HomeMy WebLinkAbout07092311 REGULAR MEETING OF TH' "ITY COMMISSION MONDAY JULY 9 ,1923 at 2:30 P.M. Present, Commissioner,Forrest Lake,Mayor, Commissioners C,J.Marshall and S.O.Chase ". B. Williams, City Manager, F. T. Williams, City Engineer, George A.DeCottes,City Atty. Minutes of last Regular Meeting read and approved. Comr.S.O,Ehase offered the following resolution: R- ESOLUTIOTI 92. A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR AN ISaXE OF BONDS BY THE CITY "F SANFORD, FLORIDA IN THE SUM OF O E HUNDRED FIFTY ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS; THE PROCEEDS DERIVED FROM THE SALE THEREOF TO 3E USED TO HELP FINANCE THE ?ROP)RTIONATE P'.RT OF THE COST OF CERTAIN STREET IMPROVEMENTS ASk+'SSED AGAINST RROPER1Y ABUTTING 6AID STREET IMPROVEML"NTS; DESCRIBING THE FOEM AND CONDITIONS OF SAID BONDS TO BE SO ISSUED, AND PROVIDING FOR A 6INKING FUND FOR THE PAYMENT OF THE PRINCIPAL AND INTER"ST OF SAID BONDS. �MHEAS; The City of Sanford, Florida, has heretofore by appropriate prooeedings,pro -- vided for the paving, re-paving, hard surfacing and re -hard surfacing of certain otr'eets and avenues in said City, and ;'THERE,AS, the following streets and avenues. of the City of Sanford, Florida, are to be and are now being so improved, and the proportionate part of the cost of the improvement thereof to be assessed against the property abutting upon said streets and avenues, to be and now being so improved, is as follows, to -wit: PROPORTIONATE COST `IF IMPROVFXENT ASSESSED STREE'T'S AND AV'�NUES AGAINST ABUTTING PROPT'RTY AS-_BHOWN 'BY SPFC- IAL ASSESSMENT ROL1`!F CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDAFOR YEAR 1922. Sanford Ave.•from Fifth St. to Tenth St, 11,013.33 Palmetto Ave., from Second St. to Fifteenth St. 31,733.33 d Magnolia Ave.from Tenth St. to 1'entral St. urth St, front Sanford Ave. to Myrtle ice. - IMyrtle Ave, from Fourth 6t. to Thirteenth wt. -lE1m Ave. from First St. to ?hirteenth St. Second St. from Oak Ave. to French Ave. Third St. from Sanford Ave. to Magnolia Ave. and from Oak Ave. to French Ave. and from Maple Ave. to Mill Creek. Third St. West from Mill Creek to Avocado Ave. and Avocado Ave. from Third at . to T'irst St . .Fifth St. from Magnolia Ave. to Myrtle Ave. Ninth St. from Cypre8s Ave to Sanf**d Ave. Ninth St. from Sanford $w @.to Park Ave. -Thirteenth St. from Sanford Ave to FrenchA*e„ 'Central St. from Lianford Av-. to Park Ave. Central St. from Park Ae. to 1�rench ire. tto Ave. from Central St. to Hughey St. .�aliiitto Ave from Commercial St. to 1,ake Monroe ak Ave. from Tenth bt. to Thirteenth St. .Laurel Ave. from uixth St. to Thirteenth St. 1W 18,866.67 8,060.00 1$,333.33 28 , 600 00 08,080.00- 19,250.00 7,852.00 441860.00 1,016.00 4,668.00 14,380.00 5,884,00 6,994,00 3,007.33 6,764.00 7,560.00 9,880.00 co �i .a 571 WHEREAS, the aggegate total of the proportionate oost of the improvement of streets and avenues aforesaid, assessed against property fronting and abutting on said streets and avenues is the sum of $216,801.99 and WHEREAS? oontraots have been let by the City of Sanford Florida to Hutton Engineering and Contraoting Company for the paving of said streets and avenues with 2" sheet asphalt on a 6" base, and WHEREAS, The Said Hutton Engineering and Contraoting Company are now.engaged in the laying and oonstruction of said asphalt pavement on the aforesaid streets and avenues and, WHEREAS, the City of Sanford, Florida, under an# by authority of an sot of the Legislature,. entitled: "An aot to V&lidated, Approve and Confirm all Prooeedings taken by the City of Sanford, Florida,.in conneotion with the oonstruction,- paving, re- paving hard- surfaoing, and re- hard- surfaoing of Certain Streets in the Said City, validating, approving and oonfirming the levy of Speoial Assessments made by said City against the property fronting or abutting upon said Streets to be paved, authorizing the issuanoe and sale of oertifioates of indebtedness and authorizing the issuanoe and sale of Bonds of the City of Sanford, Florida,-in conneotion with said street improvement, said bonds to be general Obligations of said City," Passed by the 1923 session of the Leg- islature of the State -of Florida, and under and by authority of an Aot, Entitled: "An aot to abolish the present Mu nioipal Government of the City of Sanford, Seminole County, State of.Florida, and to Organize, inoorporate and establish a City Government for the same and to prescribe the Jurisdiction, powers and funotions of said Munioipality." Also passed by the 1923 session of the Legislature .of the State of. Florida, desires to issue bonds to help finanos the proportionate part of the oost of improving the streets and avenues, aforesaid, assessed againt the property fronting and abutting upon said streets avenues, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that a bond issue in the sum of One Hundred and Fifty one Thousand Dollars 10151,000. 