HomeMy WebLinkAbout0324247Nt0 REGULAR MEETING OF CITY COMMISSION" MONDAY MARCH 24, 1924. Present: Commissioners Forrest Lake, ( Mayor) C J Marshall and S 0 Chase Citu Manager W B Williams, City Engineer Fred T Williams, City Attorney George A. DeCottes. Minutes of Last Regular and Adjourned Session read and approved. Communication from City Planning Commission Re: changing name of Sanford Ave. from Tenth Street south to City Limits, of Summit St. and Water St. was read and the Clerk instructed to write the Planning Commission that they would be glad to accept their suggestion relative to Summit St. and Water St. ,� but that they prefer Sanford Ave. to remain unchanged. Communication from City Planning Commission Re Heating Hospital Annex was read and filed. Communication from City Punning Commission Re: Permit to build brick store on Lot 10 Blk 7 Tr. 6 was read and approved and Clerk instructed to issue permit on de- mand. Communication from Bodwell Realty Co. Re: paving streets in Mayfair Addition was read and Clerk instructed to write that the Commission will take this matter up as soon as possible. and the City Engineer was authorized to proceed with pre- liminary steps in the matter of paving streets in Mayfair Addition. On motion, Commissioner S 0 Chase, seconded by Commissioner C J Marshall and passed, the Mayor and City Clerk were authorized to enter into contract as drafted by the City Attorney between the City and Eliza D Vaughan and Alex Vaughan her husband of the City of Sanford, Florida for the acquirement of a right of way for the extension of Park Ave. south from Hughey Street. Commissioner S 0 Chase offered Resolution #126 entitled: " A Resolution providing for the paving, re- paving , hardsurfacing and re- hardaurfacing of Grandview Ave. " North from Sanford Ave. to Lily Court,; Grandview Ave. "South" from Sanfo d Ave. to Lily Court, and Hughey'Street from Sanford Ave. to Lily Court, a with of 24 feet. Hibiscus Court and Lily Court, a width of 32 feet, 16 feet on each side of Central Parking Strip.; Roseway and Indianola Ave. a width of 16 feet. and moved its adoption. Said Motion was duly seconded and prevailed by the unanimous vote of the City Commission. Thereupon the Chairman of the City Commission of the City of Sa,nfo d Florida, announced that the City Commission had unanimously passed and adopted that certa Resolution numbered 126 entitled: "A Resolution providing for the pavine, re- paving, hardsurfacing and re- hardsuffacing of Grandliew Ave. "North 3 �, from Sanford Ave. to Lily Court, Grandview Ave. "South" from Sanford Ave. to Lily Court, and Hughey St. from Sanford Ave. to Lily Court, a width' of 24 feet; Hibiscus Court and Lily Court a width of 32 feet, 16 feet 6n each side of Central Parking Strip. Roseway and Indianola Ave. a width of 16 feet." Mr D-L Thrasher came before the Commission requesting adjustment of taxes on Lot wry Blk Tr. 3 E R Trafford ' s Map of Sanford Fla. �-`''� u!�� ya -___ 500.00 =Gs On motion duly sec nded and passed the Clerk was authorized to make adjustment. On motion duly seconded and passed the Clerk was directed to write the Supt. of i Southern Utilities Co, requesting a conference between the City Commission and Mr Houston. General Manager, for Thursday April 3, 1924, and to inform Mr Houston, and definitely 706 advise if Mr Houston will be present at S P M on said date at this conference for the purpose of considering the taking over by the City of Sanford a portion of the presen water plant and to enter into an agreement regarding service extensions by the Southe Utilities Co.. during course of construction of Municipal Water Works Plant. On motion dommissioner C J Marshall, and seconded by Commissioner S 0 Chase, and duly passed, Engineer Jos. E Craig was instructed to ask for bids for a satisfactory Electric Generator to be driven by one of the Oil Engines at Pumping Station and to furnish Electric Current for operating supply pumps in the County. The Clerk was requested to make a complete search of the minutes for a period of months and years of all orders and requests upon the Southern Utilities Co. by the Cityl not complied with. On motion duly seconded and passed, it was ordered that Lake Asphalt