HomeMy WebLinkAbout010823-N i Regular meeting of City Commission, Monday January 8, 1923. 2:30 P.M. Present: Commissioners, Forrest Lake (Mayor) S.O.Chase and C J Marshall City Manager G G Herring City Attorney, F T Williams, City Engineer, G � DeCottes, Special Counsel. Minutes of last regular meeting read and approved. Auditor & Clerk's report for December was read and accepted and filed. Auditor & Clerks Report for December 1922 Balance sash on hand 18,737.74 Receipts Current Taxes 59035.63 Licenses 19194.50 Pound Fees 51.00 Dog Tax 14.25 Fines & Costs 397.00 Inspection Fees 231.60 Store Room Acct. 52.40 Mriscel Income 134.51 Sundry Personal Acet. 160,95 7,21 .74 Less Discount on faxes 60.17 7AAf .57 25,9#9.31 Disbursements 0 ice of Citw_Manager Sal ary 300.00 Communicat ions 22.90 Gas and oil 7.21 310.11 Office i� Atty. Salary 75.00 Litigation, Sheriff's Fees 36.75 Special Service ( Wilson 25.00 Landis, Fish & Hull 500.00 636.75 Office I-j nicinal Judge balaries 100.00 100.00 Div of Police Gal ari e s 580.00 Communications 75 Gas & Oils 25.60 Repairs & Supplies 6.20 Feeding Prisoners 16.50 Motorcycle Expense 45.69 Div of Fire. 674.74 Salaries 435.00 Supplies 17.89 Repairs 26.98 Communications 14.75 Div Sts. and Bridges 494.62 Superintendence 125.00 Labor 817.13 Feed & Care Animals 140.43 Repairs & Material 52.59 Sma11 Tools 14.95 Gas & Oils 30.59 Div of Sewers & Drains 1,180.69 - labor 31.00 Material - 155.68 Flush Tank 1.20 Div of Parks ~'Labo 187.88 r 12.00 Pkant s 8.00 Lights 1.50 21.50 7AAf .57 25,9#9.31 0 m �i A Div of Pub. Bldge. Janitor 10.00 Lights and Gas 15.25 Wood & Water 12.25 Supplies 2.30 39.80 Div of Engineering Engineering, Grades 37.50 Div of Pub. Health 87.50 Salary of Physician 40.00 Sanitary Collector 60.00 Drugs & Supplies 5.15 Disinfectant 48.75 Publicity 153.90 Sanford Band 175.00 Div_. of Inspection 175.00 Salaries 40.00 Pound E xpense 40.00 'Master 18.00 Phone 2.65 Supplies 60 Lights 1.20 Dept. of Finance 22.45 Salaries 90.00 Communications 10.00 Legal Advertising 4.80 Dept Records a Taxation 104.80 Salaries _ 250.00 Staty. & Supplies 21.43 Communications 6.75 Recording 3.75 Election Expense 1106.90 Office Furniture 12.00 Store Room Acct. 399.83 Supplies 14.56 Bills Payable 650 14.56 Int. on Note. 45.50 650.00 Incinerator Account 45.50 Labor 176.01 Material 62.27 Bond Trustees 238.28 Cash Acct. 133.95 Retiring Bonds -- 2.000.00 133.95 Bond Interest & Exchange 16.535.07 2000.00 Total Distribution 16535.07 Balance cash on hand 24,196.93 l.1ft38 25 .31_ Report of City Manager for December read , accepted and ordered filed. The following resolutions were read: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the City Commissioners that there is an urgent demand for more parking space around the passenger depot of the Atlantic Coast line Depot in Sanford, Florida. and, WHEREAS, the condition in the parking space at times is such as to cause con- gestion and make it difficult for the patrons of the railroad company to come and go u go in safety to and from the depot; and, WHEREAS, the condition is constantly growing worse, owing to the steady increase in,the traffic to`and from the said depot; and WHEREAS, The City Commissioners-of the City of Sanford, Florida, feel that the safety and comfort of the public requires that additional parking space should be provided at the said depot; and., WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the City Commissibn that the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Officials are not fully advised of the urgent necessity for additional parking space at their depot aforesaid, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA: That the proper authorities of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company be at once informed of the view taken by the City Commissioners, as above expeessed, and that a copy of this resolution be furnished the said officials for their information and guidance, with the request that such action be taken by the said Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company as will give relief and secure the safety and comfort of its patrons and the citjrzens of Sanford, Florida. - The above and foregoing resolution was offered by Commissioner S O Chase who moved its adoption, and seconded by Commissioner C J Marshall this 8th day of January A.D.1923, and upon vote the same was passed as follows this 8th day of January A.D.1923. Attest; L R Philips City Auditor & Clerk. Forrest Lake Yea Commiss over _C J Marshall Yea Commissioner S 0 Chase I Yea Commissioner. ( Seal) RESOLUTION * VN WHEREAS, the RailroadsCrossings of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company within the City of Sanford, Florida, need immediate attention in order that they may i e made to conform t3 'the requirement of crossings; and, s� WHEREAS , the -railroad crossings on First Street and Myrtle Avenue, on First Street and Cedar Avenue, on Ninth Street, west of Holly Avenue, and on French Ave.. and Sixth Street are in particularly bad condition and need immediate attention; and AREAS, the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, feel that the said Railroad Authorities should at once proceed to put the aforesaid railroad crossings in'godd