HomeMy WebLinkAbout05.14.96AGENDA HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD ) Meeting May v, 1996 City Hall City Commission Conference Room 300 N. Park Avenue Sanford, FL 4:30 P.M. I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Excused / Unexcused Absences III. Approval of Minutes April 11, 1996 IV. Applications for Certificate of Appropriateness COMMERCIAL a) 208 S. Sanford Avenue - Exterior renovations b) 107 W. First Street - Install awning and fenced seating area V. Applications for Certificate of Appropriateness RESIDENTIAL a) 603 Oak Avenue - Change roof pitch & install metal roof on rear addition b) 909 Magnolia Avenue - Remove tin garage, install privacy fence c) Violetta Williams Properties (Previously Tabled) 1) 611 Oak Avenue 2) 621 Oak Avenue 3) 615 Park Avenue 4) 612 Park Avenue 5) 612 Park Avenue (stairway) 6) 210 Laurel Avenue d) Vacant Lot North of 719 Oak Avenue - Move house on to vacant lot e) 606 Park Avenue - Install aluminum over facia board, repaint, repair screens f) 1 109 Elm Avenue - Install vinyl siding VI. Acknowledgement of Minor Review Committee Actions a) 901 S. Magnolia Avenue - Install 3' picket and 6'stockade fence b) 301 W. 10th Street - Re- stucco building & paint trim c) 107 W. First Street - Temporary Banner —d) 207 Magnolia Avenue - Paint colors & Barrel Planters e) 703 Palmetto Avenue - Replace porch floor f) 1019 Myrtle Avenue - Paint colors VII. Discussion Regarding 705 Magnolia Avenue (stucco repair) VIII. Discussion Regarding Legal Representation IX. Discussion Regarding Log Cabin X. Budget Approval XI. Appreciation Letter from the Florida Trust for Historic Preservation XII. Other Business ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he /she may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford (FS 286.0105). Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Personnel Office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626 48 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD CITY COMMISSION CONFERENCE'ROOM CITY HALL ' May 14, 1996 4:30 P.M. I• Call to Order and Roll Call: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Laura Howell at 4:35 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Kimberly Capucille Jerry Mills Sue Mitchell Julia Goeb Paul Porter Laura Howell Chris Cranias Helen Stairs II. MEMBERS ABSENT: Cathryn Welch (excused) Don Moore (excused) Michael Skat (excused) OTHERS PRESENT: Andrew VanGaale, Associate Planner Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary III• APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Mr. Porter moved to approve the Minutes as circulated. Seconded by Ms. Capucille. All in favor. Motion carried. IV. Applications for Certificates of Appropriateness: Commercial: 208 S. Sanford Avenue - Exterior Renovations: Helen Stairs was present representing this application. She stated that they would be renovating the front by removing the wood and replacing it with brick with the addition of doors and windows and some wrought iron work. Mrs. Stairs stated that this structure has no historic value or integrity. Mr. Porter stated that he feels it would enhance the neighborhood and moved for approval. Seconded by Mr. Cranias. Mr. Mills stated that he did not have enough information on the application to vote in favor. Ms. Howell stated that she was opposed to the inconsistencies with the doors with half lights rather than glass doors. In opposition to the motion were Mr. Mills, Ms. Howell and Ms. Capucille. Mrs. Stairs abstained. Motion carried. 107 W. First Street - Install awning and Fenced Seating Area: Mr. Mills moved to approve as long as the size of the lettering meets requirements. Seconded by Ms. Capucille. Ms. Howell opposed. Motion carried. V. Applications for Certificates of Appropriateness: Residential: 603 Oak Avenue - Change Roof Pitch and Install Metal Roof on Rear Addition: Mr. Mills moved to approve. Seconded by Ms. Capucille. All in favor. Motion carried. 909 Magnolia Avenue - Remove Tin Garage, Install Privacy Fence: Daryl and Elizabeth Douglas were present for representation. Mr. Mills moved to approve. Seconded by Mr. Cranias. All in favor. Motion carried. 