HomeMy WebLinkAbout042824722 REGULAR MEETING" OF CITY COt11AISSION MONDAY APRIL 28, 1924. at 2:30 P.M. PResent: Commissioners : Forrest Lake( I,4ayor) S C Chase and C J Marshall City Manager W B 7illiams, City Engineer, F T Williams, Minutes of last Regular and Adjourned meetings read and approved. 'Ur A P Connelly came before the Commission and asked that steps be taken to pave at once:: Oak Ave. from Tnirteenth St. to The Railroad; Fourteenth St. from Park Ave. to Oak Ave. The City Engineer was instructed to proceed at once on these streets and also: Pecan Ave. from Third St. to Tenth St.; Olive Ave. from Tenth St. to Goldsboro Street.; Holly Ave. from Ninth St. to Goldsboro St.; Tenth St. from Pecan Ave. to Olive Ave. Communication from G G Herring Re: Aldridge Land purchase read and referred to City Attorney. Communication from A 17 Houston -Re: Purchase of Gas Plant rread and referred to City Attorney. Communication from J G White of the Southern Utiiiti °es Co. was read and filed. -the Commission proceeding as Equalizing Board proceeded to hear complaints on the Following; Streets: Grandview Ave "North" from Sanford Ave. to Lily Court. Grandview Ave. "South" from Sanford Ave. to Lily Court. Hughey St. from Sanford Ave. to Lily Court Hibiscus Court and Lily Burt Rosewa,y and Indianola Avenues :food Ave. from Commercial St. to Seminole Boulevard Seminole Boulevard from Park Ave. to Palmetto Ave. Sanford Ave. from Commercial St. to Lake Monroe Seminole Boulevard from Sanford Ave. to Palmetto-Ave. No complaints were filed except as to method of assessment on Hibiscus Court and Lily Court in Rose Court Subdivision. Assessments on the remaining streets and avenues were confirmed. Communication from property owners on Myrtle Ave. between First St. and Fourth St. re- paving was read and referred to City Attorney for investigation. City Manager reported deed executed by Mrs Eliza D Vaughan to Park Ave. property and same'was ordered recorded and the ManaLer was instructed to proceed to advertise for bids on having Mrs Vaughan ' s house removed. The City Clerk presented Financial report showing receipts and expenditures for first six.months of Fiscal year ending March 31st. 1924 At Three P 11A. the Chairman announced that bids would be opened and read on construction of concrete reservoir, tank foundation and power house building. The following bids were opened and read: 723 #1 J B Southard ;on Reservoir and Tank Foundation #2 J B Southard ; On Power H:;use building. #3 C C Hanner; Reservoir and Tank #4 C C Ha.nner;, Power House #5 Hall & Harris; Reservoir and Tank #6 Hall & Harris; Power House #7 R J Gallespie; Reservoir and Tank foundation #u R J Gallespie; Power House. 3,934. 57 Commissioner S 0 Chase introduced tine,following; &esolution which was unanimously adopted: ?LS )LTJTI�'T #136. A RESOL?TTIO'T PROVIPI ?TG FOR ATT ISS TF OF BO'TDS BY THE CITY OF SA"IT T?D FLO, ILA IN THE SUi? OF SEVE77H 7,rO THOUSAND DOLLARS, THE PROCEEDS DERIVED FR'?'':? THE SALE THEREOF TO BE USrD TO PARTIALLY =A7 7T THE PROPORTIONATE PART OF THE COST OF CERTAIN STREFT I A- PPOTJE 7NTS ASSESsF r A al7S T PROPERTY A':TTTTI ,`TG SAID STRFT+ T I ".T'7,0", T:T TTT° FS THE FO,*� J! A7 1D CONDITIOidS OF SAI D ,�O'TDS TO nr T r N T,� ` bT"T u( PR,f S IRI�TG SO I SJ .D AND P: VID..G FJR A �I:.r {I' ?G �"`T'TD FOR THE?AY"'F "TT OF P??INCIPAL ICU INTEREST OF SAIL BOiTDS. Whereas, the City of Sanford, Florida. has heretofore by appropriate proceedings, provided for the paving, re paving, hard- surfacing and re -hard surfacing