HomeMy WebLinkAboutJanuary - December, 1918M M Q o co IIq 3 Report of Chief of Police for month of July, 1918 Number of arrests 20 Disbursements Wilson & Toomer Fert Company Discharged 1 10146.08 2500.00 Left the City 2 11385.75 Collectors report for month of Fines assessed by Mayor L. P. McCuller 135.00 339.01 Pound fees License 23.00 158.00 Remitted to Treasurer 1253.81 158.00 158.00 Treasurers report for month of July, 1918. On hand July, 10 1918. 9535 93 personal property, to -wit: Received from Collector 1849.82 11385.75 Disbursements Wilson & Toomer Fert Company " Vouchers paid 10146.08 2500.00 Balance in banks 1239.73 11385.75 Collectors report for month of July, 1918. L. P. McCuller Taxes 1917- 339.01 to License 127.00 " Delinquent taxes 1253.81 1849.82 Remitted " 20000.00 Cash 1000.60 P. M. Elder Vouchers 849.22 1849.82 Report of Chief of Fire Dept was read showing all equipment in good condition. against the city was read, audited and vouchers ordered drawn for same. There being no further business, Council adjourned. Attest: City Clerk. August 19, 1918. r President All bills City Council of the City of Sanford, Florida, met on the above date in regular sess- ion at 7. 30 P. M. Present C. H. Dingee, President and Councilmen R. A. Newman, Jno Adams,) W. A. Leffler. Absent G. F. Smith, F. L. Miller and Roy Symes. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Representatives of the Different banks in the City of Sanford, came before the Council and asked that the assessments on the Banks in the City be adjusted. On motion W. A. Leffler seconded by R. A. Newman and carried, same was laid over until next meeting. Mr A. P. Connelly and H. C. DuBose representing Mr B. Drew of Orlando, same before the Council and asked that the assessment on several lots be adjusted. On Motion Jno Adams seconded by R. A. Newman and carried the following adjustment was ma Block 1 Tier 10 raised from $1200.00 to $1500.00. Block 1N Tier 10 lowered from $1100.00 to $1000.00. Block 2N Tier 10 from $1500.00 to $750.00. Lots 3, 4, 5, 8, 9 & 10 Tier H lowered from $600.00 to $400.00. Communication from T. L. Mead was read, asking that he be allowed to redeem certificates No's 3420 409, 385 & 465 at face value. On motion R. A. Newman seconded by W. A. Leffler, carried same was allowed. The following adjustments were made in personal property, to -wit: Virginia Carolina Chemical Company from $6000.00 to $30.000.00. Wilson & Toomer Fert Company " 1500.00 to 2500.00 Chase & Company " 5000.00 to $000.00 L. P. McCuller " 3000.00 to 6000.00 Bowers Drug Store " 2500.00 to 4000.00 Crown Paper Company " 20000.00 to 30000.00 P. M. Elder " 300.00 to 600.00 Mrs F. P. Forster " 400.00 to 1000.00 Gulf Refining Company " 2500.00 to 3000.00 Standard Oil Company " 2500.00 to 3500.00 Mahoney - Walker Company " 3000.00 to 5000.00 N. H. Garner " 600.00 to 1000.00 Postal Tel Company 300.00 Western Union 2000.00 American Agricultural Chem Co " 1500.00 to 2500.00 There being no further business, Council adjourned. r Attest: • City Clerk Preside k w January 1, April 1, Julyl, Octoberl, of each year, and said interest to be payable at anj bank, and notice served on City Treasurer. Be it further resolved, that the Clerk be instructed to secure proper rubber stamps to be used to denote payment of interest, and in each case the amount of interest paid be endorsed on back of voucher stating date to which interest has been paid. C. H. Dinge5, President R. A. Newman F. L. Miller Jno Adams W. A. Leffler Roy Symes Councilmen. An Ordinance entitled an Ordinance amending Section 225 of he revised Ordinances of the City of Sanford with reference to the width of sidewalks was placed on its first reading and read in full and passed. Vote as follows: Aye's C. H. Dingee, R. A. Newman, F. L. Miller, Jno Adams, Tv. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Mayor Davison here made the following appointments to fill the different offices, towit; W. A. Tillis, Chief of Police. A. D. Smith, Sanitary Inspector, Jas C. Roberts, Clerl and Collector, R. C. Maxwell, Treasurer and Assessor, and recommended that the salary of Treasurer and assessor be raised from $25.00 to $40.00 per month. Dr 0. J. Miller, City Health officer. All to serve for the ensuing term, after which the Mayor made a talk along the lines of retrenchment in affairs of City. On motion W. A. Leffler seconded by R. A. Ne-,,man and carried, Council adjourned. Attest: City Clerk. President of Council February 4, 1918. City Council of the City of Sanford, Florida, met on the above date in regular session at 7. 30 P. M. Present; C. H. Dingee, President and Councilmen R. A. Newman, G. F. Smith, F. L. Miller, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Mr R. C. Maxwell assessor came before the Council and stated that the property on J. T. Irwin was assessed to high, and recommended that part paid by Mr J. T. Irwin be refunded. On motion Jno Adams seconded by W. A. Leffler and carried, Clerk was instructed to draw voucher in favor of Mr Irwin refunding amount in excess paid by Mr Irwin Mr Wing came before the Council and asked that sidewalk lien on his property be canoelle On motion F. L. Miller seconded by Roy Symes and carried, same was referred to City Eng- ineer to investigate and report at next meeting. Mr R. J. Holly came before the Council and stated.that the Elks wished to hold a oarni- val in Sanford during the Week of March 4, Motion Roy Symes seconded by W. A. Leffler to the City of a License in, the sum of $25 An Ordinance amending Section 225 of the reference to width of sidewalks was placed Vote as follows: Aye's C. H. Dingee, R. A. W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Nay's None. 1918 and asked for permission to hold same. On and carried, same was granted upon the payment 100. revised Ordinances of the City of Sanford with on its second reading by title only and passed. Newman, G. F. Smith, F. L. Miller, Jno Adams, j00mmunioation from Mrs M. F. Barnes in regards to taxes was read and Clerk instructed to'write Mrs Barnes to produce tax receipts. 0 CIDM 0 0 m i w A Jesse Simmonds came beford.the Council and asked that the City put in fire Hydrants on Willow Avenue, On motion R. A. Newman seconded by G. F. Smith and carried same was re- ferred to City Engineer. On Motion W. A. Leffler seconded by G. F. Smith and carried the following Certificates were ordered cancelled. upon payment of face value plus recording fees; Certidieate #161 tF 1913 covering lots 61 to 65 Sanford Heights and certificate 4469 tax of 1915 covering land on N side of St Gertrude Avenue. and certificate #456 tax of 1915 covering NJ of Si of NE4 of SE4 Sec 36 Tp 19 S. R. 30 E. Fines 198.98 2, 557.45 The bids of E. E. Brady and Ed Higgins and Hand Bros for street cleaning and Garbage work was opened and on Motion Jno Adams seconded by Roy Symes and carried Contract was ax dad to Ed Higgins he being the lowest bidder, and Clerk instructed to Notify Mr Geo A. DeCottes City attorney to draw up contract for same and approve bond of Mr Higgins, Vote as follows; Aye's C. H. Dingee, R. A. Newman, F. L. Miller Jno Adams, Roy Symes, Nay's W. A. Leffler. City Engineer presented a list of sidewalks which needed repairs, same was read and on Motion W. A. Leffler seconded by G. F. Smith and carried, Clerk was instructed to notify property owners according to law. Clerk was instructed to get up data as to amount paid City Engineer during the year 1917- The Reports of the several different officers was read and ordered filed. Report of Collector for month of January, 1918. Taxes 1917 1, 464.39, License 181.95 Pound fees 47.75 Dog tax Interest 43.63 Back taxes 615.75 Fines 198.98 2, 557.45 Remitted to Treasurer 1,404.67 Vouchers 1,152.78 2#557.45 Report of Treasurer for month of January, Receipts On hand January 1, 1918. 209.69 Received from Collector 1,404.67 Vouchers 1,152.78 Disbursements 1.,790-57 Vouchers paid 976.57 Bank balances First National Bank Peoples Bank Seminole Bank 1918. 