HomeMy WebLinkAbout011224In SPECIAL SESSION OF CITY COMMISSION- JAN. 12, 1924 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met in special session on the 12th day of January A D 1924, at 12 O'Clock M`. at the City Hall at Sanford, Flori For the purpose of canvassing the returns of the Bond Election held in the City of Sanfor Floridet, on the 11th day of January A.D.1924 Present: Commissioners: Forrest Lake, S O Chase and C J Marshall. The City Commission then proceeded to canvass the returns of the bond election held on January 11th 1924, for the approval or rejection of Ordinance No. 67 of the City of Sanford, Florida, entitled:. "An Ordinance Providing for the Acquisition and Establishment of a Water ,corks ." Plant or Plants by the City of Sanford, Florida, to be maintained and operated as a Publi Utility and Providing for an Issue of Utility Bonds by the City of Sanford, Florida, in the sum of Three Hundred and Seventy five Thousand Dollars, the Proceeds to be derived from the sale thereof to be used to acquire, establish, purchase and construct a Water Works Plant or Plants," Ordinance No. 68 of the City of Sanford, Florida, entitled: An Ordinance providing for the Acquisition and Establishment of an Electric Light m d Power Plant or Plants, by the City of Sanford, Florida, to be maintained and oper- ated as a Public Utility, and providing for an issue of Utility Bonds by the City of Sanford, Florida, in the sum of Three Hundred and Ten Thousand Dollars, the proceeds to bd derived from the sale thereof to be used to acquire, establish, purchase and construct an Electric Light and Power Plant or Plants," Ordinance No. 69 of the City of Sanford, Florida entitled: "An Ordinance Providing for the Acquisition and establishment of a Gas Plant or Plants by ,the City of Sanford, Florida to be maintained and operated as a Public Utility, and providing for an issue of Utility Bonds of the Cityo fr Sanford Florida, in the sum of One Hundred and Sixty Thousand Dollars, the proceeds to be derived from the sale thereof to be used to acquire , establish, purchase and construct a Gas Plant or Plants." and Ordinance #70 of the City of Sanford, Florida, entitled:- "An Ordinance Providing for an Issue of Bonds by the'City of Sanford, Florida, in the Sum of Seventy Five Thousand Dollars, the proceeds to be derived from the sale thereof to be used to acquire, build, construct and equip with the nenessary Furniture and Fixtures a City Hall and Administration Building," and to determine the question whether bonds to the 'amount of Three Hundred and Seventy - five thousand ($375,000.00) Dollars bearing interest at the rate of five and one- half(Wo) Per Centum Per annum, interest payable semi - annually, said bonds to mature thirty years from the date of the issuance thereof should be issued by the City of Sanford, Florida, as stated and set forth in Ordinance No.67, to determine the question whether bonds to the amount of three Hundred and Ten Thousand (4310,000.00) Dollars, bearing interest at the rate of Five and one -half per ¢ centum(5j4p) per annum, interest payable semi- annually, said bonds to mature thirty years from the date of the issu&Rae thereof, should be issued by the City of Sanford, Florida as stated and set forth in Ordinance No. 68, to determine the question whether bonds to. 1•� the amount of One Hundred and Sixty Thousand ($160,000.00) Dollars, bearing int- erest at the rate of five and one half per centum (5) per annum, interest payable semi - annually, said bonds to mature thirty years from the date of the issuance,thereof, should be issued by the City of Sanford, Florida, as stated and set forth in Ordinance No. 69, and to determine the question whether bonds to the amount of Seventy Five thousand ($75,000.00) Dollars bearing interest at the rate of five and one half per centum (500 Per annum, interest payable semi - annually , said bonds to mature thirty years from the date of the issuance thereof, should be issuedlby th by the City of Sanford, Florida as stated and set forth in Ordinance No. 70 , and frrom the canvass of said Returns, found the result of said election to be as follows: The number of votes cast by free holders voting for the approval of ordinance 1 167, and for the issuance of bonds in the sum of $375,000.00 - - - - - -- -303 Votes. The number of votes cast by free holders boting against the approval of Ordinance No. 67, and against the issuance of bonds in the sum of $375,000.00 0 - - - - -- 14 Votes. The numver of votes cast by qualified voters, not free holders, voting for the approval of Ordinance No. 67, and for the issuance of bonds in the sum of $375, - - - -- -127 Votes. The number of votes