00) for the munioipal purposes enumerated and speoifioally r set forthin the preamble of this resolution be, and the same is hereby authorized, that said bonds shall be of the denomination of One Thousand Dollars eaoh, bearing interest at the rate of Six Peroentum (6%) per annum, interest payable semi - annually on the first days of July and January , said bonds to be numbered oonseoutively from one to one hundr fifty -one, both numbers inolusive, said bonds to mature serially in the following manner, to -wit: Bonds numbered from 1 to 15 to mature July let 1924, Bonds numbered 16 to 30 to mature July lst 1925• Bonds numbered from 31 to 45 to mature July lot 1926 Bonds numbered from 46 to 60 to mature July let 1927 Bonds numbered from 61 to 75 to mature July lot 1928 Bonds numbered from 76 to 90 to mature July lot 1929 Bonds numbered from 91 to 105 to mature July let 1900 Bonds numbered from 106 to 120 to mature July lot 1931 Bonds numbered from 121 to 135 to mature July lot 1932 Bonds numbered "Xrom 136 to 151 to mature July let 1933 :.,�__..:,, ..._. ..:...,,:._.. m. 1. ..,.: ...w.eau..atuiw.`.�mc...r17i�E� ..:.rte. .._ ......... :..... e..,,,.. : ..�..• - '� =.:�.' :...'..... .:.-. i .. ., f. : .. x. sW�J^�iriy..x�:.... t) , , .,�,�,.�! said entire issue of bonds to be dated duly lot 1925, both principal tAd interest of said �on bonds to be ,payable qty some band in the City of New Fork, State of New .Fork, in lawful money of the United States of America, Said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor of the City of Sanford, Florida and by the City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida, with the seal of the City of Sanford, Florida, affixed thereto. The interest coupons to be at- taohed to said bonds shall be signed with the engraved or lithographed fao- simile signa- tures of said Mayor and said Clerk,'the said bonds and coupons with the necessary varim- ations to indicate the different numbers and different dates of maturity shall be sub- stantially in the following form, to -wit. Number Dollars 1000 UNITED STATE OF AMERICA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF SEMINOLE C I T Y O F S A N F 0 R D I M P R 0 V E M E N T B 0 N D KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, That the City of Sanford, in the State of Florida, a Municipal Corporation duly orgainzed and existing under and in pursuance of laws of the State of Florida, for value received, acknowledges itself indebted, and promises to pay to the bearer hereof the sum of ONE THOUS AND D 0 L L A R S in lawful money of the United States of America, on the First day of July A• D.19� with interest thereon at the rate of six peroenutm per annum, payable semi - annually, _• January first and July first of each year, on presentation and surrender of the interest coupons khreto annexed as they severally become due, both principal and interest being payable at the Chase National Bank, in the City of New York, State of New York. This bond is one of a series of One Hundred and Fifty -one bonds aggregating One hundred and fifty -one thousand dolllars, of like date and tenor, exoept as to maturity issued by the City of Sanford, Florida, for Municipal purposes, in strict conformity wit the Constitution and Laws of the State of Florida, including among others an Act entitled; *An Act to Validate, approve and confirm all proceedings taken by the City of Sanford, Florida, in connection with the construction, paving, re- paving , hard, surfacing , and r-hard- surfaoing of Certain streets in said City, validating, approving and confirming the levy of Special Assessments made by said City against the property fronting or abutting upon said streets to be paved, authorizing