2#767-14 2,,767-14 217.11 112.50 646.96 976.57 Report of Chief of Police for month of January, 1918. Number of arrests 59 Discharged 9 Fines assessed by Mayor 310.00 Pound fees 47.75 Dog Tax 5.00 362.75 Work on streets 1 .22 Escaped 14.00 Uncollected 72.80 Expense 10.00 Cash to Collector 251.73 362.75 Report of Chief of Fire Dept month of January was read and ordered filed. On motion R. A. Newman seconded by W. A. Leffler and carried,- Council adjourned. l to of sus February 7, 1918. City Council of the City of Sanford, Florida, met on the above date at 10. 30 A.M. in Special session, Present C. H. Dingee, President and Councilmen G. F. Smith, F. L. Miller, W. A. Leffler. Absent R. A. Newman, Jno Adams and Roy Symes. The President of the Council stated that the object of the meeting was for the purpose of fixing the Salary of Treasurer and Assessor. On motion W. A. Leffler seconded by F. L. Miller and carried, the Council fixed the Salary of Treasurer and Assessor at $25.00 per month for the year 1918. On motion carried, Council adjourned. 6 Attest President City Clerk. February 18, 1918. City Council of the City of Sanford, Florida, met on the above date at 7. 30 P. M. in regular session Present C. H. Dingee, President and Councilmen R. A. Newman, G. F. Smith, F. L. Miller, Jno Adams and Roy Symes. Absent W. A. Leffler. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. On motion F. L. Miller seconded by R. A. Newman and carried, the following tax certifi- cates were ordered cancelled, good cause being shown for said action. Certificate f23 » 20 » 50 » 16 " 26 N 67 N 119 N » 202 Lion 22 Communioa tax w N a a a a N a a tion of 1902 19°4 » 190 » 1908 " 1909 1913 » 1914 " 1915 from Go Lot N N n w N p a a a c) A. 11 Blk 3 Tier 3 l� » � » A a N 3 " 7 A 3 " 7 ". A 3 " 7 " A 33 " G C & T a N & 5 12 » A 8 8 1 DeCottes with reference to attorneys fees in collecting Paving lien from Mrs Alm Shinhol ser was read and on motion R. A. Newman seconded by G. F. Smith, Clerk was instructed to dra voucher in favor of Goo A. DeCottes for $6.00 being the amount of attorneys fee in collecting said lien. Communication from F. P. Rines in regards to certain information required by Council, was read and ordered filed. On motion G. F. Smith seconded by R. A. Newman and carried, it was ordered that a six insch sewer be laid from alley between Sanford Avenue and Cypress avenue to North side of 5th street. An Ordinance amending Section 225 of the revised Ordinances of the City of Sanford with reference to the width of sidewalks was placed on its third reading and read in full Vote on passage of said Ordinance as follows: Aye's None. Nay's C. H. Dingee, G. F. Smith, R. A. Newman, F. L. Miller, Jno Adams, Roy Symes. Thereupon the President of the Council proclaimed that by the vote of the Council they had rejected the Ordinance. In view of the coming meeting of the Railroad Commissioners with the Southern Bell Tel & Tel Company for the purpose of discussing a proposed raise in the prices of telephone service, The President of the Council on motion of R. A. Newman seconded by G. F. Smith and carried, appointed the following committee to draw up resolution of protest tp present to the Railroad commission at their meeting. Committee G. F. Smith and R. A. Newman. On motion G. F. Smith seconded by R. A. Newman and carried, Cc cil adjourned. Attest: City Clerk Pre si t J Sanford, Florida, March 4, 1918. City Council of the City of Sanford, Florida, met on the above date in regular session at 7. 30 P. M. Present; C. H. Dingee, President and Councilmen R. A. Newman, G. F. Smith, r, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Absent F. L. Miller. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Mr Bruce Miller came before the Council and asked that he be allowed to redeem his back taxes at face value of certificates, said request was denied. Communication from Mr G. D. Bishop, Secretary and Treasurer of Crown Paper Company, stating that they would have to leave Sanford if suitable location could not be obtained on account of their present lease having expired, and asking the City to donate certain i lot or parcel of land for building a new plant, was read and on motion W. A. Leffler seo- onded by R. A. Newman and carried, City of Sanford, Florida, convey for a nominal consider - ation to G. D. Bishop, Secretary and Treasurer of the Crown Paper Company, for the purpose of erecting a Tile Concrete building to house the Crown Paper Company, a strip of land approximately 117' X 200' North of Water Street and East of Myrtle Avenue, Building to be occupied for a period of not less than five years by the Crown Paper Company, manufacturers of tissue and Paper wraps. Construct6on to begin within thirty days, and any land not 000- upied at end of five years for wharehouse, shall be deeded back to the City of Sanford, less a clearance of 30' on Notth end. City attorney is hereby instructed to prepare neoess- ary deed of conveyance without warranties. And City Engineer is hereby instructed to our- M vey and prepare proper description for City attorney. and the Mayor and City Clerk are 0 0 g hereby instructed to execute deed in behalf of the City of Sanford, G. D. Bishop to pay P4 a a all necessary expenses in the transfer of said property, and any additional building to be constructed hereafter shall be the same class and character as wharehouse to be constructed immediately. Roll call as follows: Aye's C. H. Dingee, R. A. Newman, G. F. Smith, Jno Adams W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Nay's None. Councilman W. A. Leffler offered the following Resolution which was unanimously adopted. -Resolved; That Whereas; The City of Sanford, Florida, is vitally interested in the props upkeep of roads in and surrounding the City, And Whereat: the,briok roads in portions of the City put down by the County of Seminole are in a very bad state of repair and show un- unmistakable evidence of not having been properly constructed. Therefore be it Resolved by the City Council of the City of Sanford, Florida, in regular session assembled, do pet- ition the Honorable Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County, Florida, to employ the best available legal talent to enforce any and all claims or demands that the County may have against the road contractors on account of said road not having been properly con - struoted. Be It Further Resolved; That this Resolution be spread upon the minutes of the Council and a copy sent the Board of County Commissioners of Seminole County, Florida, to be read at their meeting to be held March 5, 1918. C. H. Dingee, President R. A. Newman G. F. Smith Jno Adams W. A. Leffler Roy Symes Councilmen. Communication from R. Hudson Burr in reference to the meeting of the Railroad Commiss- ioners and Southern Bell Tel & Tel Company, stating that same had been postponed from March 13, 1918 to April 17 1918. was read and ordered filed. On motion W. A. Leffler seconded by G. F. Smith and carried that the proceeds from the recent $33.000 Bond issue be held intact for a period of 30 days. F 20 On motion Roy Symes seconded by G. F. Smith and carried, Chairman of Finance Committee is hereby instructed to place the proceeds of the recent $33.000 Bond issue in equal parts in each of the Banks of the City of Sanford, at interest. It was moved and seconded that the necessary parts required for the street sweeping machine be purchased by the City. On motion W. A. Leffler seconded by G. F. Smith and carried, the appointment by the Mayo Of R. C. Maxwell, Treasurer and Assessor and Jas C. Roberts Clerk and Collector, W. A. T111 16 Chief of Police and A. D. Smith, Sanitary Inspector, 1s hereby approved and confirmed. On motion R. A. Newman seconded by G. F. Smith and carried that the City pay the pre- miums on bond renewals of Treasurer and Assessor, Clerk and Collector, and Chief of Police, and bonds turned over to the Chairman of the Finance Committee for safe keeping. An Ordinance Prohibiting the Sale of Goods, bares