HomeMy WebLinkAbout072521M Oa M 0 a M W a 263 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MONDAY JULY 2591921 V/ Meeting called to order by H R Stevens, Mayor, at 8 P.M. Minutes of last Regular Meeting read and approved. Communication from Landis,Fish & Hull relative to sidewalk abutting A.C.L Ry. property on Ninth St. near depo# read and referred to City Attorney. Communication from Geo A Jambe, M.D. H.S.P.H.S, was read and the Auditor andClerk instructed to reply to same assuring the co- operation of the Commission at all times to the extent of their ability. Communication read from the Sanford Chamber of Commerce relative to segregatim n Ordinance and ordered filed. Communication from the Meisch Realty Co relative to opening and fte481' xW a part of South Holly Ave read and referred to City Manager. The Auditor & Clerk was instructed to authorize the Clerk of Circuit Court to accept settlement of the following tax certificates upon payment of face of certificate and all costs and charges omitting the interest thereon. Taxes 1910 Cert. 136 - 212 1911 $124 - 47 - 90 - 181 " 1912 " 127 - 83 - 57 - 110 " 1913 1,178 148 - 117 TV 1914 TV - 243 TV 1915 " #342 - 182 - 192 - 235 - 304 - 193 TV 1916 n +338 - 166 - 152 - 174 - 308 - 175 - 246 - 151 TV 1917 TV r370 - 271 - 157 - 146 - 339 TV 1918 TV X384 - 223 - 172 - 167 - 191 - 192 - 279 - 229 - 227 - 166 - 1$5 - 349 TV 1919 " #107 - 110 - 111 - 67 - 198 Communication from City Manager , C.J.Ryan relative to sewer extension and plac- ing additional lights;on South French Ave. etc. read and o3ldered filed. The following resolution was offered.: RESOLUTION Resolution declaring that sidewalks shall be constructed on both sides of Palmetto Ave. from Tenth St. to Fourteenth St. and on the south side of First Street from Maple Avenue to Avacado Ave., and on the west side of Laurel Ave. from Ninth St. to Twelvth St. in the City of Sanford, Florida; prescribing the width of such sid ewalks and ma- terial to be used in construction thereof; directing that such sidewalks be constructed in accordance with the City Ordinance governing the construction of sidewalks; and de- claring that if the property owners do not construct such sidewalks within sixty days from the service of notice on them so to do, the City will proceed to construct such sidewalks and assess the cost of same to property owners, whose lands abutt thereon. BE IT RESOLVED B Y THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFO RD,FLORIDA: That a sidewalk shall be constructed on the west side of Palmetto Ave. from Tenth Street to Fourteenth St., along and adjacent to the following lots: Lots 1,2, 3,49& 5, Blk 12, Tr. 2; Lots 1,2,3,4 & 5, Blk 13, Tr. 2; Lots 1,2,3,4;B1k 14, Tr. 2 ; and along the east side of Palmetto Ave.,from Tenth St. to Fourteenth St., along and adjacent to Lots 6,7,8,9 & 109 Blk 129 Tr, 1; Lots 6,7,8,9 & 10, Blk 13, Tr. 1; Lots 6,7,8,9 & 10, Blk 14, tr. 1 ; Lots 6,7,8,9 & 10, Bik 15, Tr. 1; and also on the 2Czo�4 south side of First Street from Maple Ave. to Avacado Ave. and adjacent to Lots_ 1931,204 & 59 Blk 3 Tr, 10; Lots 1,2,3,4 & 5 Blk 3, Tr. 11; along Blk 3 Tr. 12; along lot 1, Blk Z ; a1png Lot 2, Blk Z ; 1long Lot 3, Blk Z; and along Lot 4,Blk Z; and along the west side of Laurel Ave. from Ninth St. to Twelvth St. , along and adjacent to Lots 1,3,4 & 59 Blk 11, Tr. 8,; Lots 1,2,3,4 & 51 Blk 122, Tr. 8; Lots 1, 29394 & .59. Blk 13, Tr. 8 ; in the City of Sanford Florida. That such sidewalks shall be constructed of cement, shall be zix feet in width, and shall be constructed in accordance wtth the City Ordinances governing the construct- ion of sidewalks. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the City Manager. shall cause written notice of the passage of this resolution to be served in the manner required by See 179, of Chapter 8361, Laws of Florida,Acts of 1919 upon the owner or agent of the owner of each lot i or parcel of land abutting upon the land herein described, and BE IT FURTHER:RESOLVED: That if sidewalks herein described be not constructed within sixty days from the service of notice provided in the preceding paragraph, the City Manager shall proceed by contract to construct such sidewalk at the expense of the owner of the property abutting on such sidewalk. The foregoing resolution was unanimously adopted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, this 25 day of July A.D.1921. H.R.Stevens Commissioner & Mayor Attest: S.O.Chase Commissioner C E Henry Commissioner L R Phili -ps City Auditor & Clerk (Seal) The following ordinance was placed on its first reading and passed by the unanimous vote of the City Commissioners; O RiD I N A N C E #24 An ordinance providing for the collection and disposition of garbage within the City of Sanford, Florida; designating the kind of garbage can required to be used ; defining garbageyref use and industrial waste; and providing a penalty for the liolation of the provisions of this ordinance. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFCR D,FLORI)DA: SECTION 1, It shall be the duty of every housekeeper, storekeeper, or occupant or owner of any premises within the city limits, having,keeping or offering for collect- ion any garbage or refuse, where the same is collected once a week, to provide for the storage and collection of such garbage and fefuse, a water -tight metal receptacle' provided with proper handles and a tight fitting cover and to hold not less than twleve quarts nor more than forty gallons,it shall further be the duty of every house- keeper, storekeeper, occupant or owner to place the said deceptaele when offered for Ga lection �a A at the curb line.in front of his,or herfrpremises, or on the curb line of the alley when ahy public alley adjoins such premises, and to remove or cause them to be removed inside the fence line of the premises when they shall have been emptied; provided,however, any storekeeper, owner of occupant keeping of offering for Bolo lection refuse material consisting entirely of paper and paste board or other light material in large quanitities may at the discretion of the City Commission and under such rules as it may prescribe be allowed to use suitable bags for such stprage, and collection. SECTION .2 Garbage, as used in this ordinance, shall be held to mean all kitchen or table refase,swill,offal,trash,or refuse material of every kind that contains any animal or vegetable matter tending to rapid decay or putrifaction. SECTION 3, Refuse, as used in this ordinance shall be held to mean any general combustible refuse,all paper,rags,paste board,boxes, berry boxes, wooden boxes, whole or broken bottles and all other trash and refuse material not containing any vegetable or animal matter tending to rapid decay or putrifaction. SECTION 4. Industrial waste, as defined in this ordinaneg shall be held to mean all waste material, empty boxes, or barrels, garbage and refuse of every description, when same shall originate,be kept,held or collected at business houses or places of bus iness of every kind, alo all building material resulting from the erection ,repairs, or tearing own of any buildings; all waste material mom printing offices,ashes from steam boilers, office buildings or hotels, res- tuarants, and boarding houses, offal and floor sweepings from poultry houses and meat markets, dead animals, offal and floor sweepings from stock yards, livery sta- bles, feed and sale stables, SECTION 5. Industrial,waste, shall be stored, held,kept,collected and removed by the owner,occupant or person in possession of such premises under the direction of the Health Officer, in such manner as may be prescribed by the City Commission. SECTION 6. It shall be the duty of the City Commission to prescribe such rules and regulations governing the storage ,holding,keeping,collection and removal of garbage, refuse,and industrial waste as will comply with this cr dinance