the issuance and sale of certificates of indebtedness, and authorizing the issuance and sale of bonds of the City of Sanford Florida, in connection with said street improvement, said bonds to be-general obli gations of said City.4 passed by the 1923 session of the Legislature of the State ct I 0 Florida, an sot entitled; MAn act to abolish the present Municipal Government of the City of Sanford, Seminole County , State of Florida, and to organize, incorporate and establish a City Government for the same, and to prescribe the jurisdiosion, powers, and functions of said Municipal- ity.1- also passed by the 1923 session of the Legislature of the State of Florida, and also pursuant to certain orders and resolutions of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, duly "had and adopted, maturing and made payable as follows: a a 57:i Bonds Nos. 1 to 15 on July lot 1924 Bonds Nos. 16 to 30 on July let 1925 Bonds Nos. 31 to 45 on July lot 1926 Bonds Nos 46 to 60 on July lot 1927 Bonds Nos 61 to 75 on July st 1928 Bonds Nos. 76 to 90 on Jelly lot 1929 Bonds Nos. v1 to 105 on July lot 1930 Bonds Nos. 106 to 120 on July let 1931 Bonds Nos. 121 to 135 on July lot 1932 Bonds Nos. 136 to 151 on July let 19 ;3• IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, RECITED AND DECLARED, that all sots, conditions and things required by Law to exist, happen and be performed, precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have existed, have happened and have been performed in regular and due time form and manner, as required by law, and that the amount of this bond, together with all other indebtedness of the City of Sanford, Florida, does not exoedd any limit pre- scribed by the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Florida, and that before the issuance of this Bond, provision has been made by resolut An of the City Commission to assess annually Attax upon all real and personal property, railroads, telegraph and telephone lines, owned or situated withint the City of Sanford, Florida, to realize a sum sufficient to pay the interest upon this bond as it may become due and to create a sinking fund for the payment of the principal hereof at the maturity of same. And for the payment of the principal and interest of this bond , the full faith and credit of the City of Sanford, Florida, is hereby irrevocably pledged. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Sanford, Florida, has caused this bond to be signed by its Mayor, and by the City Clerk and its corporate seal to be affi:94d hereto and has further caused the interest coupons hereto attached to bear the lithographed Pao - simile odgnatures of said Mayor and said City Clerk, and this bond to be dated the first day of July A.D.1923- Attest: Ci y Clark Mayor of US dity c Florida. Interest Coupom) (Form of Interest Coupon) NO ON THE FIRST DAY OF JULY 19_____ The CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. will pay the bearer thirty dollars ( $30.00) in lawful money.of the United States of America at the Chase National Bank in the City of New York, State of New York, being six months interest then due on its improvement bond , dated July first 1923. payable from a tax to be assessed, levied and collected upon all taxable property within the boundari of the said City of Sanford, Florida. (Bond) No. City Clerk. (Said bonds to be endorsed on back as follows :) Numb or CITY OF SANFORDY FLORIDA. Mayor.' ...W % IMPROVEMENT BOND $1000 Interest 6 Per Cent, Dated July let, 1923. Interest Payable Semi- Annually on January lets and July lot. Principal Due July lot, 19_____ Both principal and Interest Payable at-.,the CHASE NATIONAL BANK, Now York, N.Y. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any and all special assessments levied, and imposed by the City of Sanford, Florida, upon the property benefitted by the street improvements oonst ruoted out of the proceeds of the bonds authorized by this resolution, shall, upon, their collection be immediately paid into the sinking fund and pledged solely for the payment of the principal and interest of the bonds hereby authorized to be issued and in the event the proceeds of said special assessments shall be insufficient to provide for the payment of the principal and interest of the said bonds as the same become due and payable the City ,o