611 Oak Avenue: Tom Greene, Attorney, Mr. Balant, Contractor, and a Court Reporter were present. Mr. Mills made a motion to approve Items 1A-to repaint the body of the house white; Item 1B -to be painted white not red; MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING OF MAY 9, 1996 PAGE 2 Item C -house trim to be repainted red including Items C1 through C5; Item D- wooden window screens to be repainted black; Item E1 -wood fencing to be repainted red; Item 4- replace 8 wooden window screens with matching material; Item 5- replace 3 aluminum window screens with matching material; Item 6- replace 1 aluminum awning window with new aluminum single hung window as per City of Sanford Fire Inspector's request upstairs front south side; Item 7- install pressure treated lattice around perimeter of dwelling and paint red. Seconded by Mr. Cranias. All in favor. Motion carried. 621 Oak Avenue: Same applicant, same representatives: Mr. Balant stated that all structures will be painted. Mr. Mills moved to approve Items 1A-body of house to be repainted white; 1C -house trim to be repainted white; lE- wooden window screens to be repainted black; 1F- wooden window shutters to be repainted green; 2A- replace 8 -10 pieces of 1x6 lap siding in various locations on north side with matching material; 3- replace 4 wooden window screens with matching material; 4- replace 5 aluminum window screens with matching material; 5- install pressure treated lattice underpinning around perimeter of dwelling and paint it green to match the shutters; removal of all .T 1 -11 siding, because it is inappropriate, and replace it with lap siding and paint it white to match. Items 1B -would be denied, the color red is to be painted white; Item 2B would be denied, materials should be replaced with lap siding; Item 6- strongly urge the applicant to match the shutters; Item 7- removal of the lattice from the front porch window. Seconded by Ms. Capucille. Ms. Howell noted that the lattice requires approval. Mr. Mills amended his motion to remove Item 7- lattice, stating that it is inappropriately applied and should be removed. Ms. Capucille seconded the amendment. Mrs. Stairs in opposition. Motion carried. Mr. Balant stated that because there is a little T 1 -11 siding that is in need of repair, from a cost standpoint, there is no way they could go in and replace it all with lap siding. Ms. Howell stated that this Board is not dealing with cost, that it is dealing with integrity, and that there is an appeals process. Mr. Balant stated that this item would be appealed. 615 Park Avenue: Same applicant and same representatives. Mr. Mills moved to approve Items 1A- body of house that is now red to be repainted red; 1B- house trim to be white; Bl- wooden window frames; B2- window castings; B3- soffit and fascia; B4 -porch ceiling; C1 -house trim to be white not red; C2 -doors and door frames and castings; regarding Items 2A- replace 3 pieces with matching material on the east side and 2B- replace 5 pieces with matching materials on north side and ask applicant to show whether there is or there is not siding underneath and what condition it is in before the Board approves or denies these items; Item 3- replace corner boards - is a moot point if T 1 -11 is removed - denied if the T 1 -11 siding is taken off; and approve Item 4- install pressure treated lattice under pinning around perimeter of dwelling and paint red. Mr. Mills stated that included in his motion is that the Board does not want the applicant to paint the T 1 -11 siding and replace the small pieces, the Board wants to see test areas to see what the condition of the siding underneath is. If the siding underneath is there and appears to be in reasonable condition, will ask that the T 1 -11 siding be MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING OF MAY 9, 1996 PAGE 3 removed from the entire structure. In opposition were Ms. Stairs, Mr. Porter and Mr. Cranias. Motion carried. 612 Park Avenue: Same applicant, same representatives. Mr. Mills moved to approve Items 1A of house that is now Country Coral to be repainted same; 1B -house trim that is now Country Coral to be repainted same; 1C -house trim that is now red to be repainted same; 1C1- doors; 1C2 -door frames and side lites; 1C3 porch canopy; 1C4- steps, railings and fences as long as they meet codes; 1D- wooden window screen frames to be repainted black; Item 2 install handrails on four sets of lower steps using matching materials; Item 3- replace one window sill on south side of building with matching material; Item 4- patch exterior stucco to match existing. Seconded by Ms. Goeb. All in favor. Motion carried. 612 Park Avenue: Mr. Mills moved to approve. Seconded by Mr. Cranias. All in favor. Motion carried. 