HomeMy WebLinkAbout06182355R e e ADJOURNED REGtTLPA MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION MONDAY JUNE 16, 1923 y Present: Commissioner Forrest Lake ( Mayor) Commission er.0 J Marshal, W B Williams, City Manager, J J Dickinson, City Attorney, George A DeCottes, Special Counsel, F T Williams, City Engineer. Minutes of last meetings read and approved. The following resolution was offered: RESOLUTION' #� , Preliminary resolution requiring the widening, grading and paving of Fourth St. to a width of 30 feet, instead of 24 feet as now planned, from Magnolia Ave. west to Oak Ave.; Requiring the widening, grading and paving of Fifth St. to a �tidth of 30 feet, instead of 24 feet as now planned, from Magnolia Ave. west to Oak Avenue, Requiring the wi ing, grading and paving of Sixth Street to a width of 30 feet, instead of-24 feet, as now planned, *from Magnolia Ave: west to Park Ave.; Requiring the widening, grading and paving of Second Street to a width of 30 feet, instead of 24 feet As now planned, from Oak Ave. west to Myrtle Ave., Requiring the widening, grading and paving of Third Street to a'width of 30 feet, instead of 24 feet as now planned, from Magnolia Ave. west to Myrtle Ave. ad the widening, grading and paving of Palmetto Ave. to a width of 40 feet instead of 32 feet as now planned, from Commercial Street North to Lake Monroe. WHEREAS. Heretofore, appropriated proceedings have been had, providing for the grading and paving of Fourth Street a width of 24 feet from Sanford Ave. west to Myrtle Ave., for the grading and paving of Fifth St, a width of 24 feet from Magnolia Ave. west' to Myrtle Ave,; for the grading and paving of Sixth Street a width of 24 feet from Magnolia Ave. west to Oak Ave., 20 feet in width from the alley between Oak Ave. and !Myrtle Ave., West to Myrtle Ave., and 16 feet in width from Myrtle Ave. west to Laurel Ave.,. for the grading and paving of Second Street a width of 24 feet from Oak Ave. west t Ave., for the grading and paving of Third St. a width of 24 feet from Sanford Ave West to Magnolia Ave. and from Oak Ave. west to Mill Creek, and 16 feet in width from Mill Creek west to Avacado Ave. and for the grading and paving of Palmetto Ave. a width of 32 feet from Commercial Street north to Lake Monroe, and WHEREAS? it is now deemed advisable that Fourth Street should be paved to a width of 30 feet from Magnolia Ave, west to Oak Ave.; That Fifth St. should be paved to a width of 30 feet from Magnolia Ave. west to Oak Ave., that Sixth St should be paved to a width o 30 feet from Magnolia Ave. west to Park Ave., That Second Street should be paved to a width of 30 feet from Oak Ave. west to Myrtle Ave.; that Third St. should be paved to a width of 30 feet from Magnolia Ave. west to Myrtle Ave. and that Palmetto Ave. should be paved to a width of 40 ft. from Commercial St. north to Lake Monroe. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, deems it advisable, in addition to the improvement by paving of Fourth Street from Magnolia Ave. west to Oak Ave., a width of 24 feet, that said pavement should be increased to a width of 30 feet, deems it advisable in addition to the improvement by paving of Fifth St. from Magnolia Ave. West to Oak Ave., a width of 24 feet, that said pavement should be increased t a width of 30 feet,; deems it advisable, in addition to the improvement by paving of ,Sixth St. from Magnolia Ave. west to park Ave., a width of 24 feet, that said Pavement should be increased to 30 feet,;, deems it advisable in addition to the improvement by ;paving of Second Street from Oak Ave. west to Myrtle Ave , a width of 24 feet, that said avement should be increased to 30 feet.; deems it advisable in addition to the improvemen y paving of Third St. from Magnolia Ave. west to Myrtle Ave. a width of 24 feet , that 30 f e said pavement should be increased to 30 feet, and deems it further advisable , in addition to the improvement by pavement of Palmetto