HomeMy WebLinkAbout08.04.94HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD Meeting August 4, 1994 City Hall City Commission Conference Room 300 N. Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 5:00 P.M. I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Excused /Unexcused Absences III. Approval of Minutes a) July 7, 1994 IV. Application for Certificate of Appropriateness COMMERCIAL a) 214 South Oak Avenue - Rebuild Side Wall b) 110 South Palmetto Avenue - Install Telephone c) 217 South Park Avenue - Changes & Modifications d) 201/205 East First Street - Awning e) 110 East First Street - Awning f) 214 South Palmetto Avenue - Awning g) 109 South Palmetto Avenue - Awning h) 202 East First Street - Awning i) 121 East First Street - Awning j) 116/118 First Street - Awning k) 107 West First Street - Awning 1) 200 South Park Avenue - Awning m) 20 East Commercial Street - Awning RESIDENTIAL a) 603 Oak Avenue - Garage Addition b) 1217 Palmetto Avenue - Porches, Windows, Roof V. Discussion Regarding Changes to Old Sanford Historic Area Regulations VI. Other Business a) Code Enforcement - All members are encouraged to turn in potential code violations in writing to Penny Turner at. the close of the meeting. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record Is not provided by the City of Sanford, (FS 286.0105) Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Personnel Office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626 48 hours in advance of the meeting. M I N U T E S HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING August 4, 1994 5:00 P.M. City Commission Conference Room City Hall, Sanford, Florida Members Present: Kevin Stubbs, Chairman Cal Conklin Chris Cranias Margaret Frison Elizabeth (Bess) Laura Sollien Helen Stairs 011ie Williams Simons Members Absent: Jerry Mills Monte Olinger Laura Straehla Others In Attendance: Russ Gibson, City Liaison Penny Turner, Secretary The Meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Kevin Stubbs, at 5:03 P.M. The Board recognized Jerry Mills' and Laura Straehla's absences as excused. Chris Cranias moved to approve the Minutes of July 7, 1994. Seconded by 011ie Williams and carried by unanimous vote. Buck Gale, with Professional Forensic Services, Inc., was present and submitted an Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to rebuild a 12" masonry side wall, repair stucco canopy facia on front wall, install stucco on side wall and on front wall above canopy with finish to match existing, and paint the exterior stucco to match existing Antique Cream at 214 South Oak Avenue. Chris Cranias moved to approve the Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to rebuild a 12" masonry side wall, repair stucco canopy facia on front wall, install stucco on side wall and on front wall above canopy with finish to match existing, and paint the exterior stucco Antique Cream at 214 South Oak Avenue. Discussion was held regarding the historic value of the building and the possibility of maintaining the remainder of the brick wall. Mr. Gale informed the Board that when the bricks came down they fell clean, the mortar provided no adhesive. Mr. Stubbs stated the structure of the wall is brick but the actual finish system of the building is stucco and is visually incompatible with the contributing buildings in the Downtown Commercial Historic District. The proposed stucco is visually compatible with a traditional warehouse type facility. Motion was seconded by Bess Simons and carried by unanimous vote. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD - MINUTES Page 2 August 4, 1994 Richard A. Long, representative of Deltacom Communications, Inc., submitted an Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to install a telephone booth on the outside of the building at 110 South Palmetto Avenue. A representative for the application was not present. Discussion was held regarding outside telephones encouraging transients and not being conducive to the historic nature of district. Under the Goals and Purpose of the Design Guidelines for the Downtown District it indicates that new development in the District should respect and reinforce the existing character of the area. The Board strongly objects to outside telephones feeling that this type of new element will deteriorate and detract from the area. Chris Cranias moved to deny the Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to install a telephone booth on the outside of the building at 110 South Palmetto Avenue. Seconded by Laura Sollien and carried by unanimous vote. Martin Rak, Vice President of Delco Oil Inc., Fina Distributor for the area, was present and submitted an Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to renovate the building at 217 South Park Avenue. The Board explained that only the items related to the exterior of the building will be reviewed. Kevin Stubbs moved to approve the Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to renovate the exterior of the building at 217 South Park Avenue, as proposed. He moved to approve the restucco of the exterior using a similar White finish as existing, exterior lighting under the sofit, as long as it is not visible or wall mounted, replace bronze clear glass and window frame with similar material, and installation of gas island and dispensers. He further moved to provide recommendation to Planning and Zoning Commission that a variance for installation of the canopy over the gas island be allowed. Additional landscaping along the street side of the property will help the building comply somewhat to the character of the district. The building is a non - conforming historic building and renovation of the existing building will upgrade it for the district. Mr. Rak stated that he will come back before the Board at a later date with landscaping and signage