HomeMy WebLinkAbout120323654 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION, MONDAY DECEMBER 3rd. 1923, at 3 P.M. Present: Forrest Lakes Mayor and Commissioners S 0 Chase and C J Marshall. W B William City Managers F T Williams, City Engineer. Meeting called $or the purpose of receiving bids on putting down wells for fire protection and such other matters as necessary to be considered. The following bids were opened and read: #1 Mahoney-Walker Company, City. 3.40 per Ft. #0­� Zibble & Ernest, Eustis, Florida. 2.50 #3 Joseph Rashn, Orlandq Florida. 3,30 All bids were referred to the City Engineer for tabulation and requested to report as early as practicable Mr H R Rosebros Supt. of Southern Utilities Co. was present and was requested to make a written report as to failure of water pressure on the occasion of fire Tuesday Regular morning November 27th. and present same at next/meeting of the Commission. Meeti; . ig the'n'took recess until 8 O'Clock P.M. Attest: 11 10 Mayor City Clerk. 11 10 Mayor 655 ADJOURNED SESSION OF THE CITY COMMISSION December 3rd. 1923, at 1 S P.M. The City Commission met in adjourned session at the County Court House. Present Commissioner Forrest Lake ( Mayor) S 0 Chase and C J Marshall. City Manager W B Williams, City Engineer, F T Williams, City Attorney G.A.DeCottes. The Mayor stated the object of meeting to confer with Citizens in Mass Meeting assembled in regard to issuing bonds for purpose of taking over the Public Utilities either by purchase or by establishing new works. Consulting Engineer, Jos. E Craig, being present made a statement explaining the matter fully. Hon. F P Forster and others took part in discussion and after due con- sideration it was moved by Judge J J Dickinson and seconded by Hon G A DeCottes and carried unanimously by a rising vote that the City Commission be requested to proceed at once to call an election for an Issue of Bonds in a sufficient sum to cover the entire Utilities, water, electric light, and gas plants, and that the water works be installed as soon as possible, and the other plants at a later date. On motion duly seconded and passed unanimously, the City Commission then instructed the City Attorney to proceed at once to take the necessary legal steps for the cal - ling of said election. City Engineer presented tabulation of bids on wells and it appearing that the most satisfactory bids were Mahoney - Walker Company, of Sanford, and Joseph Raehn of Orlando, and Mahoney - Walker Co. not being able to comply with the time limit in the contract, and time being the urgent feature of the proposition, the contract was award- ed to Mr. Jos. Raehn of Orlando Fla., and the City Manager was authorized to execute a contract with Iii:. Raehn for the City. The City Manager was authorized to grade and furnish brick for paving alley between First Street and Commercial St. from Rand Ave. east about 100 ft. on condition that ,irr Harry Kent have the work of laying same, done without expense to the City. It was ordered that the City Manager confer immediately with the City Engineer and impress upon him the urgent necessity of speeding up the engineering work in con- nection with proposed improvement of streets, requesting him without delay to furnish to the City Attorney necessary figures and other data for use in preparation of paving resolutions. Attest: There being no further business the meeting adjourned. City Clerk. a, Ali Mayor d,.