HomeMy WebLinkAbout10.06.94A G E N D A HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD Meeting October 6, 1994 City Hall City Commission Conference Room 300 N. Park Avenue Sanford, Florida 5:00 P.M. I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Excused /Unexcused Absences III. Elect Chairman and Vice Chairman IV. Approval of Minutes a) September 1, 1994 V. Application for Certificate of Appropriateness COMMERCIAL a) 200 West First Street - Replace Sign b) 101 West First Street - Wood Sign c) 100 East First Street - Renovation d) 208 & 208 1/2 South Sanford Avenue - Fence e) 112 South Park Avenue - Awning & Sign RESIDENTIAL a) 1217 Palmetto Avenue - Porches, windows, Roof b) 618 Magnolia Avenue - Siding & Paint Colors VI. Acknowledgement of Minor Review Committee Actions: a) 321 South Magnolia Avenue - Siding b) 320 South Oak Avenue - Paint Colors c) 719 South Myrtle Avenue - Picket Fence VII. Discussion Regarding Postal Service in the Old Sanford Historic Area VIII. Discussion Regarding Changes to Old Sanford Historic Area Regulations IX. Discussion Regarding the Historic Preservation Board's Meeting Time X. Other Business a) Code Enforcement - All members are encouraged to turn in potential code violations in writing to Penny Turner at the close of the 'meeting. ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: �f a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford, (FS 286.0105) Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Personnel office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626 48 hours in advance of the meeting. M I N U T E S HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING OCTOBER 6, 1994 5:00 P.M. City Commission Conference Room City Hall, Sanford, Florida Members Present: Kevin Stubbs, Chairman Cal Conklin Chris Cranias Margaret Frison Jerry Mills Monte Olinger Elizabeth (Bess) Simons Laura Sollien Helen Stairs Laura Straehla 011ie Williams Others in Attendance: Russ Gibson, City Liaison Penny Turner, Secretary The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Kevin Stubbs, at 5:00 P.M. Mr. Stubbs called for an election of a Chairman and Vice Chairman for the Historic Preservation Board. Jerry Mills re- nominated Kevin Stubbs as Chairman. Mr. Stubbs asked for other nominations for Chairman or Vice Chairman. 011ie Williams nominated Monte Olinger as Vice Chairman. Monte Olinger declined the nomination. Jerry Mills nominated Laura Sollien as Vice Chairman. Ms. Sollien accepted the nomination. Jerry Mills moved to elect Kevin Stubbs as Chairman and Laura Sollien as Vice Chairman of the Historic Preservation Board. Seconded by Monte Olinger and motion was carried by unanimous vote. Helen Stairs moved to approve the Minutes of September 1, 1994. Seconded by Monte Olinger and carried by unanimous vote. Joe Notarianni, representative of Sun Bank, was present and resubmitted the Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to replace the existing 9ft freestanding aluminum sign at 200 West First Street. The application was tabled at the September 1, 1994, meeting with the recommendation that the sign be downsized and done with like materials as the building. At that meeting the applicant stated he would come back before the Board with two different alternatives. Discussion was held regarding placing brick around the entire sign. Mr. Notarianni explained that for maintenance purposes they are unable to place brick around the entire sign. The cabinet is an extruded aluminum one piece manufactured cabinet. The original proposed sign was downsized 2ft in height. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD - Minutes Page 2 October 6, 1994 Chris Cranias moved to approve the Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to replace the existing 9ft freestanding aluminum sign at 200 West First Street with the proposed downsized 7ft sign. Seconded by Helen Stairs and carried by unanimous vote. Denise Hurley, with Glass Addicts Stained Glass, was present and resubmitted an Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to attach a sign to the building at 101 West First Street. The application was tabled at the September 1, 1994, meeting in order to allow the applicant to look into using an awning with lettering of a more permanent material such as wood. Ms. Hurley is now proposing a painted permanent material for a sign at the 104 Park Avenue entrance. She is proposing to affix the sign by bolts and chain suspended under the common entry awning. Chris Cranias moved to approve the Application for Certificate of Appropriateness for the sign and. the material with the condition that the owner approve the mounting of the sign to the building at 101 West First Street. Mrs. Stairs stated that since she gains access to her building through the common area Carl Stairs would be able to work with her on affixing the sign. Mr. Stubbs will investigate where the applicant is proposing to attach the sign and make a Minor Review determination on Saturday, October, 8, 1994 and give Ms. Hurley a ruling at that time. Mr. Mills seconded the motion with the condition that the bottom of the sign meets or exceeds the City's hanging sign height requirement. The requirement is that it must be a minimum of 8ft above the grade. Motion was carried as follows: Kevin Stubbs Cal Conklin Chris Cranias Margaret Frison Jerry Mills Monte Olinger. Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Bess Simons Aye Laura Sollien Aye Helen Stairs Abstain Laura Straehla Aye 011ie Williams Aye Mr. Emile E. Jammal, Principal, Project Manager of Lopatka Murdock Jammal and Associates, Inc. was present and submitted an Application for Certificate to repair the existing street canopy and storefront at 100 East First Street. Mr. Jammal explained that the existing canopy has structural and water leak problems which require the following repairs: a. Remove existing built -up roof and flashing. Repair any sheathing and replace with new built -up roof and flashing. b. Remove damaged plywood soffit and light fixtures and replace with exterior gypsum soffit board with a textured coating. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD - Minutes October 6, 1994 Page 3 C. Replace existing damaged copper fascia and replace with new copper fascia. d. Replace damaged wood joists. e. Replace damaged tie rods and rehab balance. The storefront consists of wood members with aluminum (silver in) cladding. The wood members are rotten and damaged by termites. The repair work consists of the following: a. Remove the storefront and replace with a new aluminum storefront to match the existing. b. Scrap the white paint on glazing and restore to original look. Remove wall and chair rail on inside. C. Remove mirror on exterior column and replace with black marble finish to match the existing storefront knee wall. d. Remove rusted and damaged light fixtures above entrance doors. e. Remove damaged mosaic tile floor in front of storefront and replace with ceramic tile paver. Discussion was held regarding the existing batons on the ceiling of the canopy. The batons form a grid work on the ceiling breaking up the mass of the underneath side of the canopy. Several members expressed the desire to have some detail opposed to a continuous flat surface. The Board expressed concern regarding the 12x12 ceramic tile paver being too contemporary for the Downtown Commercial Historic District. Monte Olinger moved to approve the Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to repair the existing street canopy and storefront as proposed with the following changes: a. The mosaic tile floor in front of storefront be replaced with a smaller scale mosaic tile. two inch maximum in either direction. (It was recommended that the applicant use black grout with light gray tiles.) b. The soffit be a smooth finish instead of the textured and batons in the ceiling similar to the existing baton pattern. Motion was seconded by Jerry Mills and carried by unanimous vote. Karl Stairs, representing Aiken Printing, was present and submitted an Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to construct a fence partially chain link and partially rod iron with a rod iron gate. Mr. Stairs requested a change to the original application; he is now proposing to construct a 6ft decorative natural cypress wooden privacy stockade fence where the application shows chain link. The rod iron portion of the fence and the gate will be black. The spacing on the verticals on the rod iron will be 6 inch on center solid square. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD - Minutes Page 4 October 6, 1994 Monte Olinger moved to approve the Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to construct a 6f natural cypress decorative wooden privacy fence on the back side of the property and black rod iron on the front of the property. Seconded by Chris Cranias and carried as follows: Kevin Stubbs Aye Bess Simons Aye Cal Conklin Aye Laura Sollien Aye Chris Cranias Aye Helen Stairs Abstain Margaret Frison Aye Laura Straehla Aye. Jerry Mills Aye 011ie Williams Aye Monte Olinger Aye Louis J. Venturello was present and submitted an Application for Certificate of Appropriateness for an awning and sign at 112 South Park Avenue. He is proposing to reletter the existing awning. He is further requesting to attach a logo sign on the North side of the building. The Board asked if he received approval from the owner of the building on affixing the sign to the building. Laura Straehla moved to approve the Application for Certificate of Appropriateness with the condition that approval from the owner to apply the logo sign to the north side of the building be received since to the application was made by the tenant and not the building owner. Seconded by Jerry