HomeMy WebLinkAbout0813230 ro i REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION MONDAY, AUGUST 13, 1923 at 2:30 P.M'. Present: Commissioner Forrest Lake ( Mayor) Commissioners S 0 Chase and C J Marshall W. B Williams, $ity Manager, George A DeCottes, City Attorney, F.T.Williams, City Engineer Minutes of last Regular Und Special meeting of August Sth read and approved. Report of Secial Committee from Chamber of Commerce re: seduction of Utility Rates was read and referred to the City Attorney to draft ordinance. Communication from Chamber of Commerce suggesting that City Commission have Mr J E Craig prepare an estimate covering cost of entire new water works plant was read and the clerk instructed to write Mr Craig for a rough estimate and ask cost of fully prepared statement. Petition from a number of west side growers and citizens asking that the Sou. Utilities Co. be requested to reduce their water pumping to their actual needs etc. and also asking that ordinance re: railroads blocking street crossings be more rigidly enforced in regard to crossings at the ice plant was read and referred to the City Manager with instructions to take the matter up at once with the Superintendent of both companies. Communication from the City Manager re: construction of Sidewalks was read and referred to the City Attorney for aotiom. Report of the City Manager for July was read , accepted and filed. Report of the Auditor & Clerk for July was read accepted and filed. Report for July 1923• Cash on Hand (Receipts Current Taxes (Delinquent Personal 1922) 1371,51 Licenses 55.00 Pound Fees Dog Tax IT.25 Fines & Costs 1075.00 Paving Liens Interest & Costs 6W,98 Inspection fees 239.00 Store Room Acot. 525.00 Misoel Income 73.39 Bond Trustees Special Assessment 1694 2116: 1 Sanitary Taxes 256.00 530465.73 5 956. 62, Disbursements. Office of City Manager Sa. ary 00.00 300.00 Office of City Atty. Slay •00 75.00 OfficerMunici al Ju a Salary 100.00 100.00 Div of Police Salaries 650.00 Communications 7.64 Gas & Oils 45.75 Supplies 35.61 Feeding Prisoners 20.00 Printing & Staty. 49.00 Special Service 25.00 Furniture .00 576.00 Div of Fire. Sa cries 434'60 Gas & Oil . Communications 14.15 453.75 Div of Sts. & Bridges Labor Feed & Care Animals ,235.05 224.1$ Repfs. Equipment 79.23 Small Tools 25. 50 Material & Supplies 25.x+9 Gas & oil 34.99 1,630.44 530465.73 5 956. 62, Div of Sewers & Drains Material & Sup-plies 4. 5 Flush Tank 49.5 Div of Parks 44.95 Labor 54.40 Material & Supplies 12,90 Lighting 1, Div of Pub. Bldge. Janitor 10.00 Labor 53.75 Lights & Gas 23.92 Water & Joe 6.50 Repairs to Material & Supplies 365.96 Div of Engineering Maps 372.59 Grades • 45.00 Div of Public Health Salaries 210.00 Supplies 12.45 Disinfectant 44.95 Charity ( Mrs Wilson 30.00 )(Mrs Freell3.43X 10M M Labor - .2 Div of Publicity Chamber of Commerce 625.00 Sanford Band 175-00 Div of Inspection Salary Pound Expense Lights & Water Dept of Finance Salaries Communications Dept Records Taxation Salaries Printing & Staty, Supplies Communications Store Room Raot. ab or Supplies Bond Trustees CasH Advanoed Interest Notes Payable, Dixie Culvert Co. Caldwell & Co. Check returned Interest on Incinerator notes Balance Cash Spec. Assessment Ordinany Fund Permanent Imp Fund Sinking Fund 25.00 3.55 -985.44 90.00 .00 250.00 123.71 11.75 50.25 11.79 53.50 65.50 460.03 420.59 505.05 500.00 25.00 3.55 955.44 95.00 355.46 92.o4 1229-74 1229.74 36.00 1900.UU 1200.00 6000.00 6000.00 165.00 165.00 2116.41 15295.25 1210.77 27732.25 15,964.32 46,357.75 6 ;,322.07 On motion duly seconded and passed the Clerk was authorized to draw a warrant for $30.00 in favor Mr Joe Cameron on account of charity in the case of Mrs A L Wilson. The