HomeMy WebLinkAbout120824014 olaycl REGULAR IM STING 0 THE CITY COMMISSION MONDAY DE CLWER 8, 1924. Present: Commissioners, Forrest Lake ( Xayor) C J Marshall and S 0 Chase City Engineer Fred T Williams; Consulting Engineer Jos. E Craig, City Manager, W B Williams; City Attorney George A DeCottes. Minutes of last regular and special meeting read and approved. The City Manager's report for November read and tiled. The City Clark's Report for November read and filed. Engineer Craig's report read and filed. On motion duly seconded and passed, the Clerk was authorized to draw check for $200.08 as a petty cash fund for the City Utilities Department. On motion duly seconded and passed the City Clerk was authorized to cancel 5/12 of the following taxes on 1924 roll assessed as follows: Sou. Utilities Gas Plant ( Personal Tax.) 1050.00 Paid by Southern Utilities Co. 787.50 Balance to-Cancel 11.8 ft of Lot 1 and All Lots 2 & 3 Blk 8 Tr. 7, 90.00 Paid by Southern Uti lities Co. %-5L..50— Balance to Cancel . Lots 9 and 10 Blk 7 Tr. 11 212.40 Paid by Southern Utilities Co. 12 Balance to Cancel. by Total amount to Cancel $688.50. The above property having been purohased /the City of Sanford. Communication from B W Herndon Re: Automobile noises read and filed. Communication from American Fruit Growers Re: street paving r&d and filed. Thor Clerk was authorized to instruct the Clerk of the Circuit Court to accept settlement of the following taut certificates: Certi:f #189 - 1914 taxes. " 231 1916 N " 61 1921 on payment of fkoe of certificate and costs, omitting the interest thereon. Whereupon Commissioner C J Marshall introduced an Ordinance Numbered, 87 entitled: "An Ordinance providing for the vacating and closing of a certain public alley in, the City of Sanford, Florida. § and asWod'bat the same be placed upon its first reading and read in full. Said motion 'xX= prevailed by the unanimous vote of the City Commission. Thereupon said ordinance was placed upon its first reading and read in full Thereupon Commissioner C J Marshall moved that the rules be waived and said ordinance be placed upon its decond reading and final passage, which motion was duly seconded. The Question was then put on a waiver of the rules and the roliswas called upon a waiver of the rules. Those voting in favor of the waiver of the rules were: Commissioners Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase and C J Marshall. Those voting against a waiver of the rules were Commissionere, N-ans. Therevupon the question recurred upon a motion to place said ordinance upon i spaond -yeadi ng and final P assage. Which motion prggailed by the unanimous vote of the Commission. Thereupon said ordinance was placed upon its second reading and read again in full..Upon the reading of said ordinance the roll was called upon the question of the adoption Of.. said ordinance. Those voting in favor of the passage and adoption of said ordinance were: Commissioners Forrest Lake 8 0 Chase and C J Marshall. Thereupon the Chairman of the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida, had by unanimous vote passed and adopted that certain ordinance numbered 870 entitled. WAn Ordinance providing for the vacating and closing of a certain public alley in the City ofSanford, Florida." Whereupon Commissioner C J Marshall introduced Resolution #188, entitled: "A Resolution providing for the paving, re- paving, hard surfacing and re -hard surfacing of Oak Ave. from Highland St. south to Hughey St., a width,of 24 feet.