HomeMy WebLinkAbout121023657 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION' MONDAY DECEMBER 10,1923 at 2 P.M. The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in Regular Session: at the City Hall at Sanford Florida at 2 O'clock P.M. on December 10,1923. Present: Forrest Lake, Mayor, Commissioners S 0 Chase and C J Marshall, City Manager W B Williams, City Engineer, Fred T Williams, City Attorney, George A. DeCottes. and City Clerk L R Philips. Minutes of Last Regular and Adjourned meeting and Special Meetings of Dec. 3rd. read and approved. Report of H R Rosebro, Supt. Southern Utilities Co. Re: Failure of 'Pater pressure at fire on November 27th. read and filed. Report of Fire Chief G P Paxton, and of Patrolman E E Walker re:� same fire Were read and filed. Communication from Rev. A S Peok, Re: Fire Etc. was read and filed. City Manager's report fro November was read, accepted and filed. Report of Auditor & Clerk for November was read, accepted and filed. REPORT OF AUDITOR & CLERK FOR NOVEMBER 1923. Receipts Cash in hand 44,634.58 Current Taxes 16,928.70 Licenses 929.00 Found 115.00 Dog Tax. 16.25 Fines and Costs 1,292.00 Interest & Costs 2.04 Delinquent Personal Taxes Inspection Fees .9.9a; 164.00 Store Room Acct. 353.25 Miscel Income 72.00 Edw. Higgins, Rose Ct. Acct. 33.00 Bond Trustees 2,771.47 Special Assessments 4,130.19 Sanitary Taxes 263.75 Golf Park Acct. _ 337.59 _ 27,419.lo 72,052.68 Disbursement* Office of City Manager Salary 300.00 Communications 2.75 Gas & oil 5.46 308.15 Office of City Attorney Salary .00 75.00 Office Municipal Judge Salaries __ 125.00 Bond Premium 5.00 130.00 Div. of Police Salaries 745.00 Communications 9.92 Supplies 21.67 Repairs 48.08 Special Service 75.00 Gas & Oil b4.07 962.64 Div of Fire. Salaries 375.00 Supplies 9.22 Laundry 3.72 Communications 7.65 394.59 658 Div. of Ste. -& Bridges. Labor Feed & Care of Animals Repairs to Equipment Small Tools Supplies & Material Camage, Accidenct New Equipment Sidewalk Construction Harness Div of Sewers & Drains 1901.12 I}76.32 199.29 33.20 1 49: 6 Z5 669.55 470.41 25.05 3x976.65 Supplies & Material Rpre. 7.77 0.00 Water 1.20 15.75 Notes Paid 30.00 597 Div. of Parks Library Expense 6.1.5 Labor 15.00 220.00 Supplies & Material 5.94 Printing & Supplies Now Equipment 265.24 Lights 1.50 ' 290.65 Div of Pub. Bld s. Labor Material &'Supplies 5.95 Janitor 10.00 459,. 62 Lights & Gas 24.76 Wood, Water & Ice 20.50 Chamber of Commerce. Decoration 50.00 Plumbing 19.79 1,166.66 Div of Inspection 131.00 Div. of Engineering Salary 295.05 Bond Trustees Cash Advanced Grades 0.00 154.10 Hutton Egg. Co. 15.75 Notes Paid 30.00 Interest & Discount Div. of Public Health Library Expense 6.1.5 Salaries 220.00 Printing & Supplies 16.10 Chanty ( Hoolihan) 35.00 Gas & oil 17.52 Labor 171.00 459,. 62 Div of Publicity Chamber of Commerce. 1,166.66 1,166.66 Div of Inspection Salary 25 .00 Gas & Oil 4.10 29.10 Pound Expense Master 75.00 Communications 2.65 Lights 1.20 Supplies 2.95 Horse 100.00 151.50 Dept of Finance. Salary 102.50 Depty Coll. Fees. 36.55 Communications 20.00 Printing & Staty. 30.55 Bond Premium 5.00 Legal Advertising 12.00 206.63 I09pt of Records & Taxation Salaries 262.50 Printing & Supplies 24.30 Communications 6.75 Recording 1.50 295.05 Bond Trustees Cash Advanced 2,567.49 Golf Park Acot. 154.10 Hutton Egg. Co. 15.75 Notes Paid 1,451.25 Interest & Discount 106.19 Library Expense 6.1.5 ,x0257.74 Discount on Taxes. Balance Cash 336.72 336.72 13047.22 58.7o5.46 72,052.65 . 