HomeMy WebLinkAbout011225REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COMMT SSION MONDAY JtANUARY 12, 1925• at 2:30 P,M- Present. Commissioner Forrest Lake, (Mayor) C J Marshall and S 0 ChItse. City Manager W, B Williams; City Engineer, F.T.Williams; Consulting Engineer, Jos. E. Craig. Two Minutes of/ ast regular meetings read and approved. Reports of the City Manager The City Clerk and Engineer Craig for December read, accepted and filed. Communication from C F Teague & A P Connelly Re: adding five acre tract being taken into City Limits read and referred to the City Engineer and dity Attorney. Communication from Fort Mellon Development Co. Res Paving on Mellonville Ave. etc. read and referred to City Engineer and City Attorney. On motion duly seconded and passed the City Engineer was instructed to proceed with preliminary estimates on Paving of Mellonville Ave. from Fourth Street to Celery Ave.,.and as to changing Mellonville Ave from Surface treatment to sheet AsphAlt paving twenty four feet in width from N.W. Cor of Mayfair South to Fourth Street. Communication from the Sanford Signal Re: Advertising read and filed. Communication from western Electric Co. Re:: Radio Baoadcasting Station read and filed. Mr E A Douglass representing the City Planning Commission came before the Com- mission requesting the immediate passage of an ordinance relative to location of filling stations and buildings abutting the City Limits and the Mayor assured him that he would have the City Attorney give this immediate attention. Commissioner C J Marshall introduced Resolutions #190 -A - 190 -B reguiring construction of Sidewalk along Lots 4 & 5 Elk 8 Chapman & Tucker Addition. Resolutions #191 -A and 191 -B reguiring construction of Sidewalks along Lots, 3,4,and 5 Elk 9 Tier 7, E R Trafford1s Map, Sanford. and moved that same be adopted. Thereupon said resolutions were read in full. Upon the reading of said reso- lutions the question was put upon the adoption of same. Those voting in favor of the passage and adoption os said resolutions were: Commissioners Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase and C J Marshall. Those voting against the passage and adoption of said resolutions were Commissioners: NOSS. Thereupon the Chairman of the City Commission announced that the City Com- mission of the City of Sanford, Florida had by unanimous vote passed and adopted the Above Sidewalk resolutions. Upon motion duly seconded and passed the Clerk was authorized to instruct the Clerk of the Circuit Court to cancel Tax Certificates #196 1915 Taxes as to lot s Elk 11 Tr. C. $5.50 description being in error. Also to cancel Personal taxes against Mrs C p Standing $1.50 faxes of 1924 ( No property* Charilis Happton 1.90 " " " ( No Property J T Smith Jr. 4.50 " " " ("Gone) Communioation from-G A Youngberg U.S. District Engineer granting permit to con- struot Bulkhead on shore of Lake Monroe was read and filed. The City Manager presented specifications for furnishing New City Hall and was authorized to advertise for bids on this, and also on seating for auditorium. Mr J D Parker submitted bids on Water System for City Cemetery, and for con- struction of pavilion at the Cemetery. After due consideration the bid of Hoolehan and Coleman for the Water System was accepted; and the bid of W S Price for the construction of pavilion was also accepted and Mr Parker authorized to let contracts and the City Manager was authorized to execute same on the part of the City of Sanford City Engineer presented plats'of "Pinehurst" and "Fort MellonsSubdivisions and same were duly accepted and'approved. Same having been approved by the City Planning Commission. Mr James Huff and others owning property on Spurling Street came before the Com- mission requesting that same be not paved at this time. After due consideration the Commission decided that the grounds of complaint were not sufficient, and on motion by Commissioner C J Marshall, seconded by.Commissioner S 0 Chase, the City Engineer was instructed to proceed with the work of paving Spurling Street