of certain streets and avenues in said City, and u ereas, the following streets and avenues of the City of Sanford, Florida, are to be and r being p proportionate part of the cQst of t e now ,.;� �so improved, and the _ ,, c��I All bids were referred to City Engineer to tabulate and report. Plat of "Rosalind Heightsft waspresented and on approval of City Engineer was aeeepted- by the City Commission. Sarre being outside City Limits. . The following bills were read, approved and the Clerk authorized to pay same: #3625 3626 W B Williams, City Manager L R Salary April ",pril 15 to 30th 150.00 , 3627 Philips, City Clerk. Ellen Hoy, Salary 1 15 to 30th. 100.00 3625 Steno. R G Williams, Salary April 15 to 30th. 62.50 3628 Chief Police A H Feck�,vith, Salary April 15 to 30th. 87-50 3630 1�,2.C.Officer G H Tomlinson Salary April 15 to 3�th. 2.50 3631 Police Officer E EI "ialker Salary April 15 to 30th. 60.00 3632 Patrolman F B Dyson, Salary April 15 to 30th. 60.00 Patrolman Salary,April 15 to 30th. 60.00 3633 3� 4 J B Green Patrolman H M S- ala,ry April 15 to 30th. 55,00 3I _'G Yung, Patrolman P Salary April 15 to 30th. 50.00 3638 Paxton, Fire Chief B F Smith, Salary April 15 to 30th. g7, 50. 3637 Fireman Lack Cleveland, Salary April 15 to 30th. � 00 3635 Firemen Robert Salary April 15 to 30th. '+x0 Williamson, Fireman Salary lary April 15 to 30th. 3J.00 3639 3640 Tom Vernon, Night Fireman George Salary April 1 to 30th. 10.00 3641 7hitcomb , Guard. James ',4oughton,Sm. Salary April 15 to 30th. 37,50 3642 Insp. Ellen Salary April 15 to 30th. 50.00 3643 Hoy, Depty. Collector Salary April 1 to 30th. 27.00 Alfred Faster, Tax. Coll. Salary April 1 to 30th. 15.00 364 3645 tit' T Langley, City Physician G.A.De.Cottes, Salary April 1 to iOth. Oth. 40.00 3646 City Atty. J G Salary April 1 to 75.00 3647 Sharon, City Judge L R Philips, Salary April 1 to 30th. 75.00 3645 Clk. Mun. Ct, G P Paxton, Salary April 15 to 3uth. 25.OU 3649 Elec & Plumb. Insp. Salary April 1 to 30th. B F Smith, 25.00 3650 Fireman 1`'illie Salary April 1 to 30th. 10.00 3651 T {ing, San. Coll. 14rs Brown, Salary April 15 to 30th. 35-00 3652 _B •L Librarian Joe Scott, S=alary April 15 to 30th. 50.Q0 36 Sweeper Operator Salary April 15 to 30th. 50.00 53 Eric L Vihlen, Golf Supt. Salary April 15 to 30th. 30.00 365 Chamber of Commerce Approptiation April 15 to 30th. 563,33 3655 3656 City Petty Cash Acct. City :;fiscal Items 255.64 3657 Petty Cash Acct. Harley. Davidson Repr. Shop Pay Rolls Motorcycle April 11,15 and 25th. 1270.00 3655 Dixie Culvert & M etal Co. Note. Health Guard Toilets 235.00 60,90 3,934. 57 Commissioner S 0 Chase introduced tine,following; &esolution which was unanimously adopted: ?LS )LTJTI�'T #136. A RESOL?TTIO'T PROVIPI ?TG FOR ATT ISS TF OF BO'TDS BY THE CITY OF SA"IT T?D FLO, ILA IN THE SUi? OF SEVE77H 7,rO THOUSAND DOLLARS, THE PROCEEDS DERIVED FR'?'':? THE SALE THEREOF TO BE USrD TO PARTIALLY =A7 7T THE PROPORTIONATE PART OF THE COST OF CERTAIN STREFT I A- PPOTJE 7NTS ASSESsF r A al7S T PROPERTY A':TTTTI ,`TG SAID STRFT+ T I ".T'7,0", T:T TTT° FS THE FO,*� J! A7 1D CONDITIOidS OF SAI D ,�O'TDS TO nr T r N T,� ` bT"T u( PR,f S IRI�TG SO I SJ .D AND P: VID..G FJR A �I:.r {I' ?G �"`T'TD FOR THE?AY"'F "TT OF P??INCIPAL ICU INTEREST OF SAIL BOiTDS. Whereas, the City of Sanford, Florida. has heretofore by appropriate proceedings, provided for the paving, re paving, hard- surfacing and re -hard surfacing of certain streets and avenues in said City, and u ereas, the following streets and avenues of the City of