be used in the construction of pamement on Seminole Boulevard from Palmetto Ave. to Park Ave.; on Park Ave. from Fulton St. to Lake Monroe and on Hood Ave. from Commercial St. to Seminole Boulevard, on Park Ave. from Tenth St. to Hughey St. and on Ninth St. from Oak Ave. to the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Tracks. Report of the Engineer and Committee from Chamber of Commerce Re: bids for water works construction was presented and the following awards were made in conformity with the Committee's Report. For 200,000 Gallon Tank Erection; and for the construction of Fubl Tanks Awarded to R D Cole Mfg. Co. Newman, Georgia. For Putting down one Test dell; and one 12" Well at pumping Station:. Awarded to: For Fire Hydrants Awarded to :. For Cast Iron Pipe. Awarded to FJoseph Raehn Columbia Iron Works. Orlando, Florida. Chattanooga, Tenn.. National Cast Iron Pipe Co. Birmingham, Ala. F For Two 100 H.P. Oil Engines units ; and two 100 h.p.;motors;and One steering gasoline slip ring engine Awarded to : Fairbanks & Morse All bids on laying mains were rejected and the City Manager was authorized to lay and construct same. Bids on construction of reservoir and on construction of building for Power Plant and for.valves ere held under further advisement. On motion duly seconded and passed the City Manager was authorized to sign all contracts for work and material let under bids received and accepted for the constructs of Water- Works Plant/ The construction of the asphalt pavement on Third St., from Sanford Ave. to Magnolia Ave.; and from Oak Ave. to Mill Creek; on Second Street from Oak Ave. to Frenc Ave.; and the widening of the pavement on Second Street from Oak Ave. to Myrtle Ave. having been completed and duly inspected by the Commission, and the City Engineer having made his reports that the improvement of said portions of Third St.; Second St. and th Widening of Second Street, had been made in strict conformity with the plans and specif cat -ions therefor on file in the office of the City Clerk, and final estimates having be I 70'7 prepared and submitted by the Assessor, showing the actual cost of siad pavements chargebl to all property abutting upon said portion of Second St., Third St. and the widening of Second Street; and the completed paving of Third St. from Sanford Ave. to Magnolia Ave. and from Oak Ave. to Mill Creek; Second St. from Oak Ave. to French Ave. and the Widening of Second Street from Oak Ave. to Myrtle Ave.; was finally accepted by the City Commission and the final assessment rolls as submitted by the Assessor, covering said pavements, showing the actual cost of said pavements, chargeable to all property abutting upon said Streets, was approved and confirmed, and the Clerk was ordered and directed to publish a notice to all property owners owning property on Third St. From Sanford Ave. to Magnolia Ave.. and from Oak Ave. to Mill Creek.; on Second St. from Oak Ave. to French Ave. and on the widening of Second Street from Oak Ave. to Myrtle Ave. that the construction of the asphalt pavement on swid portions of Third St. Second _St'. and the widening of Second St. had been finally accepted, and the final assess- ments against abutting propetty on said portion of Third St., Seccnd St. and the widening of Second St. as set forth in said final Special Assessment Rolls, were payable im full without interest up to April 15, 1924, and from and after said date, said special assessments would be payable only in ten equal annual installments with interest at the rate of Eight Per cent. per annum on all deferred payments. The construction of the asphalt pavement on Third St. from Magnolia Ave. to Oak Ave.; on Third St. from Mill Creek to Avacado Ave. and Avacado Ave. from Third St. to First St.; on Central St. from Sanford Ave. to French Ave.; and the widening of the pavement on Third St. from Magnolia Ave. to Myrtle Ave. having been completed and duly inspected by the Commission of the City of Sanford Florida;and the City Engineer having made his reports that the improvement of said portions of Third St. from Magnolia Ave. to Oak Av.e.; Third St. from Mill Creek to Avacado Ave., and Avacado Ave. from Third St. to First ,St.; Central St. from