as already assessed. Commdsitotbrn 03.1aiMarshall nominated Miss Ellen Hoy for City Tax Collector; same was seconded by Commissioner S 0 Chase, and unanimously carried. ]ties Hoy took the Oath of Office and signed the acceptance of same, and entered upon the duties of the Office. . The following bills were read, approved and the Clerk authorized to draw checks in payment for same. #4758 4759 Utilities Petty Cash Acct.. W B Williams, Miscel. Items 193.37 4760 City Mgr. L R Philips, Salary Jan 1 to 15th 175.00 4761 Clk. City Court. R G Williams, Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 25.00 4762 Chief of Police A H Beckwith, Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 100.00 4763 M.C.Officer Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 0.00 E E Walker, Patrolman F B Dyson, Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 62.50 4764 4765 Police Officer Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 62.50 J B Green, Police Officer Salary =Jan 1 to 15th. 62,50 476b 4767 A T Huff Police Officer G H Tomlinson, Salary Jan 1, to 15th. 62.50 4765 Police Officer John Greeson, Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 62,50 4769 Police Officer Orion Salary Jan 1 to 15th. J7.50 4770 Hall, Police Officer Guy V Phillips, Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 2.50 4771 Police Officer A R Marshall, Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 68.00 4772 Polio@ Officer G P Paxton, Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 4773 Fire Chi f Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 87-50 B F Smith, Fireman Salary Jan l to 15th. 55.00 4774 Mack Cleveland, Fireman Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 50.00 4775 Robert Williamson, Fireman Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 50.00 4776 4777 George Whitcomb, Guard Salary Jan l to 15th 37.50 Joe Scott, St. Sweeper Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 55.00 4778 4779 Dane Jensen, Golf Supt. L L Voorhes, Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 75.00 4780 Asst Golf Supt. James Moughton, Salary Jan 1 to 15th. . 00 P7.50 4751 San. Insptr. Jesse H Hamilton Salary Jan 1 to 15th 4782 Food Inspr. Willie King, Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 75.00 478 San. Coll. Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 40.00 4784 Chamber of Commerce Ellen Hoy, Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 583.33 4755,L Steno & Tax Coll. Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 87.50 47866 R Philips, City Clerk. Marion Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 112.50 4787 T Philips Office Asst. Mrs B F Whitner, Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 50:00 4788 Secy. N T Cobb,Gas Library Appropriation Jan 1 to 15th. 250.00 4789 &Water Book -Keep C Reed, Water Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 125.00 4790 A Engineer D S E Starr, Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 40.00 4791 Meter Reader J T Harty, Salary Jan 1 to 15th 75.00 Gas & Water Rprs. Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 70.00 Less Reserve 47.92 4793 J T Hardy, Gas & water " Salary Jan 1 to 15th. (Res. Sem Bk. 33.50 Sem Bk. ) 36.50 33.50 W H Beatty, Gas maker Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 75.00 4794 4795 ES McCall, Book - keeper W.Wks. Mrs Salary Jan 1 to 15th. 5 0.00 Mar " " " y Mickler, Salary Jan 1 to 15th. V-50 •-f #4796 J W Ramsey Supt Gas Plant 4797 Fernald- Lawt6n4Mem.Hosp. 4799 J J Purdon Agent. 4900 Haynesy& Ratliffo. 