Sanford, Florida, are to be and r being p proportionate part of the cQst of t e now ,.;� �so improved, and the _ ,, c��I 724 A, provement thereof to be assessed a -ainst the property abutting upon said streets and avenues to be and now being so "improved, is as follows, to-wit:. PROPORTIONA TE COST OF I 4PROVEIIF NT ASSESS* ED AGAINST AIMTING PROPERTY AS SHOWN BY SPTCIAL ASSESS 11ENT ROLL FOR THE CITY OF STREETS AND AVENUES. Slav FORD FLORIDA FOR THE YEARS 1923,1924 Sanford Ave., From Franklin St. to Geneva Avenue 13,500,00 avenues now being improved, Palmetto Ave., From Fifteenth St to Central St. 4,770.00 Commercial Street, From Palmetto Ave. to Sanford, Ave and Sanford Ave. , rrom Commercial St. to First St. 7,452.00 (472;000.00) Dollars, for the municipal purposes enumerated and specifically set forth Pdagnolia.Avenue, From Central St. to Franklin St. 19,363.00 palmetto Ave., from Hughey St., to Franklin St. 12,327,00 Fr_mklin St. from Sanford, Ave. to Park Ave, S, 067.60 bonds shall be of the denomination of One Thousand ($100000 ) Dollars, each bLzating Palmetto Ave, foom Franklin St, to Geneva Avenue 9,085.00 Sanford Ave. from Commercial St, to Lake 11onroe. and Seminole Boulevard, from Sanford )1re. to palmetto Ave.. 9,654.00 the first days of July and January, said bonds to be numbered consecutively from one Hood Ave., from Commercial St. to Seminole Boulevard, and Seminole Boulevard, from Palmetto Ave. to Bark Ave. 15,640,00 an d, manner to -wit: Whereas, the sum total of the proportionate cost of the proportionate cost of the improvement of the streets and avenues aforesaid, assessed against the property fronting and abutting on said - streets and avenues is $103,915.60 and Bonds numbered from 6 to 10, to mature July 1st, 1926 Whereas, contracts have been let by the City of Sanford, Florida, to Hutton Engineeri and Contracting; Company for the paving and irriprovany nt of the aforesaid streets and avenues with two.inch aheet asphalt on a six inch rock base, and Bonds numbered from 16 to 20, to mature July lst, 1925 Whereas, the said Hutton Engineering and contracting Company is now engaged in the laying and construction of the said pavement on the aforesaid streets and avenues, and Whereas, the City of Sanford, Florida, desires to issue bonds to the amount of Seventy Per eent(70f) of the proport- ionate part of the cost of the improvement of the streets and avenues aforesaid, assessed against the abutting property on the streets and avenues now being improved, Therefore, Be. It Resolved,: That a bond issue in the sum of Seventy'T%Q- thousand (472;000.00) Dollars, for the municipal purposes enumerated and specifically set forth in the preamble of this resolution, be, and the same is hereby authorized, that said bonds shall be of the denomination of One Thousand ($100000 ) Dollars, each bLzating interest at the rate of Six Per Cent (6%) per annum, interest payable semiannually on the first days of July and January, said bonds to be numbered consecutively from one to seventy -two, both numbers inclusive, said bonds to mature serially in the following manner to -wit: Bonds numbered from 1 to 5, to mature July lst,.1925. Bonds numbered from 6 to 10, to mature July 1st, 1926 Bonds numbered from 11 to 15 to mature July 1st, 1927 Bonds numbered from 16 to 20, to mature July lst, 1925 Bonds numbered from 21 to 25 to mature July 1st, 1929. :.. . 