HomeMy WebLinkAbout0814220 a I , MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION. AUGUST 14,1922 City Commission met in regular session at S P.M. Meeting called to order by Mayor, C.E.Henry Present; Commissioners, .0 E Henry and Forrest Lake, City Manager C J Ryan, and City Attorney, G G Herring. Minutes of last Regular meeting read and approved. Absent; Commissioner S 0 Chase. Mr Zachary, of the Zachary Tyler Veneer Co. appeared before the Commission relative to the 1922 assessment on property fronting on Commercial St. in Blk 1 Tr. 11 of the Zachary Tyler Co. and requestedA't be reduced, same having been raised from $7,500 to 16,000. Mr C H Leffler came before the Commission in regard to 1922 assessments on propQa4 located on Sanford Ave., stating that the assessments were excessive on property lo- oated on that Avenue. Mr Check came before the Commission relative to 1922 assessment on Blk 1, Tr. 9 which was raised from 3, 500 to 12, 700 Mr Checkp stated that this assessment was exoes- sive and asked for a reduction. Mr J J Cates appeared before the Commission regarding 1922 assessment on Blks 1,201N,2N and 3N, Tr.12 which he thought excessive, also on assessment on Lots 1 and 2 Blk 3 Tr. 5, which was raised from 8,000 to 17,00, .this Assessment he stated was exoes- sine due to the fact that building was not complete until June. Mr F L Miller stated that he considered the assessment for 1922 on Lot 1 Blk$ 3 Tr.10 excessive, also the assessment on Part. Blk 3 Tier 2 (Warman Estate Property) Mr Charles Banner came before the Commission relative to 1922 Assessment on part. Lots 5 & 6, Blk 5 Tr 1-a part. Lot 3, Blk 3, Tier 3, Lot 3, Blk 12, Tr. G, Lotl 1, Blk 9 Tr. C, Lot 3, Blk 4 Chapman & Tucker Add.; Lot 2 Blk 4, Chapman & Tucker Add.; Lot 15 and 16 Garner's Add. and asked that assessment be reduced. Miss Aranka Takaoh came before the Commission relative to assessment for 1922 on the Pico Block ( Lots 4,5 and 11 Blk 1, Tr. 4) and lot 1. Blk 1 Tr. 4. and re- quested a reduction. on same. Mr Smith,. representing the Gulf Refining Co. appeared before the Commission with reference to 1922 assessment on real estate holdings of Gulf Refigng QDmpany which the Company considered excessive. Mr W C Hill came before the Commission and requested a reduction on 1922 as- sessment on Lot 3 Blk 5 Chapman & Tucker Add. which was raised from 1,000 to 4,500 Z. J. Jerry came before the Commission relative to 1922 assessment on Lot 4-Blk 5, Chapman & Tucker Addition, same having been raised from 4,000 to 6,000. H.L DuHart requested a reduction on tte 1922 assessment on Lot 1 Blk 6, Chapman & Tucker Addition, which was raised from 2,500 to 4,000. Frank Harris came before the Commission and requested that assessment for 1922 on lot 1 Blk 3, Chapman & Tucker Addition be reduced . Communication from M F Robinson stating that 1922 assessment on Lots 3 & 4, Blk 3 Tr. 6 was excessiva� was read, also communication from H R Rosebrp,Yap,A;�er of Southern Utilities Co. .stating the Company considered 1922 assessment, on t�*4r hold- ings not fair and equitable in relation to other surrounding property. The Commission assured the above property owners that they would again go over the assessments and make any adjustments possible. Mr Fisher requested that he be allowed to redeem City Tax certificates on lots 39 & 40 Sanford, taxes 1913 and 1918, without interest. Same was ordered filed for further investigation. Mr J E Laing came before the Commission relative to delinquent taxes on Lot 24 Stendiford's Addition, same was referred to City Clerk. Mr A R Marshall reported a bad wash -out in street near Blk 2 Chapman & Tuoker l s Addition, and requested that street in that section be repaired. This was referred to the City Manager. Mr E E Brady requested that he be given permission to erect a stable, on Lots 6 & 7 Blk 11 Chapman & Tucker's Addition, sides to be galvanized Iron, with oemant posts , and fire proof roofing on property where his stable ,i s now located in the fire limits; with the understanding that he would make brick walls within . six months. Same was taken under advisement by the Commission. Mr A P Connelly representing the Chamber of Commerce addressed the Commission relative to steps being taken,trtheuetsy acquiring the Public utilities. The Com- mission assured him that they would take the matter up as soon as Commissioner Chase returned. Report of the City Tax Collector for the year 1921 was read, and upon motion, was accepted and ordered filed. Report. Tax Colleolr r is charged with the following items: Amount of Tax Roll for 1921 as shown by Tax Roll. 0#734.45 Collections made on Tax Cart. not charged to Coll. Page 167 1921 Tax Rolle. 