HomeMy WebLinkAbout062225REGULAR SESSION OF THE CITY COMMISSION MONDAY JUNE 22, 1925 at 2:30 P.R. Present: ,Commissioner Forrest Lake-( Mayor) C J Marshall. Absents Commissioner S 0 Chase, Present: City Manager, W H Williams, City Engineer, Fred T Williams, Minutes of last regular and special and adjourned sessions read and approved. City Engineer reported the following description for the site for.Yacht Club House.: Beg. at a point 576.'d feet north of the north line of Fulton Street and 23 ft. East of the Center line of the orignial main line of the Atlantic Coast Line Railroad ( said point being on the northerly edge of the concrete retaining wall on the south shore of Lake Monroe) thence run north 100 feet , thence east 50 feat, thence sou h 118.9 feet to said concrete retaining wall. thence north 69 deg. 17 min. West 53.46 ft, to beginning." On motion by Commissioner C X Marshall duly passed, same was approved, and the clerk w authorised to issue a permit for the construction of building. Resolutions #215 -A to 215-Z, 216 -A to 216 -Z, 217 -A to 217 -Z, and 216 -A to 218 -M' requiring the oonstruotion.of certain sidewalks in the City of Sanford, Florida were introduoed by Commissioner C*J Marshall %f• who moved-that same be adopted. Said motion was seconded and prevailed by unanimous vote of the City Commission. Thereupon the Chairman of the City Commission announced that the City Commission had unanimously passed and adopted the above and foregoing resolutions. Thereupon Commissioner C J Marshall introduced Resolution #219, entitled: A Resolution providing for the paving, re- paving, hard surfacing, and re -hard surfaoi of Chapman Ave. from Union Ave. to First St., a width of 40 feet." and moved its adoption. Said motion which was duly seconded prevailed by the unanimous vote of the City Commission.' Thereupon the Chairman of the City Commission announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford.. Florida had unanimously passed and adopted that certain resolution numbered 219, entitled: "A Resolution providing for the paving, re- paving, hard surfacing, and re- hardsurfacing of Chapman Ave. from Union Ave. to First St. a width of 40 feet.* Commissioner C J Marshall introduced Resolution #220, entitled. "A Resolution providing for the paving re- paving , hard surfacing and re -hard surfacing of Locust Ave., Lake View Ave., San Juan Ave., Lee Ave. and San Carlos Ave. from Uniom' Ave to First Street a width of 32 feat." and moved its adoption. Said motion wbioh was duly seconded prevailed by the unanimous vote of the City Commission. Thereupon the Chairman of the City Commission announced that the City Commission of the City of Sanford, Florida had unanimously passed and adopted that certain resolution #220,. entitled: "A Resolution providing for the paving, re- paving, hard surfacing and re -hard surfaoiA of Locust Ave., Lake View Ave, San Juan Ave. Lee Ave. and San Carlos Ave: from Union Ave. to First Street a width of 32 feet." Plat of "Benjamin's & Bandel(s Subdivision'"was presented and same was approv and ordered filed in the City Plat boft Upon motion duly passed, the Engineer was instruoted to proceed with preliminar work for paving of Fourth Street from Xmllonville Ave, east to SummarliA Ave. with surface treatment 24 feet in width. ,,. iii 1E The following warrants were read and the Clerk authorised to draw checks in payment for same: 5737 South Eastern Sales Co. Refund on City Licenses 5738 J H Freeman, Fireman Salary June 8 to 15th. 5739 5740 G W Spencer, A H Beckwith, M.C.OfficerSalary Refund on City Licenses June 15to )Oth. 5742 City Petty Cash Aoct. Pay Rolls of June 12th. Aoct. City Util�l1 L R Philips, My City 57 George A DeCottes ties Dept. Miscel Items. 