HomeMy WebLinkAbout031024REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION MARCH 10, 1924 The City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, met at the City Hall at Sanford Florida, on the 10th day of March A D 1924, at 2630. P.M. Present: Commissioners Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase and C J Marshall. City Manager W.B. Williams, City Attorney, Goerge A DeCottes; '-C -ity Engineer, Fred T Williams. Minutes of last regular meeting read and approved. At 2 :30 F M the Chairman announced that the hour had arrived for the opening of bids for the purchase of bonds to the amount of $375,000.00 of an authorized issue of Five and one -half per cent Public Utility Bonds of the City of Sanford Florida, authorize by Ordinance No. 67, duly adopted by the City of Sanford,, Florida, on the 10th day of December A D 1923, and Thereupon, all sealed bids up to that time received by the City Commission were ordered to be opened and read and the following bids were then and there opened and read: 1 A C Allyn & Company $375,000.00 Less $3,700.00 2 Weil, x oth & Irving Company $367,500.00 and accrued interest to date oaf Delivery 3 J C Mayer & Co. $368,137.50 and accrued interest to date of delivery 4 W L Slayton & Co. $996.50 per Bond, and accrued interest to date of delivery 5. Atlantic National Bank of Jacksonville.* $375,000.00 and accrued interest to date of (a) delivery at five and one -half per cent int. $375,000.00 and accrued interest to date of (b) delivery with five and one - quarter per cent 6 Steiner Brothers interest $100.00 and accrued interest to date of delivery 7. Marx and Co. and ,Otis & Co. $316,988.98 and accrued interest to date of delivery (* Bidder included with bid: providing if bids awarded on basis of five and one - fourth per cent proceeds should be deposited by the City of Swiford in a bank to be mutually agreed upon, and all interest to accrue to Atlantic Nat'l.Bank of Jacksonville.) No further sealed bids having been received, the Commission proceeded to consider the bids submitted and after careful consideration and examination of all bids submitted, came to the conclusionf that the bid of Mar & Co. of Birmingham, Ala. and Otis & Co. of Cleveland, Ohio, was the highest and best bid received. Thereupon, Commissioner S 0 Chase offered the following; resolution, which was unanimously adopted : Resolution #125 Whereas Marx & Co. of Birmingham, Ala, and Otis & Co. of Cleveland Ohio. have submitted a proposal.-for the purchase of the Three Hundred and Seventy Five Thousand Dollars, City of Sanford, Florida, Public Utilitj Bonds, to be dated January 1st, 1924 bearing interest at the rate of five and one -half per centum per annum, interest payable July First and January First of Each year, both principal and interest of said bonds payable at New York in the State of New York, of the denomination of One Thousand Dollars each, . maturing January let, 1954, authorized by. Ordinance #67 duly enacted and adopted by the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, on the 10th day of December A.D. loo 1923, and approved by the voters of the City of Sanford, Florida, at an election called and held throughout the City of Sanford, Florida on the 11th day of January A D 1924, said proposal being in words and figures as follows: towit: March 10, 1924 Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase & C J Marshall City Commission and Ex- Officio Bond Trustees Gentlemen.; 'For your $375,000.00 of City of Sanford, Fla. 30- year 51% Water Works Bonds, as described in the attached notice of sale, which is hereby made a part of this bid, we will pay you the sum of $376,888. 88 together with accrued interest to date of delivery. 'This bid is subject to these bonds receiving the unqualified approving legal opinion of Hon. John C Thomson, Attorney New York City, and bonds are to be accompanied by such opinion together with complete certified copy of transcript coveri this issue. We inclose herewith our certified check in the sum of $7500.00 to insure our good faith under the terms of this proposal. Respectfully submitted, MARX AND CO. By, W G Watkins. OTI S & CO. By, C A Fitzgerald, Agt. March 10, 1924 The above proposal of Marx and Co., and Otis & Co. accepted by resolution of City Commission duly adopted this date. Attest: City Clerk of the City of Sanford, Florida. ' And, As the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida. and ex- officio bond trustees of the City of Sanford, Florida Whereas, it is the opinion of this Commissiom that the bid of Marx & Co. and Otis & Co. offering to purchase said bonds for $376,889.88 and accrued interest to date of delivery is the highest and best bid received for the purchase of said issue of bond . Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Bid of Marx & Cc and Otis & Co. for the purch as of said issue of bonds for $376,888.88 , be and the same is hereby accepted, and Be It Further Resolved that the sale of Said Bonds be, and the same is hereby awarded to Marx& Co. and Otis & Co., upon the terms and condittgns set forth in their bid as aforesaid, and, Be it Further Resolved, That the said bonds of the City of Sanford, Florida, to the amdint of Three Hundred and Seventy Five Thousand Dollars, authorized in the man ner and at the "t°ime aforesaid, bearingilinterest at the rate of Five and One -half per centum per annum, be delivered to Marx & Co. and Otis & Co., upon payment therefor by the said Marx &.Co., and Otis & Co. of $376,888.88 and accrued interest to date of delivery. a - k` 70- Forrest Lake, Mayor of the City of L R Philips Sanford, Florida. City Clerk. ( Seal) Communication from City Planning Commission Re: Water Supply was read and the Clerk instructed to write the Planning Commission that the ratter would be given at- tention as soon as possible. Commissioner S 0 Chase offered Resolutions #124 -A. to 124 -F Inclusive, requiring the construction of certain sidewalks. Same Are unanimously adopted. -Mr H T Bodwell presented Plats of "Mayfair" and " Greenwood" subdivisions, same having been approved by the City Planning Commission and the City Engineer, were accepted by the City Commission and on motion by Commissioner S 0 Chase, seconded by Commissioner C J Marshall, plat of "Mayfair" was ordered recorded in City Plat book. "Greenwood" being outside the City Limits. Commissioner C J Marshall offered an Ordinance numbered 75 entitled: " AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 226 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA." and moved that the same be placed upon its first reading and read in full. Said motion prevailed by unanimous vote of the City Commission. Thereupon Said Ordinance was placed upon its first reading and read in full. Thereupon Commissioner G J Marshall moved that the rules be waived and said ordi- namce be placed upon its second reading and final passage, which motion was duly second ed. The question was then put upon a waiver of the rules and the roll called upon a waiver of the rules. Those voting in favor of the waiver of the rules were: Commissioner Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase, and C J Marshall, Thost voting against the waiver of the rules were commissioners : None. Thereupon said Ordinance was - placed upon its second reading and read again in full. Upon the reading of said ordinance, the roll was called upon the question of the adoption of said ordinance. Thereupon said ordinance was placed upon its second reading and read again in full. Upon the reading of the ordinance, the roll was called upon the question of the adoption of said ordinance. Those voting in favor of the final passage add adoption of said ordinance were: Commissioners Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase and C J Marshall. Thereupon the Chairm an of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida announced that the City Commission by unanimous vote had passed and adopted that certain ordinance #75 entitled: " An ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 226 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF SANFORD FLORIDA.". Mr George W Knight came before the Commission and requested that Seventh Eighth, Eleventh,- Twelfth Streets be paved from Sanford Ave. to French Ave.; and on motion duly seconded and passed the City Engineer was instructed to proceed with preliminary steps On these streets at once. The Chairman then announced that the hour for opening bids on Water Works ss�ssw 702 construction had arrived, and thereupon all sealed bids on same were ordered opened and read, and all bids were then opened and read. There being fifty one bids in all. All bids were referred to Engineer Craig for tabulation and to report on same at meeting 7:30 P.M. Tuesday. The following bids on construction of fence around Athletic Field were opened and, read H T Pace Dossey & Howard Frank Lossing J B Southard. The report of the City Manager for February was read, accepted and filed. The report of City Clerk for February was read, accepted and filed. The following bills were read, approved and the Clerk authorized to draw chec to pay same. #3426 W B Williams, City Mgr. Salary March 1 to 15th. 150.00 3427 L R Philips, City Clerk Salary March 1 to 15th. 100.00 3428-Ellen Hoy, Steno. Salary March 1 to 15th. 62.50 3429 T',G..Williams, Chief Police Salary March 1 to 15th. 57.50 3430 A H Beckwith, M.C.Officer Salary March 1 to 15th. 60.00 3431 G H Tomlinson, Patrolman Salary March 1 to 15th. 60.00 3432 E E Walker, Patrolman Salary March 1 to 15th. 60.00 3433 F B Dyson, Patrolman Salary March 1 to 15th. 60.00 3434 J B Green, Patrolman Salary March 1 to 15th. 55.00 3435 H M Young, Patrolman Salary March 1 to 15th. 0.00 3436 0 w Vernon Patrolman Salary March 1 to 15th. 45.00 3437 Orion Hall, Patrolman Salary March 1 to 15th. 45.00 3435 George Whitoomb, Gurad Salary March'1 to 15th. 37.50 3439 G P Paxton, Fire Chief Salary March 1 to 