cast by qualified voters, not free holders, voting against the approval of Ordinance #67, and against the issucane of bonds in the sum of $375,000.00 }!t - - - -- 1 vote. Total number of 'votes cast by free holders, and qualified voters not free- holders, for the approval of Ordinance # 67, and for the issuance of bonds in the sum of $375,000.00 - - - -- -430 votes. Total number of votes cast by free holders, and-qualified voters not free holders, agairn t the approval of Ordinance. #67, and agairA the issuance of bonds in the sum of „$375,000.00 - - - -15 votes. The number of votes cast by freeholders voting for the approval of ()r di- nance #68 and for the issuance of Bonds in the sum,of $310.000.00 - - -- -302 votes. The number of votes cast by free holders voting against the approval of ordinance #08, and against the issuance of bonds in the sum of $310,000.00 - - -1.7 votes. The number of votes cast by qualified voters, not free holders voting for the approval of Ordinance #69 and for the issuance of bonds in the sum of $310,000. - -- -123 vot eja The number of votes cast by qualified Votereg not freeholders, voting against the approval of Ordinance #68, and against the,issuance of bonds in the sum of $310,000.00 - - -- 2 votes. The total number of votes cast by free holders, and qualified voters not free holders, for the approval of Ordinance #68 and for the issuance of bonds in the sum of $310,000.00 - - - -- -425. votes. The total number of votes cast by free holders, and qualified voters not free holders, against the approval of ordinance No. 68, and against the issuance of bonds in the sum of $$310,000.00 ------ - - - -19 votes. The number of votes cast by freeholders voting for the approval of Ordinance #69 and for the issuance of bonds in the sum of $160,000.00 -- -297 votes. The number of votes cast by freeholders voting against the approval of Ordinance No. 69 and against the issuance of bends in the sum of $160,000.00 ----- - - - - -- 18 Votes. The number of votes cast by qualified voters, not free holders, voting for the approval of Ordinance No. 69, and for the issuance of bonds in the sum of $16o,o0o.00 --- - - - - -- -124 votes. The number of votes cast by qualified voters, not free holders, voting against the approval of )rdinance #69 and against the issuance of bonds in the sum of $$160,Ooo. ---- - - - - -- 3 votes. The total number of votes cast by freeholders and qualified voters not freeholders for the approval of Ordinance No. 69, and for the issuance of bonds in the sum of $16o,006.00 ---- - - - - -- 421 votes 681 The total number of votes cast by freeholders, and qualified voters not freeholders against the approval of Ordinance No. 69 and against the issuance of bonds in the sum or. $16o,000.00 - - - - -- 21 botes. The number of votes cast by freeholders, voting for the approval of Ordinance #70, and for the issuance of bonds in the sum.Of $75,000.00 --- - - - - -- 259 votes. The number of t6tes'cast by free holders, voting against the approval of ordinance No. 70, and against the issuance of Bonds in the sum of $75,000.00 ---- - - - - -- 58 votes. The number of votes cast by qualified voters, not freeholders, b6ting for the :.._. approval of Ordinance #70, and for the issuance of.bonds in the sum of $75,000.00 - - -- 111 Vot es. The number of votes cast by qualified voters, not free holders, voting against the approval of Ordinance #70, and agairs t the issuance of bonds in the sum of $75,000.0 ----- - - - - -- 16 Votes. The total number of votes cast by free holders, and gaulified voters not free holders, for the approval of Ordinance No. 70, and for the issuance of bonds in the sum of $75,000.00 ---- - - - - -- -370 votes. The total number of votes cast by free holders, and qualified voters not free- holders, against the approval of Ordinance No. 70, and against the issuance @f bonds in the sum of $$75,000.00 ---- - - - - -- 74 votes. Whereupon, the following order and resolution was duly passed and adopted. Whereas, the returns of the election ordered to be held on the 11th day of Januaty A. D.1024, in the City of Sanford Florida, for the approval of rejection of that certain ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida, to -wit: Ordinance #67 ehtitle : "An Ordinance providing for the acquisition and establishment of a water works plant or Plants by the City of Sanford, Florida, to be maintained and operated he a Public Utilit and providing for an Issue of Utility Bonds by the City of Sanford, Florida in the sum. of Three Hundred and Seventy five thousand Dollars, the proceeds to be derived from the sale thereof to be used to acquire, establish, purchase and construct a Water Works Plant