HomeMy WebLinkAbout052923t ADJOURNED SESSION OF CITY COMMISSION k MAY 29, 1923 S P.M. City Commission met in- adjourned session, Tuesday May 29, 1923 at S P.M. %V Present, Commissioner Forrest Lale ( Mayor) Commisslener S 0 Chase and C J Marshall City Manager W B Williams, City Engineer F. T Williams, Special Counsel George A DeCottes.. The following resolution wasp offered: RESOLUTION #SS PRELIMINARY RESOLUTION REQUIRING THE WIDENING, GRADING AND PAVING OF MYRTLE AVE TO A WIDTH OF 24 FT. , INSTEAD OF 18 FEET, AS NOW PLANNED, FROM NINTH STREET SOUTH TO THIRTEENTH STREET, AND REQUIR NG THE WIDENING, GRADING AND PAVING OF LAUREL AVE. TO A WIDTH OF 24 FEET, INSTEAD OF 1 FEET, AS NOW PLANNED, FROM SIXTH STREET SOUTH TO THIRTEENTH STREET. WHEREAS, Heretofore , appropriate proceedings have been had, providing for the grading and paving of Myrtle Ave, a width of 24 feet from Fourth Street South to Ninth St. and a width of 18 feet from Ninth St. south to Thirteenth St., and for the grading and paving of Laurel Ave. a width of 16 feet. from Sixth St. south to Thirteenth St., and WHEREAS, it is now deemed advisable that Myrtle Ave. should be paved to a width of 24 feet from Ninth St. south to Thirteenth St. and Laurel Ave. should be paved to a width of 24 feet from Sixth St. south to Thirteenth St., THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. deems it advisable, in addition to the improvement by paving of Myrtle Ave. from Ninth St. south to Thirteenth St. a width of 18 feet., that said pavement should be increased to a width of 24 feet., and deem it further advisable that the width of the pavement to be constructed on Laurel Ave. as heretofore authorized should be increased to a width of 24 feet instead of 16 ft. as now provided, as now provided, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Myrtle Ave. shall be paved with vitrified brick or other hard surface material from Ninth St. south to Thirteenth St. to a width of 24 feet. insteadmof" -to_ a width of 1S feet. as heretofore authorized, and Laurel Ave. shall be paved with vitrified brick or other hard surface material from Sixth St. south to Thirteenth-St. to a width of 24 feet., instead of to a width of 16 feet. as heretofore authorized; all of said widening, improving, grading and paving shall be done in compli oe with the estimates for said work of widening and paving each of said streets, as indi- cated by complete plans, specifications, profiles and estimates of said proposed im- provements now on file in the office of the City Manager of the City of Sanford, Florida, which said plans , specifications, pro files and estimates have been heretofore approved by the City Commission and constitute the plans and specifications for said widening and paving, and this Commission hereby declares the necessity for the widening and the pavi of ea of each of said streets and avenues, and futther declare this resolution to be an emer- i genoy measure providing for the usual dpdigtion of a municipal department. The City Commission is hereby authorized to expend for the widening the pav on each of streets and avenues, .the following sums of money, payable out of any moneys available there for,-to-wit: M O M A IWA 55 To total cost of increase in width of pavement on Myrtle Ave. from Ninth St. south to Thirteenth St., from 18 feet to 24 feet. $4310.00 which said sum is the total estimated cost of the improvement of said por- tion of Myrtle Ave., widened from 18 feet to 24 feet. To total cost of increase in width of pavement on Laurel Ave. from Sixth St. south to Thirteenth Street, from 16 feet to 24 feet. $7630.00 which said sum is the total estimated cost of the improvement of said por- tion of Laurel Ave., widened from 16 feet to 24 feet. That one -third of the total cost of the improvement aforesaid shall be borne by the City of Sanford, Florida, and shall be paid from the General Improvement Fund of the City of Sanford, Florida, out of any moneys available there for, and the remaining two- thirds of such cost shall be distributed among the several lots fronting and abutting on each of said streets or avenues per front foot in JWopor- tion to the frontage thereon, in acoordande with special benefits derived therefrom . and the cost to be so distributed on each of said streets or avenues, is as follows to -wit: To increase in width of pavement on Myrtle Avenue from Ninth Street south to Thirteenth Street, from 18 feet to 24 feet. $2573.34 To increase in width of pavement on Laurel Avenue from Sixth St.' south to Thirteenth Street, from 16 feet to 24 feet. $5056.67 That two - thirds of the expense of the improvements aforesaid, in the widening and paving of the aforesaid streets and avenues shall be':paid by special assessments made and levied upon all lots and lands adjoining and contiguous, or bounding and abutting upon such improvement. That the special assessments against the property deemed to be benefitted by said improvement for by this resolution, shall be assessed upon the property specially benefit -1 ted by the improvement in proportion to the benefits to be derived therefrom, such spec - r ial benefits to be determined and prorated according to the foot frontage of the respect- ive properties specially benefitted by said improvement. That special assessments made against property bounding and abutting upon the im- provements aforesaid shall be paid at the option of the property owners as follows: Either in full within thirty days after said assessments shall stand equalized, approved confirmed, or in ten annual installments with interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum from and after the time said assessments shall be finally equalized, approved and confirmed, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that this resolution is hereby declared to be an emergency measure providing for the usual daily operation of a Municipal Departmett of the City f -556 of n Sanford Florida, and shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. Adopted this 29th day of May A D 1923. Forrest Lake C J Marshall S 0 Chase City Commission of Sanford Florida Attestb L R Philips City Clerk. Thereupon Commissioner S 0 Chase moved that the rules be waived and said resolution be placed upon its second reading and final passage, which motion was seconded by Commissioner C J Marshall and unanimously passed. Said resolution was then placed upon its second reading and read by title only on this 29th day of May A.D.1923. Whereupon Commissioner Chase moved its adoption. This motion was seconded ' by Commissioner C J Marshall, and upon vote the same waw unanimously passed a s f ollows: Attest: L R Philips City Clerk. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: n City Clerk. Forrest Lake Commissioner C J Marshall Commissioner S 0 Chase Commissioner Mayor,