HomeMy WebLinkAbout091221M M O m j Phi a 3JGUTAR I.IEEhl 01T . Y, SEPTEItiTBER 12,1921 Meeting called to order by Mayor, H R Stevens at S P.M., Present H.R.Stevens, S 0 Chase and C E Henry Commissioners, C.J.Ryan , City Manager and Geo G Herring , City At to rnyy. Minutes of last Regular Mebting read and approved. Communication from the City Attorney giving opinion relative to conveying to the American .Legion a certain lot within the City of Sanford, was read and after discussion the matter was referred to the City Attorney and Attorney Geo A DeCottes for further investigation. hir Geo A DeCottes requested tha t wo or more incandescent lights be placed on Palmetto Avenue between Tenth and Thirteenth St. The matter was re ferred to the City Manager. The following resolution was offered: RESOLUTION Resolution declaring that a certain shack or temporary building.was erect- ed in the Rear of Lot one Blk. fourteen Tier three of the City of Sanford, Florida Contrary to the City Ordinances of the City of Sanford, regulating the erect- ion of buildings within the corporate limits of the City of Sanford, condemning the said building; requiring the owner of the said lot to remove the said build- ing within the period of ten days from the passage of this resolution, or on the failute of the said ovfiner to remove the same, directing that the same be re- moved at the cost of the wwner of the said lot. tdHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that there has been erected in the rear of Lot one, Block fourteen , Tier three, of the City of Sanford Florida, an unsightly building which is an injury tot only to the property upon which it is built, but to all the property in this immediate vicinity; that said building was erect- ed contrary to the ordinances of the City of Sanford, Floricla, regulating and controlling the erection of buildings within the corporate limits of the City of Sanford, Florida , NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD. FLORIDA That said building situated on the rear of Lot 1 Blk 14, Tier 3, of the City of Sanford , Florida, 'according to E.R. Traffo rd t s Map of said City, be condemned as a nuisance and as injurious to the property rights of other property owners on Block 14 Tier 3, and in the immediate vicinity thereof. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said building was erected contrary to the express provisions of the ordinances of the City of Sanford, Florida, gov- erning bnd regulating the erection of buildings within the corporate limits of the City of the City of Sanford, Florida. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED : That the owner or owners of said Lot 1, Blk 14, Tier 3, be required to remove the said building within the period of ten days from the date of this resolution, and that the City Manager of the City of San - ford,Florida be required to serve notice on the owner or owners of said lot to 275 4 remove the said building within ten daN from the date of this resolution, and upon their failure or refusal to remove the same that the City Manager be au- thorized and directed to remove said building at the expanse and cost of the owners of said 16t. Passed by the unanimous vote of the City Commission of the City of Sanford Florida this 12th day of September, A D 1921, H R Stevens Commissioner S 0 Chase Commissioner C E Henry Commissioner Attest: L R Philips City Auditor & Clerk. The following resolution was offered.: RESOLUTION. -41 3 Resolution condemning the buildings situated on the corner of Lot 6, Block 4 Tier 3, and on that portion of Block 3, '.Pier 6, lying on the N.W. Corner of the Intersection of Oak Avenue and Second St. East of the Right -of -way of the Atlantic Coast Line Railway in the City of Sanford, Florida; declaring the said buildings and each of them to be a nuisea ce, dangerous to the public health and safety, and requiring the owner or owners of said buildings, and each of them to remove said buildings within a period of thirty days from the passage of this resolution or on their failure or refusal so to do, directing the Oity Manager to have said buildings removed and to file a lien against the said property for the cost of said removal. