HomeMy WebLinkAbout04.10.97AGENDA HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD Meeting April 10, 1997 City Hall City Commission Conference Room 300 North Park Avenue Sanford, FL 4:30 p.m. I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Excused / Unexcused Absences III. Approval of Minutes March 13, 1997 IV. Applications for Certificate of Appropriateness RESIDENTIAL a) 806 Magnolia Avenue - Enclose rear corner porch b) 1300 Magnolia Avenue - Re -open front porch and porte cochere, replace door with window, re -open bathroom window and replace jalousie windows c) 422 Palmetto Avenue - Move structure to another location within historic district V. Acknowledgment of Minor Review Committee Actions a) 1300 Magnolia Avenue - Repair soffits /trim, repair porch, re -roof, cap chimney & paint b) 700 Magnolia Avenue - Paint exterior c) 1301 Park Avenue - Change exterior sign d) 919 Oak Avenue - Paint Exterior VI. Other Business ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he/she may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford (FS 286.0105). Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Personnel Office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626 48 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD CITY COMMISSION CONFERENCE ROOM CITY HALL APRIL 10, 1997 4:30 P.M. I. Call to Order and Roll Call: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Laura Sollien at 4:30 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Laura Sollien Michael Skat Barbara Farrell Don Moore Scott Singeisen Helen Stairs Julia Goeb Sica Nacu Jerry Gross II. MEMBERS ABSENT: Jerry Mills- excused Kimberly Kmett- excused OTHERS PRESENT: Andrew VanGaale, Associate Planner Marion Anderson, Recording Secretary III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Ms. Stairs moved to approve the Minutes as circulated. Seconded by Mr. Skat. All in .favor. Motion carried. IV. Applications for Certificate of Appropriateness: Residential: a) 806 Magnolia Avenue - Enclose rear corner porch: Mary Larsen was present for representation. She stated that they would like to replace the lattice in the rear because of tongue and groove wood flooring that is being ruined. The original front door will go where the stair's opening is. On the back of the house there are two different size windows. The larger window is the original size window of the house. The same size window will go to the right of the door about 2 and 1/2'. Mr. Gross moved to approve subject to drawings being brought back before the Board. Seconded by Ms. Farrell. All in favor. Motion carried. b) 1300 Magnolia Avenue - Re -open front porch and porte cochere, replace door with window, re -open bathroom window and replace jalousie windows: Bess Simons was present. She stated that they are taking the house back to more of its original condition. The jalousie window in the rear and the steel door will be replaced with plain windows. Mr. Singeisen moved for approval. Seconded by Mr. Skat. All in favor. Motion carried. c) 422 Palmetto Avenue - Move structure to another location within the historic district: Joy Lewis was present. She stated that they would like to sell just the house or give the house away if the cost is supported in moving the house within the historic district. If they can't find someone to buy the house or take the house and move it to another location, then they will put the whole thing up for sale. Mr. Gross moved to approve for 6 months. Seconded by Mr. Skat. All in favor. Motion carried. MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING OF APRIL 10, 1997 PAGE 2 Acknowledgement of Minor Review Committee Actions: a) 1300 Magnolia Avenue - Repair soffits /trim, repair porch, re -roof, cap chimney and paint; b) 700 Magnolia Avenue - Paint exterior; c) 1301 Park Avenue - Change exterior sign; d) 919 Oak Avenue - Paint exterior: Mr. Skat moved on approval. Seconded by Ms. Farrell. All in favor. Motion carried. Other Business: A request from Main Street to hold a retail sales event in conjunction with the Sanford's Trust Garden Tour and the Sanford's Student Museum Event on May 17, 1997. This is a request for a sidewalk sale on May 17th from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 P.M. along 1st Street between Park Avenue and Sanford Avenue with only downtown merchants as participants. Mr. Gross moved for approval for downtown merchants only with no vendors. Seconded by Ms. Goeb. All in favor. Motion carried. Tom Freeman, 605 Palmetto Avenue, stated that he is concerned with the removal of the house at 615 Palmetto Avenue. Under the Board's approval, a house was to be rebuilt on that lot and /or move one in. He asked if there was a timeframe involved in this. Mr. Skat stated that if he remembers right, the approval was for demolition and three things could happen: 1) if a new house was to be built, the house had to come in and be approved by this Board to be in keeping with the historic codes; 2) a house from within or outside the district could be moved in provided it came through this Board; and 3) if nothing happened, the lot would remain vacant after some time. Mr. Freeman stated that demolition was approved with the approval of the plans that were submitted without having the financing secured and the lot is setting empty and it is for sale. This is a conflict of interest. Ms. Sollien stated that she thinks there is a code violation in not following through with what was suppose to be done. The Board stipulated that a house had to be built or put on the lot and the Board made no provision for vacancy. Mr. Gross made the motion that the particular lot in question, 615 Palmetto, that either the Board approve a two story residence appropriate to the historical fitting of the neighborhood and /or the owner sell the property as a vacant lot, then the Board looks at resubmitted plans or it stays vacant or whoever comes before the Board resubmits. Ms. Farrell stated that this is exactly what they are trying to do. Mr. Gross stated that it should be documented and approved and official. Seconded by Ms. Goeb. Ms. Sollien stated that she has a problem with this because the reason that this Board approved the demolition was because the Board was certain of the type of house that would go in there would enhance the district or at least put some type of historic character into the district even though it would not be a historic house. Now the situation is that a house is demolished just to get a vacant lot and if the lot is sold, what kind of disclosure has to be there. Mr. Skat stated that the seller has to disclose. Ms. Stairs stated that the MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING OF APRIL 10, 1997 PAGE. 3 problem she sees' is that the Board made its decision based on a concept'of a home that would go on this lot and when the Board saw the house being torn down, it visualized this particular house on that lot. Now we find that this isn't going to happen. Mr. Skat stated that he thought he had made a motion that had the raw lot in it because the Board talked about other historic districts and what they do with vacant lots. He stated that he thought he made a three prong motion on this property. Mr. Freeman stated that the 6 months are up and asked what is going to happen. Mrs. Stairs stated that she would just move to table this and have it on the next agenda after the minutes are reviewed. Ms. Sollien stated that one alternative is for Ms. Farrell to come back with a house more financially feasible as opposed to selling it as a vacant lot. She stated that she is opposed to selling it as a vacant lot. Mr. Gross stated that if no one had any more contributions to his motion he would go back to the original motion that stated that there are two options; no. 1, that either Barbara sell the lot and that if the lot is sold and built on that it fits the historical guidelines of that particular neighborhood with a two story house similar in character of the neighborhood; and no. 2, sit on the lot and pay the taxes. All in favor of Mr. Gross' motion. Motion carried. Mr. VanGaale introduced a letter from Mr. Singeisen requesting funding for the Florida Trust Conference in Miami. Mr. Skat moved to approve. Seconded by Ms. Stairs. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. VanGaale reported that he had identified new residents of the Historic District by a printout of new water customers. He noted that he is willing to send out letters to new residents unless there is a member that would like to volunteer to do this. Ms. Goeb stated that she would present this at the next meeting of the Trust to see if anyone would be interested in doing this as an ongoing type of thing. Ms. Sollien stated that she would rather have Mr. VanGaale do this because the Board would be assured of consistency. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:00 P.M.