2.55 Assessment omitted ( Fruit Growers Exp.) 5.10_ 93#742.10 Tax Collector is credited with the following items.: Caii collected and placed in Banks to credit of City (1921 taxes) 76,980.42 Uncollected Real Est. Taxes as per Receipt of Clerk of Circuit Ct. for certificates oovering same 1,928.40 Uncollected Personal Taxes as per List turned over to Deputy Collector for collection Commission 2,�E:94 Pe rsonal Taxes cancelled by Uncollected Real Estate taxes acct. Injunction 8 .00 Items extd. on Tax Roll and Charged to Collector but Col ec ed by Ct. 00� P� 7� $45 0� 50 223 -78 P:2 1 22 P- PClk. P.1 .40 184 625. 34.6 3 231 17.00, P.236 76.50, P.244 #1.70, P.207 $4.25 199-72 Discount allowed Tax Payers. 83.742.10 :, Report of City Auditor & Clerk for July was read and upon motion and ordered filed. July Report of Auditor & Clerk Cash Balance Receipts. Disbursements. Current Taxes 82.45 Licenses 141.25 Pound Fees 31.00 Dog Tax .50 Fines & Costs 397.00 Paving Liens ( French Ave & Goldsboro St. } 22.33 Delinquent Tax Certificates & costs 1,801.44 Interest & Costs 408.20 Inspection fees 8.50 Store Room Acct. 0 Miscel. Income .00 Taxes on Lands sold for taxes. 9 3. 3 Div. of Fire. Disbursements. Offige City Manager_ 340.00 glary 300.00 Communications 2.90 Bond Premium 25.00 Gas & Oil 12. -80 Communications 14.10 340.70 Office City Atty. 9.60 Sal ary 75.00 Litigation 65.96 140.96 Of f ice Municipal Judge Salaries 100.00 Printing & Staty. -33.50 Repairs 14.15 133.50 Div of Police 27.30 Salaries 541.50 Communications 4.04 Gas & 011 30. Motorcycle Expense 18.69 553.21 Feeding Prisoners 10.00 Insurance 34.00 Labor 152.08 638.57 Div. of Fire. Sal ar 1 e s 340.00 Gas & oil 10.83 Chemical 7.28 SuppliesfHats & Coats etc.) 62.59 Laundry 7.10 Communications 14.10 Repairs 9.60 Insurance 83 .00 489.55 Div Sts & Brid¢eks Superintendent 86.25 Feed & Care Animals 23.50 Repairs 14.15 Small Tools 27.30 Material & Supplies 124.48 Gas & oil 20 15 Labor 257.38 553.21 Div of Sewers & Drains Superintendent 28.75 Labor 152.08 Material & Supplies Flu sh Tank 1.20 197.53 Division of Parks. Labor 11.00 Small Tools 21.00 Material & Supplies 2.65 New Equipment (Mower) 70.00 Li ght ing 1.50 106, l5 was accepted I 13,459.68 4, 023.70 17,,493-39 I. a. 21 422 Div of Pub. Bldgs Janitor 10.00 Lighting 15.00 Supplies 9.69 Repairs 2.50 37.19 Div of Engineering Sidewalk Grades 50.00 Sewer Grades 86.00 59.00 Div of Publig .Health Salary of Physician 40.Oo Sanitary Collector 60.00 Drugs & Supplies. 7.35 Small Tools 7.65 115.00 Div of Inspection Salaries 40.00 40.00 Div of Pound Expense Supplies 2_.�5 Lighting 2.93 waDe t of inane ar e s 92.50 Printing & stationery 50.00 132.50 Dept Regords & Taxation--- Sal arl e s 217.50 Printing & Staty, Supplies 38-35 Legal Advertising 10.50 Communications 6.7 Recording 12.2 295.30 Store Room Account Freight on cane 9.52 9.52 der, Higgins Recording Rose Court Plat 33.00 33.00 New Pound Construction Material 55.25 Total disbursements. 3,367-86 Balance cash on hand. 14.115.52 $17..493-38 The following resolution was placed upon its first reading; VX RESOLUTION Resoluti n requiring the grading, paving and drainage of portions of First Street, French 'Avenue and Sanfort Avenue in the City of Seaford, Florida; prescribing the manner of construction of suoh p wement; stating the necessity for and nature of the proposed improvements, and what proportion of the assessment thereof shall be paid by Special assessment; by what method such special assessment shall be made, -what part shall be apportioned from the General Funds of the City, designating the lands and premises upon whioh-suoh special assessment shall be levied; stating the total estimated cost of each f s said improvements, the methods of payment of assessment, and number of annual installmen a providi =for the construction of such pavement by the City of Sanford upon the failure f the the own6vs of abutting property to do so, and for the assessment of two. - thirds of the oo t and expense thereof upon the owner or owners of all property bounding or abutting on sal portions of First Street, French Avenue and Sanford Avenue; and declaring this resolutio to be an emergency measure necessary for the immediate preservation of the public safet to become effective immediately upon its final passage and adoption. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, deem* it necessary and expedient for the preservation of the public safety and welfare and to the best intersst of the City of Sanford, that First Street, beginning at the West side of Cedar Avenue at its intersection with First Street, and extending west to the City limits be paved, and that French Avenue from First Street south to Ninth Street be paved, and that Sanfor Avenue from Fifth Street south to Tenth Street be paved, and WHEREAS, there are now ' on file in the office of the City Manager of the City of Sanford Florida, complete plea and speoificattons, estimates, and profiles of said proposed 4pro cements of First Street, French Avenue, and Sanford, Avenue, giving all necessary ..a . eifiati %4L SJL§AIUHLUA cc S e a 423 submitted to the City Commission and approved by it, and the City Auditor and Clerk has made estimates of the expense of said Work to be done in making the aforesaid improvements, and the estimated cost of said improvement is in the sum of and, WHEREAS, the City Commission is of the opinion that the public safety requires the pavirg of the above described portions of First Street, French Avenue and Sanford Avenue, and that, therefore, this Resolution should be declared an emergency measure for the immediate preservation of the public safety, to become effective immediately upon its adoption; now therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: That First Street be paved beginning at the west side of Cedar Avenue at its Inter- section with First Street, and extending west to the-City Limits; that the width of said paving shall be as follows: from Mill Creek west to Poplar Ave. 26 feet; from Poplar Ave to west line of Jasmine Ave. 24 feet, from the_ west line of Jasmine Ave. west to City Limits 18 feet; that French Ave. be paved from First Street south to Ninth Street a width of 24 feet; That Sanford Ave. be paved from Fifth Street south to Tenth St a width of 24 feet; that the aforesaid streets and avenues shall be graded and the drain- age provided for; that two thirds of the expense thereof shall be paid by Special Assess- ment made and levied upon the lands bounding or abutting on said improvements; that the method of making such special assessment shall be by the foot frontage of the property bounding or abutting upon the said improvement; that one -third of the cost of said / improvements shall be paid from the geaeraL improvement funds of the City; that special assessment shall be levied against all lots or lands bounding or abutting upon the said improvements; that said special assessments shall be paid to the City Tax Collector as follows :$ upon the completion of the work, and the balance into r annual installments; all annual installments to bear - er cent. interest from the date of the completion of the work on the said improvements; the total estimated cost of the said improvements is as follows: The above described improvement on First Street $ ; the above described improvement on French Avenue$ • ;the above de scrbived improvement on Sanford Avenue$ BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: that the owner or owners of property abutting that portion Of First Street, beginnin* at the West side of Cedar Avenue at its intersection with First Street and extends west to the City Limits and that � y , portion of French Avenue beginning at First Street and extending south to Ninth Street, and that portion of Sanford Avenue beginning at Fifth Street and extending South to Tenth Street, be, and they are hereby, required to construct within sixty (60) days from the date of service of notice as hereinafter provided, paving as above described on the above described portions of First Street, French Avenue and Sanford Avenue, and lying adjacent to the respective lots Pieces or parcels of And abutting thereon; that said pavemtns shall be ccnstruoted of the material designated by the City Commission, and according to plans and specifications now on file in the office of the City Manager, that prior to the construction of said pavemen on portions of said avenues aAd street herein required to be paved they shall be graded in acoordinace with the plans and specifications now tin file frith the City Manage'; and the drainage shall also be provided for in