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMIVII66ION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD ?, FLORIDA: THILT, that certain building situated on the N.W. corner of Lot 6, Block 4, Tier 3, of the City of Sanford, Florida,be condemned as unsafe, unsightly, and dangerous to the public welfare. BE IT RU 1`_n'T'1= RESOLVED, That, that certain building situated on that portion of Block 5, Tier 5, lying on the IT.W. corner of the intersection of Oak Avenue ar_d Second Street east of the right_,f -way of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad of the City of ,Sanford, Florida, be condemned as unsafe, unsimhtly, and dangerous to the public welfare, a M rn m 0 0 m r BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the owners pf each of the above described buildings be notified by the City Manager of the City of Sanford Florida , to remove each of the said buildings ithin a period of thirty days from the passage of the resolution , or }upon their failure or refusal so to do, that the City Manager be authorized and directed to remove each of the said buildings at the expense of the avners thereof and that a lien be filed on each of the said lots to pay for the cost of the removal of the said buildings. Passed by the unanimous vote of the City Commission of the City of Sanford Florida, this 12th day of September, A.D.1921, Attest: L R Phi lips City Auditor & Clerk. H.R.Stevens Commissioner S 0 Chase Commissioner C E Henry Commisd oner The following resolution was offered: RESOLUTION 714C 3 Z Resolution declaring for law and order within the City Limits of the City of Sanford, Florida; and denouncing as Unamerican, Undesirable, Harmful and Detri- mental to the best interest of the Community, any persons, associations,orders or Corporations, taking or attempting to take into their own hands the matter of Administering law and preserving order within the City of Sanford, Florida, or Elsewhere, without due authority of Law. WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, that certain persons acting upon their own inia- tive and without due authority of law have a#tempted to regulate and manager, the conduct of certain persons within the City Limits of the City of Salford, and WHEREAS, the laws anre made aha should be enforced by the proper authorities, State,County and 1:4unicipal; and 1^1HTILREAS, the attempt by individuals to take into their own hands the adminis- tration of the law and the regulations of the life and affairs of citizens within the corporate limits of the City of Sanford who are amenable to the ordinances of the City of Sanford, and to the laws of the State of Florida , which conduct of said individuals so attempting to take over the management and control of matters they have no authority or right to regulate, is injurious to the pub- lic generally, is contrary to the constitution and laws of the State of Florida and to the ordinances of the City of Sanford, and is a bad example to others. 27R I I DIOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFOED,FLORIDA That any act or acts of violence attempted or done by any person or persons, not duly authorized by law so to do, is a menace to good government, is an evil example to others, and is by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, denounced and condemned as injurious to the well being of our said City, the State of Florida, and the Nation at large. Passed by the unanimous vote of the City Commission of the City of Sanford Florida, this 12th. day of September, A.D.1921. Attest, : H R Stevens Commissioner S 0 Chase ommis si oner C E Henry Commissioner. L R Philips City Auditor & Clerk. Communication from the City Attorney giving opinion relative to Clt y planning as suggested by the Chamber of Commerce Committee was read and ordered filed. Report of the City Manager for August was read and on motion accepted and f it ed. The report of the Auditor & Clerk for the Month of August was read accepted and ordered filed. REPORT OF CITY AUDITOR & CLERK Month of August , 1921. RECEIPTS Balance Cash on hand 8/1/21 Current Taxes Licenses Dog Tax Fines and Costs Pound Fees Interest and costs Delinquent Personal Taxes Miscel. Income French Avenue & Goldsboro St. Plumbing & Elec. Fees 485.35 36285 1.25 850.00 20.25 81.25 429.25 12.25 837.20 215.50 7,323.82 2,968.55 Total Receipts. 