HomeMy WebLinkAbout09.10.98AGENDA HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD Meeting September 10, 1998 Sanford City Hall City Commission Chambers 300 N. Park Avenue Sanford, FL 4:30 P.M. I. Call to Order and Roll Call II. Excuse"nexcused Absences III. Applications for Certificate of Appropriateness - Residential a) 918 Myrtle Avenue - Remodel House and Construct Detached Garage b) 214 Laurel Avenue - Move Structure to Lot at S/E Corner of Park and 9 Street IV. Acknowledgment of Minor Review /Staff Review Actions a) 918 Palmetto Avenue - Replace aluminum jalousie windows with fixed glass b) 305 S. Park Avenue - Install sign c) 621 Park Avenue - Paint exterior d) 717 Park Avenue - Paint exterior porch e) 510 Palmetto Avenue - Paint exterior f) 814 Elm Avenue - General repairs and paint exterior V. Information Regarding Cemetery Gazebo and Brick Building VI. Other Business ADVICE TO THE PUBLIC: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above meeting or hearing, he/she may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence, which record is not provided by the City of Sanford (FS 286.0105). Persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any of these proceedings should contact the Personnel Office ADA Coordinator at 330 -5626 48 hours in advance of the meeting. MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 10, 1998 4:30 P.M. CITY COMMISSION CHAMBERS CITY HALL, SANFORD, FLORIDA MEMBERS PRESENT: Eline Ransom Laura Sollien Scott Singeisen Sica Nacu Jerry Gross Walt Padgett Kimberly Kmett Fred Rogers MEMBERS ABSENT: Don Moore - excused Julia Goeb- excused Barbara Farrell Mr. Singeisen called the meeting to order at 4:30 P.M. The first item on the Agenda was the consideration of the Certificate of Appropriateness for 918 Myrtle Avenue - remodel house and construct detached garage. Since there was no one present to represent this request, Ms. Sollien moved to table because there are too many questions, a working drawing for the house and the garage is needed. Seconded by Ms. Kmett.. All in favor. Motion carried. Next on the Agenda was the consideration of a request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for 214 Laurel Avenue - move structure to Lot at S/E corner of Park and 9th Street. Hamid Pakniat, 2359 Beverly Street, Oviedo, was present. He stated that he is the owner of the house and the lot. The lot is in his name and the house is in his partner's name. He would like to have the house moved to this lot. The house will be renovated starting from the bottom up. It will not be an eyesore. The house will add a lot to this street. Mr. Pakniat stated that this house is approximately 1200 square feet and that there are a lot of small homes in the area. The house will be rented but he will maintain it. The garage in the back belongs with the bigger home which is totally separate. He stated that he is going to keep both homes. They will be rental properties for future retirement. Ms. Ransom stated that she would like to see a site plan as it relates to the house that is already there. Mr. Singeisen noted that the house is in the District and it is a contributing structure. Mr. Pakniat stated that the City has strict rules and basically will tell him where to sit the house. Everything will be permanent and done by professional contractors. Mr. Singeisen suggested that Mr. Pakniat get a copy of Schedule S because Schedule S states specifically what type of pier needs to be used for that house to be moved onto as opposed to just block along with setback requirements. Mr. Pakniat requested that this be made a condition of the approval. MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 2 Ms. Sollien stated that she is not in favor of moving the house because it is on Laurel Avenue with houses that were similarly constructed during that time period and that street, itself, is a historic street that contributes. When a house is removed, it destroys a part of the look of that street. We are not only here to preserve houses but neighborhoods, and you will be moving that house that is very appropriate to the neighborhood it is in to a neighborhood where it is not so appropriate. Roy Zimmer of Winter Park stated that he has no interest in the house. If this request is not granted, he will not fix it up, it will remain a rental property. He stated that he is giving this house away. Burger King is interested in the front property along the highway. It is not a done deal. If it is, Burger King will need additional property for retention and parking. Ms. Sollien moved to deny based on the fact that the house contributes to the historic character of Laurel Avenue and that it is in the Historic District and it is in a historic neighborhood, and that there is no valid reason for it being moved. Seconded by Mr. Rogers based on the fact that the house is on the National Historic Register as a house built pre 1917 and based on the fact that it is very much a contributing structure. Ms. Ransom, Ms. Nacu, and Mr. Gross in opposition. Mr. Gross suggested that Mr. Zimmer develop a site plan that incorporates some of the area on retention with the house on it stating that he may be able to work around the house some way. All others in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Padgett moved to remove Item 1 from the table. Seconded by Ms. Sollien. All in favor. Motion carried. Wendy Reneke, 918 Myrtle Avenue, was present. She stated that with the application, she submitted outside elevations as to what the garage would look like and where the modifications and new structure would be. She stated that the house has gone through multiple renovations and there are 5 different types of siding on the house. What they are trying to do