Ave from Commercial Street Borth to Lake Monroe, a width of 32 feet, that said pavement should be increased to 40 feet, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Fourth Street shall be paved with vitrified brick or other hard surface material from Magnolia Ave. west to Oak Ave., to a width of 30 feet, instead of to a width of 24 feet as heretofore authorized; that Fifth St shall be paved with vitrified brick or other hard surface material from Magnolia Ave. west to Oak Ave., to a width of 30 feet, instead of to a width of 24 feet, as heretofore authorized; that Sixth Street shall be paved with vitrified brick or other hard surface material from Magnolia Ave, Pest to Park Ave., to a width of 30 feet, instead of to a width of 24 feet as heretofore authorized; that Second Street shall be paved with vitirified brick or other hard surface material from Oak Ave. west to Myrtle Ave, to a width of 30 feet, instead of to a width of 24 feet, as heretofore authorized; That Third Street shall be paved with vitrified brick or other hard surface material, from Magnolia Ave. west to Myrtle Ave. to a width of 30 feet. instead of to a width of 24 feet, as heretofore authorized, and Palmetto Ave. shall'be paved with vitrified brick or other hard surface material, from Commercial St. north to Lake Monroe, to a width of 40 feet instead of to a width of 32 feet, as heretofore authorized, All of the said widening, improving, grading and paving shall be done in compliance with the estimates fro said work of widening and paving each of said streets and avenues, as indicated by complete plans, specification, profiles and estimates of said proposed improvements now on file in the office of the City Manager of the City of Sanford, Florida, which said plans, specifications, profiles and estimates have been here- tofore approved by the City Commission and constitute the plans and specifications for said widening and paving, and this Commission hereby declares the necessity for the widen- ing and paving of each of said streets and avenues, and further declares this resolution to be an emergency measure providing for the usual bpetation of a municipal department. The City Commission is hereby authorized to expend for widening the pavement on each of said streets and avenues, the following sums of money, payable out of any moneys avail- able therefor, to -wit: To total cost of increase in width of pavement on Fourth Street from Magnolia Ave. west to Oak Ave. , from 24 feet to 30 feet....... which said sum is the total estimate tion of Fourth Street widened from 24 To total cost of increase in width of Ave. west to Oak Ave. _from 24 feet to which said slim is the total estimated of Fifth Street, widened from 24 feet i cost of the improvement of said por- feet to 30 feet. pavement on Fifth Street from Magnolia 30 feet. cost of the improvement of said portion to 30 feet. To total cost of inarease in width of pavement on Sixth St. from Magnolia Ave. west to Park_Ave, from 24 feet to 30 feet. which said sum is the total estimate8 cost of the improvement of said portion of Sixth St. widened from 24 feet to 30 feet. $630.00 $630.00 #315.00 To total cost of increase in width of pavement on Second St. from Oak Ave. west to Myrtle Ave., from 24 feet to 30 feet. $249.00 which said sum is the total estimated cost of the improvement of said portion of Second Street. widened from 24 feet to 30 feet. To total cost of increase in width of pavement on Third St. from Magnolia Ave. west to Myrtle Ave. from 24 feet to 30 feet. .