Sanford, Florida, hereby covenants and agrees with th holder of. holders of said bonds or any of them, to levy annyally upon all the taxable property of said City, s tax sufficient to meet said deficiency, it being the intention of said City to provide for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds primarily out of the proceeds of said special assessments , but the full faith and credit of the of Sanford are hereby pledged for their payment and there s$all`bit levied annually upon the taxable property of said Citq while the said bonds remain outstanding and unpaid, a tax sufficient to provide funds for the payment of the principal and interest thereof at maturity. " BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that as soon as said bonds shall be printed, veme shall be duly executed by said Mayor and the said Clerk in the form and manner hereinabove set forth and said bonds, when so emeouted, shall thereupon be forthwith delivered by said mayor.and said Clerk to Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase, and C J Marshall, composing the ,City Commission of Sanford, Florida, ex- offioia bond trustees of the City of Sanford Florida, for delivery in due course to the purchasers thereof, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase, and C J Marshall, as exoffioio bond trustees of the City of Sanford, Florida, be, each required to enter into a good and sufficient bond in the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars ( $1500.00) conditioned upon N M 0 o . M :A0 575 the faithfullperformanoe of the duties imposed upon them as bond trustees of the aforesaid authorized issue of bonds. And, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution sahll be, and become effective immediately from and after its passage and adoption. Adopted this, 9th day of July A.D.1923• Forrest Lake H 0 Chase C J Marshall As City Commission o San ord Florida. Attest: L R Philips City C lerk of Sanfor , F orida. ( Seal) The Commission then as the Board of Equalization called for complaints on the special assessments on ths- following streets : Sanford, Ave from Tenth St. south to City Limits French Ave. from First St. to Ninth St. Third St.' from Magnolia Ave. to Oak Ave. Mr R B Wight of Rose Court, objected to the assessments on Sanford Ave. from Tenth St. south to City Limits.. and the Board notified him that they would allow him two weeks to file objections. There being no complaints offered as to assessments on French Ave. from First St. to Ninth St., Third St. from Magnolia Ave. to Oak Ave. these assessments were'deolared confirmed and established as made. City Attorney then offered the following resolution: RESOLUTION #91 WHEREAS, it has been brought to the attention of the City Commission, that a so called "Auto Camp* is being conducted by private parties in the western part of the City and, WHEREAS, the State Board of Health bias condemned the Sanitary Condition of said camp, and WHEREAS, Said camp as now conducted and maintained is a grave menace to public health THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT SAID NAUTONCAMPN shall no longer be conducted within the corporate limits of the City Cf Sanford, Florida, and all 000upants of said Auto Camp are hereby requested to removedthemselves from said "Auto Camps within twenty -fdur (24) hours after being notified so to do by the Chief of Police, and the owners of said camp. are hereby ordered within twenty -four (24) hours after notice to close said "Auto Camps to the public. Adopted this 9th day of July A.D.1923: Attest: City Clerk (Seal) Forrest Lake Mayor - Comm es ioner S 0 Chase Commissioner C J Marshall Commissioner. Dr. E D Brownlee and Dr. W J Carpenter came before the Commission asking that a sick boy in Cates Auto Camp be transferred to the Fernald Lawton Hospital for treatment Matter was reflrred to the City Ranager and City Physician to have boy transferred. Communication from Chhmber of Commerce re: Jos. E Craig's report read and filed and Clerk instructed to extend thanks for service. The attention of the Commission was called to the fact that Mrs Mabel L Fernald died at her home in Massaohussets on June 30th 1923, and the Clerk was therefore in- struoted- to cease quarter annual payments on the Fernald- Lawton Hospital as per terms of agreement dated June 