HomeMy WebLinkAbout100934MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, October 9 at 7:30 P M —19--3-4 305 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in adjourned Regular Meeting at the City "all in Sanford, Florida, at 7:30 O'Clock P.M. October 9F; , 1934. - Present: Commissioner `X. A. Leffler Mayor T.L. Dumas " H.J. Lehman " V. A. Spe er " 5.0, Shinholser City Clerk, F.S.Lamson Chief of Police R. G.7 illiams Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of Regular Meeting of September 24th, adjourned meeting of September 20th, called meeting of October 4th, and regular meeting of October 8, 1934 read and approved. Current invoices and payrolls for the month of September 1934, properly audited and vouchered as evidenced by Vouchers Nos. 6348 through 6432 submitted, examined, approved and payment ordered. Monthly report of the Streets, Sanitation, Health, Water, Police, Fire and Library Departments for the month of September, 1934, submitted and examined. Bank statements in all accounts, properly reconciled, for the month of September 1934, submitted and examined. In compliance with request heretofore made by the Commission , Mr. H.B. Pope, Chairman of the City Planning Commission next presented report of the Planning Commission embodying recommendations as to the desirability of various proposed projects involving the use of Federal Funds through the FERA, said report being as follows: Sanford , Fla. October 5, 1934 Under instructions from the City Commission of Sanford, Fla. the City Planning Board met at the Sanford City Hall on the night of October 5th. to examine the various proposed projects involving the use of Federal funds. The City Planning Board understands that they are to make recommendation to the City Commission as to which proposed projects they consider most desirable. The following members of the Planning Board were in attendance: Fred Williams, Elton Moughton, Geo. Bishop, Ralph Wight and H.B.Pope. The recommendation of this board as arrived at in the meeting are as follows: let Complete the sewer projects. 2nd. Place sidewalk on French Ave. north of High School for safety of students. 3rd. A park and recreational project consisting of the following: (a) A Waterfront park and recreational center between Sanford Ave. and the Hotel with an area of approximately 1000 x 300. This park to include various recreational courts, pavilion, a relocated and enlarged zoo, shrubbery and landscaping. (b) Reconditioning of baseball park and erection of stands for football games. c Reconstruction of fountain on municipal pier and beautification of this area. (d) Planting of grass at airport. It was the opinion of the board that the zoo as now located has not room for expansion and that it would be a mistake to place the aquarioum and rebuild cages at the present location. 4th Relaying of brick pavement on First St. and relaying and widening of Park Ave. 5th. Beautification of State Road No. 3 ( Three) from Sanf ord to Lake Monroe. The above recommendations are respectfully submitted for the consideration of the City Commissioners. H.B.Pope Chr. If Thereupon Commissioner Suter moved the acceptance of the report with the thanks of the Commission for their cooperation and the care taken in the preparation of 305 1 306 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, October 9 7:30 P M 19 34 these recommendations. Seconded by Commissioner Dumas and unanimously carried. Mr. Gordon Barnett, President of the Sanford Juinor Chamber of Commerce next outlinedthe aims of this organization towards making Sanford a better place to live in, both for residents and tourists, through a program of beautification, better housing, municipal lighting and municipal improvements, urging particularly at this time that more street lights be turned on. After being advised that the City is making every effort to have the Florida Power & Light Company connect more street lights, Mr. Barnett was thanked f or the interest show:..;. by himself and the Sanford Junior Chamber- of Commrce in the welfare and betterment of the City. Mr. V.A.Williams next urged that the City Commission use every effort possible towards having Sanford desigrE ted as an airmail stop, the route of the mail planes being directly over the Sanford Municipal. Airport. Thereupon, Commissioner Shinholser moved that letters be sent to our Senators and Representatives at Washington urgingthat Sanford be designated as an airmail stopping point and that every other effort possible be made to obtain this result. Seconded by Commissioner Speer and unanimously carried. A Mr. McDaniel next applied for appointment as City Scale and Weights Inspector. Matter taken under consideration pending receipt of proposition in writing, together with recommendations. On motion of Commissioner Lehman, seconded by Commissioner Shinholser and carried, the Clerk was next instructed to transfer any unemcumbered balances of approrpriations in the Department of General Government as of September 30, 19342 to any items in this Department showing over — expenditure. Communication next read from Mrs. Pauline L.Howard requesting employment, preferably in the Municipal Library. Matter referred to the Librarian, Mrs Moughton. Communication next read from L.Tharp, Manager Western Union Telegraph Co., urging that the license tax of $15.00 per year for the privilege of distributing unaddressed advertising material be eliminated. Request refused. Communication next read from Mrs Arthur Branan,- Secretary of Advisory Board of the Salvation Army, requesting financial help in taking care of the Transient Relief in the City during the coming winter. Action deferred, pending receipt of definite information as to what is needed. Plans and specifications together with request for permit, next received from Puroil Company for construction of gasoline Service Station at the Northeast corner of Park Ave and Commercial Street. Thereupon Commissioner Speer moved that the permit be granted, subject to approval of the plans and specifications by the Building Inspector. Seconded by Commissioner Dumas and carried. The Commission was next advised that the sale in the suit brought to foreclose State and County Tsx Certificates against Lots 185, 195 and 198 Pinehurst Subdivision, the City having been made a party on account of its tax and paving liens, was held on October 1st, end that City Attorney Wilson acting under instructions to protect the City's 1 1 1 1 -1 1 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, October 9, 7:30 P M-19 34 interests had bid in Lot 155 at a price of $690.00, Lots 195 and 195 having been bid in by the Eustis Holding Corporation for $701.00 and $706.00 respectively. Thereupon the action of City Attorney Wilson was approved and the Clerk instructed to take out $1000.00 fire insurance with A.P.Connelly & Son on the house on Lot 155. In connection with efforts being made to obtain home loans on property acquired