HomeMy WebLinkAbout091423620 0 ADJOURNED SESSION OF CITY COMMISSION FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 14, 2 G"CLOCK P.M. Present: Commissioners, Forrest Lake(Mayor) S 0 Chase and C J Marshall, City Attorney, G A DeCbttes, City Engineer, F.T.Williams, City Manager. W B Williams. i The Commission proceeded to further consider bids for the paving of West First Street from Mill Creek west to City Limits, and after due consideration, it was moved by Commissioner C J Marshall that the Hutton Engineering & Contracting Co. be awarded contract for the paving of said street with brick laid on edge grouted asphalt. Commissi sir S 0 Chase moved that contract be awarded to James Y Wilson. The deciding vote was cast by Commissioner Forrest Lake, awarding the contract to the Hutton Engineering & Con tracting Co.'for the sum of, The City Manager was authorized to enter into contract with Hutton Engineering &.Contraot- ing Co. for the City. It was moved and seconded that Willite process shall be used in the paving of Sanford Ave. from Tenth St. south to City Limits, and the City Manager instructed to provide in the Contract of the Hutton Engineering & Contracting Co. for the use of Willite Process sheet asphalt pavement on that portion of Sanford Ave., at a unit price of $1.22 per square yard. Commissioner S 0 Chase introduced an ordinance entitled: (#62) "An Ordinance providing for the Corr truotion of an Asphalt Pavement on Cypress Ave. From Union Ave. to Ninth St.; Sixth St. from Magnolia Ave.to Laurel Ave.; Seventh St. from Magnolia Ave. to Mellonville Ave.; Park Ave from Fulton St. to Lake Monroe; Mellonville Ave. from Celery Ave. to S & E R R; Commercial St. from Park Ave to Pal- metto Ave; Sanford Ave. from Tenth St. to "City Limits; French Ave. from Ninth St. to Lake Monroe; Tenth St, from Park Ave. to Myrtle Ave; Ninth St. from Cypress Ave. to Sanford Ave; and providing for the Rebate of any Surplus or Excess remaining unexpended for such purposes for which assessments have been made against the property abutting on said streets and &venues." and moved that the same be placed upon its first reading and read in full. Said motion: prevailed by uananimous vote of the City Commission. Thereupon, said ordinance was plat upon its first reading and read in full. Thereupon, Commissioner S 0 Chase moved that the rules be waived and said ordinance be placed upon its second reading and final pas- sage, which motion was duly seconded. the question was then put upon a waiver of the rul s and the roll was called upon a waiver of the rules. Those voting in favor of the waiver of the rules were: Commissioners Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase and C J Marshall. Those voting against the waiver of the rules were Commissioners: Noen. Thereupon, the question recurred upon the motion to place said ordinance upon its second reading and final passage, which motion prevailed by the unanimous vote of the City Commission. Thereupon, said ordinance was placed upon its second reading and read again in full. Upon the reading of said ordinance the roll was called upon the question of the adoption of said or dinan,e. Those voting in favor of the final pssage and adoption of said ordinance were:: Commissioners Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase and C J Marshall.. Thereupon, the Chairman of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida announced that the City Commiss on of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted that certain ordinance entitled: "An Ordinance providing for the Construction of an Asphalt Pavement on Cypress Ave. fr y, wia 30 F ■ 62_ Union Ave to Ninth St ; Sixth St. from Magnolia Ave. to Laurel Ave; Seventh St. from Magnolia Ave. to Mellonville !,Ave.,; Park Ave from Fulton St. to Lake Monroe; Mellonville Ave. from Celery Ave. to S & E R R; Commercial St. from Park Ave to Palmetto Ave.; Sanford Ave. from Tenth St. to City Limits; French Ave. from Ninth St. to Lake -310nroe; Tenth St. from Park Ave. to Myrtle Ave; Ninth St. from Cypress Ave. to Sanford Ave; and providing for the rebate of any surplus or excess remaining unexpended for such purposes for which assessments have been made against the property abutting on said streets and avenues." Com missioner S 0 Chase introduced an ordinance #63 entitled: " AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE PAVING OF WEST FIRST STREET FROM MILL CREEK WEST TO CITY LIMITS WITS* BRICK LAID ON EDGE WITH AN ASPHALT GROUT; AND PROVIDING FOR THE REBATE OF ANY SURPLUS OR EXCESS REMAINING UNEXPENDED FOR SUCH PURPOSE FOR WHICH ASSESSMENTS HAVE BEEN:4ADE AGAINST PROPERTY ABUTTING ON SAID PORTION