HomeMy WebLinkAbout111024rl� REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION MONDAY , NOVEMBER 10, 192L 2:30 P.M. Present:-Forrest Lake., Mayor,- Commissioner, and C J Marshall Commissioner. George A DeCottes; City Attorney, W B Williams, City Manager , Jos. E Craig, Consulting Engineer. Attorney. Minutes of last meeting read and approved. Contract and bond of Peninsular Electric Co. presented and approved by the City The Fidelity bonds of S 0 Chase, C JsMarshall and Forrest Lake, City Commissioners of the City of Sanford, Florida, exOfficio members of the Board of Bond Trustees with the United States Fidelity & Guaranty Co. a corporation of Baltimore, Maryland as surety there of, each of said bonds being in the sum of Fifteen Hundred ( 1,500.00) Dollars, conditioned upon the faithful performance by the said Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase, and C J Marshall, of the duties devolving upon them as bond trustees in connection with an issue of Bonds of the City of Sanford, Florida, in the sum of $160,000.00 ( Gas Bonds); also bonds in the sum of One Thousand ($1,00Q.00) Dollars, conditioned upon the faithful performance by the said Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase and C J Marshall of the duties devolving upon them. as Bond Trustees in connection with an issue of bonds of the City of Sanford, Florida, in the.sum of $75;000.00 ( City Hall bonds); also bonds in the sum of Sixty -Five Hundred Dollars ($6,500.00.) conditioned upon the faithful performance by the said Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase and C J Marshall, of the duties devolving upon them as Bond Trustees in connectio with an issue of bonds of the City of Sanford, Florid& in the-sum of $552,000.00; duly exe- cuted by each of said bond trustees, being presented, and the City Attorney advising that said bonds were in correct legal form and properly executed, and said fidelity bonds of Said Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase and C J Marshall, as Bond Trustees as aforesaid, were duly approved. Report of Consulting Engineer Jos. E Craig for the month of October Re: electric light -water and gas- plant was read and filed. Commissioner C J Marshall then introduced Resolution' #155, entitled: "A Resolution providing for the paving, re- paving, hard surfacing and re -hard surfacing of McCracken Road, a width of 16 feet." and moved that same be adopted. Thereupon said resolution was read in full. Upon the reading of said resoluti the question was put upon the adoption of same. Those voting in favor of the passage and adoption of said resolution were: Commissioners Forrest Lake and C J Marshall (Commissioner S 0 Chase- Absent) Those voting against the passage and adoption of said resolution were Commissioners: None. Thereupon the Chairman of the City Commission announced that the City Commissiol t of the City of Sanford, Florida, had unanimously passed and adopted that certain resolution entitled: "A Resolution providing for the paving, re- paving, hard surfacing and re -hard surfacing of McCracken Road, a width of 16 feet." , 0 • �1 Thereupon Commissioner C J Marshall introduced Resolution #156, entitled: "A Resolution requiring the widening , grading and paving of Park Ave. from the North end of present brick pavement to Lake Monroe to a width of 50 feet instead of 32 feet, as heretofore authorized." and moved its adoption. Thereupon said resolution was read in full. Upon the reading of said resolution the question was put upon the adoption of same. Those voting in favor of the passage and adoption of same were Commissioner Forrest Lake and C J Marshall ( Commissioner S 0 Chase. Absent) Those voting against the passage and adoption of said resolution were Commissioners None. Thereupon the Chairman of the City Commission announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, had unanimously passed and adopted that certain reso- lution entitled: " A Resolution requiring the widening, grading and paving of Park Ave. from the north end of present brick pavement to Lake Monroe to a width of 50 feet instead of 32 feet as heretofore authorized. " Communication from Insurance Committee read and filed. Amended Plat of "Lane's Addition" was presented and.approved Plat of "Cates' Addition "was presented and approved. Plat of "Lockhart's Subdivision was presented and approved. Report of the City Manager for month of October read and filed. Report of City Clerk from month of October read and filed. The Commission then proceeded to open bids as advertised on Gas Holder., and the following bids were read:- 111, The Stacey Bros. Gas. Cont. Co. - Cincinnati, 0. #2 Chicago Bridge & Iron Works, Atlanta , Ga. #3 R D Cole, Manufacturing Co., Newman, Georgia. #4 The Stacey Mfg. Co., Cincinnati. 0. #5 Grover Corporation, by Mahoney - Walker Co., Sanford. It was agreed to receive bids on a completed Gas holder of 17,950.00 17,525.00 19,765.00 19,510.00 20,700.00 100,000 Cu. Ft. capacity which shall be the lower half of, and capable of being converted by a second lift into a 200,000 Cu. Ft. holder. Bids to be submitted by 2 P.M. Monday November 17, 1924. The Construction of the asphalt pavemtn on Palmetto Ave. from Commercial St. to Lake Monroe, and the widening of the pavement on Palmetto Ave. from Commercial St. to Lake Monroe, having been completed and duly inspected by the Commission, and the City Engineer having made his reports that the improvement of said porittions of Palmetto Ave. as aforesaid had been made in strict conformity with plans and specifications therefor on file in the office of the City Clerk, and final estimates having been prepared and submitted by the Assessor, showing the actual cost of said pavements chargeable to all property abutting upon said portions of Palmetto Ave from Commercial St. to Lake monroe, and the completed paving of Palmetto Ave. from Commercial St. to Lake Monroe. • was finally accepted by the City Commission, and the final assessment roll as sub - mitted by the Assessor,covering said pavements showing the actual cost of said pave - ments chargeable to atl property abutting upon said streets eras approved and confirm and the Clerk was ordered and directed to publish a notice to all property owners own property on Palmetto Ave. from Commercial St. sto Lake Monroe had been finally accept and the final assessments against abutting property on said portion of Palmetto Ave. were payable in full without interest up to November 15, 1924, and from and after said date said Special Assessments would be payable only in Ten Equal Annual Installment8 with interest at the rate of S% per annum on all deferred payments. The Construction of the Asphalt pavement on Cypress Ave from Union Ave. to Ninth St. and the Widening of pavemtn on Cypress from Union to Ninth. paving of Seventb Street from MagnoliaAve. to Mellonville Ave. and the widening of the pavement on Seventh Street from Magnolia Ave. to Pine Ave. having been completed and duly inspected by the Commission, and the City Engineer having made his reports that the improvement of said Portions of Cypress Ave from Union Ave. to Ninth St., widening of Cypress from Union tc Ninth St., Paving of Seventh St. from Magnolia Ave:to Mellonville, and the widening of Pavement on Seventh St. from Magnolia Ave to Pine Ave. had been made in strict oonform ity with the plans and specifications therefor, on file in the office of theCity Cler , and final estimates having been prepared and submitted by the Assessor, showing the act- ual cost of said pavements chargeable to all property abutting upon said portions of above named streets and completed pavements of said streets was finally accepted by the City Commission, and the final assessment rolls as submitted by the Assessor covering said pavements, showing the actual cost of said pavements, chargeable to. atl property abutting upon said streets