$673.00 MI 1 t which said sum is the total estimated cost of the improvement of said portion of Third St. widened from 24 feet to 30 feet. To total cost of increase in width of pavement on Palmetto Ave. from Commer- cial St. North to Lake Monroe, from 32 to 40 feet. $882.00 which said sum is the total estimated cost of the improvement of said por- t�on of Palmetto Ave widened from 32 feet to 40 feet. That one -third of the total cost of the improvement aforesaid shall be borne by the City of Sanford, Florida, and shall be paid from the General Improvement Fund of the City of Sanford, Florida, out of any moneys available therefor; and the remaining two- thirds of such cost shall be distributed among the several lots fronting and abutting on each of said streets or avenues per front foot in pro- portion to the frontage thereon, in accordance with special benefits derived therefrom and the cost to be so distributed on each of said streets or avenues is as follows, to -wit: To increase in width of pavement on Fourth Street from Magnolia Ave. west to Oak Ave. from 24 feet to 30 feet. $420.00 To increase in width of pavement on Fifth St. from Magnolia Ave. west to Oak Ave. from 24 feet to 30 feet. $420.00 To increase in width of pavement on Sicth St. from Magnolia Ave. west to Park Ave., from.24 feet to 30 feet. $210.00 To increase in width if pavement on Second Street from Oak Ave. west to Myrtle Ave., from 24 feet to 30 feet. $166.00 To increase in width of pavement on Third St. from Magnolia Ave. west to Myrtle Ave., from 24 feet to 30 feet. $582.00 To increase in width of pavement on Palmetto Ave. from Commercial St. north to Lake Monroe, from 32 feet to 40 feet. $588.00 That two - thirds of the expense of the improvements aforesaid, in the widen- ing and paving of the aforesaid streets and avenues shall be paid by special assessments made and levied upon all lots and lands joining and contiguous, or bounding and abutting upon such improvement. That the special assessments against the property deemed to be benefitted by said improvement provided for by this resolution, shall be assessed upon the property specially benefitted by the improvement in proportion to the benefits to be derived therefrom, such special benefits to be determined and pro -rated according to the foot frontage of the respective properties specially benefitted by said improvement. That special assessments made against property bounding and abutting upon the improve - ments aforesaid shall be paid at the option of the property owners as follows: Either in full within thirty days after said assessments shall stand equalized, ap- proved and confirmed , or in ten annual installments with interest at the rate of eight per cent per annum from and after the time said assessments shall be finally equalized, approved and confirmed. and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution is hereby declared to be an emergency measure providing for the usual daily operation'of a Municipal Department of the City of Sanford, Florida, and shall become effective immediately upon its passage and adopt- ion. Adopted this 18th day of June A'.D.1923• Forrest Lake Atte$� C J Marshall R Philips City cleric. Cif y commission o San or , Fla. M _ (seas.) a M S - as A Moved and seconded that the requirements of a second reading of the above and fore- going resolution, at another Regular Meeting of the City Commission not less than one week from this date, shall be dispensed with by the,unanimous vote of the City Commission, of the City of Sanford, Florida this 18th day of June A.D.1923. Attest: Forrest Lake Mayor C J Marshall City Commissioner (Sealy L R Philips City Clerk. The following ordinance was offered. Ordinanoe4452 An ordinance prohibiting any person, firm or corporation from receiving, or having in his, her, their, or its possession, any spirituous, vinous, or malt liquors, in the City of Sanford, Florida, except such spirituous, vinous or malt liquors, be received or had or held in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida, and providing a penalty for the violation thereof. BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. SECTION 1. That it shall be unlawful for any person firm or corporation to receive directly or indirectly or to have in his, her., their, or its possession, custody or control, in the City of Sanford, Florida, any spirituous, vinous, or