OF WEST FIRST STREET. " and moved that the same be placed upon its first reading and read in full. Said motion prevailed by unanimous vote of the City Commission. Thereupon said ordinance was placed upon its first reading and read in full. Thereupon, Commissioner S 0 Chase moved that the rules be waived and said ordinance be placed upon its sedond reading and final passage, which motion was duly seconded. The question was then put upon a waiver of the rules and the roll was called upon a waiver of the rules. Those voting in favor of the waiver of the rules were: Commissioners Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase and C J Marshall. Those voting against a waiver of the rules were commissioners: None. Thereupon the question recurred upon the motion to place said ordinance upon its second reading and final passage, which motion prevailed by the unanimous vote of the City Commission. Thereupon, said ordinance was placed upon its second reading and read again in full. Upon the reading of said ordinance the roll was called upon the question of the r adoption of said Ordinance. Those voting in favor of the final passage and adoption of said ordinance were: Commissioners Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase and C J Marshall. Thereupon the Chairman of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted that certain ordinance entitled: "AN OiR,DINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE PAVING OF WEST FIRST STREET FROM MILL CREEK WEST TO THE CITY LIMITS WITH BRICK LAID ON EDGE WITH AN ASPHALT GROUP', AND PROVIDING FOR-THE REBATE QF ANY SURPLUS OR EXCESS REMAINING UNEXPENDED FOR SUCH PURPOSE FOR WHICH ASSESSNE NTS HAVE BEEN MADE AGAINST PROPERTY ABUTTING ON SAID PORTION OF WEST FIRST STREET. "' Commissioner C J Marshall introduced an ordinance entitled: Ordinance #k64 "AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE AMOUNT AND FIXING THE RATE OF TAXATION, AND MAKING TIE ANNUL TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA FOR THE YEAR A D 1923." and moved that the same be placed upon its first reading and read in full. Said motion prevailed by unanimous vote of the City Commission. Thereupon said ordinance was placed upon its first reading and read in full. Thereupon Commissioner C J Marshall moved that the rules be waived and said ordinance be placed upon its second reading and final passage, which motion was duly seconded. the question was then put upon a waiver of the rules and the roll was called upon a waiver of the rules. Those voting in favor of the waiver of the rules were: Commissioners Forrest Lake S 0 Chase and C J Marhshall. Those voting against a waiver of the rules were Commissioners. None. 622., Thereupf, the question recurred upon the motion to place said ordinance upon its second reading and final passage, which motion prevailed by the unanimous vote of the City Commission. Thereupon, said ordinance was placed upon its second reading and read again i'n full Upon the reading of said ordinance the roll was called upon the question of the adoption of said ordinance. Those voting in favor of the final passage and adoption of said ordinance viere: Commissioners Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase and C J Marhsall. Thereupon the Chairman of the City Commission of the City of Sanfird, Florida, announoed, that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanumous vote had passed and adopted that certain ordinance entitled: ORDINANCE #64 " AN ORDINANCE DETERMINING THE AMOUNT AND FIXING THE RATE OF TAXATION, AND MAKING THE ANNUAL TAX LEVY FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA, FOR THE YEAR A D 1923. Commissioner S O Chase offered the following Resolution #971,: which was unani- mously adopted: RESOLUTION #97 A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR AN ISSUE OF BONDS BY ME CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA, IN THE SUM OF ONE HUNDRED AND TWELVE THOUSAND DOLLARS, THE PROCEEDS DERIVED FROM THE SALE THE R TO BE USED TO FINANCE THE PROPORTIONATE PART OF THE CCs T OF CERTAIN STREET IMPROVENE NTS ASSESSED AGAINST THE PROPERTY ABUTTING SAID.STREET IMPROVEMENTS; PRESCRIBING THE FORM A CONDITIONS OF SAID BONDS TO BE SO ISSUED AND PROVIDING FOR A SINKING FUND FCR THE PAYNE OF THE PRINCIPAL AND INTEREST OF SAID BONDS." WHEREAS, The City of Sanford, Florida, has heretofore by appropriate proceedings prof for the paving re- paving, h ard- surfacing and re- hard - surfacing of certain streets and avenues in said City and, WHEREAS, the following streets and avenues of the City of Sanford Florida, are to be and are now being so improved and the proportionate part of the