HomeMy WebLinkAbout11.03.94A G E N D A HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD Meeting November 3, 1994 City Hall City Commission Conference Room 300 N. Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 4:30 P.M. I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Introduce New Member - Michael Skat III. Excused /Unexcused Absences IV. Approval of Minutes a) October 6, 1994 V. Application for Certificate of Appropriateness RESIDENTIAL a) 1204 Palmetto Avenue - Fence VI. Acknowledgement of Minor Review Committee Actions: a) 813 South Magnolia - Windows b) 1100 Park Avenue - Fence c) 618 South Oak Avenue - Paint & Light Fixture d) 613 1/2 South Myrtle Avenue - Porch e) 116/118/202 East Fist Street - Awning f) 901 South Magnolia Avenue - Paint g) 621 South Oak Avenue - Fence h) 101 East 10th Street - Paint i) 214 South Palmetto Avenue - Awning j) 420 South Oak Avenue - Drain Pipe k) 709 South Magnolia Avenue - Front Door 1) 618 South Magnolia Avenue - Re -roof VII. Complaint Regarding Roof at 500 Palmetto Avenue Charles Cameron VIII. Ritz Community Theater Restoration Project IX. First United Methodist Church - Request on Removing the house at 422 South Palmetto Avenue X. Discussion Regarding Time Limits Imposed on Applications for Certificate of Appropriateness XI. Other Business a) Code Enforcement - All members are encouraged to turn in potential code violations in writing to Penny Turner at the close of the meeting. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford, (FS 286.0105) Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Personnel Office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626 48 hours in advance of the meeting. M I N U T E S HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING November 3, 1994 4:30 P.M. City Commission Conference Room City Hall, Sanford, Florida Members Present: Kevin Stubbs, Chairman Cal Conklin Margaret Frison Jerry Mills Michael Skat Laura Sollien Laura Straehla 011ie Williams Members Absent: Chris Cranias Monte Olinger Helen Stairs Others in Attendance: Russ Gibson, City Liaison Penny Turner, Secretary The Meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Kevin Stubbs, at 4:35 P.M. Mr. Stubbs introduced and welcomed the new members Michael Skat and Laura Straehla. The Board recognized Chris Cranias, Helen Stairs, and Monte Olinger's absences as excused. Laura Straehla moved to approve the Minutes of October 6, 1994. Seconded by Laura Sollien and carried by unanimous vote. Kelton and Jenny Sweet were present and submitted an Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to erect a wood picket fence enclosing the property at 1204 Palmetto Avenue. Mr. Stubbs informed the Board that this application came before the Minor Review Committee, but since the proposed fence encroaches on a City's right of way it was determined that it should be reviewed by the full Board. Mr. and Mrs. Sweet are proposing to extend the new fence into their front yard in a straight line from the existing chain link on the north side of the property. By extending the old fence with the new wood fence it will encroach into the City's right of way by 14 Eighty percent of the chain link is hidden by a podacarpus hedge and vines have been planted that will cover the exposed portion of chain link fencing. Aesthetically, they feel that this is the best and most affordable way to work with the existing chain link fence. Mrs. Sweet stated that they are willing to sign a "Right of Way Encroachment Agreement" with the City of Sanford and record it with their deed. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD - Minutes November 3, 1994 Page 2 Discussion was held regarding the Mr. and Mrs. Sweet being in a favor of a sidewalk and willing to move the proposed fence if the City chose to put in a sidewalk. Laura Sollien moved,to approve the materials, color, construction and height of thg fence at 1204 Palmetto Avenue and further moved to forward the issue regarding the right of way encroachment to the City Commission. The fence shall be placed on the property line unless an exception is made from the City Commission. Seconded by Cal Conklin and under discussion Mrs. Sweet stated she was hoping that this Board would provide the City Commission with a recommendation regarding the encroachment issue. Mr. Gibson indicated that the City Manager has asked staff to provide recommendation on this issue for the City Commission. Motion was carried as follows: Kevin Stubbs Aye Michael Skat Aye Cal Conklin Aye Laura Sollien Aye Margaret Frison Aye Laura Straehla Nay Jerry Mills Nay 011ie Williams Aye Mr. Mills stated that he would like the record to show that the reason for his denial is he feels that right of way issues should be handled on a case by case bases depending on set backs and what utilities are currently in the right of way. Mrs. Straehla stated her reason for denial is that she would like a recommendation to be made to the City Commission one way or the other and she would like to request on her behalf that Russ Gibson as the Board's Staff Liaison investigate further and make a recommendation to the City Commission one way or the other regarding the "Right of Way Encroachment Agreement" issue. The Board commended Mr. & Mrs. Sweet on their attempts to work with the City, the Historic Preservation Board and the City Commission in developing an agreement and this should be considered as a Positive step on their behalf. Jerry Mills made a motion that the Board is in the opinion that extension of fences into the right of way is the City, Commissions responsibility. They determine whether or not building elements should be allowed to extend into the right of way and if an Encroachment Agreement is an acceptable method for allowing encroachments. Seconded