HomeMy WebLinkAbout42 SM ,phase offered the following Ordinance: ORDINANCE NO.— k-0 An Ordinance Authorizing the City ?,.ana, er of the City of Sanford, Florida, to Appoint a City :health Officer, and Pre- scribing his Duties, and Declaring the some to be an Emergency Leasure for the Preservation of the Health of the Citizens of the City of Sanford, Florida. BE IT ENACTED BY ?i E PEOPLE OF WE C IPY 0^ 5AVORD, TL02IDA: Section 1: That the City Itiianager be, and he is hereby authorized by the City Commission of the City oi Sanford, Florida, to appoint a City Health Officer for the City of Sanford, Florida. Section 2: That the duties of the City Healtr? Officer of the City of Sanford, Florida, shall be to enforce the rules and regulations of the State Board of Health, and the ordinance: of the City of.Saword, relative to the preservation and promotion of the public health, and to recommend such action from tine to time as he may deem necessary for the prevention, abatement and suppression of nuisances, and for the preservation of life and health of the inhabi- tants of the City of Sanford, Florida. Section 3: That the City health Officer small also perform suc h duties with regard to the sanitary inspectioh of the City, yd supervision of the production, transportation, ;storage and sale of food and _food stuffs as is necessary and proper, and that he will keep or cause to be kept a complete and accurate systemn. of vit statistics, and will perform suc h other duties ac may t om time to time be regnired of him by the City I: anager under the ordinances or resolutions of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. P f �. �k Sectio:cl 4: '.What this ordinance is declared_ to be an emergency measure for the preservation oj the 1- ealth oT the citizens of the City of Sa- n ±ora, Plorida, and shall tale effect from aaZd_ after the date of its passage. jeetion 5: That this ordinance shall be .�i?bliSiled once vdlu -hin ten days after its final passage in a newspa)er o__` ,general circulation in z e "ity ol 13&d-ifora, `l..orida. Passed b y tl-le una=,lous vote oy tl).e City CoL_ issioil of the City of Sanford 19 20 . s.. ° A 'y0 . A`2 n Clt"" Col:J, issioner. City C oh'mi si ner . vlt�T .�:Ud1tOr c;.nC± Clerl�. -2- r