HomeMy WebLinkAbout082921ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION August 29, 1921. Meeting Called to order by Mayor H R Stevens, at S P.M. Present , Mayor H R Stevens , So 0 Chase and C E Henry, Commissioners; G. G• Herring City Attorney and C J Ryan, City Manager. Minutes of Last Regular and Adjourned meetings read and approved. Communication* from property owners on Union Ave, and Mellonville Ave. requesting extension of water mains, and placing of additional fire plugs. On Union Avenue read and referred to the City Manager with instructions to proceed at once to have same installed. Dr S Puleston and Mr Edward Higgins addressed the Commission relative to extension of water mains and placing hydrae is at intersection of Sanford Ave and Hughey St.. The matter was referred to City Manager with instructions to proceed at once in hav- ing this service installed. Ordinance #24 was placed on second reading and passed by the unanimous vote of the City Commission. Communioation'from Meisoh Realty Co. relative to certain improvements desired in Georgetown on Hickory Ave, Looust and Celery Avenues , read and referred to the City Manager. Mr E E Wel ker requested the cancellation of Personal Property Taxes for 1920. showing that he did not possess any personal property in the City at that date. On motion duly passed the Auditor & Clerk was authorized to cancel same., the amount being $10.20. Communication from Mr E A Douglass, requesting that-Tax Certificate #92 - 1910 taxes be cancelled owing to defective description. On motion the Auditor & Clerk was instructed to authorize the Clerk of the Circuit Court to cancel the same of record. The report of the Auditor & Clerk for July was read and accepted and ordered filed. REPORT OF AUDITOR & CLERK Month of ,Maly 1921. Balance Cash 7/1/21 Receipts , Current Taxes Licenses Fines and Costs Pound Fees Paving Liens Side Walk Cert. Delin Tax Cart. Interest & Costs Mi soel Income French Ave & Goldsboro St. paving Live Stock ( Wm Clark.) Sou. Bell Telephone Co. Franchise Plumbing & Electrical Fees mffice of City Manager Salary Gas & 011 DISBURSEMENTS 300.00 8, 054.13 575.36 . 62153-.8o 0 1 .37 194.8 818.73 3949 7 58. ?0 1,325.54 71.00 168.00 151.50 4,566.87 12o621.00 7.93 307.93 27n Office of City Attorney Salary .00 Gas & Oil 11.44 Chemicals 75.00 Of f i o e of Municipal Juage 3.60 Laundry Salary 75-00 12.75 Repairs 70.65 75.00 Div of Public Health 458.20 Salary 4o. o0 Insurance Clinic 25.00 11.50 Sanitary Collector 70.00 Water & Ice Printing & Stationery 7.50 96.91 Drugs 50 Salary Frt. Sanitary Cart 27.76 40.00 170.76 Div of Police Salaries 500.00 Communications 4.40 Special Services 29.35 Gas & Oil 55.70 Repairs & Supplies 1 9.51 40.00 Feed prisoners Insurance on oar 35•Q0 833. 96 Div of Fire Salaries 325.00 Gas & Oil 11.44 Chemicals 9.68 Supplies 3.60 Laundry 10.08 Communications 12.75 Repairs 70.65 Elec Inspections 15.00 458.20 Div Public Bldgs Expense Insurance 68.56 Lights & Gas 11.50 Janitor 10.00 Water & Ice 6 96.91 Div of Engineering Engineers Services 61. 0 61.50 Div of Street QUaZin&ace Superintendence 25.00 Labor 402.7r, Feed & Care Animals 85.36 Repairs & Supplies 11.20 Gas & oil U-53 Ins. on car 030 Garbage Cans & Frt. 157.21_ 719.35 Dept of Records & Taxation Salaries 280.00 Printing & Supplies 32.79 Communications 13.50 Furniture 7.52 333.81 Department_ of Finance Salary 4o 40.00 Pound Expense 2. 50 iv of Parks Labor Div of Maintenance of Streets Labor care and feed Animals Material 2.50 9.00 488.95�5 i4.64 596.44 r. 0 e I E O V m a A .. L Div of Maintenance of Sewers Labor Material 1o6.33 3.35 Div of Pub Bldgs Maintenance Material . 