* and moved that same be adopted. Thereupon said resolution was read in full. Upon the 'reading of said Resolution the question was put upon the adoption of same. Those voting in favor of the passage and adoption of said resolution were: Commissioners Forrest Lake, 8 0 Chase and C J Marshall. Those voting against the passage and adoption of said resolution were Commissioners, done. Thereupon the Chairman of the City Commission announced that the City Commission Of the City of Sanford, Florida had unanimously passed and adopted that certain resolution entitled: NA Resolution proV441ng for the paving, re- paving, hard surfacing and re -hard surfacing of Oak Ave, from Highland St. south to Hughey St. a width of 24 feet. *. Mr J D Parker presented tentative plans for the Municipal Cemetery and same were accepted, and referred to the City Engineer for final drafting, platting and staking. Itr Parker was authorized to have E J Maughton draft plans for a cemetery pavilion. The City Manager presented report on certain old buildings and other unsightly objects and recommended them removed. The report was referred to the City Manager and City Attorney. and the City Manager was authorized to'inour an expense of $50.00 in the matter. City Engineer Fred T Williams presented plans and assessment roll bf East Side Bulkhead, and the same were referred to the City Attorney.' The following bills were read, approved and Clerk authorized to pay same. #459 4594 E T LeBaron, WB Williams Aoct. A=ual Audit 50.00 4595 459b L R Philips. Dec, Salary 1 to Dec 15th 1 to Salary. 15th. 175.00 25.00 4597 R G Williams A H 8eokwith. Salary Dec. 1 to 15th. 100.00 4598 4 E E Walker. Salary Salary Dec. Dec 1 1. to to 15th. 15th. 0 00 • 12.50 99 00 F B byson J e Greene Smeary Dec. D 1 to 15th. 62 4601 4602 A z $uff. J Foill Salary Salary Dec. eo. Dec. 1 1 to to 15th. 15th 62.50 62.50 M Aestbrooks. Orion Hall Salary 1 to 15th. 57,50 4604 4605 A R *rshall Salary Salary Dec. Dec. 1 1 to to 15th. 1 h 57.50 50.00 4606 G= P aactOn. B F Smith. Salary Dec. 1 to �h 87.50 4607 4609 Mack-Clsveland Sa�cr y Salary Dec Dec. 1. 1 to to 15th. 15th. 55.00 4609 Robert Williamson George Salary Dec 1 to 15th. 50,00 50.00 4610 Whitcomb Joe Scott. Salary Dec. 1 to 15th. 37.50 4611 Dane'Jensor Salary Dec. 1 1 to to to 15thDec 15th. . 55.00 75.00 00 `74 - #4612 L L Voorhes Salary Dec 1 to 15th. .00 4613 James Moughton Salary Dec. l to 15th, 62.50 4614 Willge King Salary Dec 1 to 15th. 40.00 4615 Chamber of Commerce. Appropriation let to 15th. 583.33 4612 Ellen Hoy galaxy Dee. 1 to 15th. 87,50 4617 L R Philips. Salary Dec l to 15th. 112.50 4618 Marion Philips. Salary Dec. 1 to 15th. 50.00 4619 Mrs B F Whitner Seoy. Appropriation Library, Dec 1 to 15th. 4620 N 2 Cobb. Salary Dec. 1 to 15th. .250.00 125.00 4621 0 A Reed Salary Dec 1 to 15th. 40 00 4622 Mark Beatty. Salary Decd to 15th. Zoo 462 D 9 E Starr. Salary Dec 1 to 15th. 75.00 4624 J T Hardy. Salary too. 1 to 15th. 70.00 462j W H Beatty. Salary Dec 1 to 15th. 75.00 4626 E S•MoCall Salary Dec 1 to 15th. 50.00 4627 Alice G McKim Salary Dec 1 to 15th. 00 4628 G H' Tomlinsofr Salary Dec 1 to 15th. 902- 5 4629 Knight & MoNsill Ins. on Truck 54.40 4630 E F Lane Ins. on Library furniture 2.00 X631 W J Thigpen & Co. Ins on Ford Truck 3402 4632 Seminole Steam Laundry Laundry for Fire Dept. 4634 Mahoney Walker Co. Supplies for Fire Dept.& Auto Camp. 10. 4634 F P Rine. Repairs and supplies 2.90 4635 Investment Secultf es Corp. Payment on Hudson Car. 00 99.00 4636 H J Clauses Water 4637 B069gettrs Filling -Station Repairs 1.60 4638 Sanford Cycle Co. Bicycle Tire 4.00 4639 Western Union Tel. Co. Telegrams. 