cost of the improvement thereof to be assessed against the property abutting upon said Streets and avenues to and now being so improved is as follows: STREETS AND AVENUES PROPORTIONATE PART OF COST OF IMPROVENENT ASSES AGAINST ABUTTING PROPERTY AS SHOWN BY SPECIAL AE SESSMENT ROLL FOR THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA FC THE YEAR 1922 and 1923• Cypress. Ave. From Union Ave. to Ninth Street. $8822.00 .Sixth-St. from Magnolia Ave. to Laurel Ave. .Seventh St. from Magnolia Ave. to Mellonville Ave. .Park Ave. from Fulton St. to Lake Monroe Mellonvillge Ave. from Celery Ave. to S & E Railroad Commercial St. from Park Ave. to Palmetto Ave. ,Sanford Ave. from Tenth St. to City Limits -French Ave. from Ninth St. to Lake Monroe f Tenth,,St. from Park Ave. to Myrtle Ave. Ninth St. from Bypress Ave. to Sanford Ave. Pest First St. from Mill Creek west to City Limits. nd, 6272,00 13122.00 6970.00 4970.00 2490.67 269so.00 21319.00 3321.33 1ol6.00 27333.33 WHEREAS, the sum total of the proportionate cost of the improvement of'the streets and avenues aforesaid, assessed against the property fronting and abutting on said streets )F E 0 623 avenues is $122,616.66, and WHEREAS, contracts have been let by the City of Sanford, Florida, to Hutton Engineering and Contracting Company for the paving and improvemgnt of the aforesaid streets and avenues with two inch sheet asphalt on a.six inch rock base, and with vitirfied brick laid on edge, grouted with asphalt, and WHEREAS, the Said Hutton Engineering and Contracting Company now engaged in the laying and construction of the said different types of pavement on the aforesaid streets and avenues, and 'WHEREAS, heretofore, the.City of Sanford, Florida provid6d by appropriate proceedings for the paving, 're- paving hard - surfacing and re- hard - surfacing of Sanford Ave. from Fifth St. south to Tenth St, and Palmetto Ave. from Second St. south to Fifteenth St., and, WHEREAS, the proportionate cost of the improvement of Sanford Ave. from Fifth St. south to Tenth St., assessed against property abutting upon said portion of Sanford, Ave as shown by the Special Assessment Roll of the City of Sanford, Florida, for the year 1922, was the sum of $11,013.33, and the proportionate part of the cost of the improvemenL of Palmetto Ave. from Second St. south to Fifteenth.St., assessed against property abutting upon said portion of Palmetto Ave. as shown by the Special Assessment Roll of The City of Sanford, Florida, for the year 1922, was the sum of $31,733.33, and WHEREAS, the paving and improvement of the above described portions of Palmetto Ave. and Sanford Ave. have been completed and accepted by the City Commission, and WHEREAS, a final estimate has been made of the proportionate cost of said street improve - ment to be assessed against property abutting and fronting upon Sanford Ave, from Fifth St. south to Tenth St. and Palmetto Ave. from Second St. south to Fifteenth St. as follows to -wit: Sanford Ave. from Fifth St. south to Tenth St. $9,246.25 Palmetto Ave. from Second St. south to Fifteenth St. 25,636.01 and WHEREAS, said final estimate of the proportionate part of the cost of said street improveme to be assessed against property abutting upon said avenues has been finally confirmed and approved, and WHEREAS, the unpaid assessments against the property abutting upon Palmetto Ave. from Secon St. south-to Fifteenth St., amounts to the sum of $15,129.27 and the unpaid assessments a against the property abutting upon Sanford Ave. from Fifth St. south to Tenth St. amounts to the sum of $8,611.14 and WHEREAS, the City of Sanford, Florida, desires to issue bonds to the.amount of Seventy Per Cent (700) of the proportionate part of the cost of the improvement of the streets and avenues aforesaid, assessed against the abutting property on the streets and avenues of re said, now being improved and to cover the amount of all outstanding and unpaid special assessments for pavement assessed against property abutting upon theabove described des- cribed portions of Sanford, Ave. and Palmetto Ave. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: That a bond issue in the sum of One Hundred and Twelve (112,000.Od) Dollars, for the municipal purposes enumerated and specifically set forth in the preamble o� this resolution, be, and the same is hereby authorized; that said bonds shall be of the ■ 624 denomination of One Thousand ($1000.00) Dollars each, bearing interest at the rate of Six Per cent (6j'o) per annum,, interest payable semi - annually, on the first days of July and January , said bonds to be numbered consecutively from one to one hundred and twelve, both numbers inclusive, said bonds to mature serially in the following manner, to -wit: Bonds numbered from 1 to 10 to mature January lot 1925 Bonds numbered from 11 to 20 to mature January lot 1926 Bonds numbered from 21 to 30 to mature January let 1927 Bonds numbered from 31 to 40 to mature January lot 1928 Bonds numbered from 41 to 50 to mature January lot 1929 Bonds numbered from 51 to 60 to mature January lot 1930 Bonds numbered from 61 to 70 to mature January lot 1931 Bonds numbered from 71 to SO to. mature January 1st 1932 Bonds numbered from 81 to 9Q to mature January 1st 1933 Bonds numbered from 91 to 100 to mature January lot 1934• Bonds numbered.fr om 101 to 112 to mature January lot 1935 0 said entire.: issue of bonds to be dated July 2nd 1923, both principal and interest of said bonds to be payable at some.bank in the City of New York, State of New York, in lawful money of the United States of America, Said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor of the City of Sanford, Florida, and by the Clerk of'the City of Sanford, Florida, with the seal of the _City of Sanford Florida, affixed thereto. The Interest coupons to be attached to said bonds shall be signed with the engraved or lithographed fac- simile signatures of said Mayo and said Clerk, the said bonds and coupons with the necessary variations to include the different numbers and different' dates of maturity sh 11 be substantially in the following form to -wit: Number SERIES A UNITED STATES OF AMERICA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNT Y OF SEMINOLE Dollars 1060 :TT',Y X10- F� 8. A N F O R D C i I IMPROV.EXENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; That the City of • a Sanford, in the State of Florida, a Municipal corporation duly organized and existing under and in pursuance of the lwas of the State of Florida, for value received, acknowledges itself indebted, and promises to pay to the bearer hereof the sum of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS in lawful money of the United States of America, on the first day of January A.D.19 with interest thereon at. the rate of Six Per Centum per annum, payable semi - annually, January 11irst and July First r of Each year, on presentation and surrender of the in erest coupons hereto annexed as they severally become due, both principal and interest being payable at the Chase National Bank in the City of New York,- State of New York. This bond is one of a series of One Hundred.and Twelve bonds, aggregating One Hundred and Twleve Thousand Dollars,'of like date and tenor, except'as to maturity, issued by the City of Sanford, Florida, for municipal purposes, in strict conformity with the Constitution and laws of the State of Florida, including among others: A, RP 625 CHapters 9895 Laws of Florida, 1923, entitled: "An Act to validate, Approve and confirm all proceedings taken by the City of Sanford Florida, in connection with the construction, Paving, re- paving , hard - surfacing and re- hard - surfacing of certain streets in the Said City, Validating, approving and confirm- ing the Levy of Special Assessments made by said City against the Property fronting :100! aubtting upon said streets to be paved, authorizing, the issuance and sale of certificates of ,Indebtedness, and authorizing the issuance and sale of Bonds of the City of Sanford, Florida, in connection with said Street Improvement., said bonds to be General Obligations of Said City," CHapter 9897 Laws of Florida, 1923 entitled: "An Act to Abolish the Present Municipal Government of the City of Sanford, Seminole County State of Florida,.and to Organize, Incorporate and Establish a City Government for the Same, and to prescribe the Jurisdiction, powers and functions of Said Municipality., and also pursuant to certain orders and resolutions of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, duly had and adopted maturing and made payable as follows :: Bonds Nos. 1 to 10 on January lat 1925 Bonds Nos. 11 to 1 20 on January lat 1926 Bonds Nos 21 to 30 on January,lst. 1927 Bonds Nos, 31 to 40 on January lat. 1928 Bonds-NOB, 11 to 50 on January lat 1929 Bonds os. 51 to 60 on January lat 1930 Bonds. os. 61 to 70 on January lat 1931 Bonds Nos. 71 to SO on January lat 1932 Bonds :,Nos S1 to 90 on Jamiary lat 1933 Bonds Nos. 91 to 100 on January lat 1934. Bonds 'Nos. 101 to 112 on January let 1935• IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, RECITED AND DECLARED, That All acts, conditions and things required by faw to exist, happen and be performed, precedent to and in theLissuance of this bond have existed, have happened, and have been performed in regular and due time, form