Following motion was offered by Commissioner S 0 Chase and was duly passed unanimous ly: It appearing of record that a certain assessment for paving against Lot 3 Blk 7 Tr. 3 of the City of Sanford Florida, dated May 15th 1910 for $90.29 was duly paid the City of Sanford under date of May 4 1911, and i.t further appearing that the county records still show said lien unsatisfied against said property, the City Attorney is hereby authorized to-have said lien cancelled of record. On motion duly passed the City Clerk was authorized to instruct the Clerk of the Circuit Court to cancel of-record the following tax certificates as the parties owning property covered thereby hold City Attorneys receipts for said certificates, Certif #60 1911 Taxes 146 1914 " " 188 1915 " As to Lot 5 Blk 10 Tr,C, The Clerk was authorized to cancel personal Taxes as follows: A.Raffield 1921 - $42850 " " 1922 - 8.94 _part. Perkins & Britt 1921 - 133.12 part. The said persons having been declared bankrupt and these balances were left unpaid after settlement was made by Referee. On motion duly passed the City Manager was authorized to purchase for the use of the City six mules, two wagons and one sweeper. The construction of the asphalt pavement on Magnolia Avenue from Tenth Street south to Central Street, a width of 24 feet, having been completed, and duly inspected by the Commission, and the City Engineer having made his report that the improvement of said portion of Magnolia Avenue had been made in strict conformity with the plans and specifica• tions therefor, on file in the ofl'ice of the City Clerk, and a final estimate having been prepared and submitted by the Assessor, showing the actual cost of said pavement chargeable to all property abutting upon said portion of Magnolia Avenue, the completed paving of Magnolia Avenue from Tenth Street south to Central Street, a width of 24 feet, was finally accepted by the City Commission and the final assessment roll as submitted by the Assessor, covering said pavement, showing the actual cost of said pavement chargeable to all property abutting upon said Avenue from Tenth Street south to Central Street, was approved and confirmed, and the Clerk was ordered and directed to publish a notice to all property owners owning property on Magnolia Avenue from Tenth Street south to Central Street, that the construction of the asphalt pavement on said portion of Magnolia Avenuehad been finally accepted and that the final assessments against abutting property on said portion of Magnolia Avenue, as set forth in said final special assessment roll were payable in full without interest up to September 15, 1923, and from and after raid date, said special assessments would be payable only in ten equal annual installments with interest at the rate of eight per centum per annum on all deferred payments. On motion of Commissioner S,O.Chase, which was unanimously passed the City Manager was authorized to advertise for bids on the following street paving: Cypresz Ave. from Union Ave. to Ninth St. 4686 sq yds. Commercial St. from Park Ave. to Palmetto Ave. 1153 it it French Ave. from Ninth St. to Lake Monroe 10990 " Mellonville Ave from Celery Ave to K.R. 2412 Park Ave. from Fulton St. to Lake Monroe 2541 Sixth St. from Magnolia Ave. to Laurel Ave. 2982 " Seventh St. from Magnolia Ave.to Mellonville Ave. 4994." " Sanford Ave. from Tenth St. to City limits 13914." " West First St. from Mill Creek to City Limits 15845 Tenth St. from Park Ave. to Myrtle ire. 1617 " Ninth St. from Cypress Ave to Sanford Ave 436 " 61570' -" Commissioner S. 00 Chase offered the following Ordinance and the same was unanimously adopted ORDINANCE r7' 55 ��N ORDINANCE ?OVIDIIdG 'OR T'i�, VACATITtG AND