Rlb Wednesday, January 18, 2012
�f� City Commission Chambers, 1 Floor, Sanford City Hall
300 North Park Avenue, Sanford, Florida
Regularly Scheduled Meeting: 5:30 PM
Call to Order
Roll Call
Approval of Minutes
■ December 14, 2011 Regular Meeting Minutes
Public Meetings
PM -1 Hold a Public Meeting to consider a Certificate of Appropriateness application for the property located at
1119 S. Myrtle Avenue to request approval for construction of a handicap ramp on the west elevation.
Tax Parcel Number: 25- 19- 30 -5AG- 1305 -0100
Property Owner: Marveen Kelly
Representative: Cooper Wise
Minor Reviews
Review of Certificate of Appropriateness approvals issued administratively from December 1, 2011 through
December 31, 2011.
6 Month Reviews (July 2011 Meeting)
No Item for review.
Citizen Participation
Staff Reports
Chairman and Board Items for Discussion
In accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities needing assistance to participate in any
of these proceedings should contact the City Clerk at 407.688.5010 at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
Advice to The Public: If a person decides to appeal a decision made with respect to any matter considered at the above
meeting or hearing, he or she may need a verbatim record of the proceedings, including the testimony and evidence,
which record is not provided by the City of Sanford. (FS 286.0105)
Historic Preservation Board
January 18, 2012 — 5:30 Pm
City Commission Chambers
City Hall, Sanford, Florida
Members Present
Hank Dieckhaus (Vice - Chairman)
Mike Yebba
Steve Chusmir
Robert Kinney
Members Absent
Delton Chen (Chairman) - excused
Others Present
Christine Dalton, Community Planner/Historic Preservation Officer
Mary Muse, Administrative Coordinator
Mr. Dieckhaus called the regular meeting to order at 5:30 PM.
Mr. Chusmir moved to approve the December 14, 2011 meeting minutes. Mr. Yebba seconded. Motion
carried 3 -0, Mr. Kinney not present at this time.
Mr. Dieckhaus read the following into the public record:
"Applicants are advised that any person aggrieved by a determination of the Board may appeal such
determination to the City Commission by filing a written appeal and paying associated fees through
the City Clerk's Office within thirty (30) calendar days of the Board action. Additionally, a permit
may be required for any Certificate of Appropriateness approved this evening. It is the applicant's
responsibility to inquire with the Building Department as to whether or not a permit is required for
the approved Certificate of Appropriateness."
PM -1 Hold a Public Meeting to consider a Certificate of Appropriateness application for the property
located at 1119 S. Myrtle Avenue to request approval for construction of a handicap ramp on the
west elevation.
Tax Parcel Number: 25- 19- 30 -5AG- 1305 -0100
Property Owner: Marveen Kelly
Representative: Cooper Wise
Mr. Chusmir moved to approve the request for construction of a handicap ramp on the north side of the
building at 1119 S. Myrtle Avenue based on a finding that proposed alterations are consistent with the
purpose and intent of Schedule S and complies with the specific design guidelines contained within Schedule
S, per staffs report, with the stipulation if the house is sold the new owner will either have to come before
the board with a reason to keep the ramp or will have to remove it. Mr. Yebba seconded. Motion carried 4 -0.
Mr. Chusmir stated for the record he approved the ramp on the north side because the south side elevation is
not ADA approved and he believes a homeowner who is disabled should have the right to use their primary
entrance instead of a side entrance. During the discussion, the board requested the owner to plant landscaping
along the ramp to help "soften" the area.
Minor Reviews
Review of Certificate of Appropriateness approvals issued administratively December 1, 2011 through
December 31, 2011.
Mr. Chusmir moved to approve the minor review applications. Mr. Yebba seconded. Motion carried 4 -0.
Minutes — January 18, 2012
Historic Preservation Board
Page 2
6 Month Reviews (July 2011 Meeting)
No reviews to discuss.
Citizen Participation
Staff Reports
Ms. Dalton asked the board if they would be interested in having training sessions at 5 PM prior to the regular
scheduled board meetings. The consensus of the board was yes.
Ms. Dalton asked the board if they had any issues with an A/C window unit being installed as long as it is
not visible except from the alley. The consensus of the board was to allow A/C window units as long as they
are only visible from the alley since it is not the primary facade.
Chairman and Board Items for Discussion
Mr. Chusmir asked staff for a status on the Student Museum. Ms. Dalton reported there is a meeting
scheduled between the School Board and UCF in regards to UCF leasing the building. Mr. Chusmir moved
that upon approval by the School Board the Chairman of the Historic Preservation Board write a letter to the
City Manager /City Commission recognizing Ms. Dalton's time and efforts on this accomplishment. Mr.
Yebba seconded. Motion carried 4 -0.
There was discussion regarding the Public's image of the board.
Mr. Dieckhaus asked staff for a status on 601 Palmetto Avenue regarding the condition of the garage. Ms.
Dalton reported she would check with Code Enforcement, but there may be a fine running on it.
Mr. Dieckhaus reported the house and garage roofs are leaking at Del Miller's property, as well as a window
A/C unit installed on the north and south elevations.
Mr. Kinney asked staff for a status on 305 Park Avenue. Ms. Dalton reported she will follow up with Daryl
Presley regarding the completion of the title search.
Mr. Dieckhaus asked staff for a status on the SunTrust project. Ms. Dalton reported they have appealed the
HPB denial of the south elevation sign. The City has not received the signed the DO yet.
Ms. Dalton reported that in the future when there is an item on the agenda involving new commercial
development, she will have the City Attorney present at the meeting.
Mr. Dieckhaus stated that as a citizen he is concerned how the public views the city as being hard to work
with and asked if staff could work closer with applicants to make sure things stay on track and handled in a
timely manner. Ms. Dalton assured the board staff works with each applicant during the process.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 6:20 PM