mss# 68? or Plants," and to determine the question as to whether bonds should be issued by the City of Sanford Florida, to the amount of $375,000.00 bearing interest at the rate of Five and orxe -half per centum (5J %) per annum, interest payable semi - annually, said-bonds to mature 'thirty years from the :date of the issuance thereof, for the purposes set forth in said ordinance No. 67, have been made to this Commission by the Inspectors of Said Election, and, Whereas, said returns have been duly canvassed by Said Commission, and the canvass of sai returns shows 430 votes to have been oast for the approval of said Ordinance, and for the issuance of,said bonds, and 15 votes to have been cast against the approval of said ord and against the issuance of said bonds, and Whereas, upon a complete canvass of said returns it is found that a majority of 415 votes were cast in favor of said ordinance and in favor of the issuance of said borkd:, therefore. BE IT RESOLVED BY THIS COMMISSION, and it is so declared, that the result of said election held on the 11th day of January A. D. 1924-as afordsaid, shows that a majority of voters participating in said election voted in favor of that certain ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida, to -wit: Ordinance #67 entitled: "An Ordinance providing for the acquisition and establishment of a Water Works pPlant or Plants by the City of Sanford Florida, to be maintained and Operated as a Public Utility and providing for an issue of utility bonds by the City of Sanford, Florida, in the sum of Three Hundred and Seventy five thousand Dollars, the Proceeds to be derived from the Sale thereof to be used to Acquire, Purchase and construct a Water Works Plant or Plants." and for the issuance of bonds in the sum of $375,000.00 to be used for the purpose afore- said, and Whereas, the returns of the election ordered to be held on the 11th day of January A. D. 1924, in the City of Sanford, Florida, for the approval or rejection of that Certain_ Ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida, to -wit: Ordinance #6$, entitled: "An Ordiance providing for the acquisition and establishment of an Electric Light Plant and Power Plant -or P91ants, by the City of Sanford, Florida, to be maintained and operated as a Public Utility, and Providing for an issue of Utility Bonds by the City of Sanford, Florida, in the sum of Three Hundred and Ten Thousand Dollars, the proceeds to be derived from the sale thereof to be used to acquire, establish, purchase and construct an electric Light and power Plant or Plants," and to determine the question as to whether bonds should be issued by the City of Sanford Florida, to the amount of $310,000.00 bearing interest at the rate of five and one half per centum (5J %) per annum, interest payable semi - annually, said bonds to mature thirty years from the date of the issuance thereof, for the purposesc�:?0et forth in Ordinance No, 6 have been made to this Commission by the Inspectors of said election, and Whereas,, said returns have been duly canvassed by said Commission, and the canvass of .1 said returns shows 425 votes to have been cast for the approval of said ordinance, and fcr the issuance of said bonds, and 19 votes to have been cast against the approval of said ordinance and agairst the issuance of said bonds, and Whereas, upon a complete canvass of said returns it is found that a majority of 406 votes were cast in favor of said ordiance and in favor of the issuance of said bonds thereford, W e m sus' 683 BE IT RESOLVED BY THIS COMMISSION, and it is so declared, that the .result of said election held on the 11th day of January A. D. 1924, shows that a majority of voters participating•in said election voted in favor of that certain ordiance of the City of Sanford, Florida, to -wit: Ordinance No. 68, entitled: "An Ordinance providing for the acquisition and establishment of an Electric Light and Power Plant or Plants, by the City of Sanford, Florida, to be maintained and oper- ated as a Public Utility, and providing for an issue of Utility Bonds by the City of Sanford, Florida, in the sum of Three Hundred and Ten Thousand Dollars, the Proceeds to be derived from the sale thereof, to be used to acquire , establish, purchase and construct an electric light and power plant or plants.2 . and for the issuance of bonds in the sum of $310,000.00 to be used for the purpose aforesaid, and Whereas, the returns of the election ordered to be held on the 11th day of January A.D.1924, in the City of Sanford Florida, for the approval or rejection of that certain Ordinace of the City of Sanford, Florida, to -wit: Ordinance No. 69 entitled: "An Ordinance providing for the