2nd. A.D.1919, the property being lots 1,2,3 Blk. 7 Tr. 5 City of Sanford becomes the property of the City. Mr A P Connelly and others suggested that the sum of $2000.00 heretofore paid to Mrs Fernald be hereafter paid to the Hospital as a maintenance fund and for the oars of City Patients, Mr T W Lawton President of Hospital Assn. reported the hospital in good running condition. Mr Edw. Higgins, President of the Chamber of Commerce asked that the City Commissi assess a 2 mill tax for publicity purposes, many prominent citizens present endorsed this proposition. Mr H C DuBose presented abstract of title and warranty deed to the City on the N. 67 ft of Lots 6 & 7, Blk. 7, Tr. 4, as a site for the Municipal Library together with the approving opinion of J J Dickinson, City Attorney as to Validity of title. On motion: duly seconded and carried unanimously the same was accepted and the Clerk instructed to draw a warrant for $4950.00 as final payment in favor of W E Watson. Mr J K Vaughan requested d Mftt Yo"' establish a telephone booth om west, First St. near J E Pace's building, but owing to same being in the fire aistriot request was denied. It was moved by Commissioner C J Marshall, seconded by Commissioner 8 0 Chase and carried unanimously that the City Engineer be instructed to furnish the City Attorney with description of property and names of owners of all property abutting on Palmetto Ave Between Fifteenth St. and Hughey St., for the purpose of acquiring and opening said Avenu as a public street from Fifteenth St. south to Hughey St. It was moved by Commissioner S 0 Chase and seoonded by Commissioner C J Marshall and carried unanimously that the City Manager Be, and he is hereby instructed to notify, the Hutton Engineering and Contracting Co. to eliminate from their Contract No.2 the Paving of Palmetto Ave. from Central St. south to Hughey St. and Ninth St. from Cypress Ave. to Sanford Ave. and that they extend their contract NJo. 2 to include the p awing of Third St. between Magnolia Ave. and Oak Ave. The City Manager's report for June was reads - woepted and filed. The report of the Audtor & Clerk for Tune was read and accepted and filed. 8 co REPORT OF THE AUDITOR & CLERK FOR JUNE 19236 Reasipta Cash on Hand Current Taxes 1,111,90 Pound Fees 5.50 Licenses 229.50 Dog Tax_ 56.25 Fines & Costs 1,408.00 Paving Liens 55.64 Del. Tax Certif. 321.0 Interest & Costs 97.3 Inspection Fees 169,50 Store Room 648.00 Misoel Income 139.99 Bond Trustees 2'30;9 Taxes on Lands sold for taxes Sanitary Tax 240.00 Disbursements Office of City Manager salary 300.00 Gas & Oil 7.50 307.50 Office City Atty. Salary 75.00 Special Counsel .00 125.00 Offios Munioipal judge Salaries 100.00 100.00 Division of police Salaries- 680.00 Communications 4.55 Gas & Oil 54.83 Supplies & Printing 20.05 Repairs_ 8.30 Feed, fo Prisoners 20.00 Special Services 51.00 Motorcycle Repairs& Siren 38.10 Office Furniture , iron safe 4 .00 921.53 Division of Fire a ar es 435.00 Gas & Oils 2.85 Supplies 14.05 Laundry 9•9 Communications 14.15 474.92 Div. of Sts & Bridges Labor 1,106.75 Feed & Care Animals 177.63 Repro. to Equipment 21.82 Small Tools 3175 Supplies & Material 136.38 Gas & Oil 52.26 1, 526.59 Div of Sewers & Drains Mater "terlil 1.00 Flush Tank 27.32 Div of Parks & PlgZgrounds 28.32 Labor 48.00 Material & Supplies 16.25 Sprinkler 30.00 Lights 1.50 Diva of Pub. Bldgs. 95.75 La or 312.95 Janitor 10.00 Ice 1.50 Material & Supplies 407.90 Lights & Gas 25.. 3?__r Div of Engineering 757.57 Gr. es 28.00 Division Pub. Health 28.00 74,546.12 022. al • 57'? M Division of Pub. Health P ysic an Sa cry Sanitary Inspector Sanitary Collector Supplies Repairs Gas & Oil Labor Wood 40.00 100.00. 