HomeMy WebLinkAbout012223A REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION MONDAY JANUARY 22,1923; Present :, Commissioner Forrest hake ( Mayor), Commissioners, S.O.Chase and C.J *Mrshall City Manager C J Ryan; Attorney G.G.Herring, City Engineer, Fred T Willians. Minutes of Special `.Meeting of January 4th, and Regular Meeting of Jan ,nary 8th °and called meeting of January 18th. read and approved The Commission proceeding as a Board of Equalization to hear claims and complaints on proposed paving on : palmetto Ave. from Central St. to Hughey St.; Central St. from Sanford Ave. to french Ave., Seo3nd St from Oak Ave. to French Ave.; Fifth St. from Magnolisl Ave. to Myrtle Ave.; Ninth St. from Cypress Ave. to Bark Ave.; French Ave. from First St, to Lake Jbnroe. There being no claims or complaints on said proposed paving, the, preliminary assessment was declared approved. The following ordinance was offered: ORDINANCE #46 An Ordinance regulating the construction and use of surface olosets in the City of Sanford, Florida, Prescribing a penalty for the violation of this ordinance, fixing the charge for maintenance;. declaring this to be an emergency measure necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health, to tatw.e effect immediately upon its final passage and adoption. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA; SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person in the City of Sanford, Florida, to throw out, deposit or bury within the City limits any excreta, solid or liquid, from human bodies, or to dispose of any such substance in any manner other than in a properly sewered water closet or properly constructed sanitary privy. SECTION 2. All buildings or other places in said City where human beings live, are em- ployed or congregate, shall be provided with a properly sewered water closet or saxi- itary privy for the catchment or receiving of human discharge. SECTION 34 It shall be toaawful for any property owner of his authorized agent to construct, maintain or permit to exist on any property or properties under his control where sewer connection has not been made, a privy unless the same is sanitary or is constructed as provided hereinafter. SECTION 4. A sanitary privy is one so built, rebuilt, or constructed that : (a) The exeretaion deposited therein will not fall upon the ground by in a water tight reoep- taele, and (b) The contents of which receptacle shall not be accessible to flies, fowl or small animals at any time, (c) said receptacle to be place in .a fly -tight container made of strong durable material, preferably metal. Said container shall be provided with a closely fitting wooden lid, which shall be the seat of the privy, and which shall project over the outside surface of container. The seat shall be provided with a self falling hinged wooden lid of sufficient size to overlap the seat hole, so as to make the container fly- tight. (d) The container shall be provided with proper ven- tilation by means of suitably placed openings, same to be fly- proof, and a galvanized iron flue extending to a point above the roof of the building. prodded, the galvanized flue shall not be required except on metal type containers. It is suggested that galvan- ized iron containers be used in complying with the provisions of the ordinance. r.T 9, 8 B a SECTION 5. Two containers shall be required in all privies used by more than six Persons, and one additional container for each additional six persons. No receptacle shall be allowed to become filled to over - flowing, if necessary to empty same oftener than at the regular intervals the occupant of the property is required to notify the Sanitary Department. The occupant, or, in unooeupied property, the owner, shall be held responsible at all times for the maintenance of the privy in a sanitary con- dition for the proper observance of these regulations. SECTION 6. In order to provide for the establishment and maintenance of proper scav- enger-service to take care of the disposal of the contents of said privies, the following charges-shall be made against the owner ( or occupant) of each premise lot or sub- division of lot whereon said privy or privies are located, or are used in connection with, or are maintained or used: For cleaning each closet or privy $2.25 per quarter, (meaning three months of the year) Said charge shall be payable in advance by the owner (or occupant) of said premises on the first day of each and every quarter. SECTION 7. Any person who violates any of the provisions of this ordinance or who in any way obstructs the Chief of the Sanitary Department or his duly authorized inspectors or the scavenger in proper discharge of their duties in connection with these provisions, shall, upon conviction in the Municipal Court, be fined in a sum not