and Merchandise on Sundays was placed on its first reading and read in full and passed. An Ordinance Providing for the Issuance of Bulkhead Lien Certificates of indebtedness aggregating $21,140.25. covering the amount due and payable by property owners in the Bulk- head district of Sanford, Florida, for the proportionate past of the cost to be borne by said property owners in reclaiming bulkheading and bringing to topographical level all re- claimed land in the Bulkhead district of Sanford, Florida. was placed on its first reading and read in full and passed. Vote as follows: C. H. Dingee, R. A. Newman, G. F. Smith, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Nay's None. Jno Adams moved that the rules be waived and said ordinance be placed on its second reading by title only. Vote on waiver of rules as follows: Aye's C. H. Dingee, R. A. Newman G. F. Smith, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Nay's None. Said Ordinance was placed on its second reading and read by title only and passed. Vote as follotiws :. C. H. Dingee,,. R. A. Newman, G. F. Smith, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Nay's None. G. F. Smith moved that the rules be further waived and said ordinance be placed on its third reading and final passage. Vote as follows: Aye's C. H. Dingee, R. A. Newman, G. F. Smith, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler ana Roy Symes. Nay's None. Said Ordinance was placed on its third reading and read in full and passed. Vote: Aye's C. H. Dingee, R. A. Newman, G. F. Smith, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Nay's None. Whereupon the President of the Council proclaimed that by their actions the City Council had passed the above ordinance. An Ordinance Entitled An Ordinance providing for the issuance of Bonds in the Qum of $21,000.00 for the purpose of paying, retiring and funding certain Vouchers or Warrants of the City of Sanford, Florida, issued in payment of the Proportionate part of the cost to be borne by the property owners in the construction of a Bulkhead bordering on Lake Monroe in the City of Sanford, and lying between the East side of an unnamed alley between Sanford and Cypress Avenues and the West side of Myrtle Avenue, and for the proportionate past of the cost to be borne by the property owners in filling in, reclaiming and bringing to a topographical level all reclaimed land from the line of said Bulkhead to the skore line existing prior to said reclaimation. was placed on its first reading and read in full and passed. vote as follows: C. H. Dingee, R. A. Newman, G. F. Smith, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Nay's None. R. A. Newman moved that the rules be waived and said ordinance be placed on its second reading by title only. Vote as follows: 4Aye's C. H. Dingee, R. A. Newman, G. F. Smith, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Nay's None. Whereupon said Ordinance was placed on its second reading and read by title only and passed. Vote as follows. Aye's C. H. Dingee, R. A. Newman, G. F. Smith, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Nay's None. Jno Adams moved that the rules be further waived and said Ordinance be placed on its third reading and final passage. Vote as follows: Aye's C. H. Dingee, R. A. Newman, G. F. Smith, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Nay's None. 'Whereupon said Ordinance was placed on its third reading and read in full and passed. vote as follows: Aye's C. H. Dingee, R. A. Newman, G. F.'Smith, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Nay's None. Whereupon the President of the Council proclaimed that by their votes the Council had passed said Ordinance. Reports of the different officers were read and ordered filed. Collectors report month of Feb, 1915. Report of Chief of Fire Dept February, 1918. Reported no fires of any importance, several grass fires. All equipment in good order. All bill against the City were Audited and Vouchers ordered drawn for same. On motion G. F. Smith seconded by R. A. Newman and carried,, Council adjourned. Attest: City Clerk March 18, 1918. President. City Council of the City of Sanford, Florida, met on the above date at 7. 30 P. M. In regular session Present C. H. Dingee, President and Councilmen R. A. Newman, G. F. Smit F. L. Miller, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Communication from Southern Utilities Company read and referred to street committee and F. L. Miller to confer with City attorney for opinion. Communication from S. F. Chapman regarding purchase of Railroad Iron on Sanford Ave Taxes 1917 2#732-10 License 30.00 Pound fees 11.00 G��� DBul khe ad 00 10, 76 7.6 7 Bask taxes 501.40 Fines collected collected F 210.00 14 .l , 553 7 Remitted to Treasurer 11,403.19 Vouchers 3,149.98 14..553.17 Treasurers Report month of Feb, 1918 On hand Feb 1, 1918. 976.57 Reo'd from Chllector 11,403.19 M Vouchers 3,149.99 15, 529.74 o Di sbur cement s M Vouchers & Interest 12099-25 g Cash in banks 3,130.49 15,529.74 FA P � A Bank Balances First National Bank 2,135.90 Peoples 220.39 Seminole " 774.20 3,130.49 Report Chief of Police month of Feb, 1918. Number of arrests 32 Discharged 3 Sentenced on streets 2 Fines assessed by Mayor 210.00 Collected from Jan 25.00 Dog Tax 1.00 Pound fees 11.00 247.00 Worked on Streets 16.25 Uncollected 5.75 Cash to Collector 222.00 247.00 Report of Chief of Fire Dept February, 1918. Reported no fires of any importance, several grass fires. All equipment in good order. All bill against the City were Audited and Vouchers ordered drawn for same. On motion G. F. Smith seconded by R. A. Newman and carried,, Council adjourned. Attest: City Clerk March 18, 1918. President. City Council of the City of Sanford, Florida, met on the above date at 7. 30 P. M. In regular session Present C. H. Dingee, President and Councilmen R. A. Newman, G. F. Smit F. L. Miller, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Communication from Southern Utilities Company read and referred to street committee and F. L. Miller to confer with City attorney for opinion. Communication from S. F. Chapman regarding purchase of Railroad Iron on Sanford Ave 24 and first stweet, was read and City Engineer instructed to obtain value of rails. Nancy Myers came before the Council and asked that her assessment on lots 2, 3 and 5 Block 11 Tier B be reduced, On motion carried said assessment was ordered reduced to #500.00, and Clerk instructed to issue refund voucher for X7.00. Mr J. J. Dickinson came before the Council in behalf of Mr earns and spoke along the lines of assessment of the earns Hotel and certain back taxes, On motion carried, same was laid over until next meeting. Communication from Women's Club and Board of Trade in reference to the distribution of hand bills was read and on motion Jno Adams seconded by R. A. Newman and carried, Mayor Davison was asked to have ordinance prepared to cover same. The matter of Maria Hortons taxes was taken up and on motion carried, same was ordered cancelled upon payment of $25.00. Upon request of City Attorney the following Tax Certificates were ordered cancelled: #7 tax of 1901s #14 tax of 1903, #9 tax of 1906, #6 tax of 1907s #13 tax of 1911, #63 tax Of 1902, #33 tax of 1904, #48 tax of 1903- On motion W. A. Leffler seconded by Jno Adams and carried, previous action of the Council conveying certain lands to Geo D. Bishop is hereby recinded. On motion W. A. Leffler seconded by G. F. Smith and carried, City attorney is hereby instructed to clear title of certain lands on which tax certificate had been issued to Mr E. Woods. An Ordinance Entitled An Ordinance Prohibiting the sale of goods, Wares and Merohandice on Sunday was placed on its second reading and read by title only and passed, Vote as follows: Aye's C. H. Dingee, R. A. Newman, G. F. Smith, F. L. Miller, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Nay's None. On motion Roy Symes seconded by Jno Adams and carried the rules were waived and said Ordinance placed on its third reading and read in full and passed. Vote as follows: Aye's C. H. Dingee, R. A. Newman, G. F. Smith, F. L. Miller, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Nay's None. Mr Roller came before the Council in regards to making repairs to certain streets and On motion R. A. Newman seconded by Roy Symes and carried, same was referred to Street Comm4tt ittee and City Engineer with power to act. The matter of repairs to ditch in Georgetown was on motion Roy Symes seconded by G. F. Smith and carried, referred to City Engineer and Street Committee with power to act. On motion G. F. Smith seconded by Jno Adams and carried, Council adjourned. Attest: C� City-. Clerk President April 1, 1918. City Council of the City of Sanford, Florida, Met on the above date at 7. 