68.00 16.27 33.65 7.46 37� 5o Pound Ex ease Div. of Pubiioit Communications Chamber o Commerce 625,00 Supplies Sanford Band _175.00 Water Div. of Inspection Lights and water a ary 25.00 ' Supplies .l Pound Ex ease Communications .2 65 Supplies 1.48 Water 1.20 Lights and water ' 1A939.62 D t of Finance - ` salaries 90.00 Printing 25.58 Pub. Tax List 117-20-- Dept Records * Taxation Salaries 250.00 Printing & Supplies 91.74 Communications 136-75 Water & loo 6.50 Repairs 4.03 Expense, Revision Charter 0. Store Room Acot. Garbage Cans 198.03 Labor 105.00 Supplies 7.00 Bond Trustees Loot. BuMead Pavilion 251.50 soe . .00 Joe E Cra .g Bond Tntatest & Exchange iG..467__ 3g Balance cash on Hand 308.13 800.00 30.15 5.33 1,939.62 233.48 456.37 310.00 251.50 2.00 500.00 16,467.38- 28,102.89 53,45.73 81, 568.:62 On motion duly seconded and passed the Clerk was instnuoted to request the Chamb ei of Commerce , the Rotary Club and the Kiwanis Club to appoint a Committee to oonsider and report to the Commission what streets they deem it advisable to pave in addition to the present proposed paving. Communication from Chamber of Commerce, re names suggested for the City :pLanning Commission. The following names were suggested: F T Williams, Goo D Bishop, H R Stovers E A Douglass, Mrs Harry Heeren. Same was read and filed. Communisation from Chamber of Commeroe re: report of Jos E Craig, reoommending the adoption of deep wells as the system for water supply for the City. Same was filed for reference. Communioation from Chamber of Commerce requesting the City Commission to draft necessary ordinances forcing reduction in rates on water, gas, and electricity. Same was filed for reference. ' I On motion duly seconded and carried the City Manager was authorised to execute on the part of the City a contract with the Martinere Advertising Service. to place not M Oa M 0 A not less than ten trash containers on the City Streets with limit of two years . On motion duly seconded and passed the City Engineer was instructed to drak up, revised plans on City Dock at once. On motion duly seconded and passed the following Gentlemen were appointed as oom- mittee and and requested to get If possible all owners of property abutting the bulkhead line on the west side of City to meet with Commission at its next regular meeting in order to plan for bulkheading lake front: Meoslo• A E Yowell , John Meisoh Carl Schultz, George W Knight, W S Hand. The following bills were read, approved and the Clerk authorized to draw checks to pay same: #2648 City Petty Cash Acot. Pay Roll Jut! 29 & July 6 957.05 2649 City Petty Cash Aoct. Miso. Items 2.16.85 2650 Herald Printing Co. Printing 163.35 2651 Hill Implement & Supply Co. Cement, nails eta. 2.23 2652 Hill Hardware Co Misoel Items 6.60 2653 Carter Lumber Co. Material for Library & Police Office 187.27 54 Hill Lumber Co. Material for Library & Police Office 463.32 2656 Gillon & Fry 1 light 7.00 J J Malton Electrical work Police Office 27.58 2657 W H Hand Care animals, repairs to wagons 39.90 2658 Dixie Culvert & Metal Note & Interest( Health Guard Toilets) 1,236.00 2659 Chase & Co. Dortilizer Z.-50 0 2660 L B Hodgins Repairs to City Car 2661 Fernald- Lawton Hoop. hospital Bill, Mrs A L Free 113.43 26632 Ball Hdw. Co. Miscel Items 108.51 266+ 6 Union Pharmacy Drugs . 0 Albert Hall Small Tools 500 2666 5 Haynes & Ratliff Printing & Supplies SQ,g James H Cowan Material etc for Police Office 28.40 '2667 Fred T Williams Engineering, grades, & Maps 48.00 2669 sou Util Co. Lights, Gas & Water Pub. Bldgs. 76.Q 2669 sou Util Co. St. Lighting Fire Hydrants Rental 985.4 2670 Frank Akers Tire Cc Gas, Oil Etc. 110.97 2671 R C Bower Drugs 5.80 2672 The Lowe Bros Co. Traffic Paint 17.76 2673 C W Zaring & Cc Oats & Hay 67.04 2674 M Block Horseshosing 00 2675 The Selig Co. Die infeotant 267 Ind. Blue Print Co. Maps 230.89 2677 Dr A Dolan Medicine for animals 1.00 26 8 F P Rines Gas, Oil Etc. 28.16 2641 Caldwell & Co. Return check on bid for bonds 6 000.00 2679 W B Williams Salary July 1 to 15th 150.00 2680 L R. Philips Salary July 1 to 15th 100.00 2681 Ellen Hoy Salary July 1 to 15th 50.00 2682 R G Williams salary July 1 to 15th 8,7,50 2683 A H Beckwith Salary July 1 to 15th 57.50 2684 S L Smart Salary July 1 to 15th 2685 G H Tomlinson Salary July 1 to 15th "57.150 2686 E E Walker Salary July 1 to 15th 2687 F B Dyson Salary July 1 to 15th Salary July 1 to 15th ° ' .50 50 7 2688 G P Paxton 5' 2689 B F Smith Salary July 1 to 15th p0 2690 Mack Cleveland Salary July l to 15th 5400 2691 James Moughton Salary July 1 to 15th _ Qp 2692 Willie King Salary July 1 to 15th 31,'04 .'00 269 J M Whitcomb Salary July 1 to 15th 37 2694 sou Bell Tel Co. Telephone Service for June ?7; 2695 Chamber of Commerce Appropriation for June 2696 H C Haskins Treas,Band a a 62g. July 1]',5: 2697 Fred T Williams Bringing City Map up to date. 1 .nth There being no further business the meeting adjourned. ATTEST:: City Clerk. Y Mayor a'• 579