and manner, as required by law, and that the amount of this bond , together with all other indebtedness of the City of Sanford, Florida, does not exceed any limit prescribed by the, Constitution and Statutes of the State of Florida, and that before the issuance of this bond,, provision; -has been made by resolution of the City Commission to assess annual] a tax upon all real-and personal property, railroads, telegraph and telephone lines, owned or situated within the City of Sanford Florida, to realize a sum sufficient to*pay the interest upon this bond as it may become due and to create a sinking fund for the payment of the. principal hereof at the maturity of same; and that the issue of bonds of which this bond is a part has been duly confirmed and validated by a decree of the Circuit court of the Seventh Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida, in and'for Seminole County in a proceeding begun by the City of Sanford, Florida, a municipal corporation, against the State of Florida, of which proceeding due notice was duly and regularly given to the State Of Florida, and to the Public. And for the payment of the principal and interest of this bond , the full faith and credit of the City of Sanford, Florida, is hereby irrevocably pledged. ■ + 626 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the City of Sanford, Florida has caused this bond to be_ signed by its Mayor, and by the City Clerk and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto, and has further caused the interest coupons hereto attached to bear the lithographed fae- simile signatures of Said Mayor and Said City Clerk, and this bond to be dated the 2nd day of July A. D.1923 Mayor of the City of Sanfor Florida Attest: - City-Clerk. (Form of Interest Coupon) Interest Coupon) #30.00 No ON THE FIRST DAY OF JULY 19 THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA. Will pay to the bearer Thirty Dollars($30.00) in lawful money of the United States of America at the Chase National Bank, in the City of New York, State of New York, being six month5p interest then due on its Improvement Bond, dated July 2nd 1923, payable from a tax to be assessed, levied and collected upon all taxable propetty within the boundaties of said City of Sanford, Florida (Bond) No Series A. City Clerk. mayor, (Form of Validation Certificate) Validation Certificate. Validated and confirmed by a decree of the Circuit Court of the Seventh Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida in and for Seminole County, rendered on the day of A.D.192 * * * ** and entered and recorded on 192 in on page o f the records of the Circuit Court of the Seventh Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida, in and for Seminole County. Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Seventh Judicial Circuit of Semi- nole County Florida. a L] G I (Said bonds to be endorsed on back as follows :) Number CITY OF SANFORD,FLORIDA IMPROVEMENT BONDS SERIES A $1000 Interest 6 per cent Dated July 2nd,1923 Interest Payable Semi - Annually on January lot and July 1st. Principal due January lot 19 Both principal and interest Payable at the CHASE NATIONAL BANK New York, N. Y. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that any and all special assessments levied, and imposed by the City of Sanfcrd,Florida, upon the property benefitted by the street improvement con- structed out of the proceeds of the bonds authorized by this resolution, shall, upon their collection, be immediately paid into the sinking fund and pledged solely for.the payment of the principal and interest of the bonds hereby authorized to be issued, and in the event the proceeds of said special assessments shall be insufficient to provide for the payment of the principal and interest of the said bonds as the same become due and pay- able, the City of Sanford,Florida, hereby covenants and agrees with the holder or holders of said bonds or any of them, to levy annually upon all the taxable property of said City a tax sufficient to meet said deficiency, it being the intention of said City to provide for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds primarily out of the proceeds of said special assessments, but the full faith and credit of the City of Sanford, are hereby pledged for their payment and there shall be levied annually upon the taxable property of said City,while said bonds remain outstanding and unpaid, a tax sufficient to provide funds for the payment of the principal and interest thereof at maturity BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that as soon as said bonds shall be printed, same shall be duly executed by said Mayor and the said