HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.05.94�;WeNDEZ000.1 HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD Meeting May 5, 1994 City Hall City Commission Conference Room 300 N. Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 5:00 P.M. I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Excused /Unexcused Absences III. Approval of Minutes a) April 7, 1994 b) April 11, 1994 IV. Application for Certificate of Appropriateness COMMERCIAL a) 201 South Park Avenue - Exterior Renovations b) 2098 West First Street - Window Sign RESIDENTIAL A) 907 Magnolia Avenue - Re- enforce Front Porch Columns, Remove Screen, Replace Floor Boards & Carpet, Replace rotten Wood under Porch V. Acknowledgement of Minor Review Committee Actions: a) 613 Myrtle Avenue - Repairs /Replacements b) 207 East 11th Street - Paint C) 201 South Park Avenue - Replace Doors d) 1109 Park Avenue - Picket Fence e) 209 East 5th Street - fence Vi. Discussion regarding Interim Meetings & Minor Review Committee Meetings VII. Other Business a) Code Enforcement -.All members are encouraged to turn in potential code violations in writing to Penny Turner at the close of the meeting. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City 'of Sanford, (FS 286.0105) Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Personnel Office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626 48 hours in advance of the meeting. M I N U T E S HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING May 5, 1994 5:00 P.M. City Commission Conference Room City Hall, Sanford, Florida Members Present: Kevin Stubbs, Chairman Laura Sollien Chris Cranias Helen Stairs Jerry Mills Laura Straehla Monte Olinger 011ie Williams Elizabeth (Bess) Simons Members Absent: Cal Conklin The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Kevin Stubbs, at.. 5:05 P.M. The Board recognized Cal Conklin's absence as excused. Jerry Mills moved to approve the Minutes of April 7, 1994. Seconded by Laura Straehla and carried by.unanimous vote. Laura Straehla moved to approve the Minutes of April 11, 1994. Seconded by Monte Olinger and carried by unanimous vote. Buck Mullins,, Mullins Development Consulting Services, Inc., was present and submitted an Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to remove, block in and stucco over an aluminum window, replace the other windows and the doors with like wood material, install a window above the front door that matches the other windows, and stucco the addition with the same type of sand finish that matches the existing at 201 South Park Avenue. Mr. Stubbs informed the Board that Mr. Mullins had previously submitted an Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to install doors in order to secure the building at 201 South Park Avenue. The Minor Review Committee inadvertently approved the installation of doors as an oversight. The Minor Review Committee is set up for the Residential Historic District and 201 South Park Avenue is in the Commercial Historic District. The Minor Review's action is included for the Board's acknowledgement. Discussion was held regarding Mr. Mullins' application not listing painting the building. He requested that painting the building white without a trim access color be included. Mr. Mullins stated he was currently looking for press tin ceiling to replace the existing press tin ceiling. He does not have any sgnage plans at this time and will come back to the Board in the future to discuss site furnishings including exterior lighting. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MINUTES Page 2 May 5, 1994 Jerry Mills moved to approve the Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to remove, block in and stucco over an aluminum window, replace the doors and the other windows with like wood material, and to include repainting the building white. - He further moved that it be noted that the applicant is willing to come back to the Board to discuss site furnishings including exterior lighting, signage and possibly trim color for the building at 201 South Park Avenue. Seconded by Konte Olinger and carried by unanimous vote. Mr. Mullins explained to the Board that he is going through for Site Plan Approval and the City's has asked that he close off one driveway on Second and Park Avenue. The City's Land Development Code requires him to landscape with a loft buffer, with 4 trees, on Park Avenue and a 5 ft buffer, with 2 trees, on Second Street. His concern is that the original concrete will have to be busted out for irrigation if this is required. The Board recommended he contact Trish Thomas, with the Seminole County Urban Horticultural Area, for alternatives. Chris Cranias entered the meeting. Stanley Cole submitted an Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to attach a window sign in black vinyl letters, using the Farringdon letter style on the building at 209B. West First Street. Jerry Mills made a motion to approve the Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to attach a window sign in black vinyl letters, using the Farringdon letter style on the building at 209B West First Street. The sign is not to exceed 25% of the window area. Seconded by Laura Sollien and carried. by unanimous vote. Mary Collins was present and submitted an Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to