659 Plat of "Connelly Park" was submitted to the Commissioners and on recommendation of the City Engineer was accepted, subject to Mr A P Connelly giving sufficient land off of the East end of Lots 1.5 and 16 to improve the connection between Park Ave. in Connelly Park and Park Ave. in Lanets Addition, and ordered recorded in the City Plat Book. Plat of "Ingram Place" was submitted and on approval of City Engineer, was accepted and ordered recorded in the City Plat Book. Upon request of the City Manager the Chief of Police was authorized to put on Two Extra Patrolman for Ninety days from December 15th., and to have installed such Telephones as were needed to facilitate police service. The City Manager was authorized to lower sewer between Ninth and Tenth Streets between Sanford and Palmetto Avenues. Engineer Jos. E Craig submitted a report on proposed Utilities project and offered to cont for Engineerts work etc. for 3% of amount invested. On motion duly seconded and-passed unanimously Mr Craigis Offer was accepted, subject to a credit of 50% by Craig of the $1500.00 already paid him by the City Commission on said workiand the City Manager was authorized to enter into contract with Mr Craig based on his letter of October 29,1923 and the City Attorney was instructed to draw contract for same. Mr 5,0. Chase offered resolution #108, entitled: "A Resolution providing for the paving, re- paving, hard surfacing and re -hard surfacing ,of Sanford Avenue from Franklin Street, south to Geneva Avenue a width of 24 feet." Same was unanimously adopted. Commissioner S 0 Chase offered Resolution #109, entitled: " "A Resolution rescinding, vacating, annulling and setting aside resolution #102, entitled " A Resolution providing for the paving, re- paving, hard surfacing and re -hard- surfacing of Palmetto Avenue a width of 24 feet from Fifteenth Street south td Central Stre The same was unanimously adopted. Commissioner S 0 Chase offered Resolution #110, entitled: " A Resolution providing for the paving re- paving, hard surfacing and re -hard surfacing of Palmetto Avenue a width of 24 feet from Fifteenth Street to Central Street." , The same was unanimously adopted. Commissioner S 0 Chase offered Resolution #111, entitled: " A Resolution providing for the paving, re- paving, hard surfacing and re�harA surfacing of Commercial Street from Palmetto Avenue East to Sanford Avenue, and Sanford Alatiue from Commercial Street south to First Street a width of 40 feet." The same was unanimously adopted. Commissioner C J Marihallf &ntdOdnaedL,." nardlil4c e -. #67 - futitled: " An ordinance � providing for the Acquisition and establishment of a water Works Plant or ?lants by the City of Sanford, Florida to be amintained and operated as a Public Utilit�t , ax proiiding for an issue of Utility bonds by the City of Sanford, Florida, in the sum of Three iundred and Seventy five Thousand Dollars, the proceeds to be derived from the sale thereof to be used to acquire, establish, purchase and construct a water works plant or plants. " 4nd moved that the same be placed upon its first reading and read in full, Said motion pro- railed by unanimous vote of the City Commission. Thereupon said ordinance was placed upon its 'irst reading and read in fall. Thereupon Commissioner S 0 Chase moved that the rules be waived and'said ordinance be aced upon its second reading and final passage, which emotion was duly seconded. The estion was then put upon a waiver of the rules and the roll was called upon a waiver of lea. Those voting in favor of the waiver of the reules were: Commissioners Forrest Lake, 0 Chase and C J Marshall. Those voting against a waiver of the rules were: Tract J 1!