HomeMy WebLinkAbout90 0 W a A 0 R D T B A V U .L: 1ti 0 • An Ordinance to erevent the Breeding of L-�osquitoes in the city of ijanford, rlorida, and uselaring the came to be an emergency 1.1easure i4ecessary to the .Public health of the "Jitizens of the city of oanford, r =lorida, because of the f a c t that there is at this lime no Adequate Ordinance in �'orce and effect in the Uity of San- ford, x1orida, governing the 2revention of the :_reeding of iosquitoes in the Oity of oanford, rlorida, and providing for a Penalty for the Violation ofG thist�Ordinance. V T cT Jn Tl1 p BE .LI t0AU`ITLD zY :L'HE .t ii l)l':.'.LLi� 02 '1'tlu uIl.L 0? ziA`L' ;410RL , 2.LL�"�IDA: 6ection 1: chat it shall hereafter be unlawful for the oc- cupant or owner of any premises in the pity of oanford, x1lorida, or the agent of the owner, if the owner be a non - resident of said city or absent from the city, to cause, suffer or permit any collection of standing or flowing water in which mosquitoes are likely to breed on such premises, unless such collection of water is treated in a manner prescribed by the kAty rlealth Officer of the city of aanford, Florida, or his duly authorized representative, so as to prevent the breeding of mosquitoes, and any such collection of water so unlaw- fully maintained is hereby declared to be a nuisance. Section 2. _hat the collections of water to be considered as coming within the terms of this ordinance are those which are eon - tained,or may hereafter be contained, in ditches, ponds, pools, exca- vations, holes, depressions, open cess pools, fountains, oisterns, tanks, shallow wells, barrels, troughs (except horse troughs in fre- quent use) urns, boxes, bottles, tubs, buckets, defective house roof gutters, tanks of flush closets or other similar water containers. I. f J - __ ___I I M M m 3 w a A �eetion 3. shat the method of treatment of any such col - lection of water for the purpose of preventing the breeding of mos- quitoes shall be approved by the Lity health :ffieer of the vity of oanford, ilorida, or his duly authorized representative, and may be any one or more of the following: (a) aereening with wire netting of at least sixteen (16) meshes to the inch one way or any other material which will effect- ually prevent the ingress or the egress of mosquitoes. (b) - omplete emptying every seven days of the unscreen- ed containers, together with their thorough drying and cleaning. (c) using an approved larvacide. (d) wovering completely the s7irface of the water with kerosene, petroleum, or paraffin oil once every seven days. (6) Cleaning and keeping sufficiently free from vege- table growth and obstructions, and stocking with mosquito - destroying fish; absence of half -grown mosquitoes'larvae to be evidence of com- pliance with this measure. (f) zlilling or draining to the satisfaction of the Lity health Officer of the kity of banford, Florida, or his duly au- thorized representative. (g) Proper disposal of tin cans, tin boxes, broken or empty bottles, and similar articles likely to hold water. Section 4. '.�hat any person responsible under the terms of this ordinanee,or for the existence of any condition which gives rise or is likely to give rise to the breeding of mosquitoes who shall fail or refuse to take all the necessary measures directed by the city health Officer of the Oity of Sanford, Florida, or his duly authoriz- ed representative, to prevent the same in accordance with the terms hereof within three days after notice from the Uity ealth Officer of t v 1A a m 0 O co W PA a _j the vity of Sanford, vlorida, or his duly authorized representitive , so to do, he shall be guilty of a violation of the terms and sections of this ordinance, and each and every day's failure or refusal to remedy slieh condition after the expiration of said time shall consti- tute a separate and distinct ofense. aection 5. That the vity health Officer of the City of San- ford, ilorida, and those working directly under his supervision, shall enforce the provisions of this ordinance, and for this purpose may at all reasonable times enter in or upon any premises within the city of Sanford, vlorida. Section 6. That this ordinance is declared to be an emer- gency measure necessary to the public health of the citizens of the vity of oanford, vlorida, and shall take effect from and after the date of its passage. 6ection 7. ''hat any person violating any of the preceding sections of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not exceed- ing One aundred Dollars 0100.00), or by imprisonment of not more than thirty (30) days. zjsction 8. what this ordinance shall be published once with- in ten days after its final passage in a newspaper of general circu- lation in the amity of Sanford, Florida. gassed by the unanimous vote of the QityCommission of the Uity of 6anford, Plorida, on the // _ day of 1920• .Attest: Ila yo r. UIty commissioner. .e% City c:ommissi ner. Uity Jerk and Auditor. I l . the vity of Sanford, vlorida, or his duly authorized representitive , so to do, he shall be guilty of a violation of the terms and sections of this ordinance, and each and every day's failure or refusal to remedy slieh condition after the expiration of said time shall consti- tute a separate and distinct ofense. aection 5. That the vity health Officer of the City of San- ford, ilorida, and those working directly under his supervision, shall enforce the provisions of this ordinance, and for this purpose may at all reasonable times enter in or upon any premises within the city of Sanford, vlorida. Section 6. That this ordinance is declared to be an emer- gency measure necessary to the public health of the citizens of the vity of oanford, vlorida, and shall take effect from and after the date of its passage. 6ection 7. ''hat any person violating any of the preceding sections of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine of not exceed- ing One aundred Dollars 0100.00), or by imprisonment of not more than thirty (30) days. zjsction 8. what this ordinance shall be published once with- in ten days after its final passage in a newspaper of general circu- lation in the amity of Sanford, Florida. gassed by the unanimous vote of the QityCommission of the Uity of 6anford, Plorida, on the // _ day of 1920• .Attest: Ila yo r. UIty commissioner. .e% City c:ommissi ner. Uity Jerk and Auditor. I