5743 574 Ray Brothers City Petty Cash Aoct. Repairs to oars Pay rolls of June 19th. L R Philips, My City Court. 57 5 W B Williams, City Mgr. Wary June 15 to 30th. 57 George A DeCottes Salary June 15 to 30th; 5747 W E.Whits, City Judge Salary June 15 to 30th. 5748 L R Philips, My City Court. Salary June 15 to 30th. 5749 R G Williams, Chief Salary June 15 to 30th. 5750 J B Green,Patrolman Salary June 15 to 30th. .5751 G H Tomlinson, " Salary June 15 to 30th. 5752 Guy V Phillips, " Salary June 15, to 30th. 5753 John J Greeson " Salary June 15 to 30th. 5754 C E Williams " Salary June 15 to 30th. 5755 R R Whitten " Salary June 1.5 to 50th. 5756 A R Marshall " Salary June 15 to 30th. 5757 s L Smart " Salary June 15 to 30th. 5758 David E Walker " Salary June 10 to 30th. 5759 Mack Cleveland Chief Salary June 15 to 30th. 5760 B F Smith, Fireman Salary June 15 to 30th. 5761 Robert Williamson Fireman Salary June 15 to 30th. 5762 Tom Vernon, Fireman Salary June 15 to 30th. 576ZJ H Freeman Fireman Salary June 15 to 30th. Joe Scott, St. Sweeper Salary June 15 to 30th. 5765 George Whitcomb,Guard Salary June 15 to 30th. 5766 L L Voorhes, Golf, Supt. Salary June 15 to 30th. 5767 B F Smith, ftnitor Salary June l to 30th. 5768 James Moughton,San Insp. Salary June 15 to 30th. 5769 Jesse H Hamilton , Food Inspector Salary June 15 to 30th. 5770 Willie Ring, Night Soil Collector. Salary June 15 to 30th. 5771 W T Langley, City Phy. Salary June 1 to 30th. 5772,Chamber of Commerce. Appropriation June 15 to 30th. 5773 G P Paxton,Inspr. Salary June 15 to 30th. 577+ Ellen Hoy, Tax Coll. Salary June 15 to 30th- 5775 Marion T Philips, Office Assistant.. Salary June 15 to 30th. 5776 L R Philips, City Clerk. Salary June 15 to 30th. 5777.John Abrahams,Water Supt.Salary June-15 to 30th. 5778 C A Reed,Water Engineer Salary June 15 to 30th. 5779 L V Duane, Water & Gas. Salary June 15 to 30th. 57$0 J T HaTdy, Water & Gas Salary June 15 to 30th. 57801 1st Natl. Bk. Retiring Bonds & Int. 5781 E S MaCall.Gas & Water Salary June 1510 30th. 5751,1 San Bank & Tr. Co. Retiring Bonds & Int. 5782 Velma Wilkie,Gas & Water Salary June 15 to 30th. 5782 Seminole Co. Bank. Retiring bonds& Int. 5783 W H Beatty, Gas Maker Salary June 15'to 30th. 5701 Seminole Co. Bank. Retiring Bonds & Int. 5784 City Petty Cash Aoct. 5782 Seminole Co. Bank. Miscel. Items.' Bond Int and-retiring bonds. 5785 Miracle Concrete Co. Sidewalk oone,truotion 578 Seminole Co. Bank. Bond Int and tetiring bonds. 578 J Bolley 57861 Seminole Co. Bank. Damages to truck by Util. Truck. Retiring bo:}do and Int. 5797 J C Williams Roofing on Library 5788 J J Purdon, Agent. Freight orb; Brooms 5789 Hintermister Piano Co. Payment on Piano for Auditorium 5790 City Utilities Dept. Miscel Items 5791 J J Purdon Agent. Frt. on Coke 5792 J J Purdon, Agent. Frt. on Fuel Oil 5;94 J J Purdon Agent. Frt. on Coke. 579 City Utilities Dept. Misoel Items 579 City Petty Cash Aoot. Miscel Items 579 City Petty Cash Acct. Pay Rolls;;June 26th. There being no further busing, gip. Attest: ully mars, l j turned. 25.00 25.00 660.00 861.50 173.87 32.50 175.00 75.00 100.00 25.00 100.00 75.00 62.50 62.50 62.50 57.50 57.50 55.00 51-00 7 .65 75.00 55.00 50.00 0.00 5.00 55.00 37.50 75.00 10.00 70.00 75.00 40.00 40.00 $7.50 87.50 62.50 112.50 745.00 0.00 6o.00 75.00 4,816.80 62.50 217Z5.�9 50 4 26, 26. � 75.00 14,727.22 b 310.19 21,821.00 67.20 13,803.79 25.05 5,10 .10 9 .00 18.73 45.00 178.04 11�:j168 112.41 188.50 66.63 885.45 94, 349.55 �4- " Te-r cr-. �