Clerk in the form and manner hereinabove set forth and said bonds, when so executed, shall thereupon be forthwith delivered by said Mayor and said Clerk to Forrest Lake, S.O.Chase and C.J.Marshall, composing the City Commission of Sanford,Florida, ex officio bond trustees of the City of Sanford,Florida, for delivery in _due course to the purchasers thereof, and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Forrest Lake, S.O.Chase and C.J.Marshall, as ex officc bond trustees of the City of Sanford,Florida, be each required to enter into a good and sufficient bond in the sum of Fifteen Hundred Dollars, ($1500.00) conditioned upon the faithful performance of th etdu ties imposed upon them as bond trustees of the aforesaid authorized issue of bonds. . s And, Be It Further Resolved, that this resolution shall be and become effective (V Z(J immediately from and after its passage and adoption, Commissioner S.O.Chase introduced an ordinance entitled: U�� AN ORDINANCE LEVYING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR THE IMPRO VBENT OF CYPRESS AVENUE FROM UNION AVENUE TO NINTH STREET; SIXTH STREET FROM MAGNOLIA AVENUE TO LARUEL AVENUE; SEVENTH STREET FROM MAGNOLIA AVENUE TO MELLONVILLE AVENUE ; PARK AVENUE FROM FULTON STREET TO LAKE MONROE)- MELLONVILLE AVENUE FROM CELERY AVENUE TO S. & E. R. R.; COMMERCIAL STREET FROM PARK AVENUE 0 PALMETTO AVENUE; SANFORD AVENUE FROM TENTH STREET SOUTH TO CITY LIMITS; FRENCH AVENUE FROM NINTH STREET TO LAKE MONROE; TENTH STREET FROM PARK AVENUE TO MYRTLE AVENUE; INTH STREET FROM CYPRESS AVENUE TO SANFORD AVENUE; WEST FIRST STREET FROM MILL CREEK WEST TO THE CITY LIMITS; AND REQUIRING THE IMPROVEMENT CF SAID STREETS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS NOW ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. and moved that the same be placed upon its first reading and read in full. Said motion prevailed by unanimous vote of the City Commission. Thereupon, said adinance was placed upon its first reading and read in full. Thereupon Commissioner S.O.Chase moved that the rules be waived and said crdinance be placed upon its second reading and final passage, whio)t motion was duly seconded. The question was then put upon a waiver of the rules and the roll was called upon a giver of the rules. Those voting in favor of the waiver of the rules were: Commissioners Forrest Lake,S.O.Chase and C.J.Marshall. Those voting against a wavier of the rules were Commissioners: None. Thereupon the question recurred upon the motion to place said ordinance upon its second reading and final passage, which motion prevailed by the unanimous vote of the City Commission. Thereupon said ordinance was placed upon its second reading and read again in full. Upon the reading of said ordinance the roll w %s called upon the question of the adoption of said ordinance. Those voting in favor of the final passage and adoftion of said ordinance were: Commissioners: Forrest Lake,S.O.Chase and C.J.Marshall. Thereupon, the Chairman of the City Commission of the City of Sanford,Flor ida, announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford,Florida, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted that certain ordinano entitled: AN. ORDINANCE LEVYING A SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR TFE IMPROVEMENT OF CYPRESS AVENUE FROM UNION AVENUE TO NINTH STREET; SIXTH STREET FROM MAGNOLIA AVENUE TO LAUREL AVENUE; SEVENTH STREET FROM MAGNOLIA AVENUE TO MELLONVILLE AVENUE; PARK AVENUE FROM FULTON STREET TO LAKE MONROE; MELLONVILLE AVENUE FROM CELERY AVENUE TO S. & E. R. R. COMMERCIAL STREET FROM PARK AVENUE TO PALMETTO AVENUE; SANFORD AVENUE FROM TENTH STREET SOUTH TO CITY LIMITS; FRENCH AVENUE FROM NINTH STREET TO LAKE MONROE; TENTH STREET FROM PAF9 AVENUE TO MYRTLE AVENUE; NINTH STREET FROM CYPRESS AVENUE TO SANFORD AVENUE; WEST FIRST STREET FROM MILL CREEK WEST TO THE CITY LIMITS; AND REQUIRING THE IMPROVEMENT OF SAID STREETS IN ACCORDANCE WITfi THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS NOW ON FILE IN THE O'MCE OF THE CITY MANAGER OF SANFORD,FLORIDA The Clerk was instructed to write Mr. F.S.Vernay that the Commission regret they cannot relieve him of payment of License of $75.00 to sell car of fruit. The City Commission sitting as an Equalizing Board and having completed a review of the Tax Roll for the year 1923, and having considered all complaints and made such adjustments as they deem fair and equitable, said assessment roll was returned to the Assessor for extension and completion as amended and changed by the Commission sitting as a Board of Equalization. There being no further business the meeting adjo=ad. ATTEST: MAYOR CITY CLERK.