exceeding $100.00, or sentenced to work upon the public varks for a period not exceeding thirty days, either or both penalties to be inflicted inthe discretion of the Municipal Judge. SECTION 8. All privies that are installed to comply with the provisions of this ordinance must be approved by the City Health Officer of the City Manager.. SECTION 9 All ordinance and parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance , are hereby repealed SECTION 10. When the City Health Officer or City Manager directs that Health Guard privies be installed, or any other type of privy, the owner or occupant of the premises shall pay to the City the actual cost of installing same, upon the completion of the work of installing same, and shall pay to the City the actual cost of any repairs or material furnished by the City.,The use of such type of sanitary privy as may be approved by the City Health Officer or City Manager is hereby declared to be com- pulsory. SECTION 11. That this ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure necessary for the immediate preservation of the public health and safety, and shall become effective from and after the date of its final passage and adoption. The foregoing ordinance was offered by Commissioner C J Marshall, who moved its adoption, and seconded by Commissioner S © Chase. this 22nd day of January A.D.1923, and upon vote the same was unanimously passed this 22nd day of January A.D. 1923 as follows. ERBIX Forrest ISk�sr ilea C Marshall Tea Commissioner S 0 Chase Yea fittesti Commissioner L R . Philips City Auditor & Gleik Seal), Moved by Commissioner 0 J Marshall and seconded by Commissioner 4 0 Chase. that the requirements of a second reading of the above and foregoing ordinance at another regular meeting of the City Commission, not less than seven days from this date, shall be dispensed with by the unanimous vote of the City Oommissign, and upon vote this motion was unanimously passed this 22nd day of January A.D:1923, as followei Forrest 692 Yea Mayor a J Marshall Yea Commissioner S Chase YBn Commissioner. Attest l� Z RPhili s wIty Auditor Clerk Seal) City Engineer presented the plats of Spencer Heights and Orange Heights, same having been approved by the City Engineer. On otion the City Commission declared the same accepted and ordered to be recorded in theA lat Book. The City Auditor & Clerk was authorized to instruct the Clerk of the Circuit Court to accept settlement of the following tax certificates on payment of the face of certificates plus all costs and charges, omitting the interest thereon. 1916 Taxes , Certif #52 and #468 1917 taxes Certif #43 and 58 , assessed in the name of F A Sessman, and redeemed by D.Leach. The City Engineer was requested to confer with U.S.War Department relative to bulk -head line along the shore of Lake Monroe inside the City Limits and to report on same at the next meeting of the City Commission. The resignations of all City Officers and employes as requested by resolution passed at meeting of the City Commission January 8,1925, were duly received and filed. The following bills were read and approved, and the Auditor 19, Clerk was authori zed to draw checks to pay same. #2211 C J Ryan, City Manager. 2212 D K Philips City Clerk 2213 Ell e; Hoy, Steno. 2214 J A illebrew Chief Police 2215 J H Powell, patrolman 2216 James Dawson " 2217 S L Smart, " 2218 A H Beckwith " 2219 G P Paxton, Fire Chief 2220 B F Smith, Fireman 2221 Mack Cleveland, Fireman 2222 R G Williams, Night Fireman 2223 R G Williams 9 St. Foreman 2224 Mack MoGill,Sanitary Coll. 2225 Alfred Foster, Tax Coll 2226 Alfred Foster Tax Coll. 2227 J N Tolar, City Physician 2228 G G Herring, City Atty. 2289 J G Sharon Municipal Judge 2230 G Paxton, E1eo Insp. 2231 L Philips, C1k Municipal Ct. Salary Jan 15 to 31 162.50 Sa]a ry Jan 15 to 31st. 100.00 Salary Jan 15 to 31st. 50.00 Salary -Jan 15 to 31st. 87.50 Salary Jan 15 to 31st. 62.50 Salary Jan 15 to 31st. 62.50 Salary Jan 15 to 31st. 50.00 Salary Jan 15 to 31st. 57.50, Salary Jan 15 to 31st. 87.50 Salary Jan 15 to 31st. 50.00 Salary Jan 15 to 31st. 45.00 Salary Jan l6tto 31st. 10.00 Salary Jan 15 to 31st. 62.50 Salary Jan 15 to 31st. 30.00 Salary Jan lot to 31st. 25.00 Salary Jan let to 31st. 15.00 Salary Jan lot to 31st. 40.00 Salary Jan lot to 13st. 75.00 Salary Jan lot to 31st. 75.00 Salary Jan let to 31st. 15.00 Salary Jan lot to 31st. 25.00 #2232 B V Smith, Janitor Salary Jan lot to 31st. 10.00 2233 Petty Cash Acct. Pay rolls 1/1223 1/19/23 489.75 2234 Betty Cash Acct. Miscel. Bills 42.08 2235 Geo e DeCottes Special Counsel,Library eto. 375.00 2236 Sanford Band January Appropriation 175.00 2237 Mills lumber Co Lumber 449.68 2,729.01 There being no further business the meeting adjourned. At t st : cc 8 .o �i A 6*,- al (;; � �,, - ity u itor & Clerk. 1 GEC ayo r. AM