10, 292.37 M Oi M C, 0 co I DISBURSEMENTS. Offine of City Manager Salary 300.00 Communications 2.75 Gas & Oil 9.23 311.98 Office of City attorney Salary 75.00 75.00 Office Municipal Judge Salary 75.00 75.00 Div of Pub. Health Salary, Physician 40.00 Clinic 25.00 Sanitary Collector 70.00 Drugs & Supplies 7.75 Communications 1.78 144.53 Division of Police Salaries 525.00 Special Services 82.66 Communications 3.95 Gas & Oils 22,21 Feed Prisoners 20.00 Reprs, to Motorcycle 13.86 Division of mire 667.68 Salaries 325.00 Gas E, OI1 5.76 Supplies & Repair s 24.46 Laundry 5.00 Communications 12.75 Electrical Inspections 15.00 Insurance Premiums 254.00 Division Pub. Bldgs Expense 641.97 Janitor 10.00 Lights & Gas 12.70 Wat er,Ice & Supplies 14.10 Insurance 68.85 Labor 12.25 vision Engineering 117.90 Engineer 42.00 Div of St. Cleaning 42.00 Superintendence 25.00 Labor 390.75 Feed & Care animals 102.50 Repairs & Supplies 23.00 Small Tools 72.55 Dept. Records - & Taxation 613.80 Salaries 280.00 Printing & Supplies 57. R5 Communicat ions- Recording Tax Cert. & Deeds 70.50 Office Furniture 90.00 Pound Expense 510.10 Expense 2.75 Department of Finance 2.75 Salary 40.00 Deputy Collector Fees 117.56 15'7.56 Div Sts. & Bridges, Maint. _ abor 827.10 Material & Supplies 139.85 Small Tools 23.39 Div. Sewers Maint 990.34 , � Labo r 2.80 Mat eri al 18.09 Div. New St. & Bridges 20.89 Lator 232.68 232.68 27� v. Div. New Sewer & Drains .� Labor 387.07 Material 303.66 690.73 Warrant Interest Sundr Peoples Bank 230.00 Seminole Co.Bank 158.12 First Nati: oral Banh 243.80 631.92 A C L Freight 10.56 G.F.�'Iashburn, 6idewalk 171.49 A D Smith Old City ovt 35.00 ' y . _ 217.05 Total Cash Disbursements lr?-: -ce �a � � or: land 0.,143.88 4,148.49 10,292.37 The City Manager reported that David 6peer, having resigned as Ohie.`' of Police, he had regularly appointed J.� . �i.11ebrew, a:' C' 11 -L o f i'o1i ce o r the City of Saner rd. Said appointment taking effect August 15,1921. On motion duly seconded, said appointment was approved by the Commission. The follovling warrants were read, approved and the Auditor & Clerk was authorized to draw checks in payment of same. 41443 C J Ryan Salary from September 1st to 15th. 162.50 1444 L R Philips IT it " IT if IT 100.00 1445 Ellen Hoy if " " if f' f, 40.00 1446 J A Killebrew IT IT it " " IT 75.00 1447 J M Vickery IT 'f if ff " IT 62.50 1448 E E Walker " IT IT it if IT 62.50 1449 Ned Harrison " IT " IT IT IT 62.50 1450 G P Paxton " ff if if it " 75.00 1451 B F Smith " " " If IT it 45.00 1452 Mac Cleveland" " 7 If IT IT 37.50 1453 R G Williams" « it tiff if IT 50.00 1454 Mac McGill 'f " IT 'f If IT 35.00 1455 Southern Util Co Lighting City Hall 13.30 1456 Hill Implement Co Mower Blades 3.25 14562 Mahoney - Walker Co Material, sewer maintenance 6.42 1457 1458 Bower & Roumillat Roberts Grocery Go Soap Z ire Dept. 4131 1.55 1459 , M D Gatchell, Gasoline 1920 1.40 1460' Haynes & Ratliff Office Supplies 1461 Herald Printing Go Printing & Stationery 17.70 1462 Sou.Bell Te1..Co. Services for Month 27.25 1463 F P Rines Gas & Oil 17.81 1464 Chamber of Commerce Publicity r'und 500(;00 1465 B W Herndon Premium on Bond for Chief Police 12.50 1466 A B Cameron Deputy Tax Coll. Fees 85.70 1467 Volusia Co.Real Est Co Car load Shell 50.00 1468 Cameron Barkley Co Material, street maintenance 18.25 1469 C W Zaring & Co Hay and oats 87.70 1470 Sou.Util Co. Lighting Streets 620 to 12/31/20 .21989.00 1471 City Petty Cash Acct, Pay Roll 8/26/21 to 9/9/21 685.00 1472 Mrs Mabel L Ferhald Third Quarterly payment Hospital 500.00 1473 L R Philips Special Services 100.00 $5,929.84 There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: M M O O M 1 W A _ ,e ' City Auditor & Clerk, Mayor