CLOSING F A PORTI"i1 OF SANFORD AVENUE A PUBIIC STREET Imo; THE CITY OF SANFORD,FL''RIDA. Whereas, a survey of that portion of Sanford Avenue from the corner of Sanford Ave* and Fifth St. south to Celery Ave. discloses that the various property ownero owning property on the east side of Sanford Ave. from the Corner of Sanford Ave. and Fifth St. south to Celery Ave. have built and constructed permanent structures and buildings,which said buildings and structures extend into and are constructed in part on said portion_ of Sanford nve. as said Sanford Ave. is located and shown on and by E. R. Trafford is Map of Sanford,Florida. the only official plat at this time in existence, showing the various streets, avenues and alleys of 6anford,Florida, and Whereas, the City of Sanford,Florida, from time to time has furnished and established grades for the construction of permanent sidewalks on that portion of the East side of uanford Ave. from the corner of Sanford Avenue and Fifth Street, south toOGlery ime, and Whereas, in so furnishing and establishing grades at varion- times for t?ie construction JJ6 of said sidewalks, the east line of the grade; for sidewalks so established, has been designated by the City of Sanford, Florida, as the West line of x.11 property abutting and fronting thereon, and Whereas, the property owners owning property on the east side of Sanford Ave.from the corner of Sanford Ave. and Fifth Street, extending south to Celery Ave. through no fault on their part, have caused to be erected and constructed partly in and upon Sanford Ave. N as said Sanford Ave. is shown and located according to E.R.Trafford's Map of Sanford Florida, various permanent buildings and structures on the east side of Sanford Ave between the points aforesaid, and, Whereas, it appears to the City Commission of the City of Sanford,Florida, that it will inure to the best interests and benefits of the people of the City of Sanford Florida, and to the City of Sanford,Florida, to vacate, abandon, and permanently close as a public street, that part of Sanford Ave. hereinafter described, therefore, BE IT wNACTED BY T?U PEOPLE �)F CITY OF THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA: Section 1. That the portion of the East side of Sanford Ave. in the City of Sanford, Florida, as shown by E.R.Trafford's Map of Sanford,Florida, as per plat thereof duly of record in the public records of Seminole County,Florida, described asfollows,to -wit: Beginning at the north�,7est corner of Block 7 of Tier A., Run :youth 264 feet thence west 11 feet, thence north 264 feet, thence east 11 feet to point of beginning, also Beginning at the northwest corner of Block 8, of Tier A., run South 264 feet, thence west 11 feet,thence North 264 feet, thence east 11 feet to point of beginning,also. Beginning at the northwest .corner of Block 9, of Tier A. run south 264 feet, thence west 11 feet, thence north 264 feet, thence east 11 feet to point o -f beinnir_g, also. Beginning at the northwest corner of Block 10, of Tier A. run South 264 feet, thence west 11 feet, thence north 264 feet, thence east 11 feet to point of beginning, also Beginning at the northwest corner of Block 11. of Tier A. Run south 264 feet, thence hest 11 feet, thence north 26t feet, thence east 11 feet to a point )f beginning, Also be!zinr_in�z at the northwest corner of Block 12, of Tier A, run thence south 264 feet, thence west 11 feet, thence North 26= feet, thence east 11 feet to point of beginning, and also Beginning at the northwest corner of Block 13 of Tier A, run south 417 feet to the north line of Oblery Ave, thence west 11 feet, thence north 417 feet, thence east 11 feet to point of hep"innin.. Be, and the same is hereby permanently