re- enforce the front porch columns, remove screen and 2 X 4 boards, replace flooring boards and replace or repair rotten wood under porch at 907 Magnolia Avenue. Ms. Collins has requested that Helen Stairs, of Stairs Property and Management, abstain from reviewing her request for construction due to current litigation with Ms. Stairs. Jerry Mills moved to approve the Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to re- enforce the front porch columns, remove screen and 2 X 4 boards, replace flooring boards and replace or repair rotten wood under porch at 907 Magnolia Avenue. Motion was seconded by Monte Olinger. Helen Stairs stated she abstains from voting as per the applicant's request. Vote was carried as follows: Kevin Stubbs Aye Laura Sollien Aye Chris Cranias Aye Helen Stairs Abstain Jerry Mills Aye Laura Straehla ;dye Monte Olinger Aye 011ie Williams Aye Bess Simons Aye HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING Page 3 May 5, 1994 The Board acknowledged the Minor Review Committee's actions on the following Applications for Certificate of Appropriateness: a) 613 Myrtle Avenue - Repairs /Replacements b) 207 East 11th Street - Paint c) 201 South Park Avenue - Replace Doors d) 1109 Park Avenue - Picket,Fence e) 209 East 5th Street - Fence Mr. Stubbs informed the Board that the Minor Review Committee is taking over minor review items and the Regular Board will go back to one meeting a month, which will be the first Thursday of every month at 5:00 P.M. Discussion was held regarding the new McDonalds that will be located on the corner of Highway 17 -92 and Second Street. Members expressed concern regarding a traditional McDonalds being built on a buffer zone to the Downtown Commercial Historic District. The Board would like to see more appropriate signage, more appropriate.. set backs, and landscaping that would be a buffer. The Board encourages new buildings and developments that will be harmonious with the existing historic buildings and areas and a traditional McDonalds may set a precedent for future developments. Ms. Sollien suggested that the Board write.a letter to the Planning and Zoning Commission expressing the Board's concern that the building be more fitting with the historic district. Mrs. Stairs explained that the Planning and Zoning Commission would like to see this but it will probably not be a condition in having it built. She suggested that the letter be addressed to the City Commission. Jerry Mills moved that Laura Sollien draft a letter to the City Commission and the Planning and Zoning Commission, on behalf of the Board, urging them to take into consideration the Board's interest that the building for the new McDonalds be more fitting with the historic district. Helen Stairs stated she will have to abstain from voting due to she will be voting on this issue with the Planning & Zoning Commission. Seconded by Monte Olinger and motion carries as follows: Kevin Stubbs Aye Laura Sollien Aye Chris Cranias Aye Helen Stairs Abstain Jerry Mills Aye Laura Straehla Aye Monte Olinger Aye 011ie Williams Aye Bess Simons Aye Mr. Stubbs volunteered to work with Ms. Sollien in drafting the letter. It was suggested that since the McDonald's Corporation is not required to come before this Board that they be welcomed to make a presentation to the Board prior to site plan approval. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING Page 4 May 5, 1994 Discussion was held regarding a potential code violation. A large Pre metal building is being constructed at 417 West 12th Street. Mr. Gibson will Zook into this issue and turn it over to Code Enforcement if it is a violation. The Department of State is soliciting applications for major Preservation projects with grant assistance needs in excess of $50,000. Mr . Stubbs stated he will send off for information on the Special Category Grant. Mr. Stubbs informed the Board that there was an appeal before the City Commission to permit Rachel Cheek to keep her picket fence on the right -of -way in front of her house at 207 East 11th Street. The City Commission denied this request. The City Commission passed and adopted the Resolution supporting the acquisition and renovation of the Welaka Building for private and public use. Harvy Butler and Florance Stone, with Advance Canvas, addressed the Board regarding their concerns that the Sanford Mainstreet Design Committee soliciting applications to provide grant monies for awnings without awning guidelines. Mr. Butler stated that the letter indicates that the project must be completed in a professional and historically accurate manner. Mr. Butler and Ms. Stone feel that awning guidelines should be provided since grants will be awarded on a reimbursement basis to the merchant or property owner. Mr. Cranias explained that the grant applications must be approved by the Design Committee in order to qualify for the grant. The Board will contact the State Architect to see if there are any type of guidelines or if he can direct the Board on how to get some standards for the Downtown Commercial. Historic District. Barbara Jackson addressed the Board and requested a copy of the Old Sanford District Regulations. The Secretary provided her with a copy. There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 6:05 P.M. Respectfully Submitted by: Penny Turner