malt liquor except it be received, had or held in his, her, their or its possession in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. SECTION 2. That any person firm or corporation violating any of the provisions of this Aat. shall upon conviction be punished by a fine of not exceeding Two Hundred ( $200.00 Dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding Ninety (90) days. SECTION 3. That this ordinance shall be published once within ten days after its final passage in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Sanford, Florida. SECTION 4. That all ordinance or parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 5. That this ordinance shall become effective immediatley from and after its final passage. Passed by the unanimous vote of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida this 18th day of June A. DA923. Forrest Lake Mayor C J Marshall City Ommissioner City Commissioner Attest: L R Philips CIty Cierk Seal) Moved and seconded that the requirements of a second reading of the above and foregoing ordinance, at another regular meeting of the City Commission not less than one week from this date, shall be dispensed with by the unanimous Vote of the City s 561 1 Commilsion, of the City of Sanford, Florida this 18th day of June A.D,1923- Attest: L R Phili s City Clerk Forrest Lake Mayor C J Marhsall City Commissioner City Commissioner The following ordinance was offered: (Seal) ORDINANCE #53 An ordinance defining the crime of unlawfully possessing, controlling, using, making, repairing, and employing anything for the unlawful manufacture of distilled intoxicating liquors, in the City of Sanford, Florida, and preseribing a rule of evidence governing such cases, and providing a penalty for the violation of this Ordinance. HE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. SECTION 1. That it shall be unlawful for anyone in,the City of Sanford, Florida, to have in his possession, or under his custody or control, any, still, still piping, stil ing apparatus or still worm, or who sh &ll have in such possession or -under such custody or control, any other piece, part or parcel of any such still, still piping, stilling apparatus, or still worm designated or adapted for the unlawful manufacture of distill 3d intoxicating liquors in whole or in part. SECTION 2. That it shall be unlawful for any one in the City of Sanford, Florida, to make, oonstruct or repair In any manner whatsoever, any still, still piping, stilling apparatus, of still worm, or any part thereof, designed or adapted for the unlawful manufacture of distilled intoxicating liquors with knowledge that the same is so designed or adapted for the unlawful ,manufacture of distilled intoxicating liquors. SECTION 3. That it shall be unlawful for anyone in the City of Sanford, Florida, to have in his possession, custody, or control, any receptacle whatsoever containing_ any mash, fermentive cane juice or any other fermentive liquid whatever, capable , of being distilled into an intoxicating liquor, except where expressly permitted by th Laws of this State. SECTION 4.'That it shall be prima facie evidence of of this Act if any person is found in the City of Si several things in this Act mentioned, in his or her her premises, or so near thereto as to lead to the are within the custody and control of the occupants a vi.blation of the several section inford Florida, with any of the dwelling house or on or about his cr reasonable belief that said things of the house or premises. SECTION 5. That any person violating any of the provisions of this Ordinance shall upon conviction, be punished by a fine not exceeding Two Hundred ( $200.00) dollars, or by imprisonment not exceeding Ninety ( 90) Days. SECTION 6. That all ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with the provisions C° of this ordinance are hereby repealed. SECTION 7. That this Ordinance shall be published once within Ten ( 10) days after its final