vacated and closed as a public street or highway. Section 2. That this ordinance shall be and become effective immediately upon its passage and adoption. Moved and seconded that the requirements of a second reading of the above and foregoing ordinance at another regular meeting of'the City Commission not less than one week from this date shall be dispensed with by the unanimous vote of the City Commission I MW of the City of Sanford,Florida, a ca w .p On motion duly passed the City Manager was directed to notify all property owners on Sanford Ave. to see that any and all buildings abutting thereon conform to the street line as established by the above ordinance #55 The following bills were read, approved and the Clerk was authorized to draw checks in payment of same. #2727 City of Sanford Petty Cash. 965.15 2725 W B Williams, City Mgr. Salary Aug 1 to 15th 150.00 2729 L R Philips, City Clerk. Salary Aug 1 to 15th 100.00 2730 Ellen Hoy, Steno Salary Aug 1 to 15th 50.00 2731 R G Williams, Chief of Police Salary Aug 1 to 15th 57.50 2732 A H Beckwith, Motorcycle OfficerSalary Aug 1 to 15th 57.50 2733 S L Smart , Patrolman Salary Augul to 15th 57.50 273 G H Tomlinson, ►► Salary Augul to 15th 57.50 2735 E E Walker " Salary Aug 1 to 15th 57.50 2736 F B Dyson Salary Aug 1 to 15th 57.50 2737 G P Paxton, Fire Chief Salary Aug 1 to 15th 57.50 2735 B F Smith, Fireman Salary Aug 1 to 15th 0.00 2739 Mack Cleveland n Salary Aug 1 to 15th 5.00 2740 James Moughton Sna. Insp. Salary Augul to 15th 50.00 2741 Willie KingSanitary Coll. Salary Aug 1 to 15th 35.00 2742 J M Whitcomb Guard Salary Aug 1 to 15th 37.50 2743 Haynes & Ratliff Printing Etc. 55.20 2744 Herald Printing Co. LBgal Advertising Etc. 255.4 2745 Mahoney & Walker Co. Sewer Pipe, Supplies etc. 12.5 2746 Hill Hardware Co. Supplies 11.15 2747 Fred T Williams Grades etc. 109.59 2745 Hill Lumber Co. Material 55.43 2749 City Petty Cash Aoct. ftyoEmllieni Wk ending Aug 10 556.15 2750 27501 n n n n Miracle Miscel. Items 255.72 Concrete Co. Sidewalk Aprons 79.16 2751.Sou.Bell Tel. Co. Telephone Servise for July 15.50 2 ?52 Ball Hardware Co Miscel Items 125.33 2753 Frank Akers Tire Cc Gas & Oil 78.97 275 F P Rines ++ n & Supplies 44.09 2755 2756 Kent Vulo. Works R C Bower Repairs to tires .00 Drugs 2 ?57 Sou Utilities Co St. li htin g g 985:U 2758 Sou Utilities Cc Lights, water & Gas, Pub. Bldg. 26.05 2759 2760 Sou. Utilities Co. The Yowell Labor & Material moving Whiteway 21.93 2761 Co. Sanford Novelty Cretonne 1.75 2762 Works W H Hand & Sashes and repairs 10.45 2763 Son F B Horseshoeing & Repairs 25.75 Dyson For use of mules. 60.00 2764 276 E&r16ysD6vid96n Rvp&ir Shop Sanford Repairs to motorcycle 10.70 Machine Co. Repairs to. equipment 2766 2767 Edw Higgins. Wight Bros Co. Repairs to :car Repairs to car 3.50. 5.90 2765 2769 James H Cowan Sanford Repairs,to roof 30.95 Furniture Co Supplies for Police Office 5. 5 2770 Hill Implement & Supply Co Material & Supplies 15.0 2771 Carter Lumber Cc Material. 20.61 2772 Sanford Feed & Supply Cc Feed 63.77 2773 George A DeCottes Special services 12.00 2774 Fernald Lawton Hosp. Hospital Bill charity cash 46.70 2775 Union Pharmacy Drugs 4.00 2776 City of Orlando Repal�re.to street sweeper 16.00 2777 C W Zaring & Co Feed, for animals 133.04 2775 B W Herndon Inaur_ance on trucks 2 2.00 2779 F B Rines Plumbing 114.52 2750 H C Haskins, Treas Band Band appropriation 175.00 2751 Sanford Chamber of Comma roe Pu]tT- ..city 625.00 275 2 27521 F A Sohumpert, Depty Coll Hutton Fees -,c9l. Personal Taxes 113.75 Engineering Co. Paving Aect. 3000.00 2753 Joe Cameron Glaaz.ity : Aoct. Mrs A L Wilson 30.00 529: 17 There being no further business the meeting "adjourned. Attest: City Clerk. . �ct Mayor. 59?