acgpisition and establishment of a gas plant or plants by the City of Sanford, Florida, to be maintained and operated as a public Utility, and providing for an issue of Utility Bonds of the City of Sanford, Florida, in the sum of One Hundred and Sixty Thousand Dollars, the proceeds to be derived from the sale thereof to be used to acquire establish, purchase and construct a Gas Plant or. Plants," and to determine the question as to whether bonds should be issued by the City of Sanford Florida, to the amount of $160,000.00 bearing interest at the rate of Five and one -half per centum (5j%) per annum, interest payable semi - annually, said bonds to mature thirty years from the date of the issuance thereof, for the purposes set forth inlaid ordinate #69, have been made to this Commission by the Inspectors of said Election, and, Whereas, said returns have been duly canvassed by Said Commission, and the Canvass of Said Returns shows 421 motes to have been cast for the approval of said ordinance, and for- the issuance of said bonds, and 21 votes to have been cast against the approval of said ordinance and against the issuance of said bonds, and Whereas, upon a complete canvass of said returns it is found that a majority of 400 votes were cast in favor of said ordinance and in favor of the issuance of said bonds, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THIS COWMISSION, and it is so declared, that the result of said election held on the 11th day of January A.D.- -1924, as aforesaid, shows that a major- ity of the voters participating in said election voted in favor of that certain ordiance of the city of Sanford, Florida, to -wit: Ordinance No. 69, entitled: "An Ordinance providing for the Acquisition and establishment of a Gas Plant or Plants, by City of Sanford Florida, to be maintained and operated as a Public Utility , and Providing for an issue of Utility Bonds of the City of Sanfordm Florida, in the sum of One Hujdred and Sixty Thousand Dollars, the Proceeds to be derived from the sale thereof to be used to Acquire, establish purchase and construct a Gas Plant or Plants.2 and for the issuance of bonds in the sum of $160,000.00 to be used for the purpose aforesai and, Whereas, the returns of the election ordered to be held on the 11th day of January A.D. 1924, in the City of Sanford, Florida, for the approval of rejection of that certain ordinance of the City of Sanford, Florida, to-wit: ordinance No. 70, entitled.: the • "An Ordinance providing for an issue of bonds by the City of Sanford, Florida, in the sum of Seventy Five Thousand Dollars, the Proceeds to be derived from the sale thereof to be used to acquire , build, construct and equip with the necessary furniture and Fixtures, a City Hall and Administration Building," and to determine the question as to whether bonds should be issued by the City of Sanford, Florida Florida , to they amount of $75,000.00 bearing; interest at theiate of five and one -half per centum (51fo) per annum, interest payable semi - annually, said bonds to mature thirty years from the date of the issuance thereof, for the purposes set forth in said ordinance No. 70 have been nude to this Commission by the Inspectors of said Election, and Whereas, said returns have been duly canvassed by said Commission, and the Canvass of said retutne shows 370 votes to have been cast for the approval of said ordinance, and for the issuance of said bonds and 74 votes to have been cast against the approval, of said ordinance and against the issuance of said bonds, and Whereas, upon a complete canvass of said returns it is found that a majority of 296 votes were cast in favor of said ordinance and in favor of the issuance of said bonds, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THIS COMMISSION, and it is so declared, that the result of said election held on the 11th day of January A. D.1`�4 as aforesaid, shows that a majority of the voters participating in said election voted in favor of that certain ordianas of the City of Sanford, Florida, to -wit: Ordinance No. 70, entitled: "An Ordinance providing for an issue of bonds by the City of Sanford, Florida in the sum of Seventy Five thousand Dollars, the proceeds to be derived from the sale thereof to be used to acquire, build construct and equip with the necessary furniture and fixtures a City Hall and Administration Building," and for the issuance of bonds in the sum of $75,000.00 to be used for the purpose aforesaid. Adopted this 12th day of January A.n.1924. Attest: L R Philips City Clerk. (Seal ) There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: City tlerk. RR 0. Chase As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Fla. C,P Mayor