passage in a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Sanford, Fla. M Of M O M w a 01 F 56 SECTION S. That this ordinance shall shall become effective immediately from and after its final passage. Passed by the unanimous vote of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida this 18th day of June A.D. 0923. Forrest Lake Mayor C J Marshall City Commissioner Attest: L R Philips City Commissioner City Clerk ( Seal) Moved and seconded that the requirements of a second reading of the above and foregoing ordinance, at another regular meeting of the City Commission, not less than one week from this date, shall be dispensed with by the unanimous vote of the City Commission, of the City of Sanford, Florida this 18th day of June A.D1923 Forrest Lake Mayor C J Marshall City Commissioner Attest: City Commissioner. L R Philips City Clerk (Seal) Communication was read from City Attorney J J Dickinson tendering his resigna- tion, and on motion same was accpeted to take effect June 30th. 1923. The Following resolution was offered. RESOLUTION #_a Resolution appointing City Attorney of the City of Sanford, Florida. Whereas Section 34, Chapter of the Laws of Florida, authorizes the City Commissi of the City of Sanford, to appoint a City Attorney, who shall act as legal advisor to and attorney and counsellor for the Municipality, and all of its officers, in matters relating to their official duties, and WHEREAS, this is an emergency measure necessary for the usual daily operation of the Municipal Government of the City of Sanford NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA SECTION 1. That George A DeCottes, be, and he is hereby appointed City Attorney of the City of Sanford, Florida,.fo.3-s61,ge -v&t the pleasure of the City Commission. SECTION 2. That the said George A DeCottes, as such City Attorney, shall prosecute and defend in behalf of the City of Sanford, Florida, all complaints, suits and contro- versies in which the City is a Party, and shall perform such other duties as the City Commission may Require. The adoption of the above resolution was moved by Commissioner C J Marshall seconded by Commissioner Forrest Lake on this 18th day of June A.D.1923 and unanimously passed as follows. Forrest Lake Yea Mayor A Attest: L 8_.P City Auditor & Clerk. '(Seal) ( C J Marshall Yea City Commissioner . Yea City Commissioner Mr G.A.DeCottes presented a certified copy of the City Charter which was accepted. Mr DeCottes requested the City Commission to grant him privilege of closing the alley now lying between the west end of Lots 130 & 131 and the east side of Lot 132 „ Sanford Heights. The matter was referred to the City Attorney to prepare a suitable resolution and present same at the next regular meeting of the Commission. Petition from property owners on Laurel Ave. between First St. & Third St. requesting that same be paved a width of 24 ft. was read and referred to City Engineer. The Commission then proceeded to open bids on construction of Dock & Boat Basin as advertised. The following bids were opened and read: #1 R G Gallespie & Co., Jacksonville, Fla. #2 Robert Mugge & Co., Tampa, Florida. #3 Interstate Contracting Co, Sanford, Florida. Same were referred to City Engineer for tabulation and report Tuesday June 19,1923• Commissioner C J Marshall moved and it was seconded and passed unanimously that the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Seminole County be, and he is hereby appointed as Deputy City Tax Collector, and to exercise all posers and duties of the City Tax Collector in relation to the redemption of Lands sold for Non - payment of City Taxes. The Auditor & Clerk was authorized to cancel the Personal Taxes of C M Biggers for 1922, it appearing that Mr Biggers had no Property in the City in 1922, Amt. Taxes $7.20 Mr Jos. E Craig's report on water and utilities was presented and the Auditor & Clerk was authorized to pay Mr Craig the sum of $500.00 on acct. Commissioner