3.19 1o9.6s 3.19 Div Now _-Streeto & Bridges Engineering 53.20 Noll & Noll Contract 1, 005.90 Div of New Sewers 1,059.10 Labor 278.45 Material b6.40 344.85 Total Disbursements Bal Cash on hand $ 5s297-19 $7023-82 12,621.00 The Auditor & Clerk as Ex- officio Tax Assessor presented the Preliminary assessment roll of Personal Property for 1921, and requested that the Equalizing Board meet as promptly as possible and pass on same. The Annual Report of the City Tax Collector, Alfred Foster, was read and on motion duly passed, same was accepted. ANNUAL REPORT OF TAX COLLECTOR year 1920. Tax Collector _ i$ - cha,rged_ywith .following items Taxes charged to Collector as per Tax Roll - - Less error P.204, should not have been extended on Roll, same being "City Tax Certificate 1919" Collections made on City Tax Certif. not charged to Collector, P.137, X11.90, P. 76, $jj. 40 P.10j, 12.55, P.167. $10. 20,, P. 203, $10.20, P. 203, 4.25, P. 204, 5650 Assessment omitted ( E 0 Painter Fert'y Co.) Advertising & costs collected. Collection on 1920 Takes made by Clk Ct. Ct. Tax Collector is credited with the follaing items 1920 Taxes oclleoted in October ( By A• B. Cameron D.C. ) November December January February March April May June July Collections on 1920 Taxes made by Clk Ct. Ct. Advertising and costs collected August 1,1921 73,,094-33 .10 73, o 3 51.00 5.10 w....w ...5 X35, 757.2E 25.50 16,,750-16 2, 207.91 1, 23.29 1, o6.45 26, 9$547 12..906: & 1, 84.95 2, + 05.63 -2.20 �bb� 330 757.92 56.35 Lands sold for Taxes ( Individual Certificates) _11_._0_5 . Less discount —�1 L3. L s t allowed on taxes , Seo 130. .5 Cash collected and placed in Banks to Cr. of City 13.53 Lands sold for taxes as per reoeipt of Clk of Ct. Ct, 1, 301.39 Uncollected Personal Taxes 4,300.79 73.959.60 2 7-- 2;r Taxes Cancelled by C«ty Commission ( Personal) 1,344. j0 (Real Estate ) X0.60 1#375-30 Carried Forw'd to 1921 Tax Roll, P.112,55¢, P.135,$7.65 5.50 Discount allowed tax payers under section 130. 360.09 739959.60 Respectfully Submitted Alfred Foster City Tax Collector. By N. Hov D. G •,,, Communication from Planning Committee of the Chamber of Commerce relative to placing shade trees eta., was read and referred to the City Attorney for investi- gation. The Auditor & Clerk made the following report which on motion was accepted and ordered filed To The Honorable City Commission City of Sanford, Florida Gentlemen : August 29,1921 I beg to submit the following report as to Audit of Seminole County Books relative to State Road & Bridge Taxes collected.: Taxes 1920 Eight mills of taxes collected 10"Z99-20 Seminole County 50% 5. 996o City of Sanford 50% 5,499.60 Less Sum advanced to City by County.January 1921 2,500.00 Balance due City of Sanford. 2, 699.60 Respectfully submitted, L g Philips City Auditor & Clerk. 5 1 25 19,7 to ,;i posing License , fapat ion,i2r e?.W jair , �$ ree) il" moved and. seooad equi rat • M w. seoond_- reading of the fw egoing ordinance at another Regular Xe�ting qq the City Commission shall be dispensed with by the unanimous vote of the City Commission. Carried by the unanimous vote of the City Commission of the City of Sanford., Florida. August 29,1921. Attestt I" L R Philips City Auditor & Clarke H R Stevens wayor S 0 Chase Commissioner C E Henry ommissioner i M M 0 P co 273' RESOLUTION RELIEVING AND DISCHARGING DAVID SPEER, FORMER CHIEF OF POLICE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FROM FURTHER LIABILITY TO THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, UNDER HIS CONTRACT OF EMPLOYMENT 1V D HIS OFFICIAL BOND. WHEREAS, David Speer, former Chief of Police of the City of Sanford, Florida has accounted to the City of Sanford for all moneys that have come into his hands as Chief of Police, and has turned over to the City a statement of the blanance due on certain fines and costs, to -wit: A Balance due of $17.00 from, L.M. Mention. and a balance due of $50.00 from Fraik Blair, and WHEREAS, it appears that every reasonable effort has been made by said David Speer to collect the aforesaid amounts due the City with a result that there only remains a balance due on one of $17.00 and on the other of $50.00 FLORIDA: NOW THEREFORE; BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD That David Speer be and he is hereby released and discharged from any furhter liabilities to the City of Sanford Florida, under his contract of employment and under his official bond as Chief of Polio* of said City. The Foregoing resolution was unanimously adppted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, this 29th. der of August A. D.1921. H. R. Stevens Commissioner S 0 Chase Commissioner C E uenry Commissioner Attest: Philips City Auditor & Cleric. The following warrants were read and the Auditor & Clerk authorized to draw checks to pay same: #1361 C J Ryan, Salary from Aug let to 15 162. 1362 L R Philips 100.00 1363 Ellen Hoy " " " " " " 40.00 1364 1365v David Speer J M Vickery " « « « " " " " « « " " 15-00 2.50 1366 E E Walker " » » » « « 62.50 1367 Ned ggarri son « " " " 62.50 1368 1369 G P Paxton B F Smith » « n » " » « « « « n » 75.00 1370 Mac Cleveland " » " » « « 45.00 1371 R G Williams n « « « n « « J7-50 0, 00 1372 Mao McGill » « « « n " 35. co 1373 �4} Edw. Higgins Rdpair to oar 2.25 C W Zaring & Co Feed for mules 33.5 1 75 E A Douglass Recording a• 0 72.00 1376 S P Richards Cc Invoice Book 1377 F P Riney Gas, 011 and Supplies 44 5 1379 Eobt•Moffitt Repaars 2•�}g 3 A Hauling g 82.00 1380 Sanford Welding Cc Repairs to silent Policeman 00 .°35 1381 Bower & Roumi ll at Drugs �.;, 1382 C It Zaring & Co Feed for mules 35.75 1383 R E Stevens Clinic for July 25-00 13 Carter Lumber Cc Lumber 19.32 1385 1386 Ward & Moro F.T.Williame Repairs to motorcycle 5.38 Engineering ;42.00 1387 Haynes & Ratliff Printing 49- 1 388 Hill Hdw. Cc Small Toibl s 12.55 1389 Herl ad Printing Cc Legal Adv. 6.0o 1390 B W Herndon Insurance on Fire Trucks 216.00 1391 A B Cameron Fees on Persolal Tax Collection 117.56 1392 Dr A Dolan Treating Mules 10,50 nws. 1393 W H Hand Horseshosing and Repairs 26.05 1394 Sou. Utilities Co Lighting City Hall 12.70 1395 Ball Hdw Co Misoel. Supplies 78.04 1396 a a a N R 93-82 1397 Underwood Typewriter Cc Typewriter for ffioe 90.00 1398 Sanford Cycle Co Repairs to Motorcyo12 2.75 1399 Wight Bros Co Supplies .00 1400 Sou-Bell Tel.Co. Services for July 29.95 1401 City Petty Cash Aoct.Pay ro11,7 /30 and 8/5/21 567-57 1402 A• C.L. Ry. Co. Frt on Sewer Pipe 157-41 1403 1404 A L Roy Cates Crate Cc Constructing sidewalks 2 2.68 Brick and Cement 120.50 1405 Sou.Iron Wks. Manhole Frame eto. 54.25 1406 Peoples Bank Warrant Interest 230.00 1407 Seminole Co Bank Warrant Interest 158.12 1408 First National Bank Warrant Interest 243.80 1409 A D Smith Old City Govt. Expense 35.00 1410 C J Ryan Salary from Aug-15 to 31st ino. 162.50 1411 L R Philips « n " « « a « 100.00 1412 Ellen Hoy N N a N n n a 40.00 1413 J A Killebrew " « « " " « « 75.00 141x} J M Vickery " « " « « « " 2-50. 141 David Speer « a a a a a R 75-00 1412 E E Walker « a a N a a a 62.50 1417 Ned Harrison « " " « " a « 62 50 1418 G P Paxton « « « " " « « 75.00 1419 B F Smith «, a « " " " « 45.00 1420 Mac Cleveland R R a N N R R 30.50 1421 R G Williams " « Zat " " 10.00 1422 B F Smith R n n n n a n 10.00 1423 Alfred Foster « " N " « « « 25.00 1424 Alfred Foster « « R « a n n 15.00 1425 J N Tolar " " « « n « « 40.00 1426 Goo G Herring a " « w « « « 75.Q0 1427 Mac McGill « " « 1'3 « « " 35.00 1428 G P Paxton " n a a n n n 15.00 1429 R G Williams " " " 15 " " " 50.00 1430 Schelle Maines " « « lot " " « 75-00 1431 G P Paxton Painting and other work 4.85 1433 H D DuBose Insurance on Hospital 98.85 1434 B W Herndon Insurance on Fire Equipment 38.00 1435 Yowell & Co Pillow Cases 2.70 1436 Noll & Noll Hauling 1 6.00 1437 H T Pace Paving Briok 44.28 1438 Quick Service Transfer Hauling oinder'a 29.25 14.39 Sanford Battery Service Cc Repairs to motorcycle 1.15 1440 City Petty Cash Aoct. Misoel. Bills 169.08 1441 City Petty Cash Acct. Pay rolls for Aug 12 & Aug 19. 587. 0 1442 G E Slack Acct Washburn Sidewalk $171. 6,143.88 Attest: A There being no further business the meeting adjourned. City Auditor & Clerk. mayor