HomeMy WebLinkAbout011424REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION JANUARY L4, 192+ , at 2 :30 P.M. Present: Commissioners Forrest Lake (Mayor) S 0 Chase and C J Marshall. City Manager W B Williams, City Attorney, George A DeCottes, City Engineer, Fred T. Williams. Minutes of last Regular and Annual Meeting read and approved. Communication from L C, Smith. Typewriter Co. re: proposition on Typewriter for the Municipal Library read and the City Manager was authorized to purchase same on terms named. . Communication from Mrs W.S. Earle Re: South Side Primary School conditions was read and referred to the City Manager for Action. Communication from the Chamber of Commerce Re: widening parking space at A C L Depot read and filed. Communication from City Planning Commission re: acquiring Cemetery read and referred to the following Committee: Dr. C J Marshall,, Messrs, F R Wilson, Geo. D Bishop and S 0 Shinholser.. Communication from City Planning Commission Re: Fire Limits read and the following limits were agreed upon: "Beginning at the intersection of the South shore of Lake Monroe with the East line of Elm Ave. extended, run South to South line of Fulton Street. thence west to East line �`� of French Ave., thence south to point 117' S. rti L s 6. 4. of�First Street., thence east to the east line of Alley between Elm and Myrtle Ave., thence south to the north line of Third St., thence East to the East line of alley between Palmetto and Sanford Ave.; thence south to the north line of Eighth Street; thence east to alley between Sanford and Cypress Ave.; thence north to north line of Third Street; thence East on Third St. to West side of Pine Ave.; thence North on Pine Ave. to hotth -1 ineeof Union Ave; thence east on Union Ave to the west line of Chapman Ave; thence north to Lake Monroe.; thence westt long Lake shore to beginning." Also to create a fire district on Ninth St. from French Ave. West to Railroad, district to extend 871 ft. north of North line of Ninth St. and 107 ft. south of south line of Ninth St. The City Attorney was instructed to draw necessary ordinance. Communication from City Planning Commission Re: "Lake View Park" paving read and filed. Communication from Mr J D Hood Re: paving Seminole Boulevard read and filed. Communication from Chamber of Commerce Re. City Clock read and filed. Report of the Layne South - Eastern Company Re: Test wells for soft water was read and the Clerk instructed to send copy of same to Mr Jos. E Craig. Commdeaiahibrr-:S f6c:Lhase moved and it was seconded and unanimously adopted that the Commission appropriate $2,000.00 toward expense of Exhibit at Madison.Square A 0 R h M 672 I Garden, New York. Said funds to be paid to B F Whitner Jr. , Seminole County Agent. Commissioner C J Marshall moved, and it was unanimously adopted that $250.00 be appropriat6d toward exhibit in the Sub - Tropical Fair at Orlando. The Commission then proceeded as an Equalizing Board to hear any complaint or objections as to the paving of the following Streets Sanford Ave. from Franklin.St. south to Geneva Ave. Commercial St'; from Palmetto Ave. east to Sanford Ave.; and Sanford Ave. from Com- mercial St. south to First St. There being no complaints or objections, assessments were declared confirmed and established. Communication from Mr T L Dumas, Supt. A.C. L read and filed. #71 Commissioner S 0 Chase offered the following ordinance /which was unanimously adopted, entitled: I" An Ordinance amending Section 