acoordinace with said plans and specifioationo, ®a Ik BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the City Manager shall cause written notice of .1 the pas- sage of this resolution to be served in the manner required in Section 175 of Chapter 93610 Laws of Florida, Acts of 1919, being the Charter of the City of Sanford, Florida upon the owner or agent of the owner of each parcel of land abutting upon said portions of First Street, French Avenue and Sanford Avenue, and; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That if the grading, paving and drainage of the portions of First Street, French Avenue, and Sanford Avenue hereinabove described, be not done within sixty (60) days from the service of the notice provided for in the preceding pop - agraph, the City Manager shall proceed by contract to construct such paving, grading and drainage at the expense of the owners of the property boundizE and abutting on said portions of First Street, Frenc i' Avenue nand Sanford Avenue, � in accordance with the lamoun of expense of said improvement designated herein to be borne by the aforesaid" property owners. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That this Resolution be, and it is hereby declared an emer- gency measure for the immediate preservation of the public safety, and it shall be come effective immediately its final y on p passage and adoption, and Witith tea 3�daga efts; the passage thereof the City Auditor and Clerk shall publish a notice of the passage and adoption of this resolution as provided and required by Sections 25 and 26 of Chapter 5361, Laws of Florida, Acts of 1919, the sane being the Charter of the City of Sanford, Fl orida. The foregoing resolution was offered by Commissioner Forrest Lake, who moved its adoption, seconded by Commissioner C E Henry this 14th day of August A.D.1922, and upon vote was passed as follows: . Attest: _ L R Phil ip s City Auditor & Clerk. (Beal) Ye a Commissioner Forrest Lake Yea Commissioner M Im Ur F.T.williams, City Engineer, presented Plans and specifications for the paving of portions of Pirst Street, Sanford Avenue and French Avenue, and specifioation . and estimate for the construction of sewer between Magnolia Ave. and Sanford Ave. and between Sanford Ave. and Cypress Ave. The following warrants were read, approved and the City Auditor & Clark authorize to draw checks to pay same: !1811 C J Ryan,City Mgr. Salary Aug lot to 15th Inc. 162.50 1812 L R Philips, City Clerk Salary Aug lot to 15th Inc. 100.00 x}2.50 1813 Ellen Hoy,Stenographer Salary Aug tat to 155th Inc. l8i J A Rillebrew,Chief Police Salary Aug lot to 15th Inc. 52.50 1915 Alexander Watt,Patrolman Salary Aug let to 15th Inc. 57.50 191 R H Turner,8peoial Police Salary 7 days in August 0 4.00 29.00 1817 G P Paxton,Fire Chief Salary Aug-let to 15th. 75.00 - 181$ B F Smith, Fireman Salary Aug lot to 15th Inc. x+5.00 1819 iao Cleveland, Fireman Salary Aug let to 15th Inc. 40.00 1.820 R G Williams, St. Foreman Salary Aug let to 15th Inc. 57.50 1821 Mac McGill, Sanitary Coll. Salary Aug let to 15th Inc. 30.00 1.8.22 x.82 Wm ;Rawlings, Sou Bell Telsephone Co. Laundry for Fire Telephone Dept. 2.68 Service for July 25.0 IS24 As LaFrance Fare Eng. Co. Fire Helmets ,. . B W Herndon Insurance Fire Engine 21.00" Rives Eleatric Shop Higgins Gas, Oil and supplies Repairs 455. Edward . and Supplies 4.0 Im M O M O M p A #1828 i�29 1831 1832 1534 1 836 1837 ig39 ,No 1542 1843i 1843; 184 1841 B W Herndon Premium on Bond (J. A. Killebrew) 12.50 G. W. Knight Insurance oA Ford Car. 7.50 E A Douglass Recording Tax Sale 61.20 Herald Printing Cc Legal Advertising 16.50 Haynes & Ratliff Printing & Supplies 10.95 H C DuBose Certifying to Registration Roll 15.00 F. T. Will isms Grades for sidewalks 45.00 Sou Util Co. Lighting City Bid 19.25 Frank Akers Tire Cc Gas, 011 and Parts. 40.1 Albert Hall Horseshoeing and repairs 20.71 Seminole Co.Bank One Mule 260.00 C W' Zaring & Co. Hay and Oats 108.37 C W Zari ng & Co. Hay and Oats 151.52 Ball Hdw Co. Supplies 11.25 Sanford Battery Sex. CoRepaies 8.10 W H Hand Horse shoeing and repairs 12.75 Miracle Concrete Co. Sidewalk construction 52.92 Ga,..9ttrified Briok & Clay Co. Sewer Pipe. 235-52 City Petty Cash Acot. Pay Rolls 633.12 Rochester Can Co. Sanitary Buckets and garbage cans- 271.41 Mahoney - Walker Co. Pipe Fittings. 6.78- There being no further business the meeting adjourned. ATTEST: CITY AUDITOR & CLERK. 3,o62.45 pp, ■ EM61