HomeMy WebLinkAbout022827-Regular Meeting mINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD. FLORIDA,__ Regular [[esti~ Feb. 28, 1927 at 2 P.~ Present Commissioners Forrest Lake, $ 0 Chase and E F Housholder. City Nanager, W B Williams , City Engineer Fred T Williams, and City Attorney, George A DeCottes. The Chairman , Forrest Lake, announced that the hour had arrived fur the opening and consideration of bids for the purchase of $470,000100 City of Sanford, Florida 5~% Im- provement bonds, and, thereupon, all sealed bids for the purchase of said bonds received by the Co~uission were ordered to be opened and read, and the following bids were then opened and read to-wit: Grant & Co. Inc. The Barnett National Bank Jacksonville, Fla. ~3 Wright, Warlow & Co. Orlando, Fla. N ~ Etkins & Company, Walter Woody and Heimerdinger, Wiel,Roth & Irving Co. ~5 Ryan, Sutherlin & Co. A T Bell & Co. ~6 ~! F $chlater & Company, George H Burr & Company For 5~ oonds For ~ Bonds 462.816.00 For ~% bonds 467,086.00 For ~% bonds $~61.011.25 with accrued interest to date of delivery For 5½% bond~i, $~58.367.50 with accrued interest to date of delivery. For ~ bonds For ~[-~ bonds 4~2~275'00000.00 q-57, For 5~% bonds $~55,964.22 For 5~% bonds $460,130.20 with accrued interest to date of de~very. For 5~ bonds ~468,167.50 with accrued interest to date of delivery. l¥illiam R Compton Co~any, Dillon & Company, Chicago Eastman, ~i~ Illl. For 5~% bonds $461,211.00 with accrued Interest to date of delivery. For 5½% bonds $~64,542.00 with accrued interest to date of delivery. ~8 Prudden & Company, Brown-Cru~nner Com- pany , Toledo, Ohio. For bonds $465,805.00 with accrued interest of delivery. to date All sealed bids having been opened and read, the Commission proceeded to consider all bids submitted, and after a careful consideration of said bids, came to the conclusion that the bid of M F SCHLATER & COMPANY and GEGRGE H BURR & CONPANY was the best bid received for the purchase of the .$4y0,000.00 City of Ssnford Florida ~% Improvement Bonds, said bid being in words and figures as follows, to-wit: "Sanford, Florida February 28, 192~. Hon. City Commission Sanford, Florida. Gentlemen: The bid hereinafter following for $4?0,000.00 City of Sanford bonds is made in ac- cordance with your official notice of sale which is attached to the said bid and made a part it. For $470,000.00 City of Sanford 5~% bonds, more particularly described in the attach~ ed notice, we will pay $~68,16~.50 or 99.$1% of par, and accrued interest to date of deliver~. For $~0,000.O0 City o~ San£ord ~% bonds, more particularly described in your official notice, we will pay $~60,130.50, or 97.90% of par, and accrued interest to date of delivery. ~e understand that you will furnish the ~oproving opinion of Caldwell & Raymond, Esqs New York, and will furnish a complete certified transcript of proceedings had in connections with the issue. CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA,__ MINUTES February 28 27 Thereupon, the following resolution was offered by CQ~issioner Housholder and uns~mously adopted. ';.~EREAS, M F Schlater & Compa~ and George H Burr and Company have submitted a proposal for the purchase of the $470,000.00 City of San£ord, Florida , 5½% Improvement Bonds, advertised for sale on this date, said issue of bonds being dated January l, 1927 and to mature serially over a period of ten years, the proposal for the purchase of said bonds being in words and figures as follows: towit: Hon City Sanford, Florida Gentlemen: Sanford Florida, February 2S, 1927. The bid hereinafter following for $470,000.00 City of San~ord Bonds is made in accordance with your official notice of sale which is attached to the said bid and made a part of it. For $470,000.00 City ofSanford 5~ bonds more particularly described in the at- tached notice, we will pay :$468,167.50 or ~.61% o~ par. and accrued interest to date