HomeMy WebLinkAbout8M m 0 n M r W Pi An "ordinance Providing for the Speed Limit, Safe Driving and Parking of automobiles and Other Vehicles and for the tarrying of a Light at ::light on All horse -dram vehicles on the Streets, Al- loys and %blip Places in the city of Sanford, r'lorida, and Le alar- ing the Same to be an emergency Measure iiecessary for the Safety of the Citizens, Pedestrians and Other xersone using the Streets, Al- leys and Other 2ablic Places in the iity of Sanford, Florida, be- cause of the r'aot That There Is at This Time ido Adequate Ordinance in Force and affect in the 4ity of Sanford, Florida Governing the Speed Limit, cafe Driving and Parking of Automobiles and Other ite- hioles and requiring the parrying of a Light on All horse- driven Vehicles; and �'roviding for a :penalty for the Violation of This a Ordinance. 'II 1 hE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF .eHE OITY OF SADFORD, PLO�iIDA : Section 1: That no automobile or other vehicle of any kind shall stop on any of the streets or alleys of the City of Sanford, r'lorida, with its left side to the curb. Section 2: That on Xain Street, known as First atreet, each automobile or vehicle of any kind desiring to stop or park shall do so by stopping with the right side of said automobile or vehicle to the curb, at an approximate angle of forty -five degrees to the curb, so that the automobile or vehicle can make its exit from the curb without causing any automobile or vehicle on either side of it to move. Section 3. ghat on all the streets and alleys of the City of 6anford, except .1-ain atreet, known as Pirst Street, each automo- bile or vehicle of any kind desiring to stop or park shall stop and- park with both right wheels 010se to, and ara1101 with, the curbf m O m W PA A Section 4s That no automobile or vehicle of any kind shall stop or park within A6 feet of the corner at any in- (Y tersection of any of the streets or alleys in the City of Sanford, Florida. Section 5: That no automobile or vehicle of any kind shall stop or park on any public street or alley or public place in the Oity of Sanford, Florida, within twelve feet of a fire hydrant. Section 6: That unless in an emergency or to allow an au- tomobile or vehicle or pedestrian to cross its path, no automobile or vehicle shall stop in any block of any streets or alleysof the City of Sanford, Florida, except in accordance with the provisions of this or- dinance. Section 7: No automobile or vehicle of any kind shall stop or stand within the intersection of any streetsor alleysof the City of Sanford, Florida. Section 8: That automobiles or vehicles may back up to the curb on any of the streets or alleys in tie City of Sanford for the purpose of actually loading or unloading, but except when actually loading or unloading, no automobile or vehicle shall remain backed up to the curb of any street or alley in the City of Sanford. Section 9: That in no case shall any automobile or vehicle of any kind be driven or operated on any of the streets or alleys of the City of aanford, at a greater rate of speed than twenty (20) miles an hour, and on Main Street, known as.First Street, the speed of any au- tomobile or vehicle driven thereon, shall be driven at the rate of speed consistent with the safety of all persons and vehicles and auto- . mobiles using said street at the time and in no event to exceed twenty (20) miles an hour. \ Section 10: That between sunset and sunrise no person shall drive or operate a horsedrawn vehicle on the public streets or alleys ; m M Z: -1 Of the city of Sanford, Florida without having one or more lights dis- played on said vehicle so that it may be readily seen to the forward of such vehicle and in the direction the same may be going. Section 11: That no person shall at any time drive or operate any automobile or vehicle on the public streets or allays of the City of Sanford, Florida, in a careless or negligent manner. Section 12; That this ordinance is declared to be an emer- gency measure for the safety of the citizens of Sanford, Florida, pe- destrians and other persons using the public streets, alleys and pub- lic places of the City of Sanford, Florida, and shall take effect from and after the date of its passage. Section 13: That any person violating any of the preceding sections of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not exceed- ing One Hundred Dollars (4100.00), or by imprisonment of not more than thirty (30) days. Section 14: That this ordinance shall be published once within ten days after its final passage in a newspaper of general air- culation in the pity of aanford, Florida. 2aseed by the unanimous vote of the City commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 9th day of x'ebruary, 1920. Uity Commissioner. N! e city Comm esioner. Attest: C L (� k City Auditor and Clerk.