HomeMy WebLinkAbout122423It t REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMIS SE ON MONDAY DECEMBER 246 1923 2.30 P.M. There being no quorum present, the meeting adjourned to meet Thursday December 27, 1923. ATTEST: yo r. city Clozk. ADJOURNED REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COMMISSION THURSDAY DECEMBER E79 1923.at 2 ;30 P.M. Presents Commissioners: Forrest Lake,(Mayor) S 0 Chase and C J Marghall Gity Manager W B Williams., City Attorney, George A DeCottes, lity Engineer, Fred T Williams, Minutes of last Regular and Adjourned meetings read and approved Communication from G H Leffler re: reduction of taxes read and filed. Communication from the City Planning Commission rei acquiring Block B Markham Park Heights was read and referred to the City Attorney The City Manager was instructed to make a survey of the ©ity streets and alleys and where buildings were found to be encroaching on the street or alley to report same to the City Attorney and have resolution prepared to have same remo+ed according to law. 'dommnnioation from L R Green &.6. E Lantz re: granting right to Gity to lay 'sewers through their property in Block 14 Tr. 9 in oonsiderat ion of 50% ofd s we - or U& connection was read and proposal accepted. Communication from City Attorney Ret.payment to Mrs.Mibel_L Fernald Estate of pro -rata of'third quarterly payment for 1923 as to one mouth from June let, to date of Mrs Fernald's death June 30th, 1923; and the Clerk was instructed to pay to Mrs Fernald's Estate 1/3 of $500.00 = $166.67 less 1/3 of 0125.00- 441.67 equalling $125.00 Commissioner S 0 Chase offered Resolution No. 98Y -1 sidewalk on west side of 6&nfo rd Ave. along and in front Same was unanimously adopted. The Commission then proceeded as an Equalizing Boarl widening objections as to the special assessments forrhe paving and avenues: requiring construction of of lot 1 BJk 5 Tr, 1 1, to hear complaints and of the fellowing streets h EMMM, 667 11O Sixth Street, between Myrtle and Laurel Avenues -Palmetto Ave. " C"treliluand Hughey Street Seventh St. " Magnolia and Pine Ave.. commercial at. " ' 3'ark • and Palmetto Ave. Ninth Street " Cypress and Sanford Ave. Cypress Ave. " Union and Ninth street. There being no complaints or objections filed, said assessments were declared oex. firmed and established. The' Clerk was instructed to write the City Park Qommission requesting then to as make definite report /fo location of Athletic Field and Fair Grounds, not later than next regular meeting. The City Manager was instructed to -have three additional wells put down for fire protection; one to be located at corner of Commercial and Holly, one at corner of Third and Oak, and one to be located la ter. The City Manager was instructed to notify the A C L By. Go. to have old care re- moved from old tracks at Wrench A-ve. and Thirteenth Streetq wf thin three days from date of notification Plat of"Itake View Pik" was presented and on approval of the City Bngineer, same was accepted and ordered recorded in the city Plat Book. The following bills were read, approved and the Clerk authorized to draw checks to MRIONM I . - , or "FT4F'%Wr1q"TF 0 Pay same: #3156 W B Williams 3156* First Nat ional Bank , Sanford. Salary Dec. Bond Int . 15 to 81st . & exchange 150040 3157 3157• L R Philips Peoples Bank of Sanford. S Dee. alary Bond 15 to 31st. b117 86 • 3158 Ellen Hoy Interest salary Dee. & exchange Retir.Bond. 15 to 3113t. 2398.12 3158* 3159 Seminole County Bank, Sanford. R G Williams Bond Interest & Exchange gE,SO 8941.44 3159* Seminole Co. Bank, Sanford. Salary Dec. 15 to 31st Bond Interest and exohange 87.50 2069.73 3160 3160* A H Beckwith Seminole Co. Bank, Salary Dec. 15 to 310t. Bond Interest & Exchange 60.00 7520.02 3161 3162 G H Tomlinson. E E Walker Salary Dec. 16 to 31s. 64 X00 3163 F B Dyson Salary Doe. salary Dec. 15 to 31st. 15 to 31st. 60.00 60.00 3164 3165 H M Young 0 W Vernon Salary Dee. Salary Dee. 15 to 31st. 50.00 3166 George Whitcomb Salary Doe. 18 to 318.t 15 to 31 st . 42.00 37950 3167 3168 G P Paxton B F omith Salary Dec. 15 to 31st , 87.6E 3169 Mack Cleveland salary Dee. s Salary Dec. 15 to 31st. 15 to 31st. 50.00 45.00 3170 3171 Tom Vernon Alfred 2oster Salary.Deo. Salary Dec. 1 to 318t. 1 to 10.00 3172 Alfred Fo star Salary Doe. 318t. 1 to 318t. 25.00 15.00 3173 3174 W T Langley George A DeCottes Salary Dee. s glary Dec. 1 to 318t. 1 to 46.00 3175 3176 J G Sharon James Mon hton Salary Dec. 31 st . 1 to 31st. 75.00 75.00 3177 L R Mougs Philips Sabary Dec. Salary Dec. 15 to 31st. 15 to 318t. 50.00 25.00 3178 3179 0 P Paxton B F 'emit h Salary Dec. 1 to 31st. 25.00 3180 Willie King Salary Dec. Salary Dec. 1 -to 81st. 15 to 31st. 10.00 3181 3182 G P Lewis Charles E Mills Salary Dee. Salary Deg. 15 to "31st. 15 to 40.00 37.50 3185 gity Petty Cash Aoot. J� Pay Roll eek 31st. ending Dec. 14 62.50 788 06 3184 E Brady 1 Mule �► 225.00 MRIONM I . - , or "FT4F'%Wr1q"TF 0 #3185 Mrs B Lawrence Brown 3186 Leo Olsoheniski 3187 Qity Petty Cash Aoot . 3188 City Petty Cash Aoot . 3189 Fidelity & Deposit Co. 3190 Chamber of Commerce 3191 A P Connelly & Sons 3192 H C DaBose 3193 W J Thigpen & go. 3194 George -W Knight Salary Dec.11th to 31st. 66.67 Sprinklers for Golf Grounds 75.00 Pay roll Dec. 22,1983 761.91 Misoel. Items. 438.12 Bond Premiums 60.00 Appropriat ionl/2 Dec. 585.33 Insurance, Library 155.00 Insurance , Library 310.00 Insurance, Library 73.50 Insurance, Library 77.50 $310 052.24 There being no further business the meeting adjourned„ Attest: A City Glerk, r. 669