and avenues was approved and confirmed, and the Clerk was ordered and directed to publish a notice to all property owners owning property on above named streets and Avenues had been finally accepted, and the final assessments against abutting property on said portions of Cypress Ave, and Seventh St were payable in full- without interest up to December 1st, 1924, and from and after said date, said special assessments would be payable only in ten equal annual install- ments with interest at the rate of S% per annum on all deferred payments. The Construction of the Asphalt pavement on Mellonville Ave. from Celery Ave.'t Railroad; Palmetto Ave. from Central St. to Hughey-St, widening of Palmetto from Central to Hughey St.; paving of Tenth St. from Park to Oak, and Tenth St. from Oak to Myrtle Ave.; having been completed and duly inspected by the Commission, and the City Engineer having made his reports that the improvement of said portions of above named streets and avenues had been made in strict conformity with the plans and specifications therefor, on file in the office of the City Clerk, and final estimates having been prepared and submitted by the Assessor, showing the actual cost of said Pavements chargeable to all property abutting upon said portions of above named Streets and Avenues; and the completed paving of said Streets and Avenues was finally accepted by the City Commission, and the final assessment rolls, as submitted by the Assessor covering said pavements, showing the actual cost of said pavements, chargeabl r., 9 w�■ 863 to all property abutting upon said streets and avenues, was approved and confirmed; and the Clerk was ordered and directed to publish a notice to all property owners owligg property on Said Streets and Avenues had been finally accepted, and the final assess- ments against abutting property on said portions of Mellonville Ave., Palmetto Ave. and Tenth'St. as set forthiin said final Special Assessmant Rolls were payable in full wi out interest up to December 15, 1924, and from and after said date, said special assess- ments would be payable only in Ten Equal Annual Installments with interest at the rate oB 5% per annum on all deferred payments. The 'following warrants were read, approved and the Clerk instructed to draw checks in payment for same: #4431 Hill Lumber Co. Note 4432 A V French 4433 ET LeBaron Labor erecting Auto Camp. Account Annual Audit 4434 City Petty Cash 4435 WBvrilliams Pay Roll week ending Oct, 31 4436 L R Salary Nov 1 to 15th. Philips 4437 R G Williams Salary Nov 1 to 15th. 4435 A H Beckwith Salary Nov 1 to 15th. 4439 Salary Nov 1 to 15th, E E Walker Salary Nov 1 t0 15th. 4440 F B Dyson 4441 Salary Nov 1 -to 15th. J B Greene 4442 A Salary Nov 1 to 15th. T Huff 4444 Neil Westbrooks Salary Nov 1 to 15th Salary October 27 to Nov 15th 4444 Orion Hall 4445 A Marshall Salary NoVemberl to 15th. R 4446 Salary Novemberl to 15th. Mack Cleveland 4447 G P Salary Nov.1 to 31st. Paxton 4445 Salary Notemberl to 15th. B FSmith 4449 Mack Cleveland Salary Nov 1 to 15th. 4450 Robert Salary Nov 1 to 15th. Williamson Salary Nov 1 to 15th. 4451 George Whitcomb 4452 Joe Salary Nov 1 to 15th. Scott 4453 Salary Nov 1 to 15th. N T Cobb 4454 Salary Nov 1 to 15th. C A Reed 445 Salary Nov 1 to 15th. 5Mark'Beatty Salary Nov 1 to 15th. 4456 D S F Starr Salary Nov 1 to 15th. 4457 J T Hardy Salary Nov 1 to 15th. 4455 W H Beatty 44E9 Salary Nov 1 to 15th. E S VoCall Salary Nov 1 to 15th. 4460 Alice McKim 4461 Salary Nov 1 to 15th. James Moughton " 4462 Salary Nov 1 to 15th. Willie King 446 Salary Nov 1 to 15th. Chamber of Commerce Appropriation Nov 1 to 15th. 4464 Ellen Hoy 4465 L R Philips Salary Nov 1 to 15th. Salary Nov 1 to 15th. 4466-Marion T Philips 4467 Dane Jensen Salary Nov 1 to 15th, 4465 Salary Nov 1 to 15th. Mrs B F Whitner 4469 Seminole Library Appropriation November - Hudson Essex 4470 Sou. Bell Labor & Rprs, to J B Ray's Car. Tel. Co. 4471 H J Clause Telephone