Mills and carried as follows: Kevin Stubbs Aye Bess Simons Aye Cal Conklin Aye Laura Sollien Aye Chris Cranias Aye Helen Stairs Abstain Margaret Frison Aye Laura Straehla Aye Jerry Mills Aye 011ie Williams Aye Monte Olinger Aye The Board addressed the Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to close in the front and back porch at 1217 Palmetto Avenue. This application was previously tabled at the August 4, 1994, meeting and the September 1, 1994 meeting. A letter was sent requesting the applicant attend this meeting to discuss modifications to the application. A representative was not present. Jerry Mills moved to deny the Application for Certificate of Appropriateness to close in the front and back porch at 1217 Palmetto Avenue. Seconded by Laura Straehla and after further discussion was held regarding whether a condition should be attached to this motion stipulating that the building at 1217 Palmetto Avenue should have to return to its original condition prior to any work that being done. Jerry Mills stated he will withdraw his motion and allow another member to make the motion HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD - Minutes Page 5 October 6, 1994 with a condition. He based his motion on the Board reviewing this same application three times and not having sufficient information and the applicant not being present to clarify the work requested. Laura Straehla stated she seconded the motion to-deny based an Mr. Mills reasons for denial and she too will withdraw her action. Russ Gibson explained that Code Enforcement Board's action on this issue is pending the Historic Preservation Board's action. Code Enforcement will proceed with it as a code violation based on lack of maintenance and lack of compliance with the current regulations.. The owners will be given so much time to come into compliance and in order to come into compliance they will need to come before this Board for approval. Jerry Mills re- stated his motion to deny the Application for Certificate of Appropriate to close in front and back porch at 1217 Palmetto Avenue, with the recommendation that the applicant review the regulations for the Residential Historic District and resubmit the application, with appropriate corrections. The applicant is to be in attendance at the meeting when the Board reviews the corrected application. Seconded by Laura Straehla and carried by unanimous vote. Steven Clarke, representative with Homecrafters USA, Inc., was present and submitted an Application. for Certificate of Appropriateness to apply Alcoa D% Silhouette victorian gray vinyl siding over asbestos siding of home and garage. Cover window and door casings in white striated coil. Paint overhang of home and garage white. Install white vinyl shutters on street sides of the home at 618 Magnolia Avenue. Mr. Mills expressed an interest in the condition of the wood siding under the asbestos. He indicated that the house look structurally sound and would like the owners to consider removing the asbestos siding and take it back to the original wood siding. Discussion was held regarding environmental violations due to the breaking of the asbestos product while attaching the proposed siding. Mr.. Clarke explained that the installation procedure used does not allow the product to get airborne. The wall is covered first by a vapor barrier and any of the product that may become airborne will be caught in the wall. Discussion was held regarding the cost involved in removing the asbestos. Laura Sollien moved to approve the Application for Certificate of Appropriateness. Seconded by Monte Olinger and motion was carried as follows: Kevin Stubbs Aye Bess Simons Aye Cal Conklin Aye Laura Sollien Aye Chris Cranias Aye Helen Stairs Aye Margaret Frison Aye Laura Straehla Aye Jerry Mills Nay 011ie Williams Aye Monte Olinger Aye HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD - Minutes Page 6 October 6, 1994 The Board acknowledged the Minor Review Committee's actions on the following Applications for Certificate of Appropriateness: a) 321 South Magnolia Avenue - Siding b) 320 South flak Avenue - Paint Colors c) 719 South Myrtle Avenue - Picket Fence Discussion regarding postal service in the Old Sanford Historic District. Mr. Stubbs presented a draft of a statement to be forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission representing the Board's present position on postal service delivery in the Old Sanford Historic District. He further apprised the Board that Commission Lon Howell is currently assisting with this issue. Mr. Stubbs stated that they are investigating what recourse individuals may have who have received notices and put their mailboxes out by the curbside and would prefer door service. Cal Conklin moved to approve the statement to be forwarded to the Mayor and City Commission representing the Board's present position on postal