condition; NOW THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY !F SANFORD* FLORIDA: That the officials of the said Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Company be notifi- ed, by furnishing them with a copy of this resolution, of the situation in reference to their railroad crossings in the City of Sanford, Florida, and that they be s 0 co a advised to put the same in the proper condition Rd th the least possible delay The above and foregoing resolution was offered by Commissioner S 0 Chase, who moved its adoption, and seconded by Commissioner C J Marshall this 8th day of January A.D.1923, and upon kotion the same was carried as follows this 8th day of January A.D,1923. Attest: L K Philips City Auditor & Clerk ( Attest) Forrest bake Yea Commissioner C J Marshall Yea Commissioner S 0 Chase Yea Commissioner It was moved by Commissioner '' 0 Chase, seconded by Commissioner�Marshall and carried unanimously that the-Southern Utilities Co. be, and they are hereby instructed that the Commissioner requires that in the extension of water mains as per, resolution of the Commissione4a dated June 12,1922 on Union Ave., French Ave., and Thirteenth Street that six inch mains be laid and that on West First St., between Cedar and Avacado Avenues tkey may use four inch mains The Clerk was instructed to notify the Southern Utilities Company of this in- struction by letter. The Commission then proceeding as the Board of Equalization to hear claims or complaints on the proposed paving on Oak Avenue from Tenth Street to Thirteenth St on Thirteenth Street from Sanford Ave. to French Ave ., Laurel.Ave. from Sixth St. to Thirteenth Street and Tenth Street from Oak Ave. to Park Ave. There being no claims or complaints filed on any of these streets or avenues, declared the preliminary assessments approved. The following resolution was then offered: -" '-I � BE IT RESOLVED, that all of the Officers and Employees of the City, appoir_ted or elected by the Commission be, and they, are hereby required and requested to hand in and tender at once their resignations as such officers and employees, said resig- nations to be effective February 1,1923. Adopted by the City Commission in open session this 8th day of Jamary A.D.1923 Forrest Lalm Yea C J Marshall Yea S 0 Chase Yea Attest: ity Commissioners .L R Philius Uty Auditor & Clerk. ( Seal) On motion duly seconded and passed the City Clerk was instructed to adver- tise for sealed bids on approximately 0300,000 up to 2 :30 P.M, January 29,1923. 6% Improvement bonds to be received f Elm The following bills were read and approved and the Auditor and Clerk authorized to draw checks to pay same. 'Z/ _I q- 'y/ G o C -;--r #2161 C J Ryan, Cit Mgr. 2162 L R Philips, ity Clem 2163 J A Killebrew, Chief Police 2164 J H Powell, Patrolman 2165 James Dawson, Patrolman 2166 S L Smart, Patrolman 2167 Ellen Hoy, Steno. 2168 A H Beckwith, Patrolman 2169 G P Paxton, Fire Chief 2170 B F Smith, Fireman 2171 Mack Cleveland, Fireman 2172 R G Williams, 2t, Foreman 2173 Lack McGill, Sal itary Coll. 2174 Southern Bell Melephone Co. 2175 Tampa Morning Tribune 2176 Manufacturers Record 2177 Tampa Plumbing 'Iupply Co. 2178 Dr A Dolan 2179 Florida rimes Union 2180 Fred T Williams 2181 Fred P Rines 2182 VII H Hand 2183 Govt. Surplus Goods 2184 Legal Advertising 2185 Ray Brothers 2186 Wight Bros Co. 2187 Hill Lumber Co. 2188 J B Howard 2189 Haynes & Ratliff 2190 C J Marshall 2191 Albert Hall 2192 Herald Printing Go 2193 Cates Crate Cc 2194 C W Zaring & Co. 2195 H & 4 B Drew Cc 2196 Ball Hardware Cc 2197 Chase & Co. 2198 Geo A Speer & Son 2199 Roumillat & Anderson 2200 Carter Lumber Co. 2201 Kanner's Dept, store 2202 UlraQArmy Store. 2203 Am.LaFrance Fire Eng. 2204 Hill Hardware Co. 2205 Frank Akers Tire Co. 2206 Sou Utilities Co. 2207 Chamber of Commerce 2208 City Petty Cash Aeot. 2209 Williams Garage Salary January 1 to 15 Salary January 1 to 15th Salary January I to 15th ,Salary January 1 to 15th Salary Jan 1 to 15th Salary Jan 1 to 15th Salary Jan 1 to 15th. Sal ary Jan 1 to 15th. Salary Jan 1 to 15th. Salary Jan 1 to 15th Salary Jan 1 to 15th. Salary Jan 1 to 15th Salary Jan 1 to 15th Telephone Service Legal Advertising Legal Advertising Incinerator Piping Treating mule Legal Advertising Grading Gas,0il & Supplies Repairs to wagon, horseshoeing Co. Pump for incinerator Legal advertising Motorcyle Plug Gas, Spot light metal polish Lumber, Cement Repairs to oar Supplies Professional Services Attest: Horseshoeing and repairs Legal Adv. Feed for animals Feed for animals Carbon Paper Misoel Bills a Sewer pipe Sheets, Pillow oases Drugs Lumber Fire Dept 1 dozen towels Blankets, cot and mattress Co. Parts for Fire Engine Fork, S urs, Oakum Miscel Bills Water, Light, Pub. Bldgs. Publicity Acot. for December Pay rolls and M'iscel Acct. Car Repairs � G � r/ There being no further business the meeting adjourned. City ditor x erk. ayo r ' 4162.50 100.00 87.50 62.50 62.50 50.00 50.00 57.50 87.50 50.00 45.00 62.50 30.00 27.30 6.00 35.00 42.46 5.00 6.75 12.00 55.52 etc. - 30.00 6.90 7.88 1.00 14,.10 10.61 29.55 12.30 2.00 15.00 108.30 148.62 83.52 1.09 62.73 27.28 11.74 12.90 27.75 3.00 11.50 4.87 10.85 61.31 24.75 625.00 258.15 14.30 'y,/ / 1y 6 2, 724.53 Al � ren