and to the City Commiss- ion may seem to the best interest of the public welfare. SECTION 7. Any person,firm or corporation or any housekeeper, storekeeper, or the owner or occupant of any premises within the City limits, or their agents, servants or employes who shall hare, keep,hold or offer for collection,garbage,refuse or in- dustrial waste in any manner other than as provided in this ordinance, or as pro- vided in such rules and regulations as the City Commission may prescribe under this ordinance, or shall have,keep,manage,collect,or offer for collection any garbage, refuse or industrial waste in such manner as to render the air or soil impure or nnwholesame, or in any such manner as to cause the premises on which such garbage refuse, or industrial waste is held mane + e�2 $ #ept,eollected or offered for collection, or any premises,adjacent thereto, to become littered or unsightly or dirty or unwhole- some, or in any manner violates the provisions of this ordinance, shall upon conviction Al �w 265 ewW r"�'6p in the Municipal Court, for each offense, be punished by fine not to exceed Twenty - five (25.00) Dollars or by imprisonment not to exceed Twenty -five (25) days, or by both such fine and imprisonment in the discretion of the judge of the Municipal Court. SECTION 8. It shall be the duty of the City Po purchase the necessary receptacles required and to furnish the same to all users thereof at cost. SECTION 9. All ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 10. That this ordinance shall take effect 60 days after its final passage. SECTION 11 That this ordinance shall be published once within ten days after its final passage in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Sanford, Florida. Passed by the unanimous vote of the'City Commission of the City of Sanford Florida, this 25 day of July A.D.1921. H R Stevens, Mayor- 3 0 Chase Commissioner C F, Henry Commissioner Attest: L R.Philins _ Laity J&&iCbSrk.Clerk. Placed on second reading, read and passed by the unanimous vote of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida ht its regular meeting this day of a A D 1921 H H Bbevens Mayor S 0 Chase Commissioner C E Henry. Commissioner Attest: L R Phili s City Auditor & Clerk. It was moved by S 0 Chase, seconded by C.E.Henry, that the Auditor & Clerk be and he is hereby authorized to transfer from the Sinking Fund to the Ordinary Fund from time to time such sums as shall be needed to meet -the demand of the Ordinary Fund, and that LA 1 AV it is hereby agreed that all such sums shall be replaced in the Sinking Fund with interest @ 6% per annum from the date of such transfer to date of replace- ment, which shall-be not later than December 20th 1921. Same was passed by the unanimous vote of the Commissioners. The follwoing warrants read and approved and the Auditor & Clerk author- ized to draw checks to pay same. #1337 C J Ryan Sal ary from July 15 to 31st 1338 L R Philips " IT it IT IT " 1339 Ell en Hoy n IT IT " IT " 1340 David Speer " " " " 1341 E E Walker " IT TT if TT IT 1342 J M Vickery if ►T IT TT TT " 1343 Ned Harrison IT T' TT " IT it 1344 9 P Paxton TT it TT rT If IT 1345 B F Smith " it " " " if 1346 Mae Cleveland " " " If TT " 1347 R G Williams It it " let" IT 1348 B F Smith n IT " TT " TT 1349 Alfred Foster " TT ., F. ► 1350 Alfred Fo st er # " " " 1351 J N Tol ar TT TT IT T1 TT TT 1352 G G Herring " " " IT " if 1353 Mae McGill " " " 15 " " 1354 G P Paxton IT " " let" " 1355 R G Williams " IT It 15 " " 1556 Sehelle Maines IT " IT let" IT 1357 City Petty Cash Aect. Pay roll Wk. ending July 22nd. 1358 " IT " Tl Pay roll Wk ending July 15th. 1359 " pay roll Wk ending July 8th. 1360 " " " if Miscellaneous bills There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: C , City Auditor & Qlerk. VOTH V -1 162.50 100.00 40.00 75.00 62.50 62 50 50.00 75.o0 45.00 37.50 10.00 10.00 25.00 15.00 40.00 75.00 35.00 15.00 50.00 75.00 353.25 337.14 218.51 89.80 2,058.70