plans. Mr. Rak was informed that the Sign Regulations strongly discourages freestanding and roof signs and signage on the building is more in tune with the district. Motion was seconded by Chris Cranias and carried by unanimous vote. Barbara Ferrell and Alicia Clarke, with the Main Street Design Committee, were present to. represent the Applications for Certificate of Appropriateness for the Main Street Design Committee's Grant Recipients for the Facade Improvement Program dealing with Awnings and Canopies. Most of the applications were approved at the July 7, 1994, Meeting, but Laura Straehla expressed HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD - MINUTES Page 3 August 4, 1994 in a letter her concern that the Board may feel it necessary to review the completed applications and leave last month's approval standing or re- evaluate each application. The Board decided to let last month's approval stand and only take action on the revised applications. The following Applications for the awning project was resubmitted: 1) 214 South Palmetto Avenue (The Volkshop) is requesting to change the color of the vinyl material from Bright Blue to Medium Blue; 2 ) 107 West First Street (Christo's Classic Restaurant) to construct a concave awning 50' wide X 3 drop X 5,3" projection and painting it Hunter Green. Chris Cranias informed the Board that he would abstain from voting. Kevin Stubbs moved to approve the revised Applications for Certificate of Appropriateness for awning at 214 South Palmetto Avenue, with modification to the proposed awning at 107 West First Street. He approved installation and painting of a concave awning (50' wide X 3'6" drop X 5'3" projection) with the modification to awning being installation of 3 or 4 diameter pipe columns, as visual vertical support elements. Spacing of the columns are to be in keeping with the downtown district. The poles and frame are to be painted. Seconded by Helen Stairs and vote carried as follows: Kevin Stubbs Aye Bess Simons Aye Cal Conklin Aye Laura Sollien Aye Chris Cranias Abstain Helen Stairs Aye Margaret Frison Aye 011ie Williams Aye It was recommended that the Main Street Design Committee send a letter to all applicants, which did not receive grant funding, informing them that if they plan to go forward with installation of the awnings they will need to come before the Board prior to any work being done. Kay Bartholomew submitted an Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to build a garage on the Northeast corner of the building with entry into building at 603 Oak Avenue. Kevin Stubbs stated he assisted with the application and will abstain from voting. Mr. Stubbs explained that the garage cannot be built with entry from alley as property does not have access to alley, the garage is to be attached to the addition to house which is not original to main house, garage door will face parking lot rather than homes on Oak Avenue, thus it will use a curb cut on a secondary street rather than on Oak which now exists. (If this request is granted the curb cut on the primary street will be closed off and landscaped. Limited set back created by garage on 6th Street is not uncommon to the neighborhood. Aesthetically, the garage built at right angles to the house will improve the overall appearance of the structure. The garage will have the same type of siding, the same windows and will give the appearance of belonging to the house rather than a garage. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD - MINUTES August 4, 1994 Page 4 Chris Cranias moved to accept the location and plans of the garage at 603 Oak Avenue, as proposed. Seconded by 011ie Williams and vote was carried as follows: Kevin Stubbs Abstain Bess Simons Aye Cal Conklin Aye Laura Sollien Aye Chris Cranias Aye Helen Stairs Aye Margaret Frison Nay 011ie Williams Aye Virgie Rash submitted an Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to close in front and back porch, install five (5) windows, and reroof two (2) small porches at 1217 Palmetto Avenue. Chris Cranias moved to table the Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to do work at 1217 Palmetto Avenue. The application is incomplete. The applicant will need to come before the Board and provide more information and explain what work will be done. The work that has currently been done is not in keeping with the Old Sanford Historic Area Regulations. Since the building is in a bad state the Board gave authorization for applicant to temporarily secure the building. Seconded by Laura Sollien and carried by unanimous vote. Discussion was held regarding changes to the Old Sanford Historic Area Regulations. Mr. Stubbs requested that members review the regulations for possible changes and /or clarification. Mary Larson was present and requested the Board review an Application for Certificate of Appropriateness for an emergency reroofing on the building at 806 South Magnolia Avenue. The'Board decided that the Minor Review Committee can review the application and take action. Kevin Stubbs and Russ Gibson, Minor Review Committee Appointees, will meet with Mrs. Larson after the meeting. Chris Brown was present and requested the Board review an Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to replace front porch at 209 East 4th Street. He is proposing to replace the front porch from wood tongue and groove to concrete with hard ceramic tiles. The Board explained to Mr. Brown that the application was not on the agenda and the Board has not had the opportunity to review it. The application will be placed on the September 1, 1994, Agenda. Members turned in potential code violations to the secretary to forward to the Code Enforcement Officers. There being no further business before the Board the meeting was adjourned at 6:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted: Penny T rner