service delivery in the Old Sanford Historic District. Seconded by Chris Cranias and carried by unanimous vote. Discussion regarding possible changes and /or clarifications to the Old Sanford District Regulations. Mr. Stubbs stated that this will be placed on the November 3, 1994, Agenda. The Board at that time will review and pin point which areas of the regulations need to be addressed. Discussion regarding the Historic Preservation Board's 5:00 P.M. scheduled meeting time. Jerry Mills moved to change the meeting time from 5:00 P.M. back to 4:30 P.M.. Seconded by Monte Olinger and carried by unanimous vote. Neil. O'Brien, was present and asked approval to remove the mansard /awning on the building at 119 South Magnolia Avenue. Mr. O'Brien explained they are trying to restore the building and would like it removed for exploratory purposes Monte Olinger moved to approve the removal of the mansard /awning on the building at 119 South Magnolia Avenue, based on the nature of the renovation being proposed. Seconded by Jerry Mills with the condition that the motion reads very clearly that it is for demolition of the canopy only for exploratory purposes and that the applicant is willing to come back to Board for any additional work to be done to the exterior. Motion was carried by unanimous vote. Mrs Stairs encouraged Mr. O'Brien to visit the Main Street office to inquire about market analysis study that was just received. It will assist with determining the highest and best use. Mr. O'Brien invited the Board to go on a walkthrough of the building Friday, October 7, 1994 at 10:30. Gary Winn, Building Official and Tom Hickson, Fire Chief are going on the walkthrough to provide recommendations. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD - Minutes Page 7 October 6, 1994 Discussion was held regarding setting up Minor Review for the Downtown Commercial Historic District. Mr. Stubbs went over the items that pertained to the Commercial District and stated it will be set up similar to the Minor Review for the Old Sanford Historic Preservation Area. Laura Straehla moved to approve Mr. Stubb's recommendation for Minor Review Committee for the Downtown Commercial Historic District. Seconded by Helen Stairs and carried by unanimous vote. Mr. Stubbs apprised the Board that the City Commission reappointed Margaret Frison to the Board. Michael Skats was appointed to the take the place of Laura Straehla. Bess Simons has resigned her position on the Board. The Board congratulated Ms. Simons for her position as the Main Street Manager. Russ Gibson stated he will do an internal investigation to see which staff members will be able to assist with the reviewing of the Minor Review Applications. The original Minor Review Committee consisted of Kevin Stubbs and three alternates, who are Laura Straehla, Bess Simons, and Helen Stairs. The alternates will be Monte Olinger, Helen Stairs and Laura Sollien. Discussion was held regarding the Board making a recommendation to the City Commission that Laura Straehla be a reappointed in Bess Simons position. It was decided that the Board needed to make a formal written recommendation to the City Commission Jerry Mills made a motion to write a formal written recommendation to the City Commission expressing that the Board feels that Ms. Straehla is an excellent member and a valuable participant and would like for her to be reappointed in Ms. Simons position. Seconded by Monte Olinger and carried as follows: Kevin Stubbs Aye Bess Simons Aye Cal Conklin Aye Laura Sollien Aye Chris Cranias Aye Helen Stairs Aye Margaret Frison Aye Laura Straehla Abstain Jerry Mills Aye 011ie Williams Aye Monte Olinger Aye Ms. Sollien suggested that when a Board member's term is ready to expire the member contact each Commission Member and make it clear that they would like to serve again. HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD - Minutes October 6, 1994 Page B Mrs. Stairs asked the Board's assistance and guidance pertaining to the fire codes related to historic building. The Fire Marshall has informed her that the renovation of the Touchton Building is considered new construction. Fire retention walls will have to be installed and it almost makes the renovation unfeasible because of the cost. The Board suggesting applying layers of fire rated drywall to what is currently there and by proving that the life safety issue is not an issue after renovation. Mr. Mills stated her architect should be able to provide the information and they should be dealing with the City Officials. Discussion was held regarding the attendance policy. The secretary will report, at the beginning of each meeting, if there are any members in violation of the attendance policy and the Board will take action at that time. There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 6:45 P.M. Respectfully Submitted By: Penny Turner