is to find the closest match to the original siding on the front of the house. As of this time, they have not found anything. The roofing materials do not match. It will be more in line with the original gable on the front of the house. Ms. Sollien stated that she would like to see elevations and encouraged the applicant to think about building something that is more appropriate which would be something more vertical rather than horizontal. Ms. Reneke stated that one reason they did not want to go up is because of the electrical pole and a lot of old Oak Trees. Ms. Sollien moved to approve in concept only and asked that the applicant come back in for final approval which would include architectural drawings, both of the proposed additions and the garage as well as some photographs of the area that the garage is going to go in. Seconded by Mr. Gross. All in favor. Motion carried. Next on the Agenda was the acknowledgment of Minor Review /Staff Review Actions: a) 918 Palmetto Avenue - replace aluminum jalousie windows with fixed glass; b) 305 S. Park Avenue - MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BQARD MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 3 install sign; c) 621 Park Avenue - paint exterior; d) 717 Park Avenue - paint exterior porch; e) 510 Palmetto Avenue - paint exterior; f) 814 Elm Avenue - general repairs and paint exterior. Ms. Sollien moved that from now on any applications for Certificates of Appropriateness concerning windows, or the replacement of windows come through the Board and not be handled under Minor Review. Seconded by Ms. Kmett. All in favor. Motion carried. The next item was the information regarding the Cemetery Gazebo and Brick Building. Mr. Singeisen stated that he went to the Historical Society and requested that this be tabled so that several civic organizations could come up with something other than demolition. He also spoke with Howard Jeffries at the site at which point Howard informed him that the City Manager had reversed his decision and was not going to demolish or encourage demolition of the two structures based on receiving a letter from the Historical Society and Sanford Historic Trust. Ms. Sollien moved for approval that the Board is in favor of the preservation of the two structures and that when further consideration is given on what is to be done and what renovations are to take place, that they come before the Board. Seconded by Ms. Ransom. All in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Gross asked if the Board was going to get out a letter on the Park issue or if the Board was just not going to say anything. He stated that so far since he has been in town, we have generated a sewer treatment plant, a parking lot, City Hall which was in place of the Zoo and the County building on the Lakefront. The Marina which has not been developed very well at all, could use some rehab and development. Parking should not be on the Lakefront. Mr. Gross stated that what he would like for the Board to make a statement that says yes, we are for the project, conceptually, however, there should be more study going into looking for other parcels of property. This whole area is a transitional area of the City and should remain as such. Ms. Sollien stated that she has mixed feelings about the whole thing. The Park isn't the biggest issue to her. The way the development looks is the biggest issue. Other plans have been presented that are much more appealing. The income in Sanford is not there to offset any significant economic development. There are a lot of people who need jobs that would be created by this. Ms. Kmett stated that she is for development but definitely not there. She spends time every single day in that Park and there is nothing else like this. She personally does not want to see a huge development there. Mr. Padgett moved to determine whether or not this Board would like to make a public statement. Seconded by Mr. Gross. Ms. Sollien and Mr. Rogers in opposition. All others in favor. Motion carried. Mr. Singeisen stated that in his opinion the statement would say that the Historic Preservation Board is in favor of the: development of Ft. Mellon Park. MINUTES HISTORIC PRESERVATION BOARD MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 10, 1998 PAGE 4 Ms. Ransom stated that in her opinion the statement should say that the Historic Preservation Board would like to be involved in approaching different options and the development of different options. Mr. Gross stated that his opinion would be that the Historic Preservation Board is for the proposed project, however, the Board is also in favor of saving Ft. Mellon Park, or maintaining its green space. Ms. Kmett stated that she doesn't think it should be built there, period. Mr. Marder stated that there are 10+ acres that are to remain public which includes the Civic Center and those lands. The 700 easterly feet, 2 acres and whatever is over at Seminole Blvd., but basically there is a 20.5 acre total site including the street, itself, and 9 acres are proposed to be set aside for the hotel /conference center. Mr. Padgett suggested the statement that the Historic Preservation Board is for the proposed development and the preservation of green space wherever and whenever possible. Ms. Sollien suggested that the highest and best use be applied to the green space. Mr. Padgett moved for approval for the public statement to read: "The Historic Preservation Board is in favor of the concept of development and the preservation of public space along the Lakefront as well as the preservation of green space whenever and wherever possible. Seconded by Mr. Gross. All in favor. Motion carried. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:10 P.M.