4901 Lee Brothers 4902 Hammond -Bird 490 Paleitka Foundry & Machine Wks. 4804 Dr C L Park. 4805 Field Auto Top Co. 4806 Cain O'Berry Boiler Co. 4907 Peninsular Eleo Co. 4909 Chicago Rawhide M`fg Co. 4509 Standard Oil Co. 4910 Neptune Meter Co. 4511 Sprague Meter Co. 4512 Haynes & Ratliff 4513 Investment Securities Corp. 4014 Seminole Motor Shop 4515 Roberts Grocery 4916 Seminole Steam Laundry 4917 Peninsular Elso Co. 4515 Powell Co. 4519 City Utilitis Dept. 4920 Edw Higgins 4521 Darby Steel Equipment Co. 4822 Toro Mfg. Co. 4823 Atlantic Forty & Chem Co. 4524 Hill Lumber Co. 4825 Wight Bros.'Co. 4526'Albert Hall 4927 Dr A Dolan 4829 Chase & Co. 4929 Hutton Constn Co. 4530 W H Hand & Son 4531 H J Clause 4932 Melbon Electric Co. 4933 Sou Util Co. 4831E D imaond Palace 4835 Henderson -Ames Cc 4836 Sanford Novelty Wks. 4937 R C Bower 4838 Seminole:Co. Bank 483 9 New Era Printery 4940 Sou Utilities Co. 4841 Laney's Drug Store 4842 Selig Co. 494'3 U.S. Rubber Co. 4844 Sanford Feed & Supply Co. 4945 G P Paxton 4546 Violet -Dell Florist 4547 J H Cowan 4849 Multipost Co. 4649 Mahoney - Walker Co. 4850 H & W B Drew Co. 4951 Seminole Cafe. 4552 E A Douglass 4853 Texas Co. 4854 Sanford Sign Shop 4955 Wilson Toomer Forty Co. 4956 First National Bank 4557 Sou Bell Tel. Co. 4559 Seminole Hudson Essex Cc 4859 Western Union 4-860 Harley Davidson Repr. Shop 4961 Woodruff & Watson 4962 E S Rockey 4563 Gulf Refining Co. 4561E Edw Higgins 456 Sanford Machine Co. 496 Cates Bros. 4567 Seminole Feed Co. 4569 Wheeleds & telob 4969 M Block 48.70 Carter Lumber Co. 4811 Ball Hardware Co. 4572 L B Hodgins 497 Hill Hardware Co. 4574 Mrs Wm Tunnicliffe 4875 Fred T Williams 4976 Puritan Chemical Co. 4877 Sanford Herald 4579 Addressograph Co. 4579 Burroughs Adding Mob Co. 4890 Fla Rock Products Co. Salary Dan 29to IfUl5th. Inc. 90.00 1 #04friatlon Jan to April 1925 125.00 Freight on Coke 145.61 Pipe fittings etc. 99.29 Printing 172.60 Pipe & Fitting 95.22 Coke 119.64 Meter Boxes and Covers 140.50 Professional Services, Mr Hardy, 10.00 Curtains for truck 236.74 Meter parts etc. 23.75 Lamps 2.46 Parts gas Plant 14.30 Distillate Oil 325.15 arts for meters 19.75 epair parts for meters 21-50 Printing & Staty. 96.35 Payment on Hudson Car. 97.00 Lamps, batteries etc. 14.74 Oil and soap 9.10 Laundry for Fire Dept. 3.62 Lamps, 2.70 Blankets for Fire Dept. 40.50 Water Supply 236.74 Repairs Golf Truck 18.03 Furniture for Golf Acct. 304.65 Parts for Golf Mower 21.12 Fertilizer, Golf Acct. 10.00 Material 102.74 Repairs to Equipment 22.98 Repairs, Horseshoeing eto. 25.02 Care of Animals 17.50 Sewer Pipe 21. 1 Material, Limerook 59.. 0 Care of Nnimals 21. 0 Water 9.00 Electric Wiring & Repairs 16.4 Lights and Power 952.54 Repairs to Watch 2.00 Caps. 12.74 Material for Golf Acct. 39.2,7. Care of animals 5. 0 Repairs to Roof 71.20 Printing .50 Office Rent & Power for Gas & W.Wks. 67194 Drugs & Supplies 11.60 Disinfectant 39.66 Equipment , Hose. 700.00 Feed for animals 103.07 Painting Signs 9.00 Plants for park 5.50 Repairs for Golf Acct. 9.25 Stamp Affixer 19.75 Pipe & Material for Golf 136.5 Stationery & Supplies 5+ Meals for Inspectors of Election 11.0 Recording 5.20 Gas & oil 217.70 Signs for Athletic Field 32.50 Fertilizer for Athletic Field 15.86 Note on Incineratro 2,105.00 Communications 56.22 Repairs to Police Car. 25.07 Communications and Clock Service 7.97 Repairs to M.Cycle 7.15 Uniforms 619.69 Repairs 12.05 Gas & Oil for Golf Acot. 66.90 Repairs to Care 59.19 Repairs to Cars Mowing Machine Etc. 9.55 Feeding Animals 61111 Feeding Animals 117.49 Repairs to cars etc 295.00 Shoes for prisoners 14.40 Lumber 42.95 Miscel. Items 500 Repairs to Sanitary Cans etc. 3 ,6 Miscel Items 50.49 Plants for Parks. 10.00 Engineering St. Lines, Grades etc. 173.90 Disinfectant 73.25 Legal Advertising 40.08 Paymt on Addressograph 67.41 Payments on machines 101.37 Rock 141.12 #+981 Paltaka Foundry & Mch Wks. 4$82 City Petty Cash Acot. 453 Ball Hdw. Co. 4S 84 Palmer's Fix it- Rig1,t Shop. 488 Cain O'Berry Boiler Co. 4856 J H Cowan 4987 H C DuBose, Treas,Welfare Bd. 4988 J J Purdon Agent. 4899 City Petty Cash Acct. 4890 City Petty Cash Acct. 4691 City Utilities Petty Cash 4092 J J Purdon, Agent. Meter Box Tops Pay Rolls week ending Jan 37d. SVpplies for Gas & Water Dept. Shelf for Gas Office Gas Service Cocks Tin work Charity Appropriation for Jan. Freight on coke Labor Pay Rolls Week Jan 9th. Labor Pay Rolls Week ending Jan 16 Miseel Items. Freight on Oil There being no farther business the meeting adjourned, Yore Attest; City Cleric, 0 12.00 671.00 5.20 3 25 7.67 4.75 50.00 1377.14 6o6.a5 616.ss 196.06 75-80 15,215.5