210 Laurel Avenue: Same applicant, same representatives: Mr. Mills moved to approve Items 1- repaint the entire structure; 1A-body of house to be repainted white; 1B- trim on house to be repainted blue; 1B part 2 -doors to be painted blue; B1 -four columns in front; C -trim on house to be painted white; C1- wooden window and screens to be retained in black; 2A -on the southside replace one piece 1x2 lap siding; and Items 2, 3, and 4. Seconded by Ms. Goeb. All in favor. Motion carried. Vacant Lot North of 719 Oak Avenue - Move house on to vacant lot: Mr. Mills moved to deny. Seconded by Mr. Porter. All in favor. Motion carried. 606 Park Avenue - Install aluminum over facia board, repaint, repair screens: Mr. Mills moved to deny the placement of a piece of aluminum facia over the existing surface. Seconded by Ms. Capucille. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Mills moved to approve repairing and replacing some wooden screens with like materials. Seconded by Mr. Cranias. All in favor. Motion carried. 1109 Elm Avenue - Install Vinyl Siding: Mr. Mills moved to approve. Seconded by Ms. Goeb. All in favor. Motion carried. VI. The Board acknowledged the actions of the Minor Review Committee: a) 901 S. Magnolia Avenue - Install 3' Picket and 6' Stockade Fence; b) 301 W. 10th St. - Re- stucco Building and Paint Trim; c) 107 W. First St. - Temporary Banner; d) 207 Magnolia. Avenue - Paint Colors & Barrel Planters; e) 703 Palmetto Avenue - Replace Porch Floor; f) 1019 Myrtle Avenue - Paint Colors. VII. Discussion Regarding 705 Magnolia Avenue (Stucco Repair): Ms. Howell stated that the main issue was to repair the stucco, not to redo the whole house. There was a feeling that the whole house didn't need to be redone especially since the historic stucco was so nice. Mr. Mills stated that he drove by and that the stucco was done inappropriately and went way beyond the original approval of the C of A. Mr. Mills moved to request the owner to remove the stucco and restore the original stucco back to the way it was originally. Seconded by Ms. Mitchell. Mr. Porter wondered if this was impractical. Mr. Mills stated that it is not really practical but that he is MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING OF MAy 9, 1996 PAGE 4 tired of people doing things such as this. All in favor. Motion carried. Discussion regarding follow -up to completion of work included hiring a part time inspector. Mr. VanGaale stated that he would attempt to figure out a system whereby he could go back 6- months and lock in on the applicants that were approved and attempt to visit the sites. Mr. Mills stated that what this ends up being is doubling up on the amount of things that the Board has to look at before the meeting. This will include present applications and applications from 6 months ago. The applications from 6- months ago should be very quick, more or less a drive -by. Mr. VanGaale stated that applications from 6- months ago could easily go at the bottom of the Agenda. VIII• Discussion Regarding Legal Representation: Discussion was not necessary after reference was made to the memorandum from the City Manager. IX. Discussion Regarding Log Cabin: Mr. VanGaale stated that the City was asking for any requests from the Board to save any part of this building. The Board didn't have any requests. X. Budget Approval: Mr. VanGaale reported that the Department is requesting another $6,000 for next year. Ms. Goeb moved for approval. Seconded by Ms. Capucille. Motion carried. XI. Appreciation Letter From the Florida Trust for Historic Preservation: Mr. VanGaale reported that he had received a nice letter from the Florida Trust for the Board's generous donation of $250.00. XII. Other Business: Mr. Cranias asked if Staff could look into providing Walking Tour Brochures at the Airport. Ms. Howell presented a book that was written by Altermese Bentley. Ms. Capucille moved to buy three books and donate one to the Library, one to the Sanford Historic Museum, and keep one on file. Seconded by Mr. Mills. Motion carried. Mr. VanGaale reported that he and Jay Marder had come up with some procedures dealing with renewing and /or extending a Certificate of Appropriateness once the 6- month timeframe has come about. Mr. Mills moved to approve the changes as presented. Mr. Porter seconded. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. VanGaale reported that the Florida Trust is having a meeting on Saturday the 18th from loam to 2:30pm, Tour of Sanford. Alicia Clarke will be directing the bus tour. ,ti