of delivery. For ~470,000.00 City of Sanfore 5~% bonds more particularSy described in your official not~ce, we wzll pay ~4o0,130.50, or 97.90~ of par, and accrued interest to date of delivery. We understand that you will furnish the approving opinion of Caldwell & Raymond Esqs. New York, and will furnish a complete certified transcript of proceedings had in connection with the issue. As evidence of our good faith and in compliance with your official notice of sal attached to this bid is our certified check in the sum of $9400.00 being two per sent of the par value of the bonds to be sold. Respectfully submitted, M F SCHLATER & COMPA~ 57 William Street New York City. By: Marchall Daucy, Agent. And, GEORGE H BURR & COI~ANY New York City. WHEP~AS, it is the opinion of this Co~.m.uission that the bid of and GEORGE H BURR & COMPANY is the highest and best bid received for the purchase of said bonds therefore, BE IT R~OLVED, that the sale of said bonds be, and the same is hereby awarded to M.F. SCHLATER & CO!~[PANY and GEORGE H BURR & COI~iPANY upon the reruns and conditions set forth in said bid. A}~D BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that said bonds be delivered to M F SCHLATER & CO[~ANM and GEORGE H BURR & CO~,~PANY upon the compliance by M F SCHLATER & COIiPANY and GEORGE H BURR & COMPANY with the terms and conditions of their bid." Upon motion duly adopted the Clerk was authorized to cancel the following personal Taxes on the 1926 Roll. L H Cocks 3.75 Not in City 1926. W B Lynch 4.90 Not in City 1926. B C Moore 9.40 Not in City 1926 Charles Rogendorf 6.00 Double Assessment W B Lanier 7.50 Over-assessed Harry J Scott 9.40 Not in City 3-75 Over-assessed. Fred E Russell MINUTES February 2S CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA.__ 49 27 s. Lot s 16 ft of Lot FTr. This property ovmed by V;idow, %his cancellation is Widow's exemption .) 7- 50 E 1/2 Lot 2 Blk 1, Rosalind Heights ............... 16.25 (Assessed with house, appears to be vacant.) Lot 25, Beck's Addition .......................... 18.75 (Assessed with house, appears to be vacant.) Also 1926 Personal Tax as follows: Atlantic Coast Line Ry. Co. trackage ( It appearing that City survey was made after Jan. l, 1926 same ~as correceed as per Railroad Co. Survey as of Jan. l, 1926.) 659.76 Total. 795.36 The fidelity bonds of Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase and E F Housholder, City Commissioners of the City of Sanford Florida, ex-officio members of the Board of Bond Trustees in the sum of Twenty Five Hundred ( 2500.00) Dollars each, conditioned upon the faithful performance by the said Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase and E F Housholder of the duties devolving upon them as Bond trustees in connection with the issue of bonds by the City of Sanford Florida, in the sum of Four Hundred and Sevent$ Thousand (~70,000.00) Dollars, duly executed by each of said bond trustees, being presented, and the City Attorney, advising that said bonds were in cor- rect legal form and properly executed, the said Fidelity Bonds of the said Forrest Lake S 0 Chase and E F Housholder, as Bond Trustees as aforesaid, were duly approved as to amount and legal sufficiency. The City Co~mnission then proceeded as an Equalizing Board to hear any com plaints or objections as to the proposed paving of the Following Streets: Under Reso, 336 - Union Ave from Scott Ave. 336- Fourth St. from Scott Ave. 336 -Eighth St. from Scott Ave. " " 335- Virginia Ave. There being~objections filed, confirmed. to Virginia Ave. to Virginia Ave. to Virginia Ave. from S~min~le Boulevard to Eighth Street. the Assessments were declared equalized, The following bills were read, approved and the City Clerk authorized to in payment for same. ( For list see Distribution book) There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Attest: City Clerk. approved and draw checks Mayor