30 P. M. in regular session. Present C. H. Dingee, President, and Councilmen R. A. Newman, G. F. Smith, F. L. Miller, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Communication from J. D. Hood in regards to his assessment was read and on Motion R. A. Newman seconded by Roy Symes and carried, same was referred to City tax Assessor to confer with Mr Hood and report at next meeting of the Council. The matter of State tax Certificate on property owned by City of Sanford, was referred ' M 0 0 M - w A P 4 to City Clerk with power to act. Communication from Dr T. A. Neal in regards to back taxes was read and Clerk instructed to write Dr Neal to the effect that the City Council could do nothing in.the matter. On motion Jno Adams seconded by G. F. Smith and carried, Tax Certificate #447 Tax of 1915 was ordered cancelled. City Engineer made a verbal report on prices of rails he had so far received. On motion R. A. Newman seconded by Jno Adams and carried, the matter of taxes of Dave Warren was referred to Tax Assessor R. C. Maxwell for attention. On motion R. A. Newman seconded by F. L. Miller and carried, an extension of 30 days was given in which to pay City taxes before books close. On Motion W. A. Leffler seconded by R. A. Newman and carried, the Mayor was authorized to employ extra Police when in his judgment it was necessary to do so. The reports of the different officers were read and ordered filed. Report of Chief of Police for month of March, 1918. Number of arrests 62 Discharged 11 Turned over to Probation -Of fiser 1 Ordered to leave Town 1 Fines assessed by Mayor 316.00 Collected from Feb fines 5.00 Dog Tax 1.00 Pound Fees 15.00 337.00 Cash to Collector 337.00 337.00 Collectors Report month of March, 1918. Taxes 1917 4,,o26-47 License 61.00 'Delinquent taxes 1,451.75 Fines collected 301.00 Remitted to Treasurer 4# 68 79 Vouchers 1,471.43 Treasurers Report month of March, 1916. Balance on hand March 1, 1918 ,130.49 Cash from collector, 368.79 Vouchers 1, x+71.43 Disbursements Vouchers paid 41,299.20 Balance in banks 40671.51 5, 840.22 5#940.22 8#970-71 8,970-71 Bank Balances Firs National Bank 1, 149.33 Peoples " 1, 52:82 Seminole " 1, 937.36 4,671-51 Report of Chief of Fire Dept for month of March, 1918, showing all fire equipment in good condition. All bills against the City were read, audited and Vouchers ordered drawn for same. On motion R. A. Newman seconded by Roy Symes and carried Council adjourned. Attest; City Clerk Preside t April 15, 1918 City Council of the City of Sanford, Florida, met on the above date at 7. 30 P. M. In regular session. PresentC. H. Dingee, President and Councilmen R. A. Newman, G. F. Smit F. L. Miller, Jno Adams, and Roy Symes. Absent X. A. Leffler. Minutes of las meeting read and adopted. Mr J. W. Miller came before the Council and asked that he be allowed to redeem tax certificate at face of certificate, On motion. G. F. MEW" f Smith seconded by R. A. Newman and carried said request was granted. The resignation of Dr 0. J. Miller as City Physician was read and on Motion G. F. Smith seconded by R. A. Newman and oarried said resignation was accepted. The application of Dr J. N. Tolar to be City Physician was read and Dr J. N. Tol ar was duly elected to the office of City Physician commencing from April 1, 1918. All voting in in favor of said action. The following certificates were ordered cancelled upon in- formation from City attorney: Certificate #39 of 1911 X40 of 1911 #24 of 1913 # 23 of 1913 #22 of 1913#4 of 1904#4 of 1906 #10 of 1903 #11 of 1902#3 of 1905 #5 of 1907. Mr T. S. Ruff came before the Council and asked tkat he be given some assistance in the performance of his duties as County food administrator. On motion R. A. Newman seconded by F. L. Miller and carried, City donate $10.00 per month to Mr Buff for office rent. An Ordinance Entitled anQ Ordinance regulating the distribution of hand bills, show bills,, and advertising matter of every description was placed on its first reading and read in full and passed. Vote as follows: Aye ' s C. H. Dingee, R. A. Newman, G. F. Smith, F. L. Miller, Jno Adams and Roy Symes. Nay's None. Communication from DeLeon Springs Shell Company was read and ordered filed. Communication from Tampa Bag Company regarding purchase of rails on Sanford Avenue and First Street was read and Clerk instructed to notify Tampa Bag Company that the City does not care to dispose of said rails at this time. On motion R. A. Newman seconded by Jno Adams and carried, Attest: City Clerk Council adjourned. Presiders . April 17, 1918 City Council of the City of Sanford, Florida, met on the above date in Special Session at 4. P. M. Present C. H. Dingee, President and Councilmen R. A. Newman, G. F. Smith, F. L. Miller and Roy Symes. Absent Jno Adams and W. A. Leffler. The President of the Council stated the object of the meeting was the vale of rails on Sanford Avenue and First Street. On motion R. A. Newman seconded by F. L. Miller and carried, President of Council was authorized to wire Oscar -ADaniels Ship building Company of Tampa, that the City would accept $60.00 per ton F. 0. B. Sanford for the rails on Sanford Avenue and First Street, and to send authorized agent to close deal. On motion R. A. Newman seconded by F. L. Miller and carried, Council adjourned. Attest:� City Clerk President April 19, 1915. City Council of the City of Sanford, Florida, Met on the above date in Special session at 4 P. M. Present C. H. Dingee, President and Councilmen R. A. Newman, F. L. Mill W. A. Leffler, Absent G. F. Smith, Jno Adams and Roy Symes. The President stated the object of the meeting was for the purpose of purchasing brick to relay streets after rails had been taken up. On motion W. A. Leffler seconded by F. L. Miller and carried, City o Sanford, purchase from Southern Clay Mfg Co, 36000 #2 Vitrified brick for relaying Sanford Avenue and First Streetafter rails had been removed. On motion B. L. Miller and seconded by W. A. Leffler and carried that all timbers be removed from road bed where rails had be laid, before new brick are put down. On motion W. A. Leffler seconded by F. L. Miller and carried, City attorney is requested to write A. C. L. Railroad Company to open up a wagon Tray on west side of Myrtle Avenue to the Fibre Factory. On motion F. L. Miller seconded by R. A. Newman and carried, Council adjourned. Attest: City Clerk President May 6, 1918 City Council of the City of Sanford, Florida, met on the above date in regular session at 7. 30 P. M. Present; C. H. Dingee, President and Councilmen G. F. Smith, F. L. Miller, Jno Adams and Roy Symes. Absent R. A. Newman and W. A. Leffler. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Communication from Schelle Maines in regards to City purchasing War savings certificates was read and on motion G. F. Smith seconded by F. L. Miller, and carried.. City purchase $100.00 War savings certificates. The matter of Maria Hortons taxes was again taken up and Clerk instructed to notify Maria Horton that upon payment of $25.00, certificates will be cancelled, up to and including the year 1915- An Ordinance Entitled ana Ordinance regulating the distribution of hand bills, show bill and advertising matter of every description was placed on its second reading and read by title only and passed, Vote as follows: Aye's C. H. Dingee, F. L. Miller, G. F. Smith, Jno Adams and Roy Symes. Nay's None. On motion Jno Adams seconded by G. F. Smith and carried rules were waived and said Ordinance was placed on its third reading, Vote: Aye's C. H. Dingee, G. F. Smith, F. L. Miller, Jno Adams and Roy Symes. Nay's None. The Rules having been waived said Ordinance was placed on its third reading and read in full and passed. pots; Aye's C. H. Dingee, G. F. Smith, F. L. Miller, Jno Adams and Roy Symes. Nay's None. On motion F. L. Miller seconded by G. F. Smith and carried Water Hydrant corner Elm Avenue and Commercial Street accepted by the City. On motion G. F. Smith seconded by Jno Adams and carried, the Salary of Chief of Police was raised from $100.00 to $125.00 per month. and the salary of Policeman Tomlinson from $ 75.00 to $90.00 per month. On motion Jno Adams seconded by Roy Symes and carried, the salary of Harley Maines, Fireman was raised from $65.00 to $75.00 per month. The Council requested the Mayor to establish claim to property sold at tax sale belong- ing to the City of Sanford. On motion Roy Symes seconded by G. F. Smith and carried, the proposition of First National Bank to furnish material to pave alley back of Bank if City'fttrnish labor, was accepted. On motion F. L. Miller seconded by G. F. Smith and carried, the work of paving Sanford Avenue and First Street where rails were taken up was given to Mr Roller under supervision of City Engineer. Upon recommendation of the Mayor, the Police force was out to two policemen during the summer months. The reports of the different officers were read and ordered filed. Report of Chief of Police for month of April, 1918. Number of arrests 44 Discharged 7 Sentensed on streets 1 Fines assessed by Mayor 189.00 Collected from Mar oh 5.00 Pound fees 2$.00 216.00 Uncollected 5.00 Cash to collector 211.00 216.00 Collectors report month of April, 1918 Current taxes 4,740.96 Delinquent taxes 1,455.25 Pound fees 22.00 Fines 220.00 6,438.21 M MMMmq 25 2� Remitted to Treasurer Vouchers 5-048 34 1, 389.87 6,438.21 Treasurers report month of April, 1919. On Hand May 1, 1918 4,671.51 Reo'd from Collector 5,048.34 Vouchers 1,389.87 11,109.72 Disbursements: Vouchers paid 5,124.63 1.667 Interest Cash in banks 5, 8'93.22 11,109.72 Report of Chief of Fire Dep't was read reporting all fire equipment in good condition. On motion G. F. Smith seconded by F. L. Miller and carried, Council adjourned. Attest: City Clerk President May 200 1918 City Council of the City of 'Sanford, Florida, met on the above date in regular session at 7. 30 P. M. PresentC. H. Dingee, President and Councilmen G. F. Smith, F. L. Miller, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Absent R. A. Newman. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. An Ordinance Entitled and Ordinance to arouse a higher Spirit of Patriotism and bring home to each person each day the necessity of seriously oonsideri his duty to his Country and his individual responsibility in this war for freedom and humanity that is now raging, was placed on its first reading and read in full and passed. Vote as follows: Aye's C. H. Dingee, G. F. Smith, F. L. Miller, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Nay's None. Councilman Jno Adams moved that the rules be waived and said Ordinance be placed on its second reading which motion was duly seconded by G. F. Smith, Vote on Waiver of Rules. Aye's C. H. Dingee, G. F. Smith, F. L. Miller, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Nay's None. Said Ordinance was placed on its second readi and read by title only and.pasped. Vote: Aye's C. H. Dingee, G. F. Smith, F. L. Miller, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Nay's None. Roy Symes moved that the rules be further waived and said Ordinance placed on its third reading and final passage. Vote: Aye's C. H. Dingee, G. F. Smith, F. L. Miller, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Nay' None. Said Ordinance was placed on its third reading and read in full and passed. Vote: Aye's C. H. Dingee, G. F. Smith, F. L. Miller, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Nay' None. Communisation from A. C. L. R. R. in reference to opening up Myrtle Avenue from First Street to Lake Monroe was read and ordered filed. Mr Ball came before the Council and asked that the assessment on lot 9 Blk 14 Tier 4 be reduced from $1200.00 to $500.00 and On motion G. F. Smith seconded by F. L. Miller said request was granted. Communication from Sidney Spitzer & Cc was read as follows: Re $21,000.00 Sanford, Florida, 6% Bonds. s We are sending you under separate cover the blank bonds for the move issue, complete and ready for signature, with the bonds you will find signature certificate and Treasurers receipt, which must be properly filled out and accompany the bonds whgn delivered to us. We have. carefully considered the best method of handling the exchange and believe it san be best handled through one of the Trust companies here. We, Therefore, suggest that the bonus be properly signed and sealed and sent to the Ohio Savings Bank and Trust Company of this City, accompanied by signature certificate and Treasurer's receipt. We hold vouchers ammounting to $23,009-17 which are deposited with us as collateral to Is notes of the Seminole Dredging Company, aggregating in amount the sum of $20,000.00. interest on these no Interest due January Interest from Jan 1, Interest on note for to May 1, 1918. Face of Notes tea is as follows; 1, 1917 10463.73 1917 to May 1, 1918. 2,133.33 interest from Jan 10 1917 156 01 Total 3,753.1 20 000.00 Total 23,,753-19 The Seminole Dredging Company is to also allow us a discount on these bonds of 3% or $610.00 adding this to the above amount. would represent a total due. us of $24,363.19, against this should be credited the following; Par, value Bonds Accrued interest January 1 to May 1 Balance due us 21,000.00 420.00 211, 420.0 Send with the bonds a. New York draft payable to our order for this amount and instruct the Bank to deliver the bonds, signature oertificate, Treasurers receipt and New York draft for $21943.19 on our delivering to them vouchers amounting to $23,008.17. There is interest due the Seminole Dredging Company on these vouchers. at. 8% from their various dates, which will practically be sufficient to cover the balance due. us. make your settlement with the Seminole Dredging Company after the bonds have been taken Trusting you will see that the bonds are forwarded promptly and that proper.inst- ructions are given, we remain. Very Truly Yours Sidney Spitzer & Company. On motion F. L. Miller seconded by G. F. Smith and carried, the City attorney was re quee ad to forward bonds along the lines set forth above. Mr C. M. Berry County Agent came before the Council and made a lengthly talk along the lines of cold storage etc. On motion Roy Symes seconded by G. F. Smith and carried, Council adjourned. City Clerk. President June 3, 1918. City Council of the City of Sanford, Florida, met on the above date in regular session at 7. 30. P. M. Present C. H. Dingee, President, R. A. Newman, G. F. Smith, F. L. Miller, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler, Roy Symes. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Communication from City attorney advising that Virginia Carolina Chemical Company be paid for having release of taxes recorded, said takes being a double assessment. motion R. A. Newman seconded by Roy Symes and carried, Clerk was instructed to issue vouc to Virginia Carolina Chemical Company for said expense, amount $1.10. Mr Musson came before the Council and asked that certificates covering Lots 6 & 7 Bl k 11 Tier 9 be cancelled for the reason that he had been advised that all taxes were paid. upon motion R. A. Newman seconded by G. F. Smith and carried, said certificates were ordered cancelled. Mr Td Putnam came before the Council and made complaint of cattle running at large within the City limits, Mr Putnam was advised by the Council to take the matter up with the Mayor. Mr Murchison of the Atlantic Coast Line R. R. CO came bef the Council and stated that the Railroad company was about to purchase 80 acres of land within the City limits for the purpose of locating shops and yards, and asked the Council if the streets now running through said tract could be closed. On motion Jno Adams sec by F. L. Miller and earried, the President of the Council appointed a committee and of Finance committee to go and view the tract of land in question. Councilman Miller offered the following Ordinance and moved that it be passed. An Ordinance Entitled An Ordinance Abolishing, Vacating, Discontinuing and Abandoning as Public Highways Certain Streets, Avenues, Alleys and Highways in the City of Sanford, Florida, was placed on its first reading and read in full and passed. Vote Aye's C. H. Dingee, R. A. Newman, G. F. Smith, F. L. Miller, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Nay's None. On motion G. F. Smith seconded by R. A. Newman and oarrie d the rules were waived and said Ordinance placed on its second reading by title only . Vote: Ayes's C. H. Dingee, R. A. New- man, G. F. Smith, F. L. Miller. Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Nay's None. The rules having been waived said Ordinance was placed on its second reading and read by title only and passed. Vote Aye's C. H. Dingee, R. A. Newman, G. F. Smith, F. L. Miller, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Nay's None. G. F. Smith moved that the rules be further waived and said ordinance be placed on its third reading and final passage. Vote: Aye's C. H. Dingee, R. A. Newman, G. F. Smith, F. L. Miller, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Nay's None. Said Ordinance was placed on its third reading and read in full and passed. Vote: Aye's C. H. Dingee, R. A. Newman, G. F. Smith, F. L. Miller, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Mr Geo A. DoCottes here tendered his resignation as City Attorney, he having Volunteered his services in the Army, offering said resignation after thanking Council for their hearty co- operation in all matters of business which have been transacted with them. After thanking him for the manner in which he had conducted his official business with the City. Councilman Miller made a motion which was seconded by Councilman R. A. Newman and carried, accepting said resignation with regrets. Mr DeCottes offered the name of J. J. Dickinson as his successor as City attorney. The application of B. F. Householder to be City attorney was read. there being two names before the Council for said position, on motion G. F. Smith seconded by W. A. Leffler and carried, Council pro- ceeded to elect a City attorney. ballots were cast as follows: J. J. Dickinson 5 ballots, E. F. Householder 2 ballots. On motion F. L. Miller seconded by W. A. Leffler and carried the election of Mr J. J. Dickinson was made unanimous. On motion W. A. Leffler seconded by Jno Adams and carried Clerk was instructed to advertise for bids for the sale of wood located on lot corner Palmetto and Third Street, said bids to be opened the First meeting in July, 1918. The following reports were read and ordered filed as follows: Report of Chief of Police for month of May, 1915. Number of arrests 31 Discharged 9 Sentenced on streets 3 Fines assessed 115.00 Pound fees 11.75 Dog tax - 1.00 Fine Geo Burke Feb, 1915 2.00 132.75 Worked on streets 1.66 2/3 Uncollected 8.33 113 Cash to Collector 122.75 132.75 Collectors report for month of May, 1915. Current taxes 5,421. 03 Paving & Sidewalk Liens 191.25 Fines 110.00 Pound fees 11.75 Dog tax 1.00 Misol 2,69o.28 80425.34 Remitted to Treasurer Cash 4, 741.21 Vouchers 3, 54.13 8,425.34 Treasurers Report for month of May, 1915. Balance May 1, 1915 5,593.22 Revd from Collector 5,425.34 14,315.56 Disbursements _ Vouchers paid 10, 720.1.9 Interest 239.34 Cash in banks 3,359.03 14015.56 Report of Chief of Fire Dept Month of May, 1915, was read showing all equipment to be in good order. All bills against the City were audited and vouchers ordered drawn for same. All business being attended to, On motion R. A. Newman seconded by G. F. Smith, and carried Council adjourned. Attest: City Clerk June 17, 1915. President City Council of the City of Sanford, Florida, me# on the above date in regular sees- ion at 7. 30. P. M. Present: C. H. Dingee, President, R.- A. Newman, F. L. Miller, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Absent G. F. Smith. Minutes of last meeting read and adopte Communication from Chase & Company in reference to City officials bonds was read and same referred to Finance committee for attention. On motion R. A. Newman seconded by Roy Symes and carried, Finance committee get all data and determine amount due Seminole Dredging Company on Vouchers held by them. On motion R. A. Newman seconded by Roy Symes and carried, Clerk instructed to draw vouo for discount on vouchers held by bank for E. E. Brady. On motion F. L. Miller seconded by R. A. Newman and carried, Clerk instructed to get from Mr Goodrich of Orange County Ab- stract Company copy of transfer from City of Sanford to Ox Fibre Brush Company. Communication from Fred T. Williams in regards to Tax Certificate #75 held by C. E. Woods was read and on motion Roy Symes seconded by R. A. Newman and earried, Clerk was instructed to draw voucher to Mr E. A. Douglass for amount required to redeem same. On motion Roy Symes seconded by W. A. Leffler and carried, Tax Certificate #40 for the year 1911 was ordered cancelled upon recommendation of City Attorney. by Roy Symes and carried Council adjourned. Attest: City Clerk On motion R. A. Newman seconded June 210 1919. CCD President City Council of the City of Sanford, Florida, met on the above date in Special session at 2. P. M. Present C. H. Dingee, President, R. A. Newman, F. L. Miller, W. A. Leffler, Absent G. F. Smith, Jno Adams and Roy Symes. The President stated the object of the meeting was for the purpose of arranging settlement of Bulkhead vouchers. On motion F. L. Miller seconded by R. A. Newman and carried, Bond Trustees of the City of Sanford, Florida, be instructed to pay Bulkhead vouchers under instructions of Finance Committee. On motion R. A. Newman seconded by W. A. Leffler and carried, C e l.adjourned- Attest: City Clerk. President July it 1919. City Council of the City of Sanford, Florida, met on the above date in regular sessi at 7. 30 P. M. Present, C. H. Dingee, President, R. A. Newman, G. F. Smith, F. L. Miller, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Mr Musson came before the Council and asked that Tax Certificates for the years 1913 and 1914 be cancelled. On motion R. A. Newman seconded by G. F. Smith and carried same was ordered cancelled. Communication from Mr Goodrich in regards to conveyance of real estate to Ox Fibre Brush Company, was read and ordered filed. On motion R. A. Newman seconded by F. L. Miller and carried, the monthly payments to the Women's Club is hereby discontinued. Communication from F. W. Mahoney in regards to Bulkhead matters was read and on Motion F. L. Miller seconded by Jno Adams and oarried same was laid on the tabl On motion W. A. leffler seconded by F.