HomeMy WebLinkAbout1025341 1 F L MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, October 25 _7 ,00 19-34- The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in adjourned. regular meeting at the City Hall in Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 O'Clock P.M. October 25, 1934. Present: Commissioner W.A.Leff ler, Mayor. " T. L. Dumas 11 H. J. i'ehman " V.A. Speer " S. 0. Shinholser City Attorney Fred R.Wilson. City Clerk F.S. Lamson Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Communication read from Elton Moughton, Architect for the new Farmers Exchange Market to be located at the intersection of Thirteenth Street and French Avenue, a State sponsored FERA project, requesting that the City donate the water necessary in the con- struction of this market. After considerable discussion, Commissioner Speer moved that during the cons tructioni period only, that water be furnished this market at one -half the usual rates. Seconded by Commissioner Dumas and carried. Request was then received for permission to arose French Avenue immediately south of Thirteenth Street with a railroad siding for this market, action on this matter being deferred pending further investigation. The Mayor was next authorized to issue an election proclamatiorr calling a General Municipal Election to be held on December 4th, 1934, for the election of one City Commissioner for a three year term commencing the First Tuesday after the first Monday in January, 1935, E.F.Lane, W.M.Mcginnon and J. Beck being designated as Inspectors and P.Bayard Smith as Clerk thereof. Bids from American LaFrance and Foamite Industries Inc., and Eureka Fire Hose Co. were next opened for furnishing 300 feet of 2J inch Municipal Fire Hose for use by the Fire Departmert , but on motion of Commissioner Lehman, seconded by Commissioner Shinholser and carried, same were rejected. On motion duly carried, the Commission next approved the purchase of 1 Series A -1 bond and 1 Series GG bond at a pr0ioe of 15 flat, these bonds to be purchased through W.D.Bradford, Secretary of the Bondholders Protective Committee. Communication next read from the Captain of the Salvation Army advising that the cost of lodging and meals furnished indigent transients is 25¢ per night per person for lodging and 200 per meal, and urging that assistance be furnished for carrying on this work. Thereupon Commissioner Dumas moved that the City appropriate $50.00 for this purpose with the understanding that tickets be furnished by the Captain of the Salvation Army to those who are,to have meals and sleeping accomodatibns and that these tickets be delivered to the City Clerk for payment at the end of each week until such time as the fund appro- priated has been exhausted. Seconded by Commissioner Shinholser and carried. The Clerk next presented estimate of cost of materials necessary to repair window sash and hardware in the City Hall totalling $60.93 , the labor for this work to be furnished by the FERA. 019 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, October 25 7:30 19 34 Thereupon Commission Speer moved that the expenditure of this amount for re- pairs,to the window sash and hardware in the City Hall be authorized. Seconded by Commissioner Dumas and carried. Commissioner Lehman next moved that the Budget Resolution and Levy Ordinance passed and adopted at the meeting of October 15th, 1934. be repealed. No second. Commissioner Dumas next introduced Ordinance No..233 entitled: AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED ": AN ORDINANCE MAKING APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA , FOR THE FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 10 19340 AND ENDING SEPTEMBER 301, 1935• and same was placed on its first reading and read in full by the Clerk. The Clerk was next instructed to obtain bids for furnishing the necessary 6 inch cast iron water pipe and fittings to run a water main in the alley between Park Avenue and Oak Avenue from Second Street south to Sixth Street. Also to write Dr. A.P.Bla.ak at the University of Florida with reference to improvement of the present water supply. The Commission next oonsidered the request of Winn,-.Lovett Grocery Company that the time for completion of dock warehouse on the property leased from the City of Sanford, be extended an additional 6 months from November 4x,1934 After careful consideration, Commissioner Speer moved that the time for the completion of this dock- warehouse be extended an additional 60 days from November StU,1934 or an additional 6 months from that date on the payment of $100.00 Seconded by Commissioner Shinholser and carried. In view of the fact that the Sanford Tennis Club into whose charge was given the tennis courts at Thirteenth and French Ave. is no longer active and the courts therefore in rundown condition, the Commission next ordered that this arrangement be terminated at once. The Commission was next advised that the FERA had approved a project for re- conditioning these courts, included in the project being an expenditure of $100.00 for asphalt to be furnished from other sources. Thereupon Commissioner Speer moved that the expenditure of $100.00 for asphalt be -:z authorized , provided the project is carried through as planned Seconded by Commissioner Shinholser and carried. Communication next read from Municipal Judge S.A.B.Wilkinson, recommending suanension of t?5.00 of the fine against L H Cochs, sentenced in the Municipal 0 ourt under date of September 17, 1934, to pay a fine of (50.00 or serve 50 days in the City Jan. Thereupon Commissioner Speer moved that the recommendation of the Municipal-Judge which was concurred in by the Chief of Police, be accepted and $25.00 of the fine of L.H. C`ochs be suspended. Seconded by Commissioner Dumas and carried. On recommendation of Chief of Police Williams,. the Commission next approved 1 1 1 I- 411 1 1 f 1 1' MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, October 25, a 7: 0'I P M 19 —A suspefiaion on account of time served of $10.00 of the fine of Joe Gardner, Case No. ?08P9 sentended in the Municipal Court under date of October S, 1934, on payment of the balPnce of 415.00 Request next received from the Salvation Army for two "reserved" parking spaces In front of their church on East Second Street, and on motion of Commissioner Dumas, aecond ed by Commissioner Lehman and carried, request granted. In connection with the request of W.A.Stspler, serving sentence imposed in the Municipal Court under date of July 30th., to be paroled in order to take care of his family, the Chairman next reported that in accordance with the instructions of October 9b the case had been investigated and the belPnce of the sentence suspended. Action Anproved. On motion duly carried, the Clerk was next instructed to make monthly payment of 150.00 to the Sanford Country Club for maintenance of the Municipal Golf Course and $100.00 to the Seminole County Chamber of Commerce. Permission next granted the Seaboard Oil Company to remove whiteway pole from in front of Service Station being constructed on the northeast corner of Park Ave. and Commercial Street, the work to be subject to inspection by the City Electrical Inspector. The meeting then adjourned. Attest: City Clerk. Mayor. ��� :1