225 of the revised ordinances of the (bity of Sanford of 1913, with reference to specifications for Sidewalks." and moved that the same be placed upon its first reading and read in full. Said motion prevailed by unan- imous vgte of the City Commission. Thereupon said ordinance was placed upon its first reading and read in full. Thereupon, .ommisa"ioner S 0 Chase moved that the rules be waived and said ord be placed upon its second reading and final passage, which motion was duly seconded. The question was then put upon a waiver of the rules and the roll was called upon a waiver of the rules. Those voting in favor of the waiver of the rules were: Commissioners, Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase and C J Marshall. Those voting against a waiver of the rules were Commissioners: None. Thereupon the question recurred upon a motion to place said ordinance upon its second reading and final passage, which motion prevailed by the unanimous vote of the City Commission. Thereupon said ordinance was placed upon its second reading and read again in full. Upon the reading of said ordinance, the roll was called upon the question of the adoption of said ordinance. Those.voting in favor of the final passage and adoption of said Ordinance were: Commissioners Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase and C J Marshall. Thereupon the Chairman of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida announced that the City Commisdion of the City of Sanford, Florida by unanimous vote had passed and adopted that Certain Ordim nce #71, entitled.: " An Ordinance amending section 225 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Sanford, of 1913, with reference to specifications for sidewalks." Commissioner C J Marshall introduced Resolution #114 entitled: Resolution providing for the paving, re- paving , hardsurfacing and re- hardsurfacing of of Magnolia Ave. , from Central St. south to Franklin St. a width of 24 feet." Same was unanimously adopted. )e . Commissioner C J Marshall introduced Resolution #115 entitled: "Resolution providing for the paving, re- paving, hard surfacing and re- hard surfacing of Palmetto Ave. from Hughey St. south to Franklin St., a width of '24 feet." Same was unanimously adopted. Commissioner C J Marshall introduced Resolution #116, entitled: "Resolution providing for the paving, re- paving, hard surfacing and re -hard surfacing of Franklin Street from Sanford Ave. west to Park Ave., a width of 24 feet." vL Same was unanimously adopted. The City Manager's report for December was read, accepted and filed. Report of the City Clerk for December was read, accepted and filed. Report of City Clerk for Dec. 1923• 13,402.6 Less Discount on Taxes. 43.80 Receipts. Cash Balance. Current Taxes 3,578,05 Licenses 738.50 Pound Fees 29.50 Dog Taxes 5.00 Fines and Costs 2,003.50 Interest & Costs 27.68 Inspection Fees 244.50 Store R60m Acct. 175.00 Miscel. Income 176.05 Library Acct. 6.15 Bone Trustees Acct. 2,1.8.12 Special Assessments 3,80.64 Sanitary Taxes 1 3.00 Golf Park Acct. 27.00 13,402.6 Less Discount on Taxes. 43.80 W 58,7o4.s6 72, 673 Disbursements. Office of City Manager. Salary 300.00 Communications 4.95 304.95 Office City Atty. Salary .00 75.00 Office Municipal Judge. Salaries 125.00 125.00 Division of Police Salaries 792.00 Communications 14.50 Supplies & Repairs 70.01 Feed for Prisoners 20.00 Special Services 47.00 Motor Cycle Repairs 10.70 Gas & Oil 5 33-35 97.56 Division of Fire. Salaries 375.00 Gas & Oil 6.6 Chemicals 40.2} Supplies 16.73 Laundry 3.52 Communications 7,65 Repairs 2.00 451.79 Division of Sts. & Bridges Labor 1,181.00 Feed & Care Animals 49. 