-L. Miller the monthly payments to T. S. Huff r!.w County Food administrator is hereby discontinued. The bid of $17.00 of E. G. Hodges for the wood on lot corner Palmetto Avenue and Second street was read and On Motion R. A. Newman seconded by G. F. Smith and carried same was re j,eoted. On motion W. A. �' effler seconded by R. A. Newman and carried, Clerk instructed to notify the officers of the City Band to appear before the Council at their neat meeting to be held July 15, 1915, to 'show cause if any, why the monthly payments should not be discontinued. Mr W. C. Hill came before the Council and asked that he be allowed to pay taxes on lot 6 of geeleys Sub- divis- ion, and there being no such description on the tax books of the City on account of no plat of such sub - division being recorded in plat book of the City, On motion F. L. Miller see- onded by R. A. Newman and a,arried, the City Engineer was instructed to get the proper des- cription of said lot that Mr W. C. Hill may pay the taxes on same. It being brought to the attention of the City Council, that C. H. Atkins was iii des- titute circumstances and needed assistance, On motion W. A. `Leffler seconded by G. F. Snit and oarried, Councilman Miller was appointed to investigate said case with power to act. Councilman R. A. Newman offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption same unanimously adopted. To Whom It May Concern; Whereas; Fred T. Williams has made application for a eommissioii in the Engineers of the officers reserve oorps, United States Army, And Whereas; the said Fred T. Williams has been City Engineer of the City of Sanford, Florida, for the past seven years, and has proven capable and satisfactory to the City Council, Therefore: Be It Resolved that the co; Council of the City of Sanford, Florida, having found the said Fred T. Williams competent and reliable as a Civil Engineer, and as a man, we heratily commend him for any position for which he may make'application. adopted by the common Council of the City of Sanford Florida, in regular session, this July 1, 1919. The Tax Assessor here presented his tax Roll for the year 1919, and the Council here proceeded to equalize taxes for the year. 1919. The following reports of the different officers were read and ordered filed. Report of Chief of Police for month of dune, 1919. Number of arrests 40 Discharged 6 Sentenced on street 4 Fines assessed by Mayor 170.00 Dog tax 1.00 Collected for May 10.00 Pound fees 40.00 221.00 Remitted to Collector 221.00 221.00 Treasurers report for month of June, 1919. ,Balance on hand June 1, 1919 3g�9.03 Received from Collector 10 0.90 14019.93 0 M W M O O M B w A Disbursements Vouchers paid 4484.00 Balance in banks 9535.93 14019.93 Bakk balances First National Bank 444.76 Peoples 13.30 Seminole County 9077.87 9535.93 Collectors Report month of June, 1918 Taxes 1917 Back taxes & Liens Fines From Bond Trustees Remitted to Treasurer Vouchers 1654.31 993.86 l.71. 00 7841-73 10,66o.90 9470.53 1190-37 19, 660.90 Report of Chief of Fire Dept month of June, 1918. reporting all equipment in good order. All bill against the City were read, audited and vouchers ordered drawn for same. On motion W. A. Leffler seconded by F. L. Miller and carried, Council adjourned to meet Monday at 7. 30 P. M. for the purpose of equalizing taxes. Attest: City Clerk. President July 8, 1918. City Council of the City of Sanford, Florida, met on the above date at 7. 30 P. M. Present C. H. Dingee, President, F. L. Miller, Jno Adams, Absent R. A. Newman, G. F. Smith, W. A. Leffler and Roy Symea. The equalization of Taxes was here taken up. Council adjourned. Attest: City Clerk July 9, 1918. M40001 ON 11.�.�. -.rt City Council of the City of Sanford, Florida, met on the above date at 7. 30 P. M. Present C. H. Dingee, President, F. L. Miller, Jno Adams, Absent R. A. Newman, G. F. Smith W. A. Leffler and Roy Symes. Council adjourned. Attest: City Clerk July 15, 1918. The equalization was here continued. NO MEETING. August 5, 1918. It Presiders It City Council of the City of Sanford, Florida, met on the above date at 7. 30 P. M. in regular session; Present C. H. Dingee, President R. A. Newman, F. L. Miller, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler. Absent G. F. Smith and Roy Syme s. Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. On motion W. A. Leffler and seconded by R. A. Newman and carried, Chairman of 31-1 %a Finance committee.was empowered to have the City books audited. The Council here procee ad to hear complaints in regards to taxes. Communication from A. Derby asking that the valuation of his property be reduced was read and On motion carried, Clerk was instructed to notify Mr A. Derby that his property was assessed in proportion to the surrounding prop- erty, therefore the Council could not lower the assessment on his property. On motion Jno Adams seconded by R. A. Newman and carried Council took a recess until Thursday August 8, 1918 at 7. 30. P. M. at which time they will oontnue the equalization of taxes. Attest: f City Clerk. Pre s ent August 81 1918. City Council of the City of Sanford, Florida, met on the above date at 7. 30 P. M. Pursuant to adjournment; Present F. L. Miller, R. A. Newman, Jno Adams and W. A. Leffler. Absent C. H. Dingee, G. F. Smith and Roy Symes. Council here proceeded as a Board of equalization to hear complaints; Mr Takash came before the Council and asked that the assessment on lots 1, 4, 5 and 11 Block 1 Tier 4 be reduced. no action taken.. Mr B. Drew came before the Council and asked that the valuation on- his-property-be re- duoed. same was referred to the assessor to report his actions at the next meeting of the Council. Mr W. W. Long came before the Council and asked that the assessment on lot 8 &-9 Block 6 Tier 5 be reduced. On motion carried same was lowered from $1000.00 to $700.00. Also Lots 8, 9 & 10 Block 8 Tier 5 from $1200.00 to $1100.00. Mr H. C. DuBose came before the Council and asked that the assessment on Lot 7 Block 6 Tier 2 be reduced. On motion carried same was reduced from $1250.00 to $900.00. Communication from Mrs Carrie Spear asking that the assessment on lots 2 & 4 Block 34 and Lots 2 & 4 Block 35, Mellonville be reduced. no action taken. Also that the assessment on Lot 6 Block $ Tier 8 be reduced. On motion carried, the assessment on lot 6 Blk 3 Tier 8 was reduced from $1400.00 to $1000.00. Communication from M. F. Robinson asking that the assessment on lots 4, 5, 6 & 7 also lot 8 Blk 11 Chapman & Tuckers addition be reduced was read and on motion carried. said lots was reduced from $300.00 to $200.00 each. Communication from W. H. Hynes asking that the assessment on several lots was read and on motion carried the assessment on lots 1, 2 & 3 Blk 6 Tier 7 was reduced from $1500.00 to $500.00 no acti being taken on the other lots contained in communication. Mr J. H. Gallagher came befor the Council and made report on matters pertaining to the City Band. On motion Jno Adams seconded by W. A. Leffler and carried, Clerk was instructed to write the officials of the Band that owing to the times and conditions the monthly payments are hereby discontinued for the present. Mr A. W. Underwood, District Health officer of the State of Florida, came before the Council and asked the co- operation of the Council in matters pertaining to the health of the City of Sanford, and presented an Ordinance which he asked that they would pass as early as possible, Said Ordinance Entitled an Ordinance for the disposal of Human exoreta within the City Limits of the City of Sanford and declaring open privies to be a nuisance, and providing for the abatement of such nuisance. was placed on its first reading and read in full and passed. Vote as follows: Aye ' s F. L. Miller, R. A. Newman, Jno Adams, W. A. Leffler. Nay's None. was read and ordered filed. as follows: The several reports of the different officers 36 December 2. 