1r V t fill Donis numbored from 26 to 30, to mature July 1st 1930 Bonds numb -red frorn' 31 to 33 , to matur, -, &, ly 1st, 1931 ''Fends numbered frorn 36 to 4o to mature July 1st 1932. Fora s nurrbarod from 41 to 45 to :Mature �[ily ist, 1933 Bonds numbered from 46 to 5o to rne,ture July 1st. 1934 ?onus numbered frorn 51 to 55, to mat-lre July 1st. 1935 2onds numbered from•56 to 60, to matu a July 1st. 1936. Bonds numbered . frorn 61 to 65, to mature July 1st, 1937. bonds numbered. from 66 to 7.3 to mature July 1st, 1938 Bonds numbered from 71 to 72, to mature July 1st. 10,39 Said entire issue of 1:)onds to be dated: January first 1024, both principal and interest of said bonds, to be palra,ble at some bank in the City of Ne ^r York, State of New York, in lalaful goney of th3 77nited States of America,. Said Eonds shall be signed by the ',avor of the Citv o° Sanford, Florida,, and by the Cl ark of the City of Sanford, Florida,, with the seal of the City of Sanford, Florida, affixed thereto. The 'interest coupons to be attached to said bonds sh..11 be signed with the engraved or lithographed fac- simile signatures of said :yiayor and said City Clerk , the said Londs and coupons with the necessary v.iriations to indicate the different nuaibers and different dat.s of maturity shall be sul;stantially in the followin" form to -wit: Nu rr ;b a r SERIES UTTI T?'D STATES O 7 A';i:RICA. STATE OF FLO" IPA. CO'?T ?TY `'" S' 7'I'TOLE C I T Y 07 S A T? F O R D I ,r R O V F ,; E rT T n J N D Dollars. 1.300 KNOT ALL `117N DY THF12r' PRFSFT?TS, that the City of Sanford , in the State of Florida,, a Municipal Corp,�­L wtirr�., duly or- anized and existint .under and in pursuance of the C. Laws of the State of Florida, for value received, acknowladoas itself indebted, and promises to pay to the bearer. hereof the sum of OT ?E TF.OUSAND DOLLARS. In lawful money of -the United St:.tes of America, on the first day of July A.D.19 with interest thereon at the rate or six per centurr, per annum, p"yagla semi- annually January first a,nd July first, of awch year, on prasanta.ticn and surrender of zha interest coupons hereto annexad as they severally becc :ne due, both principal and inter ;3t ��ai.n; payable at the Chase TTational ank, in the City of N -aw York, Stun -e cf iaew York, This bona is one of a series of Seventy -two bonds, a,-'era-,gating Seventy -tow Thousand Dollars, of like date and tenor, except as to maturity, iss-aed by the City of Sanford, Florida, for municipal purposes in strict conformity pith the Constitu.ition and Laws of the State of Florida., including among otheres. Chapter .9295, La•.ra of Florida, 1;23, entitled.: ..:...,�, 7 .�k.`� ."-0- ;aw'xu�,it.a.....w.. �at�. w., iildaedYi;:... yJ '�v...:.:;a.u;�i`�.'�.�...�... <•.. � .� b.... .:. 726 "An Act. Providing a Suppleriiental, Additional and Alternative =;Iethod of ?4Iaking Local L movements in Cities , Toy ^ins and .runicipal Corporations, Authorizing and Pro- viding for Special Ass:ssr.:Fents for the cost thereof, and authorizing the Issi.iance and Sal of E -onds, of Such IMdunicipalities in Connection with Said local Improvements, said bonds t be General Obligations of the .,Tunicipt,l.ities. ". And, . Chapter 9597, Laws o.f Florida, 1923, entitled: "An Act. to Abalish:. the Present IJlunicipal Government of the City of Sanford, Seminole County, State of Florida, and to Organize, incorporate and Establish a, City GovernLrent fo the same, and to Prescribe the jurisdicticn, powers and functions of said. P;Iunicipality." and, also pursuant to certain orders and resolutions of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida,, duly had and adopted maturing and made payable as