by the City through foreclosure of tax liens , Commissioner Speer next moved that the City accept Home Loan Bonds, at par, for property acquired through foreclosure of tax liens, when such property is sought to be redeemed by the original owner through a Federal Home Loan in such amount that when such bonds are converted into cash, the City will realize sufficient in City of Sanford bonds and cash to cover its equity in the property. Seconded by Commissioner Dumas and carried. Request next received from J E Wathen, 519 Palmetto Avenue, to remove two oak trees from the parkway in front of this location and replace with Australian. Pines. Matter referred to the Superintendent of Streets for investigation and report. In connection with certain necessary work required to be done at the Municipal Golf Course,the Commission next approved the expenditure of $10-.00 per green to be cleaned of wild grass, filled in and fertilized, and the use of the City mowing machine and a crew to clean up the roughs, bunkers and around the Club House. Estimate next presented showing an approximate coat of $216.50, exclusive of labor, necessary to repair the club house to keep it form further deterioration. Thereupon instructions were issued that the roof be repaired at once, the painting and other necessary repairs being deferred until after the rainy season. Commissioner Shinholser next reported the satisfactory completion of the repairs to the pavilion at the Cemetery, contract for this work having been awarded to Clarence Smith. Communication next read from Kenneth M. Keefe, Chairman of the City of Sanford Bondholders Protective Committee, confirming understanding between this Committee am the City as to the levy for debt service on the 1934 tax roll, said communication being in words and figures as follows: 11 Ootober 6, 1934. City Commission Sanford, Florida. Dear Sirs: We wish to confirm the proposals which we made to you at our meeting on Wednesday, October 3rd, regarding the debt service appropriation to be made in your budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1934. We understand that you propose to levy a tax of 30 mills on an assessed valuation of approximately $6,550.00. Fifteen mills will be levied for your operating expenses, while the remaining 15 mills will be levied for debt service. The debt service levy will be appropriated to the payment of interest items in the judgments against the City of Sanford held by C.T. Diehl, Kenneth M. Keefe, Natt T. Wagner and Ralph M. Winters, and also to the clai4a of certain other creditors in the proportion which the g incipal amount of the bonds held by each creditor bears to the total amount of bonds held by the creditors for whom an appropriation is made. We further understand that that portion of your delinquent tax levies appropriated to debt service will be applied to debt service as collected, subject, however, to the pro- visions of the paragraph next below. If the cash realization from current and delinquent ta-x levies for the payment of interest items in the judgeetns held by C.T.Diehl and others against the City of Sanford equals $55,000, exclusive of water revenue, during the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1934 we will agree to cancel all remaining interest due and unpaid during the fiscal year upon the payment of said amount to us. V MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, October 9 at 7: 30 P M -19--3-4 The foregoing is subject only to the exception that the net revenues from your water plant are, as usual , to be appropriated to the payment of interest on water utility bonds, and a. sufficient amount of water utility interest items will be reserved to exhaust such revenues. Upon the adoption of your budget for the fiscal year 1934 -5,.on the basis outlined in this letter, we shall then make arrangements to cancel interest items remaining due and unpaid for the fiscal year 193 -34, but shall retain all items Of interest included in our judgment against the city, and also, subject to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, all appropriations and levies therefor. Very truly yours, SANFORD FLORIDA BONDHOLDERS' PROTECTIVE COMMITTEE By Kenneth M . Keefe Chairman. KMK/gsj Copies to: Messrs LIEngle & Shands F.P.Fleming C.T.Diehl Natt T.Wagner Ralph M. Winters W. D. Bradf ord. Communication next read from Karl Lehmann, Secretary of the Seminole County Chamber of Commerce, requesting that the City purchase a flag at a cost of approximately $14.60, to replace the worn out one now being flown from the flag pole on the Municipal Pier. Request approved and flag ordered purchased. Communication next read from S.F.Doudney requesting the Commission to pass a resolution allowing the redemption with bonds of all taxes, together with interest thereon, assessed against property which has been excluded from the city limits. be tabled. After discussion of the matter, Commissioner Speer moved that the request Seconded by Commissioner Lehman and carried. Request next received from Mr. Alex French for permit to remove partially completed building at the s=thwest corner of Thirteenth Street and French Avenue. Request approved, provided the building is removed within thirty days. Request next received from "ti. A. Stapler, sentenced in the Municipal Court on July 30th. to pay a fine of $200.00 or serve 90 days in jail, for a. parole in order to take care of his family, and on motion of Commissioner Speer, seconded by Commissioner Lehman and carried,same was referred to the Mayor and Chief of Police with authority to act. In connection with the proposed FERA project sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce for rebuilding the Sanford Municipal Zoo, and in compliance with FERA requirements Commissioner Speer next offered the following resolution and moved its passage and adopti WHEREAS, the Sanford Municipal Zoo is the property of this City, and WHEREAS, a. FERA project has been set up for its rebuilding which is being financ jointly through the Chamber of Commerce and City, and WHEREAS, the necessary arrangements have been made for the financing of the materials ends of this project, and '75HEREAS, the City and Chamber of Commerce will agree to complete the project when and if FERA have started it and find for any reason that they are not able to go ahead. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission of Sanford, that we do make such guarantee effective when and if we have funds and labor available. 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, October 9 7:30 P M 19 34 Seconded by Commissioner Dumas and unanimously carried. The Commission next approved payment of $50.00 to Elton Moughton, Architect, for preparation of preliminary plans and sketches for the proposed Armory to house the local units of the National Guard, after which the meeting adjourned to meet again at 7:30 O' Clock P.M. October 15th., 193+ Attest: Ci ty 01 erk . - k� mayor. 7- 369