HomeMy WebLinkAbout100922w �s REGULAR MEETING OF CITY O WMISSION MONDAY OCTOBER 99 19220 There being no quorum present,_meeting adjourned to meet Thursday, Ootober —41 12th at 3:30 P.M. ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION THURSDAY OCTOBER 1291922 City Commission met in Adjourned Regular Session at 3t30 B.M.. Meeting called to order by C E Henry, Mayor, & nze m Present: C E Henry, and Forrest Lake, Commissioners, C J Ryan , Gity Manager Minutes of Last Regular Meeting read and approved. City Manager presented report of Auditors, A P Stringer X Co., for the fis- eel year ending September 30,1922, ( 9 months.) Same was accepted and filed. City Manager's report for month of September, read and accepted and filed. Report of City Auditor 41 Clerk for month of September read, accepted and filed. REPORT OF AUDITOR & CLERK i RECEIPTS. Balance oash on hand Licenses 75.00 found Fees 7.00 Dog Tax 1.25 Fines w Costs 721.00 Paving Liens (Fr. Ave. & Goldsboro St. 713.00 Del. Tax Certif. 970.78 Interest To Costs 512.23 Inspection Fees 112.50 Store Room Acot. 6.00 r Misoel. Income 718.19 Personal Acct.(Side- walks.) 262.54 Taxes on Lands sold for taxes 408.10 Office Uity Manager 323.95 DISBURSEMENTS. Office City Ittorney 75.00 Office Municipal Judge103.40 Division of Polioe 582.69 Division of Fire 365.04 Div. of Sewers & Drain 633.02 Div. Parks & 3?lay- grounds 2.25 Div. Pub. Bldge 32.35 Div. Engineering 70.00 Div. Pub, Health 137.15 Div Inspection 40.00 Div Pound Expense 10970 Dept. of Finance 82.50 Dept. Records & Taxa- tion 231005 15,008.38 507.941 19, 516.32 LA t M M 0 .°a ,A Fernald Lawton Hoop. Purchase 500.00 Personal Acct. (Sidewalk)437.68 Inspection fees refunded 1.50 Cancellation & Adjust- ments 67.99 W Balance cash on hand 4,914.40 14.601.92' 19.516.32 The City Auditor oc Clerk as Ex- Officio Tax Assessor presented the 1922 Tax roll completed and duly certified to and same was approved and accepted by the City Commission. Communication from Consulting Engineer, Nisbet Wingfield, read and filed. Petition from oitizens and property owners of Sanford 12eights requesting the opening of Highland St. from Sanford Ave. to Park Ave. read and refer- red to City Manager for investigation and report as to cost of same. Commission Forrest Lake offered the following resolution, seconded by Commissioner C E Henry: RESOLUTION. P l0-2_ Be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the City of Sanfor dT Florida in regular session, that the Mayor and Clerk, be, and they are hereby author- ized to enter into an agreement with the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co., and to sign same on behalf of said City of Sanford, whereby said City will be allowed to lay and maintain, under the tracks and across and along the right - of -way of the Railroad in the City of Sanford, Seminole County, Florida, two lines of 40 inch terra cotta storm sewer pipe, except at point where it ex- tends underneath the tracks which shall be cast iron pipe 2* feet below base of rail, as more particularly described in said agreement dated October 12,1922, and as shown in red on the blue print attached thereto and made a part thereof. Passed by the Board of Commissioners in Regular Session this 12th day of October A.D.1922 Attest; A L H Philips lark. C 1 nenr airman of oar of Uommissioners Approved by me this 12th day of October A.D.1922 C J" Jienry Mayor, I hereby certify the above. to be a true and correct copy. CL R 2hiliphhs ii (seal) San ora; Poerida: of is Commissioner Forrest bake offered the following resolution and moved its adopt- ion, motion seconded by C. -6.Henry. 