92 Repairs 80.40 Material & Supplies 215-37 Gas & Oils �0.0 Sidewalk Approaches 186.1 Live stock 225.00 2,057-90 Div of Sewers & Drains Flush Tank 1.20 1.20 W 58,7o4.s6 72, 673 `-[ Division of Parks 15 2.49 Labor 59.00 1552.49 Material 5.50 Repairs f}.50 Lighting 1-50 55.20 City Planning Commission 70.50 Div of Pub. Bldgs. 40.34 _ Janitor 10.00 40.34 Labor 12-50 Lights & Gas. 24,45 Ice, Wood & Dater 13.20 175.50 Material k Supplies 07 .11 Salaries 262.50 130.29 Div of Engineering 15.70 100.00 grades 44.50 Dixie'Culvert & Metal Co. 91.25 44.50 Div of Health 91.25. Salaries 220.00 Supplies 1.99 Care Animals 5.00 Disinfectant 10.55 Repairs 18.5 Gas & oils 36.00 Labor 90.00 36.97 Library Expense 352.33 D_ iv of Publicity 66.67 Chamber of Commerce. 1,166.60 Insurance Premiums 713.00 1166.6o Div of Inspection - 750.77 Salary 2j.00 Gas & Oil. 4.00 29.00 Pound Expense 15 2.49 Master 75.00 1552.49 Communications 2.65 Supplies 6.25 Water 1.20 55.20 City Planning Commission 55.10 Dept. of Finance 40.34 Salaries 102. 50 40.34 Communications 20. 00 Printing 3. 00 Bond Premium 0. 00 175.50 Dept Records & Taxation Salaries 262.50 Printing & Supplies 15.70 100.00 Election Expenses 0.00 Dixie'Culvert & Metal Co. 91.25 314.95 Golf Park Acct. 91.25. Supt. Salary Part 2 Months 1 0.00 Labor 102.00 G2�s & Oil 15.00 Communications 9.72 Printing & Supplies 42.25 Sprinklers .00 36.97 Library Expense Salary Librarian 66.67 Supplies 1.10 Insurance Premiums 713.00 750.77 Interest and Discount 1.0 51.03 Bond Interest 23942.5o 23942.50 Bond Trustees Cash Advanced 15 2.49 1552.49 E E Cox Acct. Old condemned Bld. 55.20 55.20 City Planning Commission Supplies 40.34 40.34 George w night Acct. Fire Ins. Claim. 227.66 227.66 Municipal Library Petty Cash Acct. 100.00 100.00 Bills Payable Dixie'Culvert & Metal Co. 91.25 91.25. FN 0 Bonds retired. 2,000.00 Total Disbursements December 1923. Cash Balance 2,000.00 35,663-74 36,400.ol 72,063.75 The Commission then proceeded to open bids on sewer material and construction #1,- Sherman opncrete Pipe Company #2 Ga. Vitrified Brick and Clay . #3 Gidney & Myrphy Inc. #4 Stevens Guarantee Pipe Co. #5 R J Gallespie On construction of Break water wall for Dock Basin: #1 A J McCulley #2 W S Earle #3 -R J Gallespie. All bids were then referred to the City Engineer for Tabulation. The following bills were read, approved and the Clerk authorized to draw checks in payment of same: #3195 City of ,OLnford Petty Cash Pay Roll of Dec. 25,625.97 Petty Cash. 153.42 779.39 3196-Dixie Culvert & Metal Co. Note and Interest on Toilets 1272.00 3197 Nye Odorless Crematory Co. Note & Int. on Incinerator 2165.00 3195 W B "Filliame Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 150.00 3199 L R Philips Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 100.00 3200 Ellen Hoy Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 62.50 3201 R G Williams Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 57.50 3202 A H Beckwith Salary Jan 1 to 15th 6o.00 3203 G H Tomlinson Salary Jan 1 to 15th 60.00 3204 E E Walker Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 60.00 3205 F B Dyson Salary Jan 1 50 15th. 60. 