Sanford Ave. to French Ave.;and the widening of the pavement on Third St. from Magnolia Ave. to Myrtle Ave. Had been made in strict conformity #ith the plans and specifications therefor on file in the office of the City Clerk, and final estimates having been prepared and submitted by the Assessor, showing the actual cost of said pave ents chargeable to all property abutting upon said portion of Third St.; Avacado Ave.; Central St; and the widening of the pavement on Third St.; and the completed paving of Third Street from Magnolia Ave. to Oak Ave., Third St. from Mill Creek to Avacado Ave, and Avacado Ave. from Third St. to First St; Central St. from Sanford Ave. to French Ave., an the widening of the pavement on Third St. from Magnolia Ave. to Myrtle Ave. was finall accepted by the City Commission, and the final assessment rolls, as submitted by the Assessor covering said pavements, showing the actual cost of said pavements chargeable to all property abutting upon said streets or avenues, was approved and confirmed, and the Clerk was ordered and directed to publish a notice to all property owners owning property on Third St.,from Magnolia Ave. to Oak Ave; Third St. from Mill Creek to Avaqpdo Ave. and Avacado Ave, from Third St. to Tirst St., Central St. from Sanford Ave. to French Ave., and the widening of the pavement on Third St. from Magnolia Ave. to Myrtle Ave. that the core4ruction of the asphalt pavemtn on said portions of Third Street from Magnolia Ave. to Oak Ave., Third St. from Mill Creek to Avacado Ave., and Avacado Ave. from Third St. to Fttst St., Central St. from Sanford Ave. to French Ave.; and the wide ning of the pavement on Third St. from Magnolia Ave. to Myrtle Ave. had been finally accepted, and'the final assessments against abutting property on said portions of Third St., Avacado Ave., Central St., and the widening of Third St. as set forth in said final Special Assessment Rolls, were payable in full without interest up to May 1 1924, and from and after said dale , said special assessments would be payable only in t equal annual installments with interest at the rate of Eight Per cent Per annum on all deferred payments. The following bills were read, approved and Clerk authorized to draw checks to pay same. 3499 -T t Williams Salary .March 15 to 31st. 150.00 3500 L R Philips, Salary March 15 to 31st. 100.00 3501 Ellen Hoy Salary March 15 to 31s-t 62.50 3392. R G. Williams Salary [arch 15 to 31st. 87.50 3503 A H Beckwith Salary March 15 to 31st. 60.00 350+ G• H Tomlinson Salary March 15 to 31st. -.60.00 350 � E E Walker Salary March 15 to 31st. 60.00 350 F B Dyson Salary March 15 to 31st. 60.00 3507 J B Green Salary March 15 to 31st. 55.00 3508 H M Young. Salary March 15 to 31st. 50.00 3509 0 W Vernon Salary March 15 to 31st. 5.00 3510 George Whitcomb Salary March 15 to 31st. ` 37.50 3 511 G P Paxton Salary March 15 to 31st. 87.50 3512 B F Smith Salary March 15 to 31st. �5-00 0.00 3513 Mack Cleveland Salary March 15 to 31st. 351+ Robt. Williamson Salary March 15 to 31st. 37.50 3515 Tom Vernon Salary March 1 to 31st. 10.00 3512 James Moughton. Salary March 15 to 31st. 50.00 3517 Ellen Hoy Salary March 1 to 31st. 25.00 3519 Alfred Foster Salary March 1 to 31st. 15.00 3 519 W T Langley Salary March l to 318t. 40.00 3520 G A DeCottes Salary March 1 to 31st. 75.00 3521 J G Sharon Salary March 1 to 31st. 75.00 3522 L R Philips Salary March 15 to 31st. 25.00 3523 G P Paxton Salary March 1 to 31st. 25.00 352+ B F Smith Salary March 1 to 31st. 10.00 3525 Willie 'King Salary March 15 to 31st.. 35.00 3526 L L 'Voorhees Salary March 15 to 31st. 62.50 3527 Chamber of Commerce Appropriation last half of March 583.33 3528 Mrs B L Brown Salary March 15 to 31st. 50.00 3529 Joe Scott Salary March 15 to 318t. 50000 3530 City Petty Cash Pay Roll for week endig March 21st. 713.00 3531 City Petty Cash Miscel Items 284.85 3532 Wm S Earle Sidewalk Construction 110.94 3534 Austin Mfg. Co. First Payment on street sweeper 674.56 353 Orion Hall Salary March 15 to 31st. 45.00 3535 U S Rubber Co. Hose for Fire Dept. 700.00 3536 Sou Util Co. Water and Light bill from Oct 1,1923 to Feb.29/24 4961.15 There being no further business the meeting adjourned Attest: City Clerk. or