HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.11.96AGENDA HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD Meeting April 11, 1996 City Hall City Commission Conference Room 300 N. Park Avenue Sanford, FL 4:30 P.M. I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Excused / Unexcused Absences III. Approval of Minutes March 14, 1996 IV. Applications for Certificate of Appropriateness COMMERCIAL a) 218 S. Park Avenue - Install Exterior Signs V. Applications for Certificate of Appropriateness RESIDENTIAL a) 910 Elm Avenue - Renovate garage /shed (Previously Tabled) b)- 1011 Oak Avenue - Rebuild front porch railing, add rear corner porch, add side window treatments (Previously Tabled) c) 823 Park Avenue - Add wood louvre shutters d1 Violetta Williams Properties - Exterior Repairs 1) 611 Oak Avenue 2) 621 Oak Avenue 3) 615 Park Avenue 4) 612 Park Avenue 5) 612 Park Avenue (Stairway) 6) 210 Laurel Avenue e) 505 Myrtle Avenue - Perimeter skirting f) 1217 Palmetto Avenue - Paint, stucco, replace rotted wood g) 609 Palmetto Avenue - Paint and re -roof h) 718 Oak Avenue - Reconsider octagon windows and front porch remodel (items #2 and #5) i) 1116 Magnolia Avenue - Replace /relocate fence VI. Acknowledgement of Minor Review Committee Actions a) 609 Palmetto Avenue - Replace chain link fence with stockade and picket fence b) 609 Palmetto Avenue - Restore window and replace rotted siding G) 705 Magnolia Avenue - Paint Exterior d) 1206 Palmetto Avenue - Rebuild rear porch e) 301 Oak Avenue - Repaint and replace window treatments VII. Recommendation to City Commission Regarding Demolition of Log Cabin VIII. Other Business ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he /she may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford (FS 286.0105). Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Personnel Office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626 48 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD CITY COMMISSION CONFERENCE ROOM CITY HALL APRIL 11, 1996 4:30 P.M. I. Call to Order and Roll Call: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Laura Howell at 4:35 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Kimberly Capucille Michael Skat Jerry Mills Don Moore Sue Mitchell Julia Goeb Paul Porter Laura Howell II. MEMBERS ABSENT: Cathryn Welch (unexcused) Helen Stairs (excused) Chris Cranias ( unexcused) OTHERS PRESENT: Andrew VanGaale, Associate Planner Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Moore noted a misspelled word in Section IX of the Minutes. There was discussion as to Mr. Mills disagreement with the City maintaining the wall at SanLanta Subdivision. Mr. Mills moved to approve the Minutes as discussed. Seconded by Ms. Capucille. All in favor. Motion carried. IV. Applications for Certificates of Appropriateness: Commercial: a) 218 S. Park Avenue Install Interior Signs: John Warner was present and stated that he was contracted to make the sign. He stated that the top of the sign will be 30" and will contain the logo. The bottom portion of the sign will be 3" below the top and contain 6 letters. Mr. Moore moved to approve. Seconded by Mr. Porter. All in favor. Motion carried. V. Applications for Certificates of Appropriateness: Residential: a) 910 Elm Avenue - Renovate garage /shed (Previously Tabled): Ms. Capucille made a motion to remove from the table. Seconded by Mr. Mills. All in favor. Motion carried. Alan Spring, owner, was present for representation. He stated that he has an unattached garage in the rear of his house that was termite infested. After discussion regarding why this work was done without a Certificate of Appropriateness, Mr. Mills moved to approve.. Seconded by Mr. Moore. Mr. Skat opposed. Motion carried. b) 1011 Oak Avenue - Rebuild front porch railing, add rear corner porch, add side window treatments (Previously Tabled): Mr. Skat moved to remove this item from the table. Seconded by Mr. Porter. All in favor. Motion carried. Sica Nacu, owner, was present. She stated that she was here to correct the situation of not obtaining a Certificate of Appropriateness before starting the work. Ms. Nacu apologized. There was discussion regarding the change and feel of the house because of the railings. Because of the inconsistency with what the Board is trying to do, Mr. Mills moved to deny. Mr. Skat seconded for discussion. Discussion involved the window on the MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING OF APRIL 11, 1996 PAGE 2 outside and different designs on the house. Mr. Mills explained his motion to deny stating that this application wasn't brought before the Board as it should have been, there is no information to show what was originally there, and the details of the rails on the back are not original to the house. Mr. Skat stated that there is a new foundation for the backporch. Mr. Porter and Mr. Moore in opposition to the motion. Motion carried. c) 823 Park Avenue - Add wood louvre shutters: Mr. Mills moved to table due to lack of information. Seconded by Ms. Capucille. All in favor. Motion carried. d) Violetta Williams Properties - Exterior Repairs: 1) 611 Oak Avenue; Tom Green, attorney, and Mr. Balant, contractor, were present for representation. There was considerable discussion regarding the presence of the applicant's attorney and with the absence of the City Attorney. Mr. Skat made a motion that the Board not go forward with the application because of the Court Reporter's presence. Mr. Mills added to the motion that for each of the items concerning Violetta Williams, that the Board get more of a clearer description of the work to be done. Mr. Mills offered to meet with Mr. Balant and go over the items of concern. All in favor. Motion carried. Ms. Mitchell made a motion to have the City Attorney present at the next meeting. Seconded by Ms. Capucille. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Skat made a motion to table all items: 2) 621 Oak Avenue; 3) 615 Park Avenue; 4) 612 Park Avenue; 5) 612 Park Avenue (Stairway); 6) 210 Laurel Avenue, under Item V. D of the Agenda. Seconded by Ms. Capucille. All in favor. Motion carried. e) 505 Myrtle Avenue - Perimeter skirting: Mr. Skat moved to table until the Board could obtain more information. Mr. Mills seconded the motion and added to it that the Board' s typical response to anything vinyl is negative, for the most part, and since the Board doesn't have backup information nor sample materials, a decision cannot be reached. The window repairs need to be more clearly identified. Additional information is needed. Mr. Skat clarified his motion to table Items 1 and 2 and deny Item 3 of this request. All in favor. Motion carried. f) 1217 Palmetto Avenue - Paint, stucco, replace rotted wood: Mr. Mills moved to deny. Seconded by Mr. Skat. All in favor. Motion carried. g) 609 Palmetto Avenue - Paint and re —roof: Mr. Mills moved to approve as submitted. Seconded by Ms. Capucille. All in favor. Motion carried. h) 718 Oak Avenue - Reconsider octagon windows and front . porch remodel (Items #2 and #5): Ms. Mitchell moved to approve Items 2 and.5 of this application. Seconded by Mr. Mills. All in favor. Motion carried. 1) 1116 Magnolia Avenue - Replace /relocate fence: Mr. Skat stated that he would like to move the fence so that it is off of the front of the house. Mr. Mills moved to approve as long as the fence is in wood. Seconded by Ms. MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING OF APRIL 11, 1996 PAGE 3 Goeb. Mr. Skat abstained. All others in favor. Motion carried. VI. Acknowledgement of Minor Review Committee Actions: a) a) 609 Palmetto Avenue - Replace chain link fence with stockade and picket fence; b) 609 Palmetto Avenue - Restore window and replace rotted siding; c) 705 Magnolia Avenue - Paint exterior; d) 1206 Palmetto Avenue - Rebuild rear porch; e) 301 Oak Avenue - Repaint and replace window treatments: Mr. Skat noted that the owners of 705 Magnolia Avenue stuccoed the entire house with a heavy modern textured stucco. The applicants had a C of A to patch the stucco. He stated that he told the owners that they need to come back in before the Board before they paint. Mr. Skat moved to approve with the exception of Item C. Mr. Mills requested that the owners be notified that the Board will be reviewing this at the next meeting and requested also that Staff provide the Board Members with a copy of this application and with what was approved. Mr. Mills stated that the Board should acknowledge everything except this item. Mr. Skat withdrew his motion. Mr. Mills made a motion to approve all items except Item C with the understanding that it appears that the C of A that was issued was not performed in a manner that is required by the Board. Seconded by Mr. Skat. All in favor. Motion carried. VII. Recommendation to City Commission Regarding Demolition of Log Cabin: Mr. Mills showed a video tape of the inspection of the log cabin conducted by him and Cal Conklin. He noted that anything can be restored. The problem with the Log Cabin is that the bottom series of logs on the east and west sides, 4, 5 to 6 high on both sides need to be replaced. The only way that they can be repaired properly would be to run something through the underside between the border joints to support the rest of the building on temporary jacks while taking the rotted logs out and installing the new beam and new logs.. This is only in 25% of the entire building. If this was done first, then there is a possibility that the building could be moved. A lot of what is in the Cabin is salvageable, i.e. wood, the roof system. Mr. Mills suggested that a picture be put into the newspaper asking if anyone is interested in saving this building and relocating it. The roof and the structure that supports the roof are in real good shape. Mr. Mills moved that the Board cannot recommend demolition to the City Commission because this is a historic structure, and also that there is a possibility that the building could be restored, and /or the building could be relocated with some extensive temporary shoring, and that the Board also recommends that the City consider opening it up for a developer or anyone to purchase and relocate the building. Seconded by Mr. Skat. Under discussion, Mr. Skat stated that if the City should decide to demolish it, the Board should have some input as to what happens with the components of the building. All in favor of the motion. Motion carried. VIII. Other Business: Mr. VanGaale asked the Board to consider an application for a tin roof for 805 Elm Avenue. He stated that the roof is a part of the house which is a built up shed roof. In the back of the home there is considerable water damage and it is leaking. The Hedin4ers would like to use a metal roof on that area. MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING OF APRIL 11, 1996 PAGE 4 Mr. Mills moved to have the Chairman take a look at the roof and pass it as a minor review item. Mr. Moore seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Skat moved to make it policy that if there is an attorney with a court reporter present that the City Attorney also be present. Seconded by Mr. Mills. Mr. Moore stated that the presence of our lawyer should not be predicated on whether there is a court reporter present or not. If a lawyer is present from the other side, then we should have a lawyer present for our side. All in favor. Motion carried. The Board discussed the Certificate of Appropriateness applications as to requiring more information upon submittal. They discussed Norval Angle's home at 914 Park Avenue as to the color and the fence. The Board discussed 219 French Avenue as to any feedback of relocation. Mr. VanGaale will report at next month's meeting as to how the numerous items at 215 W. 5th Street will be followed up on. Mr. Mills stated that he had received a call from Jodie Rubin of the Orlando Historic Preservation Board. She asked about sponsors for the Florida Trust meeting. He made a motion to have the Board donate $250.00 for some of the things they are trying to do. Seconded by Mr. Skat. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Skat noted that someone needs to call Ms. Welch to see if she wanted to remain a member of this Board. Also, he stated that he had talked to Mr. Cranias earlier in the day and that Mr. Cranias. had stated that he would not attend the meeting because of illness. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:00 P.M.