� Commissioners ; None. Thereupon the question recurred upon the metion to place said ordinance upon its second reading and final passage, which motion prevailed by the unanimous vote of the City Commission. Thereupon said ordinance was placed upon its second reading and read again in full. Upft the reading of said prdinance the roll was Called upon the question of the adoption of said ordinance. Those voting in favor of the final passage and adoption of said ordinance were: Commissioners Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase and C J Marshall. Thereupon the Chairman of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unnnmous vote had passed and adopted that certain ordinance #67 entitled: "An ordinance providing for the Acquisition and Establishment of &water works Plant mr Plants by the City of Sanford, Florida to be maintained and operated as a public utility., and providing for an issue of utility bonds by the City of Sanford, Florida in the sum of Three Middred and Seventy -five thousand dollars. The proceeds to be derived from the sale there- of to be used to acquire, establish . purchase and construct a water works plant'or plants.." JS Whereupon Commissioner J Marshall intordueed an ordinance /entitled: " "An Ordinance providing ?or acquisition and establishment of an electric light and power plant or plants, by the City of Sanford, Florida, to be maintained and operate as a public Utility, and providing for an issue of Utility bonds by the City of'Sanf ord� Florida, in the sum of Three Hundred and Ten Thousand Dollars, the proceeds to be deriv from the sale thereof to be used to acquire, establish, purchase and construct an eleotr light and power plant or plants." and moved that the same be placed upon its first reading and read in full. Said motiom prevailed by unanimous vote of the City Commission. Thereupon said ordinance was placed upon its first reading and read in full. Thereupon, Commissioner C J Marshall moved that the rules be" waived and said namoe be placed upon its second reading and final passage, which motion was duly sec fhe question was then put upon a waiver of the rules and the roll was called upon a waiver of the rules. Those voting in favor of the waiver of the rules were Commissioner Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase and C J Marshall. Those voting against a waiver of the rules were: Commissioners N ne. n Thereupon the question recurred upon a motion to place said ordinance upon its second reading and final passage which motion prevailed by the unanimous vote of the City Commission. Thereupon said ordinance was placed upon its second reading and read again in full. Upon the reading of said ordinance the roll was called upon the question of the Adoption of said ordinance. Those voting in favor of the final passage and adoption of.said ordinance - .Were: Commissioners Forrest Lake, S 0 Chade, and C J Marshall. Thereupon the Chairman of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida by unanimous vote had passed and adopt that certain ordinance #68 entitled: ^ " An Ordinance providing for the Acquisition and establishment of an electric Light pnd power plant or plants, by the City of Sanford, Florida, to be maintained and operated as a Public Utility, Lind providing -for an issue of utility bonds by the City of 'Sanford, Florida, in the sum of Three Hundred and Ten Thousand Dollars, the proceeds to be derived from the sale thereof, to be used to acquire, establish, purchase and ,construct an electric light and power plant or plants," I J69 Whereupon Commissioner C J Marshall introduced an ordinancelentitled: "An Ordinance providing for the acquisition and establishment of a Gas Plant or Plants by the City of Sanford, Florida, to be maintained and operated as a Public Utility, and providing for an issue of utility bonds of the City of Sanford, Florida, in the sum of one hundred and sixty thousand Dollars, the proceeds to be derived from the sale thereof to be used to acquire establish, purchase and construct a gas plant or plants, and moved that the same be placed upon its first reading and read in full. Said Motion pre vailed by unanimous vote of the City Commission. Thereupon said ordinance was placed upon its first reading and read in full. Thereupon Commissioner C J Marshall moved that the rules be