and interest coupons held by the United Mutual Life Insurance Company, and motion of Commissioner Dumas, seconded by Commissioner Lehman and carried, same was referred to the City Attorney for such handling as he may deem proper, and report at the next regular meeting. In accordance with instructions heretofore issued by the Commission, the Clerk next presented bids for 1-i ton truck ehaEAs with cab, for use by the Street Department, with the following specifications: 130 to 137 inch wheelbase Dual`Wfieels on rear H4gh Pressure 32 x 6 - ply heavy,duty tires all around Aftiliary Springs Little Giant Hand Hoist and hinges, said bids being as follows: From Reel & Sons, for Dodge Truck7761�t9 From Sanford Buick Oo., for GM-Truck 968-70 From Strickland Motors, Inc., for Ford-4 -8 -Truck 799. From Proctor Chevrolet Co., for Chevrolet Truck 795.57 From Orange Belt Truck & Tractor Co., for International Truck 964.90 Action deferred pending consideration of the bids and qualifications of the various makes of truck offered. The Commission next considered further the request received at the adjourned meeting of MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,_ July 9th, - 1934. July 2nd, that the City stand the cost of telephone service at the local office of the Nationgl re- employment Bureau. Thereupon Commissioner Shinholser moved that the City defray the cost of local telephone service at this office for a period of five months from April 18th, 1934, at which time the telephone was installed. Seconded by Commissioner Dumas and oarried over the dissenting vote of Commissioner Bpee�. Commissioner Speer next introduced Ordinance No. 231 entitled: AN' ORDINANCE- _CLOSING- CERTAIN- HTREETB_ AI1DW A.QEAIIEB._.I9_'TAE." CITY..OF. SSNP'tBZII', -MRIDA - FOR .A. 'PERIOD -Or MN -I t�'JU8 ANDS" -IIZGti "7HE` .Ir. TEIQTTOA OF THE GITY NOIT --To _ xzoPEN - MM STi EET9' OR _AVENM Dm SAID-_ PERIOD - O _TIIiE. ' NiTHOUT -THE ZOffSENT E�"..`THE� OWNERB �C3F' "PEE. I OPERTY ABUTTING _THERSAN ARD 'M 3V]M] Ul. hfM -.B=-'Or tJLUNBIA AND /OR THE LAND BANK COMMISSIONER OR ITS OR HIS ASSIGNS, and same was placed on its first reading and read in full by the Clerk. Thereupon Commissioner Speer moved that the rules be waived and said Ordinance No. 231 be placed on its final passage and adoption. Seconded by Commissioner Shinholser. Thereupon the question recurred upon the waivure of the rules. The roll was called and the vote stands as follows: Commissioner - Leffler Aare K " mums Aye T Lehman Age " Speer Aye 8hinholeer Aye Thereupon Ordinance No, 231 was placed on its final passage and adoption, the vote be as follows: Commissioner Leffler Aye Dumas Aye " Lehman Aye Speer Aye " Shinholser Aye Thereupon the Chairman announced that the City Commission of the City of Word,Fl by unanimous vote, bad passed and adopted said Ordinance No. 231 entitled: AN _. i Rt}I1+tARCf E _CLOSiNC CERfiAIN �TB AND" - AVVIA=S. IA _CITY OF ffA1GM= 7 =ORIDA FOR PERIDII _OF _TEA. YRARB_ AND D RING.,,fii3E' IN-. TENTIr3R _0 _ THE aTY _-Na.T".3'G .- REOPEN SAM .5711]% B- -CR AC'PENUES DMUNG SAID_._PERhOIV OF� _TIW'-WITHOUT�.� ..THE_- CONSM*"OY"THK..0�.. 0._. . PRAPERTY ABUTTING TAN AND" THE - FEDWAL LANB .BANS - -oF . COLUVBIA END /®R THE LAND BANK COMMISSIONER OR ITS OR HI$ ASSIGNS. On motion duly adopted, Ordinance No, 231 was next ordered POSTED at the front door of the City Hall in the City of Sanford, Florida, On motion duly carried, authorization issued at the meeting of Jane 25th, covering the laying of 6 inch water main between 3rd and 6th Streets, in the alley between Park and Magnolia Avenues was next amended so as to cover the laying of a 6 inch water main from 2nd Street to 6th Street. Chief of Police Williams next reported the resignation of Patrolman Q. We Gray and recommended the employment of Roy Tillis to fill this vacancy. Approved, The Commission next proceeded to a further study of the proposed agreement