15th. 87.50 3440 B F Smith, Fireman Salary March 1 to 15th. 0.00 3441 Mack Cleveland, n Salary March 1 to 15th. 5.00 3442 Robert Williamson" Salary March 1 to 15th. 37.50 344 James Moughton, San.Insp. n March 1 to 15th. 50.00 3444 L R Philips,Clk. Ct. Salary March 1 to 15th. 25.00 3445 3446 Willie Ring, San.Coll. L L Voorhees,Golf Supt. Salary March 1 to Salary March to 15th. 35-00 3 15th. 54.16 3447 Chamber of Commerce. Appropriation First Half Mch. 553.33 344S Mrs_B Lawrence Brown Ralary March 1 to 15th. 50.00 3449 Mahoney - Walker Co. Sewer Pipe. 6.50 3450 Hill Hardware Co. Miscel Items 37.05 3451 Hill Lumber Co. Miscel. Items 175-12 34 52 Albert Hall Hook and chain 4.755 3453 B 1 Hardware Co. Miscel. Items 270.76 3454 Edward Higgins Repairs to Car. 140.31 3455 Yowell Company Cheese Cloth 2.00 3456 City Petty Cash Acct. Pay Roll week ending Feb. 29th. 368.50 3457 W H Hand & Son Horseshoeing etc. 56.55 3458 City Petty Cash Acct. Miscel. Items 217.69 3459 Sanford Herald Legal Advertising 13.04 3460 Gulf Refining Co. Gaaoline & Oil 42.55 3461 Indianapolis Blue Print Co. Maps. 144.84 3462 Florida Trucker Advertising 5.00 3463 Seminole Printery Printing 22.50 3464 Hill Implement Co. Harness .35 3465.Chase & Co. Seed 14.50 3466 James A Sands Plumbing 98, 65 3467 Lake Front Imp. Co. Trees Planted .00 3465 Sou. Bell Tel. Co. Telephone Service. 4.42 469 Fred T._Wi ll iams Engineering 114.5 3470 Sanford Novelty Wks. Material and labor 9.30 3471 Lee Brothers Plumbing 46.10 #k3472 E F Lane Roofing for pound 3473 sou. Util. Co. 'Gas, Lights etc. Pub. Bldgs. 347+ Roberts Grocery Oil and soap 3475 W W 15ood Lab. Testing Milk 3476 L B Hodgins. Repairs to Buckets 3477 West Disinfecting Go. Disinfectant 3478 H C DuBose Insurance Premium 3479 W J Thigpen & Co. n n 3450 Stromberg Carleton Telephone Mfg. Co. Telephone Equipment 3451 P A Mero Telephone Equipment 3452 P A Mero Supplies for prisoners 3453 Joseph Lay Co. Push Brooms 3484 Madison Paint Co. Paint 3455 E S Rockey Repairs 3456 Wight Bros 'Co. Gas & Oil 3457 Frank Akers Tire Co. Gas & oil 3455 B P Foley Care of Animals 3489 E E Brady Labor 3490 Seminole Feed Co. Hay & Oats 3491 Sanford Feed & Supply Co. Feed for animals 3492 F P Rines Gais, Oil & Supplies 3493 Petty Cash Acct. Pay Roll Week March 7th. 3494 J J Pur don Agt. Freight on Sweeper 3495 E F Lane Insurance Premium 3496 Geo W Knight Insurance Premium 3497 Library Petty Cash.Misel Items 3495 Dixie Culvert & Metal Co. Bills Payable 25-3i .72 10.00 26.25 43.10 91.50 102.00 65.95 35.60 9.75 10.50 15.50 6.65 26.56 145.01 36. oo 6o . oo 115.91 150.15 356:3425 325 :U 197.13 120.25 61.35 93.99 r The Construction of the asphalt pavement on Thirteenth St. from Sanford Ave. to French Ave; on Myrtle Ave. from Fourth St. to Thirteenth St.; the widening of Myrtle Ave. from Ninth St. to Thirteenth; and the construction of asphalt pavement on Elm Ave. from First St. to Thirteenth St. having been completed and duly inspected by the Commission, and the City Engineer having made his reports that the improvement of said portions of Thirteenth.St. Elm Ave, Myrtle Ave. and the widening of Myrtle Ave. had been nude in strict conformity with the plans and specifications therefor on file in the 'offi.Q',e of the City Clerk, and final estirates having been prepared and submitted by the Assessor, showing the actual cost of said pavements chargeable to all property abutting upon said portion ..af!hd.reenth St., Elm Ave, Myrtle Ave. and the widening of Myrtle Ave. and the completed paving of Thirteenth St. from Sanford Ave. to French Ave; Elm Ave. from First St. to Thirteenth St.; Myrtle Ave. from Fourth St. to Thirteenth St.; and the widening of Myrtle Ave. from Ninth St. to Thirteenth St. was finally accepted by the City Commission, and the final assessment rolls, as submitted by the Assessor, covering said pavements, showing the actual cost of said pavements, chargeable to all property abutting upon said street and avenues, was approved and confirmed, and the Clerk was ordered and directed to publish a notice to all property owners owning propert on Thirteenth St. from Sanford Ave. to French Ave., Elm Ave. from First St. to Thirteenth St.; Myrtle Ave. from Fourth St. to Thirteenth St, and the widening of Myrtle Ave. from Ninth St. to Thirteenth St. that the construction of the asphalt pavement on said portion Of Thirteenth St., Elm Ave.; Myrtle Ave.; and the widening of Myrtle Ave., had been final ly accepted, and the the final assessments against abutting property on said portion of Thirteenth St., Elm Ave; Myrtle Ave; and the widening of Myrtle Ave., as set forth in: said final Special Assessment Rolls, were payable in full without interest up to March 15,1924, and from and after said date, said special assessments would be payable only in tan equal annual installments with interest at the rate of Eight Per cent. per annum on all deferred payments. The meeting then adjourned to meet Tuesday March 11th. at 7 :30 P.M. ATTEST:+ mayor 703