waived and said ordinance be placed upon its second reading and final passage, which motion was duly seconded, The questionwas then put upon a waiver of the rules and the roll was called upon a waiver of the rules. Those voting in favor of the waiver of the rules were Commissioners:-Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase and C J Marshall. Those voting against a waiver of the rules were: Commissioners: None. Thereupon, the question recurred upon the motion to place said ordinance upon its second reading and final passage, which motion prevailed by the unanimous vote of the City Commission. Thereupon, said ordinance was placed upon its second reading and read in full. Upon the reading of said ordinance the roll was .called upon the question of the adoption of said Ordinance. Those voting in favor of the final passage and adoption of said ordinance were: Commissioners Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase, and C J Marshhil. Thereupon, the Chairman of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote had passed and adopted that certain ordinance #69 entitled: " An Ordinance providing for the Acquisition and establishment of a.Gas Plant or Plants, by the City of Sanford, Florida, to be maintained and operated as a Public Utility and providing for an issueaof Utility Bonds of the City of Sanford, Florida, in the sum of one hundred and sixty thousand dollars, the proceeds to be derived from the sale thereof'. to be used to acquire establish , purchase and construct a gas plant or plants. Whereupon Commissioner C J Marshall intorduced an ordinance entitled: " An Ordinance #70,'providing for an issue of bonds by the City of Sanford, Flori in the sum of S ' eventy-fivp thousand Dollars, the proceeds to be derived from the sale ther of to be used to acquire, /build, construct and equip With the necessary furniture and fix- tures, a City Hall and Administration Building, and moved that the same be placed upon its first reading and read in full. Said motion pre- vailed by unanimous vote of the City Commission. Thereupon said ordinance was placed upon its first reading and read in full. Thereupon, Commissioner C J MarsbIl moved that the rules be waived and said ordinance be placed upon its second reading and final passage, which motion was duly seconded. The question was then put upon a waiver of the rules and the roll was called upon a waiver of the rules. Those voting in favor of the waiver of the rules were: Commissioners Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase, and C J MarsbAll. Those voting against a waiver of the rules were Com- missioners, Non. Thereupon, the question recurred upon the motion to place said ordinance upon its second reading and final passage, which motion prevailed by the unanimous vote of the I*ity Commission. Thereupon said ordinance was placed upon its second reading and read in full 662 Upon the reading of said ordinance the roll was called upon the question of the ddopti of said ordinance. Those voting in favor of the final passage and adoption of Commissioners Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase and C J Marshall. said ordinance were: Thereupon, the Chairman of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, announed that the City Commmssion of the City of Sanford, Florida, by unanimous vote passed and adopted that certain ordinance, entitled:. "An ordinance providing for an issue of bonds by the City of Sanford, Florida in the sum of Seventy five Thousand Dollars, the rr ooeeds to be derived from the sale then of to be used to acquire, build, construct and equip with the necessary furniture and fixtures, a City Hall and Administration Building." Commissioner S 0 Chase offered a Resolution #112, entitled: " A Resolution prescrAbing the form and details of an Issue of Bonds by the City of