Service Octoberx 4472 Seminole- Water Tickets Hudson -Essex 4473 Labor & Material on Car Investment Securities 4474 Henderson Corp Payment on Hudson Car. Ames Co. Police Caps 4475 P A Vero Safe Cabinet 4476 Seminole Furniture Co. Cots for Jail 4477 Seminole Steam Laundry Laundry for Fire Dept. 4475 Sanitary Wiping Cloth Co. Rag Wipers 4479 Sanford Machine Co. Repairs to Mower 4450 G P Paxton. Painting Signs 4451 M Block 4452 Shoes, Blankets etc for prisoners Austin Western Road Mch Co.Parts for Street Sweeper 4453 Sanford Sign Shop Lettering Park Benches 445 Seminole FeedCo. Feed for animals 4485 Marshall & Brown Sidewalk ApIx oath 4456 Roberts Grocery Misc. Supplies 4487 Sanford Feed & Supply Co.Feed for animals �,. 539.92 50.00 100.00 569.00 175.00 25.00 100.00 70.00 62.50 62.50 62.50 62.50 73.35 55.00 50.00 12.00 57.50 55.00 50.00 42.50 37.50 55.00 125.00 40.00 40.00 75.00 70.00 75.00 50.00 30.00 62.50 40.00 553.33 57.50 112.50 50.00 75.00 250.00 1 7.25 50.29 15.00 10.95 97.00 40.55 57.50 22.50 3.00 14.19 5.90 4.25 45.96 559.22 3.00 135.24 25.50 16.6o 153.32 #4455 The Yowell Co. Shirt, Overalls etc. 4.20 4459 W 0 Green WXgon Wheel 14.00 4490 Service Garage Repairs to St Sweeper 9 50 4491 Hill Lumber -Go. Lumber, nails etc. 22.56 4492 Spargue MeterCo. Meter Parts 9.00 4493 P A Mero Repairs to Cars 11.60 4494 Coleman's Gift Shop Stationery Supplies 32.15 4495 D McDonald & Co. Supplies for GasDept. 27-.50 4496 Hammond Byrd Iron Co. Coke 127.29 4497 Standard Oil Co. Fuel oil and Gas. Gas Operating Acct. 4495 Edward Higgins 1 Ford for Gas & Water Dept. 430:69 39.7 4499 Burroughs Adding MachineCo. Payment on Adding Machine 50.75 4500 Sou Utilities Co. StreetLighting etc. 1.,523-68 4501 Haynes & Ratliff Printing , Gas, Water & Golf Acct. 49.30 4502 Kilgore Seed Co. Seeds Golf Acct. 45.10 4503 C Hennecke - Park Benches 60.00 4504 Peninsular Elec Co. Supplies 2.64 4505 American Legion 100 Flags 500. 4506 Melton Electric Co. Elec. Work Police Dept. 20. 46 4507 Fred T Williams Grades etc. 54.25 4505 L B Hodgins_., Hpairs to Sanitary Buckets 26.25 4509 Laney's Drug Store Drugs 7.35 4510 R C Bower Drugg -:. 7.50 4511 City Utilities Dept. WaterSupply 235.34 4512 S G Adams Stamp & Staty Co. License Tags 9.75 4513 Sanford Herald Printing 7.55 4514 Remington Typewriter- Co. Typewriter Ribbons 7.00 4515 Haynes & Ratliff Printing 57.55 4516 Coleman's Gift Shop Printing Supplies 5.30 4517 E ADouglass Recording 11.35 .4515 The-New Era Printery Printing 17.31 4519 Union Pharmacy Drugs etc. Jim Harris 32.70 4520 The'Texas Co. Gas & Oil 234.30 4521 H C DuBose. Ins. Grand Stand & Hospital 209.50 4522 AP Connelly & Sons Ins on Grand Stand 75,00 4523 E FLane Ins on Grand Stand 55.00 4524 Cates Crate Co. Feed 12.25 4525 Gulf Refining Co.- Gas & Oil 63..05 4526 Edward Higgins Rpairs to Cars. 76.24 4527 Hill LumberCo. Brick & Material 110.53 4525 W H Hand & Son. Repairs to equipment & Supplies 31.55 4529 CarterLumber Co. Material. 313,70 4530 Wight Bros Co. Inc. Gas Repairs etc. 144.95 4531 Hill HardwareCo. Supplies & Material 220.13 4532 Edward Higgins Labor & Material on Cars. 143.71 453 E SRockey Repairs etc to cars. 20.40 4534 Mahoney Walker Co. Plumbing Supplies 45.12 4535 Lee Brothers Plumbing & Supplies 492.25 4536 Ball HardwareCo. Misc. Supplies 396.73 4537 W M Portlock Clipping Mules 22.25 4535;•E T LeBaron Acct Annual Audit 0.00 4539'City Petty Cash Acct. Miscel Items 686.54 45+0 Pen,Elec. Co. Elec. Wiring at Library 104.75 4541 Southern Utilities Co. Service charge setting meter Club House & Curren Country Club. 36.72 4542 A P Connelly & Sons. Ins. Premium Chief of Police 39.70 454 A VFrench Labor Auto Camp. 55.00 4544 J J Pur don Agt. Frt.Fuel Oil 75-80 4545 City Petty Cash Acct 45451 Co. Pay Rolls. _ Water Works. 4-7 �^- a- 7 �0 52.34 14120.24 Natl Cast IronPipe Pipe. 7,, 28742-97 There being no further business the meeting adjourned, to meet Monday November 17, 1924 at 2 P.M. Attest: City Clerlt. � C4 Mayor el