HomeMy WebLinkAbout092621=I REGULAR TYiEETIl G OF THE CITY COT:IIM 6I0N MONDAY September 26,1921 Ideeting called to rrder by Mayor H/R.6tevens at 8 P.M. Present H.R.6tevens, Tilayor, S 0 Chase , C.E.Henry, Commissioners, G.G. Herring, City Atty. C J Ryan, City tTanager 1-Iinutes of last regular meeting and of special called meeting September 13 read and approved. Communicationf rom fir J D Hood,Pres. Lake 2ror_t Improvement Co relative to reducting assessment on their Bulkhead properties was read and after due con- sideration the Aumitor & Clerk was instructed to write said Company th._t the Commission considered the Values as fixed bby the Equalizing .Board a fair and ju:: t valuation and that same would stand as the asse sment for 1921 taxes. On motion duly seconded and paused the City Attorney was instructed to pre- pare resolution requiring the laying of sidewalk along East side of .11. Park Ave from the Court House to the Boulevard and on the east side of Palmetto Ave. from the North line of Commercial ��t. to the 3ulkhead boulevard. 1dr Geo ' +i Knight, President of the Sanford chamber of Commerce came be- fore the `ommission -requesting that the City include in its budget for 1921 an ap- propriation for publicity fund equal to two mi11s fo the taxes. 'The Oommission assured mr that they :auuld give the matter due consideration Communiaction from the Danford 'hamber of Commerce relative to certain i;nnrovements on the 3ulkhead was readn and referred to yh­ City "Lanager and the City I,ngi :veer. Petition from ; %itize -, on the west side asking for electric service was referred to the City 1 :;.anager. 2eti.tion from the ' =�'omans Club .relative to the purchase of cemetery g :-ounds etc. was read and. on motion �.�'. Henry, seconded )y O.Chase the matter was referred to the City 1ianaR�er and City Attorney for action. It was moF7 ed by S 0 Chase and eeconc? rd by C E Henry that the City lkian.aa- ger be he is hereby instructed to proceed at once to advertise for bids on one 750 gallon and one 600 gall. triple Combinantion 1;1otor Pumpi_no' Lnmir e and 1,000 feet more or less standard fire hose 2j2> inch. size. T,iotion was unanimously gassed by the Commission. idinutes of the Equalizing :Board was read showing work of Equalization of the 1921 tax roll completed and tame was approved by the commission_ City Auditor & Clerk ors Ex- Officio 'ax Assessor presented. the prelim- inary assessment roll for the ,year 1921 duly certified to as having been corrected and equalized by the Equalizing Board showinm the value of - eal Estate -'or the C ter o _'L Samford to 'oe., . 5 a q (, `7 •� , o o , and the value o f Personal prop - erty to be; ��1,6o On motion_ by S 0 '�hlse seconded by C.E9_ enry and passed the a.3sessmen_t roll was accepted as presented and the above amounts de- clared to be the correct assessment of the Real and 2er,3onal property in the City of 6an_ford for the year 1921 1 he following resolution was read. G� Resolution; + l'-> Resolution declaring that in Recognization of the services rendered to their Country by the soldiers, sailores and marines in the World War, the City Commissi of the City of Sanford Florida desires to render substantial assistance to the C Campbell - Lossing Ck"r of the American Legion. Beim; the Local Chapter of the Sanford and Seminole County of Said American Tegton. That a Ninety -nine year leas be executed by the Mayor of the City of Sanfcrd, Florida, leasing that certain lot, piece , or parcel of land , situated in the City of Sanford, Florida, and described as follows: Beginning at the point of interseotion of the East line of Myrtle Ave. extended, and the north line of Water Street extended, run thence East 117 ft. North 259.5+ ft. Thence in the North - westerly direction on a line parallel with the bulkhead retaining wall 125.1 ft. to the east line of Myrtel Ave. extended, thence south on the east line of Myrtle Avr. extended 303.95 ft. to the point of beginning. for the sum of $1.00 to be paid by the said lessee.. upon the delivery said lease, said lease to be for the period of NinetyCnine years , or so long as the said lot is used and occupied by the Campbell Lossing Chapter of the American Legion 4 3_�5 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN FORD:', FLORIDA: That in recognization of the services rendered to their country in the World War by the Soldiers, Sailores and Marines, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida desires to render substantial °wassistance to the Campbell Lossii Chapter of the American Legion. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor of the City of Sanford be and he is hereby, autorized, empowered and directed to make and execute for the City of Sanford, Florida, a lease to the Campbell Lossing Chapter of the American Legion of th at certain lot, piece of parcel of land situated, lying and being in Sanford, Florida, described as follows: Beginning at the point of intersectioncf the East line of Myrtle Ave. extended, and the north line of Water St. extended rune the me East 117 ft. Thence North 259.54 ft. thence northwesterly on a line parallel to the bulkhead tetaining wall 125.1 ft. to the east line of Myrtle Ave. extended, thence south on the East line of Myrtle Ave. Extended, 303.95 ft to the point of beginning , for a period of ninety -nine years, or for such portion of suc period of ninety -nine yeas as said lot is used and occupied by the Campbell Lossi Chapter of the American Legion, said lease to terminate and to be null and void upon the disbandonment of said Campbell Lossing Chapter of the American Legion , of,:.upon the failure of the members of the said Chapter to use::and occupy said lot; the lessee paying for the lease aforesaid the sum of $1.00 upgn the delivery of th i" .3:­ 11 said lease duly executed as aforesaid; and upon the termination of the lease afore�a:Jz' f Said form any cause whatsoever, that all buildings, improvements, and structures erected or placed thereon shall be and become the property of the City of Sanford Florida. The foregoing resolution was unanimously adopted by the City Commission r M M O O m w a A of the City of Sanford, Florida, this 26th. day of September A.D.1921. Attest: L R Philips City Auditor & Clerk. H R Stevens Coa;rr;i s si one r e 0 Chase Coamad saione r C E Henry Cowjissioner The following resolution was read. Resolution -0 3 MMMMMMMMO 28S Resolution repealing a protion of a resolution passed by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, April 25, A.D.1921 Whereas, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida did on the 25th. day Of April A.D.1921 pass a resolution which, among other things, declared that a sidewalk be constructed from the old main line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company's tracks westiv ;ird to the Union Passenger Station on the north side of the brick pavement extending from said old main line track to the Union Passenger station, and Whereas, it now appears that the said sidewalk as contemplated would have to pass over a portion of the lands of the Atlantiee Coast Line Railroad Company, west of the old main line of said Railroad Company, whcih said lands over which the said side- walk would have to pass have not been dedicated to the public use, nor condemned by the City for public use, NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SAN FORD. That the part of said resolution heretofore passed on the 25th day of April A.D. 1921, whcih declares that the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company shall build a sidewal on the north side of the pavement running as an extension of Ninth Street from-the old aain line track of the Atlantic Coast Line to the Union Passenger Station be and the same is hereby rescinded and repealed. Passed by the Unanimous vote of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, this 12th. day of Septe aber A.D.1921 Attest: L R Philips City Auditor & Clark. H R Stevens Commissioner. S 0 Chase Commissioner C E Henry Commissioner 286 The following resolution was read: 44 Resolution permitting the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company to erect a fence across Commercial Street at a point where the Said Commercial Street approached the railroad right -of -way of said Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company from the East, declaring the right of the City to require the removal of this fence whenever the needs and necessity of the City make it advisable so