Samford, Florida, in the sum of One Hundred and Sixty Thousand Dollars, and provid- ing for the levy of an annual tax upon all,taxable property within the City of Sanford /° Florida, sufficient to produce each year the sum of Eighty -eight Hundred Dollars to pay the interest on said bonds, and sufficient to produce each year an additional sum of Five thousand Dollars to create a sinking Fund for the purpose of the Redemption of said bonds at the maturity thereof." ., Which was unanimously adopted. Notice of Bond Election by Ordinances #67,65,69 and-70 was authorize and the following were appointed as Clerk and Inspectors of Said Election to be held on January 11,1924: 0 L Britt, °F P Rines and WM Haynes, Inspectors,and David Speer Clerk. The following bills were read, approved and the Clerk authorized to draw cheek to pay same.: #3091 3092 3004 309 3096 3095 3099 3100 3101 3102 310 3104 3102 3107 3105 3109 3110 3111 31122 3114 3115 3116 3117 3118 3119 3120 3121 3122 3124 3125 3126 3127 3125 3129 3130 3131 3132 City Petty .Cash Acct. City Petty Cash Acct. City Pettty Cash Acct. F P Rines Hutton Eng. & Cont. Co. Ball Hdw. Co. Carter Lumber Co. Frank Akers Tire Co. Hill Hdw. Co. Hill Lumber Co. Hill Hardware Co. Lee Brothers Haynes & .Ratliff The Bond Buyer Quick Service Transfer Co. Baker & Holmes Co. F P Rines Henderson Ames Harley Davison Repr. Shop DeLand Steam Launory Western Union Telegraph Co. Wight Bros Co. Sou Util. Co. Sou Bell Tel. Co. Roberts Grocery James A Sands L Allen Seed Co. Sanford Furniture Co. Edward Higgins Fred T Williams H C DuBo s e R C Bower WH Hand & Son Coleman's Gift Shop Puritan Che!.oal Co. Sanford Fee4; & -Supply Co. Wight Grocery Co M Block Sanitary Wiping Cloth Co. R E Stevens Frank Akers Tire Co. Rive & Walker's Garage 3133 W P Williams 3134 L R Philips Pay Roll Dec. let. 955.05 Sundry Bills. 295.40 Pay Roll Dec. 4,1923 753.1 Gas, oil etc. 1 13.54 Sand & Filler flint 60.39 Misc. Items 70. 0 Material 331.39 Gas, Oil Repair. Parts. 110.75 Paint 27.00 Material 69.56 Material 40. 1 Sewer Pipe 3. 0 Printing & Supplies 47.75 Advertising 22.05 Hauling Sewer pipe 7.72 Bars •59 Gas, Oil Etc. 54.48 Caps, Wreath Buttons 12.91 Repro. Motorcycle 10.70 Laundry for Fire Dept. 3.52 Telegrams 5.07 Gas & oil 33.35 Lights, Gas, Wat #r Pub Bldgs. 25.35 Telephone Service 38.67 Supplies 7.05 Installing Faucet at Park 2.40 Seed �-50 Cot Pad .00 Repairs to Car. 18.95 Grades for Sidewalks 44.50 Checking Registration Roll 10.00 Care Animals, Drugs 2.15 Repairs, Horseshoeing etc. 53.75 Supplies 7.15 Disinfectant 5.00 Feed for animals 40.52 Chemicals 40.24 Supplies for jail �� 19.50 Wiping Cloth 1 .05 Professional Services, Accident 5.00 1 Tire `26.50 Repairs to Cdr ( Fire Truck Accident,) .xa 196.16 Salary Dec. 1 to 15th. 150.00 Salary Dec. 1 to 15th. 100.00 0 W. . f #313 5 Ellen Hoy Salary Dec. 1 to 15th. 62.50 3136 R G Williams Salary Dec. 1 to 15th. 87.50 3137 A H Beckwith Salary Dec. 1 to 15th. 60.00 3138 G H Tomlinson Salary Dec. 1 to 15th. 60.00 3139 F B Dyson Salary Dec. 1 to 15th. 60.00 3140 H M Young Salary Dec. 1 to 15th. 45.00 3141 E T Austin'. Salary Dec. 1 to 15th. 37.50 3142 G P Paxton Salary Dec. 1 to 15th. 87.50 3143 3144 B F Smith Mack Cleveland Salary Dec. 1 1 to 15th. 50.00 Salary Dec. to 15th. 45.00 3149 James Moughton Salary Dec. 1 to 15th. 50.00 3146 L R Philips. Salary Dec. 1 to 15th. 25.00 3140 Willie King Salary Dec. 1 to 15th. 40.00 3148 G P Lewis Salary Dec. 1 to 15th. 37.50 3149 Charles E ]tills Salary Dec. 1 to 15th. 1}7.50 3150 Chamber of Commerce Appropriation 1/2 of Dec. 59 33 3151 Early Hall Sidewalk Construction 3152 R C Maxwell Insurance on Library Furniture 93.00 3153 E E Walker. Salary Dec. 1 to 15th. 60.00 3154 Dixie Metal & Culvert Co. Note and Interest 92.62 Attest: 5.,496-58 eting ad j ourned. tb 4�-c /y /lr3 A G.-Ir 3 P- Yv►, City clerk-. & �t avor 663