by Laura Straehla and carried by unanimous vote. The Board acknowledged the Minor Review Committee's actions on the following Applications for Certificate of Appropriateness: a) 813 South Magnolia Avenue - Windows b) 1100 Park Avenue - Fence c) 618 South Oak Avenue - Paint & Light Fixture HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD -,Minutes November 3, 1994 d) 613 1/2 South Myrtle Avenue - Porch e) 116/118/202 East First Street - Awning f) 901 South Magnolia Avenue - Paint g) 621 South Oak Avenue - Fence h) 101 East 10th Street i) 214 South Palmetto Avenue - Awning j) 420 South Oak Avenue - Drain Pipe k) 709 South Magnolia Avenue - Front Door 1) 618 South Magnolia Avenue - Re -roof Page 3 Discussion was held regarding a complaint from Charles Cameron regarding a roof at 500 Palmetto Avenue. Mr. Cameron was not in attendance. Discussion was held regarding the Ritz Theater's immediate need to have the roof placed on the building to prevent further deterioration of the structure. Presently, the entire roof has blown off of the building over the stage area and each time it rains more of the ceiling is lost. The Ritz Community Theater Restoration Project Group, Inc., a not - for - profit group, formed to restore the building is in the process of applying for numerous grants, however, none of these grants, if proven successful, will be received in time to salvage what remains of the historic structure. Mr. Stubbs informed the Board that the offer to purchase the Welaka Building at 114 W. First Street, by a Public /Private venture was unsuccessful and the group was out -bid for the property. The Historic Preservation Board had voted to donated $2,000.00 toward the due diligence study of the Welaka Building from the Board's FY 93/94 Budget. The Ritz Community Theater Restoration Project Group, Inc., is requesting the Board's assistance in transferring the $2,000.00 allotted to the Welaka Building venture to the Ritz Restoration. It is too late for this type of transfer transaction to be made in the current budget. 011ie Williams moved to approve recommendation to the City Commission to consider approving $2,000.00 from the Board's current FY 94/95 Budget to be contributed to the Ritz Community Theater Restoration Project Group, Inc., to assist with the roof repair of the Ritz Theater. F Pastor Clifford V. Melvin and Board of Trustee Members, with the First United Methodist Church were present to discuss the attempt to purchase a section of land on the corner of Fifth Street and Palmetto Avenue. While inquiring about the property it was discovered that they will be unable to remove the small house that is sitting on this land, because it is listed on the National Register for Historic Places. The house was to be removed to assist with the solution to the church's parking dilemma. To be able to clear the house off the next lot would afford the church a few more parking spaces. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD - Minutes Page 5 November 3, 1994 Under other business Mr. Gibson updated the Board on the progress of getting the Goldsboro Historic District Nominated for the National Register for Historic Places. It was requested by this Board that City staff modify the application for the Goldsboro Historic District and that has been done. It is essentially the same application that the consultant, Brenda Elliott put forth and the state requVed' a different format for the mapping of the structures. Staff has forwarded this to the State. In regards to the Georgetown Historic District it was viewed by the State as not having enough concentration of contributing structures so it was requested by this Board to go forth with the nomination of Hopper Academy for National Register. The Board requested the City Commission in 1991 to recognize the Hopper Academy for a local historic landmark. This application will be forwarded to the State for National Historic Designation for Hopper Academy. It was brought to Mr. Gibson's attention that the Community Improvement Association currently owns the property not the School Board and academy is misspelled. Mr. Gibson further explained that the next phase of this application process will require this Board's acknowledgement and approval. Cal Conklin moved to submit the preliminary paperwork with the modification of owner and the spelling of academy. Seconded by Jerry Mills and carried by unanimous vote. Discussion was held regarding the City of Sanford Fire Department seeking $8,500.00 in donations to purchase Sanford's Early 1922 LaFrance "original" Fire Truck. Kevin Stubbs moved to recommend that the City Commission consider approving $500.00 from the Board's current FY 94/95 Budget to contribute to the purchase Sanford's Early 1922 LaFrance "original" Fire Truck. Seconded by Laura Straehla and carried by unanimous vote. Mr. Stubbs stated that since the Minor Review Committee for the Downtown Commercial District is new he is requesting some feed back from the Board on a particular application. After reviewing the Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to replace the awning material at 209A West First Street, he considered the proposed color of red to be vibrant but is wanting the Board's view on this issue. h After the Board reviewed the Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to replace the awning material at 209A West First Street, Laura Sollien moved to approve the Application. Seconded by Jerry Mills and under discussion it was stated that the reason for the approval is that the awning is so small and is not a dominate feature on this particular building. Motion was carried by unanimous vote. There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at,6:00 P.M. Respectfully Submitted By: Penny L. Turner