C J Marshall moved , and it was duly seconded and unanimously passed that Special Counsel, Geo A DeCottes be, and he is hereby authorized to prepare an issue of bonds in the amount covering 70% of the proportionate cost of estimated con- struotion of street paving to be paid by special assessment against abutting property as outlined in contracts with the Hutton Engineering & Contracting Co. Communication from the Chamber of Commerce re: marking street names on ourbing at corners and requesting that same be extended through the residential section-. Same was approved and referred to the City Manager. City Manager's Report for May was read, acoepted and filed, Report of the Auditor & Clerk for May was read as follows: AUDITOR & CLERK'S REPORT FOR MAY 1923 RECEIPTS Balanoe Cash on Hand Current Taxes Pound Fees Licenses Dog Taxes Fines & Costs Paving Liens Delinquent Tax Certificates' Interest & Costs Inspection Fees Store Room Acct Miscel. Acct. Taxes on Lands Sold for Taxes Bell Telephone Franchise Bond Trustees Charge Aoct. Sanitary Taxes Office of City Manager Salary Gas & Oil Premium on Bond Office of CitY Att Salary Special Service Acct Charter Office Municipal Judge Salaries Div of Fire Salaries Supplies Communications Laundry Div of Sts & Bridges Labor Feed & Care Animals Repairs Small Tools Monuments Silent Police Material & Supplies Insurance on Car Gas & Oils Div Sewers & Drains Labor Flush Tank Div of Parks Labor - T Small Tools Supplies & Material Lights Equipment ( Mower & Sprinklers) Trees Div Pub. Bldws. Janitor -- Labor ' on Jail Lights & Gas Decorating Water & Ice Plumbing & Material Insurance Div of Engineering Grades 300.00 5.40 25.00 75.00 125.00 100.00 69o.00 6.62 54-43 34.50 15.25 6.60 60.00 79.00 19.53 435.00 11.65 14.15 5.07 1,013.6o 152.75 45.35 21.35 125.00 170.00 79.44 20.00 56.61 19.00 43-05 55.00 10.55 68.91 1.50 46.50 12.50 10.00 52.40 252.45 75.50 160.70 22.55 M89-90 26.75 129.75 5.00 2,785.00 62.755 74o. 200.00 326.5o 1,381.54 165.00 923.25 95.25 330.40 200.00 100.00 972.23 465.57 1,714.10 02.05 195.26 229.93 39..00 73,354.o1 11 611.44 84; 955.'_ 5 Div of Police Saliries Communications g Gas & Oils `° Supplies Printing a Repairs Feeding Prisoners Special Services Ins. on Car. Div of Fire Salaries Supplies Communications Laundry Div of Sts & Bridges Labor Feed & Care Animals Repairs Small Tools Monuments Silent Police Material & Supplies Insurance on Car Gas & Oils Div Sewers & Drains Labor Flush Tank Div of Parks Labor - T Small Tools Supplies & Material Lights Equipment ( Mower & Sprinklers) Trees Div Pub. Bldws. Janitor -- Labor ' on Jail Lights & Gas Decorating Water & Ice Plumbing & Material Insurance Div of Engineering Grades 300.00 5.40 25.00 75.00 125.00 100.00 69o.00 6.62 54-43 34.50 15.25 6.60 60.00 79.00 19.53 435.00 11.65 14.15 5.07 1,013.6o 152.75 45.35 21.35 125.00 170.00 79.44 20.00 56.61 19.00 43-05 55.00 10.55 68.91 1.50 46.50 12.50 10.00 52.40 252.45 75.50 160.70 22.55 M89-90 26.75 129.75 5.00 2,785.00 62.755 74o. 200.00 326.5o 1,381.54 165.00 923.25 95.25 330.40 200.00 100.00 972.23 465.57 1,714.10 02.05 195.26 229.93 39..00 73,354.o1 11 611.44 84; 955.'_ 5 566 I Div of Health Salary of Inspector & Physician_ " Sanitary Collector Small Tools Supplies Disinfectant Gas & Oil Labor Div of Publicity Chamber of Commerce Sanford Band Div of Inspection Salary Pound Expense LiRiit & Dater De t of Finance Salaries Office Furniture Dept Records "& Taxation salaries Stationery & Supplies Communio at ions P Preparing Charter Office Furniture Store Room Acct Garbage Cans, Labor & Fr t. Carey Elastic Expan #ion Joints Bond Trustees Cash Advanced Fernald Lawton Hospital 2nd Quarterly Payment $glance Cash on Hand 140.o0 70.00 2.15 45.98 142.25 5.59 50.00 625.00 175.00 28.50 3.85 2,500.71 90.00 62.50 250.00 3.25 11.75 131.75 2.50 4o.47 36.Oo -730-22 00.00 455.96 800.00 28.50 3.85 2,900.71 152.50 459.28 76.47 730.22 500.00 lo,419.33 41 The Auditor & Clerk also presented a financial