follows: Bonds numbered from 1 to 5, to mature July lat, 1925 P.onds numbered from 6 to 10, to rr:ature July lat, 1926 Bonds numbered from 11 to 15, to mature July lat. 1927 Bonds numbered from 16 to 20, to mature Judy 1st, 1925 Bonds numbered from 21 to 25 to mature July 1st, 1929 Bonds. numbered from 26 to 30, to mature July lat. 1930. Bonds numbered from 31 to 35, to rrature July lat. 1931. ' ponds numbered from 36 to 40. to mature July 1st. 1932. Bonds numbered from 41 to 45, to mature J-Wly lat, 1933. Bonds numbered from 46 to 50.. to mature July lat. 1934. Bonds. numbered from' 51 to 55 to mature July lat. 1935. Bonds, numbered from 56 to 60 to mature July lat. 1936. Bonds numbered from 61 to 65, to mature July lat. 1937 Fonds. numbered from 6) to 70 to mature July lat. 193E Bonds, numbered from 71 to 72, to mature July lat. 1939 It IS HEREBY CERTIFIED, RECITED AND DECLARED, That all Acts. conditions and things required by Law to exist, happen and be performed, precedent t.o and in the is- suance of this bond; have existed, have happened, and have been performed, in regular and due time, form and manner, as required by law, and that the amount of this bond, together with all other indebtedness of the City f Sanford, Florida, does not exceed any limit prescribed by the Constitution and Statutes of the State of Florida, and that before the issuance of this bond provision has been rsde by resolution of the City Oommissi to assess annually, a tax upon all real and personal property, railroads, telegraph, and telephone lines, owned or situated within the City of Sanford, Florida, to realize a sum sufficient to pay the interest upon this bond as it may become due and, to create a sinking fund for the payment of the principal hereof at the maturity of same, and that the issue of bonds of which this bond is a part has been duly confirmed and validated by a decree of the Circuit Court of the Seventh Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida, in and for Seminole County, in a proceeding begun by the City of Sanford, Florida, a muni- cipal corporation, against the State of Florida, of which proceeding due notice was duly and regularly given to the State of Florida, and to the public. And for the payment of the principal and interest of this bond, the full faith and credit'of the City of Sanford, Florida. is hereby irrevocably pledged. IN WITIdT'cS 7'H7nEO7, the City of Sanford, Florida, has caused this bind to be signed by its mayor, and by the City Clerk , and its corporate seal to be affixed hereto, and has further caused the interest coupons hereto attached to bear the lithobra.phed facsimile signatures of said :;layor and said City Clerk, and this bend to be dated the First Day of January A.D. 1924. Mayor of the City of Sanford Flor ida.. Attest: City Clerk. (Form of Interest Coupon) (Interest Coupony 0.00 No ON.THE FIRST DAY OIL JULY 19 THECITY OF SAS; ORD, 71,071 DA. will pay the bearer Thirty Dollars, ($30.00) in lawful money if the United States Of America at the Chase National 73ti,nk, in the City of New York, State of New York, being Six 14onth's interest then due on its improvement bond, dated January 1st. 1924. payable from a tax to be assessed, levied and collected upon all taxable property • within the boundaries of the s---.id City of Sanford, Florida. No Series B. Bond Jo. C City Clerk, I,layor. (7077'1 OF VALIDATION CERTIFICATE) Valid -ation Certificate. Validated and confirmed by a decree of the Circuit Court of the Seventh Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida_ in and for Seminole County, rendered on the day of A.D. 1924, and entered and recorded on the Day of 1924, in on pave of the recorls of the Circuit Court of the Seventh Judicial Circuit of the State of Florida, in and for Seminole County. Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Seventh Judicial Circuit, Se_ninol: County Florida.. ( Suid bonds to be endorsed on back as follows;) Number. CITY OF SANFORD, FLORIDA. NT BOYD. SERIE'S B. X1000 Interest 6 per Cent. Dated January 1st. 1924. .�.s ,.e,... =. . - ei.., ., ; � � "" Lwu�J4s..uuv6 a.i.._.wn4lu.t ...,il:...�..[ P�� :u�:;,:a .. tlx tin 4•.ih'�dud�Wid.y. S.�S........ : .. ... , . -_.. i�neXe3Yxa ci. 728 Interest Payable Serra Annually on. January lst, and July 1st. Principal Due. July lst. 19 Both Principal and interest. Payable at the CHASE NAT107AL BANK. New Ycrk, N.Y. BE IT "FUR -TT -TER RESOLVED, That any and all special Assessments levied, and imposed by the City of Sanford, Florida,, upon the property benefitted by the street improvements constructed out of the proceeds of the bonds authorized by this resolution, shall upon their col ection, be immediately paid into the sinking; fund and pledged solely for the _ a,y.ment of the principal and interest of the bonds hereby authorized to be issued, an and in the event the proceeds of s,!-.Lid spf cial assessments shall be insufficient to provide for the payment of the principal and interest of the said bonds as the same become due aid paya payable, the City of Sanford, Florida, hereby covenants and agrees with the holder or holders of said bonds or any of them, to levy annually upon all the taxable property of said City, a tax sufficient to meet said deficiency, it being the intention of said City to provide for the payment of the principal and interest of said bonds primarily out of the" proceeds of said Special Assessments, but the full faith and credit of the City of Sanford are hereby pledged for their payment and there shall be levied annually upon the taxable property of said City, while said bonds remain outstanding and uppaid, a tax sufficient to provide funds for the payment of the principal and interest thereof at maturity. BE IT TJRTHF'R RESOLVED, that as soon a.s said bonds shall be printed, same shall duly executed by said .Fay or and the said Clerk in the form and manner hereinabove set forth and said bonds, when so executed, shall thereupon be forthwith delivered by said bia,yor and said Clerk to Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase, and C J :Ilarshull, composing the City Commission---.of Sanford, Florida,, ex- officio bond trustees of the City of Sanford Florida for delivery in due course to the purchasers thereof, and R7 IT 77?77,rp RT�OLTJr'D, that Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase, and C J Yarhsall, as ex- officio bond trustees,of the City of Sanford, Florida, be each required to enter into a vood and sufficient 'pond in the sum of Fifteen Hundred 01500.00) Dollars conditioned upon the faithful performance of the duties imposed upon them as bond trustees of the aforesaid author i ed ,issua of ?ponds, and BE IT T . _TITER R7SOL"T'D, That this resolution shall be and become. effective - i- rr}rnediately from and after its passage and adoption. Attest: Adopted this 28th day of Apr. i-1 A. D.1024. Clerk o (Seal) y of Sanford, Florida. 7o'.-rest Lake S 0 Chase C J -,,arshall i San Idly, ATTEST: i The meeting; than adjourned to meet at 11 A.7. Tuesday April 29th. City Clerk. (Seal) -4""\ ( r-- , t-o- � .1ayor.