4 U -,, PRELIMINARY RESOLUTION REQUIRING THE GRADING AND PAVING OF MAGNOLIA AVENUE FROM TENTH STREET SOUTH TO CENTRAL STREET, MYRTLE AVENUE FROM FOURTH STREET SOUTH TO NINTH STREET, AND FROM NINTH STREET SOUTH TO THIRTEENTH STREET, ELM AVENUE FROM - FIRST STREET SOUTH TO THIRTEENTH STREET, AND FOURTH STREET FROM SANFORD AVENUE VEST TO MYRTLE AVENUE. Be it resolved, That the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, deems it advisable to improve, grade and pave with vitrified brick or other hard sur- face material,, the following streets in the City of Sanford, Florida, to -wit: MAGNOLIA AVENUE, from Tenth Street south to Central Street MYRTLE AVENUE, From Fourth Street south to Ninth Street, and from Ninth St. south to Thirteenth Street. ,ELM AVENUE, From Hirst Street south to Thirteenth Street. FOURTH STREET, from Sanford Avenue west to Myrtle Ave. All of said improv #ing, grading and paving shall be done in compliance with the estimates for said work on each of said streets as indicated by complete plans, specifications, profiles and estimates of said proposed improvements now on file in the office of the City Manager of the City of Sanford, Florida, which said plans, specifications, profiles and estimates have been heretofore approved by the City Commission and constitute the plans and specifications for said work; and this Commission hlareby declares the necessity for doing said work on each of said streets and that this resolution is an emergency measure, providing for the usual daily operation of a municipal department. The City Commission is hereby authorized to expend for said work on each of said streets, the following sums of money payable out of any moneys avail- able therefor. to-wit : Magnolia Avenue, to be paved 24 feet in width from Tenth Street south to Cen- tral 'street. $289300000 which said sum is the total estimated cost of the improvement of said portion of Magnolia hvenue. Myrtle Avenue to be paved 24 feet in width from Fourth Street south to Ninth Street, and 18 feet in width from Ninth Street south to Thir- teenth Street. which said sum is the total estimated portion of Myrtle 'venue. $27,500.00 cost of the improvement of said Elm "venue to be paved 24 feet in width from First Street south to Thirteenth Street which said sum is the total estimated cost of the improvement of said portion of Elm '64enue. Fourth Street to be paved 24 feet in width from Sanford Avenue West to Myrtle Avenue which said sum is the total estimated cost of the improvement of said portion of Fourth Street. $42,900.00 $12,090.00 ca M 0 ro e a A �r •1 � .4 That one -third of the total cost of the improvement of the streets aforesaid shall be borne by the City of Sanford, Florida, and shall be paid from the Ueneral Improvement Fund of the City of Sanford, r'lorida, out of any moneys available therefor, and the remaining two- thirds of such cost shall be distributed among the several lots fronting and abutting on each of said streets per front foot, in proportion to the frontage thereon, and the cost to be so distributed on each of said streets is as follows, to -wit: Magnolia Avenue from Tenth 6treet south to Central Street.418,866,67 Myrtle Avenue from Fourth Street south to "inth Street, and from Ninth 6treet, south to hirteenth Street. $189333.33 L Elm Avenue from First Street south to Thirteenth St. $289600.00 Fourth St. from Sanford Avenue west to Myrtle Ave. $ 8,060.00 That two- thirds of the expense of the improvement aforesaid, shall be paid by special assessments made and levied upon all lots and lands bounding and abutting upon such improvements between and including the termini of the improvements upon the streets aforesaid. That the method of making such special assessments shall be based upon the front footage of the property bounding or abutting upon the improve- ment,, as provided by Paragraph C. of Section 156 of Chpater 8361, Laws of Florida, of 1919, the same being the City Charter of the City of Sanford, Florida, that is to say, two- thirds of the cost of such improvement shall be distributed among the several lots fronting or abutting on each of said streets per front foot inproportion to the frontage thereon. That said special assessment shall be payable at the opition of the property owners as follows: either in full within thirjy days after the completion of the work, or in ten equal annual installments with interest at the rate of Eight per cent. per annum from the date of the completion of said improvement. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution is hereby declared to be an emergency measure, providing for the usual daily operation of a municipal department of the City of aanford, r'lorida, and shall become effect- ive immediately upon its passage and adoption Attest Adopted this 12th day. of October .A.D.1922 C 'W lienry Forrest Lake S Q ChAAA City Uommission of San- ford, r'lorida. L R rhilips City. Clerk (Seal) Thereupon Commissioner Forrest Lake moved that the rules be waived and said resolution be placed upon its second reading and final passage4 which motion prevailed. j� ,6jk. , The resolution was then placed upon its second. reading and final passage and read by title only, and was unanimously passed as follows: C He MY Commissioner Porrest- lake Commissioner S ;0 Chase Commissioner. Attest' L R Philips. City Ul erk ( Seal) The City Auditor Clerk was instructed to publish said resolution and a notice of public improvement in the Sanford emerald. Communication from Landis,Fish & mull rendering bill for services in Re; lien foreclosure suit, City of Sanford, V.S. F L Woodruff & Wife, in the sum of $510.75, was read and.filed fo r.payment as soon as funds are available. Communication from T 6 Trantham, �tty. Ocala, Florida, Rey condemnation proceedings on the Rufus Sheppard property asking for an extension of time, owing to- property .being, in litigation. The City Manager was authorized to allow a reasonable extension of time on same. The following warrants were read and the Auditor & 1'lerk authorized to draw checks to pay same: #1935 C J Ryan,City Mgr. Salary October 1 to 15th 162.50 1936 L R Philips,City 01k. " " " er 100000 1937 Ellen'Hoy, Sten. " " " " 50.04 1938 J A Yillebrew,Chief " " " " 87.50 1839 Jas. Dawson,Polioeman " " " " 62.50 1940 S,L.Smart,Policeman " n " " 50.00 1941 J R Powell,Policeman " " " " 62.50 1942 A n Beckwith R n " n n 50.00 1943 G P Paxton,Chief(Fire) " n " " 87,.50 1944 B F 5mith,Fireman " " " n 50.00 1945 Mae Cleveland n " n " " 42.50 1946 R G Williams,St.Foreman " T 62.50 1947 Mac UeGill,SaniColl. n n " n 30,00 1948 Haynes °` Ratliff Printing and stationery 34.05 1949 Hill Implement Co. Farts for mower 1.05 1950 Theo J Miller Mosquito nets 7.00 1951 Cates Crate Co. Hay and oats 91.47 1952 Hof -Mac Battery Co. new battery 19.75 1953 F r Hines Elea. Shop. Gas, Oil, Lamps, Etc. 48.23' 1954 Roberts Grocery Soap, brooms etc. 4.56 1955 T.J Miller 61 Son Floral design 10.75 X1956 Fred T Williams Engineering etc. 9.00 1957 Sou Bell Tel. Co. Telephone Services 30.50 1958 Kent vulcanizing Wks. Vulcanizing, rim, tube. 8.20 1959 Miracle Concrete Co. 1 concrete roller 6.00 1961 The Herald Printing Co. ''egal advertising °` Printing 55.35 1960 W H #and Repairs to wagons, horseshoeing 20.50 1962 Frank Akers Tire Co. Gas and Ail 36.52 1963 Sou Htil Co. Zghting city building 21.85 1964 Ball Hdw. Co. Oakum 5.89 1965 American Mills Co. Toilet paper 10,20 1966 B 0 J'erndon Insurance premium 281.25, 1967 B -0 Herndon " e 1968 F L Woodruff " " 46.50 1969 C W Zaring & Co. Hay and oats 49.53 1970 Ball Hdw Co. Miscel. bills., 45.25 1971 H C Liepener & Co. License tags,pglice badges,hot.se nos. 42.69 1972 A P Stringer & Co. �9,\,;Audit of city Books ( 9 months) 125.00 1973 H & W B Drew Co. Tax Sheets, Typewriter ribbons 36.81 ., #1974 Chamber of Commerce Publioity Acot. 325.00 1975 H C Haskins, Treas Sanford Band " " 175.00 1959* Miracle Conorete Co. Sidewalk Approach 17.00 1976 Geo G Herring Advertising at Am.Legion Meeting New Orleans 100;00 1973* Hill Lumber Co, Lumber ' cement 12.12 2,858-.54 C07 Jv d7 �7y/ ►dY There being 'no further business the meeting adjourned. _ A � • Mayor. i Attest: i City Auditor Clerk. w ro 8 A