statement covering the first eight months of the Fiscal year from Ootober 1,1922 to May 31, 1923, showing the finan- offal condition of the City to be in excellent shape,,', Same was accepted and the Clerk requested to make a number of typewritten copies for the use of the City Commission. Petition from property owners on E. Third St. requesting the paving of E. Third St. From Sanford Ave. to Cypress Ave. was read and filed for later consideration. Communication from Hutton Engineering Co. Re: terms of contract, was read and filed for reference. The following bills were read, approved and the Auditor & Clerk authorized to to draw checks to pay same : #2558 City Petty Cash Acct. Labor Pay Rolls June 1 & 9th 2559 City Petty Cash Acct. Miscel Items as per Warrant 25560 Tampa Morning Trfbune Boat Basin Adv. 2561 Florida Times Union Boat Basin Adv. 2562 George A DeCottes Expense'oonneotion New Charter 2563 Hilk Lumber Co. Lumber etc. 2564 Herald Printing Co. Printing Etc. 256 Mahoney Walker Co. 6 6M Ells 2566 Ball Hardware Co. Miscel Items 2567 Jos. Craig 2nd Payment on Contract. 2568 Harper Illustrating Syndicate Stationery 2569 Miracle Concrete Co. Cement Blocks 2570 City of Orlando Refilling St. Broom 2571 Hill Hardware Cc Miscel Items 2572 F P Rines Gas, Oil Etc. 257 Drank Akers Tire Co. Gas, Oil Etc. 2574 Fred T Williams Engineering 2575 Sanford Novelty Works Materials for Jail 2576 Harley Davidson Repr. Shop Repatts to Motorcycle 1,2 4.7j 218 .0 7.50 7.88 157.82 1673 :30 4.92 59.97 500.00 36.93 16.00 �3 :3i 72.43 28.00 X3.31 38.10 M Ca Q m 3 w A #2577 Sanford Machine Co, Reprs to Equipment 19.25 2578 Sou. Bell Tel. Co. T elephone Service 25.10 2579 The Yowell Co. Cloth 14.40 2580 Dr A Dolan Treating Mule 11,25 2551 Roberts Grocery Supplies 3.45 2552 Hill Implement Co. Supplies 2.20 255 Carter Lumber Co. Lumber & Nails ?:�}391 2584 Haynes & Ratliff Stationery & Supplies 41.25 258 Wight Bros Co. Oil & Gasoline 4.40 2551 Sou Utilities Co. Lights Water & Gas, Bldgs. 28.02 2557 Union Pharmacy Medicine 1.50 2558 Kannerts Dept. Store Sheets ':11.10 2559 Battery & Elec. Service Station Reprs. 5.00 2590 George LeFevre Car Shell 33.00 2591 Geo P Paxton Painting Signs etc. 1 2592 Maule Ojus Rock Co. Car Rock 4 3. 65 593 Holcomb Mfg Co. Street Brooms 15.00 255994 Albert Hall Care Animals Small tools 2.25 259 S F Brengle & Son Moving Pavilion 245.00 2592 C D Reese Co Inc. Caps, Badges Etc. Police-Dept. 15.12 2597 W H Hand & Son, Reprs. to e4uipment, etc. 175.00 2595 Rochester Can Co. Garbage-Cans 195.03 2899 Lowe Brother Co. Traffic Zone Paint 8.85 2 00 2601 Sanford Feed & Supply Co. Feed for animals 142.43 2602 Sou. Utilities Co. Flush Tank, Water. 27.32 2603 Fred T Williams Establishing Bulkhead Line 543.00 260 W B Williams, City Manager Salary June 1 to 15th 150.00 L R Philips, City Cl rk Salary June 1 to 15th 100.00 2605 Ellen Holt, Steno. Salary June 1 to 15th 50.00 2606 2607 R G Williams, Chief Police A H Beckwith, Salary June 1 to 15th 57,50 2608 Police Officer Salary June 1 to 15th 57.50 2609 S L Smart, Police Officer G H Salary June 1 to 15th 57.50 2610 Tomlinson,Police Officer Salary June 1 to 15th 57 5 0 2611 E E Walker, Police Officer Salary June 1 to 15th. 57.50 2612 F B Dyson, Police Officer Salary June 1 to 15th 57.50 2613 G P Paxton, Fire Chief Salary June 1 to 15th 87.50 B F Smith, Fireman Salary June 1 to 15th. 0.00 2614 2615 Mack Cleveland, Fireman James Moughton, Salary June 1 to 15th 5.00 2616 San. Insp. Salary June 1 to 15th. 50.00 2617 Willie King, San. Coll. J M Whitcomb, Salary June 1 to 15th 33.00 2618 Guard Salary June 1 to 15th. 37,50 2619 Sanford Chamber Commerce H C Haskins, Appropriation for May 625.00 2620 Treas, Band Appropriation for June 175.00 2621 Sou Util Co. St. Lighting April & May 1923 1,941.0 City Petty Cash Acot. Labor Pay Rolls Week June 15th _ 795.80 The meeting then took recess until Tuesday June 19, at 11 A.M. Attest: ay or 9,254.55 5671 r . CtyCer. ay or 9,254.55 5671