HomeMy WebLinkAbout0123222 *--Z REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MONDAY JANUARY 23,1922 Meeting called to order by Mayor, C E Henry, at 8 P.M. Present: C E Henry, Mayor, S'.O.Chase and Forrest Lake, Commissioners, C.J.Ryan City Manager, g G Herring, City Attorney. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Ordinance #27 was placed on its second reading and passed by unanimous tote of the Commission. Communication from Attorney J J Dickinson and also from Attorney G.A.DeCottes Red Committee on Chkrter Amendments read and tha Anaitnr 8a e� e,•� era +,,,,., +..a +.. reply to same. City Manager reported ,the canoellation of the appointments of the following Patrolmen: Fred Ballard, Motorcycle Officer,Leslie Hill, Special Motorcycle Officer Y A Depfer, Special Motorcycle Officer, J.R.Bridgeman, Special Police. Which action was approved by the Commission. Communication from City Manager was read recommending certain repairs and alter - ations to City Building and Fire Engine Room and he was authorized to proceed with the work at once. The following resolution was reads - Resolution declaring that sidewalk shall be constructed on the north side of Sixth Street along and in front 'of Lots 9 & 10 Blk 7 Tr. 6, in the City of Sanfor( Florida, Prescribing the width of said sidewalk, and the material to be used in the construction thereof; directing that such sidewalk be constructed in accord- ance with the City Ordinances governing the construction of sidewalks; and declar- ing that if the property owners do not construct said sidewalk within Sixty (60) days from the service of notice on them so to do, the City will construct such sidewalk and assess the cost thereof to the property owners whose lands abutt there- on. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. That a sidewalk shall be constructed on the north side of Lots 9 and 10 of Block 7 Tr. 6, in the City of Sanford, Florida. That such sidewalk saall be constructed of Cement, shall be six (6) feet in width; and shall be constructed in accordance with the City Ordinances governing the construction of sidewalks. BE IT FURT11MR RESOLVED: That the City Manager shall cause written notice of the passage of this resolution to be served in the manner required by Section 179 of Chapter 8361, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1919, upon the owner or agent of the owner of each lot or parcel of land abutting upon the sidewalk herein described , and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that if the sidewalk herein described be not constructed within sixty (60) days from the service of notice provided in the preceding para- graph the City Manager shall proceed by contract to construct such sidewalk at the expense of the owners of the property abutting thereon. M q � co _ O C* w a A Y The foregoing resolution was unanimously adopted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford,Florida, this 23rd. day of January A.D.1922, Attest L.R.PhiliRs City Auditor & Clerk. (Seal) Chas. E Henry S 0 Chase City Commissioner City Commissioner Forrest Lake City Commissioner. The Auditor & Clerk presented the annual report of the City's books as prepared by E.T.LeBaron,Certified Public Acoountaynt . The Auditor & Clerk was authorized to get from the Clerk of the Circuit Court statembnts of the latest transfers of property for use in making up assess. ment s for 1922. The City Physician was instractedsto44examine the Elder Springs and Lord Water Company's water, and also the ice furnished by the Southern Utilities Co. and secure the State Board of Health report on same by next meeting of the Commis. sion. City Attorney G.G.Herring here presented his bill in the sum of $300.00 and also that of Landis 9Fish & Hull $500.00 re services defending C.J.Ryan, J.A.Killebrew, and Ned Harrison,Traffic Policeman, charged with aggrevated assault in the Circuit Court of Seminole County, Florida. On motion these bills were laid over until next meeting of the Commission. The following warrants were read and appvoved and the Auditor & Clerk authorized to draw checks in payment of same. X1342 1343 C J Ryan L R Philips Salary " From Jan it 15 to 31 rr 162.50 1344 Ellen Hoy r► n „ 100.00 1345 J A Killebrew " ►T n 40.00 1346 E E Walker " n „ 82.50 1349 J H Powell " n „ 62.50 1348 Ned Ramtd,aon " n „ 62.50 1349 G P Paxton " " n $9.80 1350 B F Smith n n 75.00 1351 Me Cleveland " rr rr 45.00 1352 R G Williams " rr „ 37.50 1353 R G Williams n " n 10.00 1354 Mao McGill " 50.00 1355 Alfred Foster " Jan 1 to 31 30.00 1356 Alfred Fo st er rr " 25.00 1357 J N Tolar " n „ 15.00 1358 Geo G Herring " rr " 40.00 1.359 Schelle Maines " n „ 75.00 75.00 There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: City Auditor & Clerk. Mayor. ww #1360 G P Paxton Salary from Jan 1 to 31st. 15.00 1361 B F Smith " " " 10.00 1362 E `'0 LeBaron Services in preparing budget and speo- ial reports 30.00 1363 E T LeBaron Auditing City books (Bal Due) 125.00 1364 Ned Harrison Motorcycle Rent 15.00 1365 A B Cameron Feez incollecting Personal Tax (Delin.) 30.52 1366 Geo Downey U S Army Store Blankets, Mattresses 11.75 1367 First National Bank Interest on Note 26.67 ,.. 19313.94 There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: City Auditor & Clerk. Mayor. ww