to do, and de- claring the permission herein granted for the erection and maintenance of said fenc to be a temporaty permission and not in any way to impair or affect the rights of t City of Sanford to require the said fence to be removed at any time. WHEREAS, the City of Sanford did as a matter of public safety and convenient permit the closing of Commercial Street by the South Florida Railroad Company at the t ,:; time that the said Railroad Company was maintaining a Passenger Station on the nor side of Commercial Street, and NHEREAS, the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company has since purchased the sai South Florida Railroad, and WHEREAS, the said Passenger Station has been abandoned by the said Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company as a passenger station, and the necessity for the closi of said Street as a matter of public safety having now passed, and WHEREAS, the said Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company has removed itts shed which formerly c+oossed the said Commercial Street and desires to maintain a fence across the said §treet , and WHEREAS, the City of Sanford has not abandoned in any way the U16� of Commercial Street for its right and privileges to open aid maintain the same, but recognizes that at the present time there is no immediate demand or necessity for opening said Commercial Street west of the railroad right -of -way, NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: That permission be granted the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company to maintain temporarily a fence across Commercial Street just east -of the right -of r way of said railroad Company, reserving however, the right to require the said feno to be removed at any time that the public convenience and necessity may require the opening of said Commercial Street. Passed by the unanimous vote of the City Commission of the City of Sanfo Florida, this 26th day of September A.D. 1921. Attest: L R Philips City Auditor & Clerk H R Stevens Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner ■ 2 8'7� RESOLUTION -A `3 Cp Resolution declaring that sidewalks shall be constructed on the west side of Elm Ave. from Ninth St. to Twelvth St. and on the East side of park Ave. from the North side of the Court House north to the Boulevard, and on the east side of Palmetto Ave. from the North line of Commercial St. North to the Boulevard, in the City of Sanfor Florida, prescribing the width of such sidewalks and the material to be used in the con- struction thereof, directing that such sidewalks be constructed in accordance with the City ordinances governing the construction of sidewalks, and declaring that if the prope ty owners do not construct such sidewalks within sixty days from the service of notice on t them so to do, the City will proceed to construct such sidewalks and assess the cost of same to the property owners, whose lands &butt thereon. Be IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: That sidewalks shall be constructed on the west side of Elm Ave. from Ninth St. to Twelvth St. along and adjacent to the following Lots, Lots 1,2,3,4 & 5, of Block 11 Tier 7, Lots 1, 2, 3,4 & 5 of Block 12, Tier 7; Lots 1, 2, 3,4 & 5, of Block 13, Tier 7; on the east side of park Avm ue from the north side of the Court house lot North to the south line to the bulkhead Boulevard, and on the east side of palmetto Ave. from the north line of Commercial St. north to the south line of Bulkhead Boulevard, in the City of Sanford, Florida. That such sidewalks shall be onnstructed of cement, shall be six feet in width and shall be constructed in accordince with the City ordinances governing the Construct- ion of sidewalks. BE IT FUTHER RESOLVED, That the City Manager shall cause - written notice of the passage of this resolution to be served in the manner required by Section 179 of Chapter 8361 Laws of Florida, Acts of 1919, upon the owner or agent of the owner of each lot or parcel of land abutting upon the sidewalks herein described; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED. That if the sidewalks herein described be not construct within sixty days from the service of notice provided in the preceding paragraph, the City Manager shall proceed by contract to construct such sidewalks at the expense of the owner of the property abutting thereon. The foregoing resolution was unanimously adopted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida , this day of September A. D.1921. Attest: L R Philips City Auditor & Clerk. H R Stevens, Commi s s ione r S 0 Chase Commissioner Henry Commissioner V ORDINANCE # 26 An ordinance determining the amount and fixing the rate of taxation and making the annual tax levy for the -3b' ty of Sanford, Florida, for the year A.D.1921. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE' OF THE CI TY OF SAN FORD, FLORIDA. SECTION 1 That the amount determined necessary to be raised by taxation for the Ordinary and Manitenance purposes of the municipality and to pay interest,/ upon the endebtedness of the City ind for Sinking Fund purposes is SECTION 2 That a tax rate, for the year A.D.1921, is hereby declared and fixed as follows: For the ordinary and Maintenance purposes of the Municipality , Thir- teen (13) mills on the Dollar, for the paying of interest on the indebtedness of th City and for Sinking Fund Four (4) mills on the Dollar. SECTION 3 That a levy is hereby made of thirteen (13) mills on the Dollar for purposes the Ordinanr and Maintenance /of the Municipality and of Four (4) mills on the Dollar to pay interest on the indebtedness of the City, and for Sinking Fund , on all property, subject to taxation for Municipal Purposes, within the corporate lim- its of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the first day of January A.D.1921, and all the property aforesadd is assessed and is charged with the payment of this levy. SECTION 4 That this ordinance shall be published once within ten days after its final passage. SECTION 5 That this ordinance shall become effective thirty (30) days from and after its passage. Intorducted, read and passed by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, A Florida, at its Regular Meeting September 26th. A.D.1921. Placed on Second Reading, read and passed by the City Commission of the City of Sanford Florida, at its regular Meeting October 3rd. A.D.1921 Attest: L R Philips City Auditor & Clerk. Mayor oner tie nr y_ ssioner. M m 0 0 m FA a A Communication from Mr E T LeBaron, Public Certified Accountant relative to making the annual Audit of the City books was read and on motion duly seconded his proposition was accepted. The following warrants were read , approved and the Auditor & Clerk authorized to draw checks to pay same. #1474 C J Ryan, Salary from Sept.15 to 30th. 162.50 1475 L R Philips " " " " " 100.00 1476 Ellen Hoy " " " " " 40.00 1477 J A Killebrew " " " " 1478 J M Vickery " n n n n 15-00 2.50 1479 E E Walker " " " " " 62-50 1490 Ned Harrison " n Ti n n 62.50 Use of Motorcycle 25-00 57.50 1451 G P Paxton Salary frog, Sept. 15 to 30th. 75.00 1452 B F Smith n » » n n 45.00 1483 Mac Cleveland " " " " " 0 148+ R G Williams 1st 10.00 1485 Alfred Foster " " " " 25.00 1452 Alfred Foster " n n " n 15.00 1457 J N Tolar " " " " " 40.00 1458 Schelle Maines " "" " n 75.00 1489 Geo G Herring n n n n n 75.00 1490 R G Williams " " " " " 50.00 1491 Mac McGill " " " 15 " 35.00 1492 Ward & Mero Repairs, Supplies 27.88 1493 W H Hand Horseshoeing , repairs to carts 58.00 x+9.89 1494 C W Zaring & Cc Feed for animals 1495 Motorcycle Exchange Repair Parts for motorcycle 3.58 1496 Fred F Williams Engineering, Plats etc. 229.55 1497 Lee Brothers Battery 1.95 1496 Robert P Nelms Motorcycle Repairs 2.58 1499 Wight Bros Cc " " 1.00 1500 Mobley Drug Store Drugs 3.05 1501 Edw. Higgins Gasoline and repair parts 31.81 1502 Lumber Co, Carter Lumber x+1.99 1503 Ray Brothers Motorcycle Repairs 21.00 1504 Sanford (•yele Co Batteries & Spark Plug 2.20 1505 F E Markwood Acct Sidewalk Aprons and alley crossings 66.93 1506 Seminole Co Bk Lumber acct. J S Dinkel 95.25 1507 Ball Hardware Cc Miscellaneous supplies 103.92 1508 City Petty Cash Miscl Bills 263.03 1509 City petty Cavh Pay roll 9/16/21 - 9/23/21 304.338 1510 Cates Crate Cc Cement and brick 79. r�0 1511 Hill Hdw. Cc Oakum 7.50 1512. Noll & Noll Final balance Fr. Ave & Goldsboro St. 125.00 There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest; City Auditor & Clerk. L-'t� Mayor •®sal 28!R