1W. C1ty Council >Af the City of Sanford; `12orida, met on ►t at 30 P. M. in regular session. Are sent R. A. Reesman, Pre~s�at Pr► an and`, T Councilmen G, F. Smith, L. P. Hagan, Jno Adams, Goo D. Bishop and Rey Symes., Absent F. L. Miller* Minutes of last meeting read and adopted. Mr J, D, Hood came before the Council and made complaint of the noise made by Negro dance hall on- Sanford, Avenue, and asked that said Hall be closed. Council advised Mr Hood that same would be taken under advisement. Mr Jno Musson came before the Council and asked that Lien against Lots 4 & 5 Block 20 Chapman & Tuckers addition to Sanford, same being an error as s therm is no such description in said Block. On motion G. Jr. Smith seconded by L. P. Hagan and carried said request was granted and City attorney authk» orsed.to cancel same of record, City Attorney is hereby instructed to add an ammendment to Ordinance regulating dairies, said ammendment to cover testing of Cows for tuberculosis. w Communication from J. J. Dickinson City attorney in reference to Dairy Ordinance was read and ordered filed. City Clerk was in instructed to run a notice in the paper, notifying r all persons XXXil717 selling milk in the City of Sanford, to obtain license from the City Clerk, Licenses to be taken out by January 1, 1919. Communication from Miss Allis Trafford, Agent, asking that interest on paving lien covering Lots 1, 2, 3, & E 121 of Lot 4 Block 11 Tier, 4 be re- bated s setting: forth the f*ct that the owner was not able to pay same, was read, and Clerk instruol o notify Miss Allis Trafford that the Council could not grant the request at this time. An Ordinance regulating the sale of Ice in the City of Sanford, Florida, i was placed on its second reading and read by title only and passed. Vote as E follows: Aye's R. A. Newman, G. F. Smith, ff. P, Hagan., Jno Adams, Goo D. Bishop and Roy Syms, Nay's None. On motion Jno Adams seconded by G. F. Smith f ' r and earried the rules were waived and said ordinance placed on its third r4wing and read in full, Vote on waiver of Rules, Ayes R. A, lawman, G. F. je ` with, L. P, Hagan, Jno Adams, 'Goo D. Bishop and Roy Syma s, leas . Agme « tiz .> S *nance was placed on .its third reading and read in tttl , s 0.8,8 t3. V i is R1 A. Newman, G. F. Smith, L. P. Hagan, Jno Adams, fto Biagi , "mos. : 7N z On motion Roy Symes seconded by Jno Adams and earried� the salary D, Smith Sanitary Inspector was raised from $100.00 per month to 1125,.00 404Athe Salary of Floyd Peel, Policeman raised from 090.00 per month to $100.00 per month said raise to' commence November 1, 1918. The Clerk was instructed to hold voucher for Southern Utilities Company for light City Hall until credit memorandum was furnished according to aggre- Mont. On motion Hoy symes seconded by G F..Smith and carried the chairman of Finance Committee was authorized to have City books audited. Mr G. F. Smith asked the Council that he be allowed to redeem Tax Certif- icate #95 of the year 1916 covering Lots 1 & NJ Lot 2 Blk 11 Tier 3 at face value plus, attorneys fees and costs, On motion L. P. Hagan seconded b Qymes same was granted. The following reports were read and ordered flied': cue er Treasurers report for month of November, 1915. Bal on Hand Nov 1 953.18 Redd from Collector 6,351-70 7,3o4.88 Disbursements Vouchers paid 1,564.93 Balance in banks 5,729-95 7,3o4.99 I Report of Chief of Fire Dept for month of November, 1915 showing all equipment in good order. Bank Balances lot National Bank 1,250.40 Peoples " 1, 397.21 Seminole 3.082.34 5.729.95 On motion Jno Adams seconded by L. P, Aran and carried, 37 Report of Chief of police for month of Nov, 1918. Arrests 37 Turned over to Co 2 Fines assessed 207.50 pound fees 32.75 240.25 Remitted to Collector 240.25 Collectors report for month of November, 1918. Taxes 1018 5, ao6.7o License 53.75 Back taxes 239.00 Interest 12.00 Pound fees 32.75 Fines _ 207.50 60351.70 Remitted to Treasurer Gash V h 5, 6oft i 7 6 6 cue er Treasurers report for month of November, 1915. Bal on Hand Nov 1 953.18 Redd from Collector 6,351-70 7,3o4.88 Disbursements Vouchers paid 1,564.93 Balance in banks 5,729-95 7,3o4.99 I Report of Chief of Fire Dept for month of November, 1915 showing all equipment in good order. Bank Balances lot National Bank 1,250.40 Peoples " 1, 397.21 Seminole 3.082.34 5.729.95 On motion Jno Adams seconded by L. P, Aran and carried, 37 s December 11, 1918 MY 00uncil of the City of Sangord, Florida, met in Spec \ '►e date at 7. 30. P.r0+ent F. L. biller, Prs* silmen R A. Newman, G. F. Smitk; <L. P. began, Jno Adams and Gee' .D, Bishop. Absent Roy Symes. The President of the Council stated the object of the meeting was for the discussion of the recurrence of Influensa as at present reported . Members of the School boards and Superintendent of Public Instruction being present. lash gave a short talk along the lines of Closing Schools ets. Repeat of the different physicians in the City as received by the City Clerk" read showing 124 cases of Influr"a in the City. from W.- H, Cos State IM81th, officer resommending " I bec►ls, C Pool rooms, Soda Founts and Theatres etc be closed was tad and ordered filed. Dr Keeley bntaMzkwm* of the State board of Health being present by invitation of the Council gave a lengthly talk akmtgz as to the present resurrense of Influensa. It being suggested that Dr Keeley inves- tigate conditions as they exist that he may better inform himself as to conditions prevailing and report to the Council at 1. 30 P. M. December 12, 1918. upon motion carried Council adjourned to meet at 1. 30 . P. M. to receive the report of Dr Keeley. Do eabcr 12, 1918. .. lot f Council of the City of San-ford, Florida, met in Spesial on above date at 1. 30 P. M. Present F. L. Miller, President and Councilmen R. A. Newman, G. F. Smith, L. P. Kagan, Jno Adems and Goo D, Bishop. Absent Roy Symes. President stated the object of the meeting was the receiving report of Dr Keeley and hearing the opinions of the Physicians present. Dr Denton, Dr Marshall and Dr Tolar gave their opinions as to the present recurrence of Influenaa and advising precautions necessary to be taken. On notion G. F. Smith seconded by L. P. Hagan and carried a vote of thanks was given to Dr Keeley for his advise and help in the present matter. bk and several other sitissns gave their views Qi }tl pFes4nt R. A. Newman took #� .fir and Pre si dent r rs s . `to the sonditi4a� s" *ting after which he, I shat y. after `advising the Council to elose Schools, Chu�itkdii, Pool r�, and all other places of public meetings left for Jacksonville on the at nooni, On motion L. P. Hagan seconded by R. A. Newman and • rK 4 the ziftttft closing Sehools, Churehesi TbOmUess Poolrooms Ste WW toreed until fartker developements. If any serLous, developsuents &rrigss the Pres- ident call a meeting of the Council and take action. an same, and City Clark instructed to got the number of oases daily and report to President of Council, and City physician is requested to report on next monday night the then existing conditions of Influensa. Motion R. A. Newman seconded by G. F. Smith and carried, Council adjourned* f 39,1 j Dsoombor , 191!4. rvailoil of the City perils, met in re � the above date at .` m,., Present r. ' L. Nill+l ant, and +C noilmen R. A. Newman, Ju mss► @eo D. Bishcp aaad Roy 81► b• f Absent 0. r. Swttk• and L. P. Hagan. Minutes of last lasting, road and adopted. Visa Allis Trafford came before the Coencil and , ask ed that sbe be allowed to pair Paving Lien covering Lots 1, 2, 3 a N 121 lot 4 21k 11 Ti*v 4 at Its fios value. On moti ion R. A. Nom max is ed by Roy Syme s and t *am was allowed. Dr T ar City Physician o*A* bei�'il�ee = 'he F .,bbd reported that the prosont-'~is tons of to u0a46 it s ,► and vory mild in f d 1tt ion from 0. R. DI tb&t be be al l oresk" rldee�a k ;Y sortificats at face '' 1us attorneys fees, 1 : ♦. Newman oeecuded by Goo D. Bishop and carried same was allowed. 'On motion Jbo Adams seoonded by Roy Symes and serried, Counoil adjourned. I 1 .. .. wrrr�.rr.w�.+r ww �. �w+ .rw.�wr+..r.r�wrw+llrw�wi wow �+r�rrw.rww Deoesber 2 ;, 1911• ;,, °! Council of ti» City of 9aq�t above d, Florida, set in Spera�� A1is�i4n data at 1. 30 ply ftosont F, L. 1di11er, Pre Ott Pon R. A. Newman, a. ,, t t , L. P. ftgan and Jho , basnt . Ii shop and Roy :;ya. r President of the Council s"ted the ob jeo t of the soo� Nt ,ice' the purpose of taking steps to prevent the ,Routhern Utilities, Cpmany raising rates on lights as oomtemplated by them to take effect Jane 1, 1919. . On Lotion Q. F. Smith noonded by L. P. Hagan and carried the City t orney was instructed to in stitute proceedings to protect the interest W"Ce'"Icity of t iford. . on Notion Q. F. Smith oeosnded by L. P. Regan and oarried, Counoil ad atacnod. { 1 s V