submitted by the 716rida Power & Light Company, under the terms of which a considerable number of addi- tional street lights will be out on without any additional cost to the City, said agreement to run for a period of ten years, but on motion of Commissioner Shinholser, seconded by Commissioner Lehman and'earried, action was deferred. Commissioner Dumas'next moved that Commissioner Speer be delegated to handle with the proper authorities the matter of a more equitable apportionment between the City and the County of the labor furnished by the FERA, it appearing that at present practically the en 1 1 1 1 n 1 1 z�91 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, July 92 - .- 19-3-40 amount of labor furnished by the FERA is being utilized on work projects outside the City limits. Seconded by Commissioner Lehman and carried. City Attorney Filson was next authorized to address a communication to the Governor of Florida, inquiring if any way can be worked out whereby the City and County can work together on foreclosures for non - payment of taxes. The matter of the need for repairs to the pavilion and fence at the Municipal Cemetery was next brought to the attention of the.Commission. Thereupon Commissioner Shinholser moved that bids be obtained for the necessary repairs to the pavilion at the New Cemetery, and in addition that an estimate be prepared of the cost of fencing the Old Cemetery and such part of the New Cemetery as is necessary. Seconded by Commissioner Lehman and carried. The Clerk nest reported that in accordance with agreement, E. A. Londenberg delivered to the City on July 2nd, two City of Sanford Bonds, Nos. 609 & 610, Series Improvement dated 7/1/22, Due 7/1/52, as rental for the farm land described as Lots 2, 4 and South part of S. of Block X, St. Gertrude's Addition, for the year commencing July 1,,1934• Thereupon the City Attorney was authorized to prepare the proper lease and the Mayor and Clerk to execute same on the part of the City. The Clerk next "ported that as a result of a careful check of the interest coupons received by the City , from the Bondholders Protective Committee under the agreement for the cancellation of past due interest to September 30, 1933, additional coupons from bonds held by this Committee had now been received, as follows: INTEREST COUPONS WHICH MATURED SUBSEQUENT TO OCTOBER 1, 1932. 2,750.00 Interest coupons due January 1, ln'zz detached from Public Improvement Bonds 50, Series F. Nos. 33/92 2,750.00 INTEREST COUPONS MUCH MATURED PRIOR TO OCTOBER 1, 1932. # 30.00 Isharest coupons due Jan. 1, 1932, detached from Refunding Bond 6% Series A -1, detached dwted January 1, 1929, No, 32, the above 2092.50 Interest coupons due July 1 F. dated July 1, 192, 1932, Nos. detached from Public Improvement Bonds 50, 46/92 - 111/45 - 149/620 due Series 1, 1934, detached $2,422.5o the above described bonds. INTEREST COUPONS WHICH MATURED SUBSEQUENT TO OCTOBER 1, 1932. 2,750.00 Interest coupons due January 1, ln'zz detached from Public Improvement Bonds 50, Series F. Nos. 33/92 2,750.00 Interest coupons due July 1, 19331 detached from the above described bonds. 2,750.00 Interest coupons due Jan. 1, 1934, detached from the above described bonds. 2,750.00 Interest coupons due July 1, 1934, detached from the above described bonds. 2, 550.00 2t550-00 3,300.00 687.50 $20,097.50, #22,510.00 Attest: Interest coupons due Jan. 1, 1933, detached from Refunding Bonds 6%, Series Ara dated Jan. 1, 1929, Nos. 131/45 - 151/60 - 166/205 - 226 - 232/45 - 399/401 - 4 Interest coupons due July 1, 1933, detached from the above described.bonds. Interest coupons due Jan. 1, 1934, detached from Refundi Bonds 6% Series A -3, dated Jan. 11 19290 Nos. 131/45 - 151/60 - 166/245 - 39So1 - 4107 Interest coupons due Jan. 1 1 34, detached from Improvement Bonds 50, Series 00, dated July 1, 1926, Nos. 359/6 - 367/92. TOTAL COUPONS RECEIVED. The meeting then adjourned.