00 3206 H M young Salary Jan 1 to 15th 50.00 3207 0 W Vernon Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 5.00 3205 George Whitcomb Salary Jan 1 to 15th 37.50 3209 G P Paxton Salary Jan 1 to 15th 57.50 3210 B F Smith Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 550.00 3211 Mack Cleveland Salary Han 1 to 15th x+5.00 3212 James J Moughton Salary Jan 1 to 15th 50.00 321 L R Philips salary Jan 1 to 15th 25.00 3214 Willie King Salary Jan 1 to 15th 40.00 3215-G P Lewis Salary Jan 1 to 15th 37.50 3216 Charles E Mills Salary Jan 1 to 15th 62.50 3217 Chamber of Commerce Ippropriation for 1/2 January 553.33 3215 Mrs B Lawrence Brown Salary Jan l to 15 50.00 3219 Frank Akers Tire Co. Gasoline and oil 22.35 3220 Mill Hardware Co. Miscel. Items as per bills. 31.50 3221 San Juan Garage Co. Repairs to truck 2.25 3222 Carter Lumber Co. Lumber, cement etc. 340.95 3223 Ball Hardware Co. Miscel items 202.35 3224 Edward Higgins Repairs to oar and payment on car 40.65 3225 Hill Lumber Co. Cement, lumber etc. !-54 10.60 3226 Mahoney - !Walker Co. Parts for wells and sprinklers 3227 Fred T Williams Engineering 73.56 3225 Southern Utilities Co. Lights, Water & Gas, Pub. Bld. 32. 4 3229 Supplee - Biddle Hdw. Co. Parts for Mower 5.40 3230 Ball Hardware Co. Supplies for Golf Grounds 12.25 3231 Hill Implement & Supply Co. Bridle, Collar 11.90 3232 City Library Petty Cash Acct.Miscel Items 35.56 323 Haynes & Ratliff Library Expense, Furniture 1+5.45 3234 Mrs A H Holden Assistant Librarian Salary 33.20 323 Sanford Paint & Wall Paper Floor Enamel for Library 22.40 3239 Coleman Gift Shop Supplies, Staty. Etc. 4.50 IF Y #3237 Mr E E Cox Removal of Building, Material 55.50 3235 Mabel L Fernald Est. Final Payment on Hospital 3239 Fernald Lawton Hospital Charity Acct. John Kemp M.00 .50 30 Albert Hall Wrench, Keys, Hose Clamp etc. 4.25 3241 Am. LaFrance Fire Eng Co. Wheels for fire truck 321.07 3242 Fire Engineer Subscription to "Fire Engineer" 2.00 ;243 DeLand Steam Laundry Laundry for Fire Dept. 2.52 244 324 Herald Printing Co. E A Douglass Herald Printing Co. 15 30 gedordr�ng %ftty Tax Certificates 56.x+0 3246 L B Hodgins Repairs to Health Guard Toilets 21.25 3247 R C Bower Drugs and supplies 10.00 3245 Fenole Chemical Co. Sanitary Buckets 37.50 3249 Mobleyis Drug (tore Drugs 7.00 3250 Western Union Telegraph Communications 11.61 3251 peninsular Elec. Co. Telephone Switches 1.50 3252 Haynes & Ratfiff Printing & Staty. 49.90 325 P A Moro Repairs 6.25 3254 A P Connelly Bond premium 12,50 3255 Dayton Irrigation Co. Lawn Sprinkler 5.62 3251 Allen Seed Co. Rye for parks 17.60 3257 Edward Lane Removal of Shed 25.00 3255 James A'Sands Installing Faucet in Park & plumbing 21.25 3259 Sanford Furniture Co. Window shade 2.25 3260 Frank Akers Tire Co. Gas and oil 94.10 3261.E S Rockey Changing tires and vulcanizing 2.15 3262 Cates Crate Co. Rock Salt 2.00 326 bight Bros Co. Gas & 011 35.30 3264 B P Foley Care Animals 15.00 3265 W H Hand & Son Repairs to Equipment 40.20 3266 w CHill Sidewalk Construction 69.54 3267 Miracle Concrete Co. Sidewalk Construction 26.52 3265 Sanford'Feed & Supply Co. Feed and care animals, oats and hay 204.02 3269 City of Orlando Repairs to street brooms 32.20 3270 C W "Zaring & Co. Hay and oats 227.25 3271 Sou. Bell Telephone Co. Telephone Service 32.00 3272 A P Connelly & Sons Bond Premiums 55.00 3273 Roy Smith Painting Library.Floor 22.50 3274 City Petty Cash Acct. Pay Roll Week eriding Jan 4 433.35 327 E'F Lane Bond premiums 30.00 3272 City Petty Cash Acct. Miscel Items 192.1 •3277 C w Zaring & Co. Hay and Oats 151.7 The meeting then adjourned to meet Tuesday A.I. at 10 O'clock. Attest: City Clerk. 9, 705. 42 Mayor. w