4.97 X640 Halfb IIeua.l,d. le"AnildtaftO Iftdit. 194.1 .4641 Bominte dtGdhop. @fliteesupplies. 27.6 4642 SatlfaedtHeT drxiter Co. L r tidgejf"o ter 20j MUS Ri�lh r s doCo. t Sta*bonery & Printing ,d 8mi th Typewriter Co. Repairs'to Typewriter 5.42 4645 H & R B Drew Company Office Supplies 2.87 4646 Seminole Printery Printing 7.75 4647 Linsatime Mf #j. Co. Lineatime 28.00 4648 H&*ton C DuBose. Cr. Registration Roll, 15.00 4649 Haynes & Ratliff. Office Furniture & Printing 127.90 4650 New Era Printery. Printing 13.88 4651 M4$on Electric Co. Electric Work Golf Club. 53.73 4652 Lee'Brothers. Repairs Golf Club 3.20 465 Towell Co. Supplies 14.80 4654 Ball Hdw Co. Furniture Golf Club. 29 .40 465 Sanford Novelty `` Works. Repairs, Golf Club. 2 •35 4652 E 8 Rockey Repairs 24.25 4657 Sanford Ft. & Wall Paper Co. Decorating at Golf 25.00 4658 Hill Lumber Co Material for Golf 239.15 4659 Sanford Elec. Co. Labor, Material & Supplies 52.50 4660 Toro Mfg. Co. Mower for Golf 150.00 4661 Seminole Motor Shop. Repairs etc. 17.81 4662 Ball Hdw Co. Supplies Material & Rprs. 168.70 466 W H Hand & Son Repairs, Care Animals etc. 32.30 - 4664 Puritan Chemical Co. Material, Weed Killer, Marking Pt. 74.75 4665 Albert Hall Horshosing 29.0 4666 Seminole Feed Co. Feed for animals 140.7 4667 Ingram- Richardson Mfg. Co. St. Signs. 41.16 4668 S G Adams Stamp & Staty Co.House numbers 15.30 4669 Hill Lumber Co. Lumber •12. 2 4670 Miller -Smith Inv. Co. Ditching 33.00 4671 Sanford Feed & Supply Co Feed for antmais 143. 96 4672 American Legion Putting up and taking down flags 19 5.40 4674 Wight Brothers Repairsto Equipment 40.65 4674 Carter Lumber Co. Sand for Sidewalk approaches 11.00 4676 Roberts Grocery Supplies 6.25 4675 City of Sanford Petty Cash Sundry Bills 886.51 '4677 W H Hodgins Repairs to Buckets and Ford 5.65 4678 Addressograph Addressograph pqrment 132.82 4679 Burroughs Adding Machine Co Payment on Adding Machine 101.40 4680 Union Pharmacy Charity - Drugs. 17.05 4681 American Can Co. Garbage Cans. 3.80 4682 Cameron- Barcaly Co. Expansion Joint ;6.00 4683 Sant ®rd Utilities iDept. Water 236.74 4684 Sou Bell Tel/ Co. Telephone Service. 50.52 468 Sou utilities Co. Electric Current 1,623.82 4682 Fred T Williams Engineering , grades etc. $2.00 4687 Som.-Hudson-Essex Co. Metal Polish 1.50 4688 Hill Lbr. Co. Lumber for auto camp. 352.87 4689 Hammond -Byrd Iron Co. Coke 143.23 4690 tandard Oil Co. Fuel oil 325.15 4691 W'Sneed Tr. Safe Cabinet 80.00 4692 Texas Do. Gas & Oil. 245.50 46933 Hin adw. Co. Material & supplies 78.00 469+ Mo011astook's Auto Ser. Labor 2.50 -4695 Les Broil * Services Water & Gas. 84.25 4696 Petty Cash Aoct. Pay Rolls. Dec. 5 722.15 4 It- :.. \' -. 4b97Z4ward Higgins 4698 Edward Higgins 4699 ,City Util.Petty Cash. 4700 Matthews Press 4701 Hill. Hdw. Co. 4702 Haynes & Ratliff 4703 Sanford Mch Co. 4704 Now Era printery. 4705 P A Moro 4706 Sanford Vultigraph Co. 4707 7 A Sohumpert 47408 J J Purdon Agt. 709 J J Purdon Agt. 4710 Petty Cash Aoct. 4711 City Util Petty Cash. Rprs. to Trucks 113.96 Repairs, Golf. 62.99 Deposit Putty Cash. Fund 200.00 Printing 11.00 Shovel 5 printing 43.20 Repro to Pumps & Fittings 117.09 Printing 9-50 Repairs to Trucks ....1.05 Printing 3.20 Collecting Personal Tax Delin. 41.15 Freight 75.80 Freight on Coke 130.05 Labor pay Rolls Dec. 3ah. 704.00 Miscel Items. 117.12 There being no further business the' meeting adjourned. Attest: r• Q�j� (7I 5 city er . r• Q�j� (7I 5