HomeMy WebLinkAbout061327-Regular Meeting200 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, Re~l~r Meeting J~ne 13th. 1927 at 2:30 .~M~.19 Present: Commissioner Forrest Lake (Mayor) S 0 0base and E F Housholder. City Attorney, George A DeOottes, ; City Manager, W B Williams; City Engineer, F T Williams Minutes of Last regular meeti~ read and approved. The City Commission then proceeded as an Equalizing Board to hear any complaints or objections as to the proposed paving of the following streets: San Juan Ave. From First Street to Seminole Boulevard ( Under Reso. 342 ) San Carlos Ave, from First Street to Seminole Boulevard. ( Under Reso. $342) Franklin Street from Summerlin West to Point 35 ft. W. of the line extended between Lots 12 and 13 Wynnewood ( Under Reeo. ~343.) Seminole Boulevard from Sanford Ave. to San Carlos Ave. ( Under Reso. ~344) There being no complaints or objections filed, the City Commission declared the assessments equalized, adjusted and confirmed. Reports of the City Manager and City Clerk for the month of May were read and filed. Communication from the Building Inspector, Re: Condemnation of certain buildings read and referred to the City Mamager for further investigatiorz. Mr M B Hutton came before the Commission and rendered a bill for expenses connection with the Armistice Day Celebration held by the American Legion Post last Novembe~ showing a deficit of $1,015/~ .O0,and on motion duly adopted the Clerk was authorized to draw a check in favor of the 0ampbell Lossing Post, American Legion for $1,000.00 on this account. ( See City Warrant ~10730.) Mr S S Baumel came before the Commission relative to removal of Suck from his property adjacent to Rose Cou~t, and the matter was referred to the 0ity Manager. Mr E A Douglass came before the Commission relative to Bond of B F Ganas and E A Douglass on sewer contract. Upon motion duly adopted the City Clerk was authorized to re- lease Bond and Collateral of E A Douglass and B F Ganam in the sum of $23,500.00 dated Oct. 16 1926 covering contract for Pump Branch Conduit, said contract having been completed in satisfactory manner. Electrical Inspector, Mr Paxton submitted an amendment to the Ordinance governing Electrical Contractors and Workmen etc. and on motion dul~ adopted same was referred to the City Attorney with instructions to draft same. Mr M B Huttom came before the Commission and requested that a warrant be drawn on street paving account, for part payment on the retained percentage on Hutton Construction Company's Street paving contract ~6 for $50,000.00 ; and on motion duly adopted the Clerk was authorized to draw same. ( See Bond Tr. Warrant On motion duly adopted the Clerk was instructed to order from the Secretary of State at Tallahassee certified copies of all bills passed at the recent session of the Legislature directly affecting the City of Sanford. Upon motion duly adopted the Clerk was authorized to cancel the following per- sonal Taxes on the 1926 Tax Roll. C C Briggs. B E Fletcher UNelco Battery Co. ?. 50 ?.50 ~-.'90 It appearing that the same had no peropertyin the City January 1, 1926. Commissioner S 0 Chase introduced Resolutions ~347-A to 347-E Inc. requiring constructiom CITY COMMISSION, SANFORD, FLORIDA, MINUTES a'tme 201 The fidelity Bonds of Forrest Lake S 0 Chase and E Y Housholder City 0ommissioners of the City of Sanford, Florida, E x-Officio members of the Board of Bond HTustees, with United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company , a corporation at Baltimore, Maryland, as surety thereon , each of said bonds being in the sum of Five Thousand ($5,000.00) Dollars, conditione¢ upon the faithful performan0e by the said Forrest Lake, $ 0 Chase and E F Housholder of the duties devolving upon them as Bond Trustees in connection with the following lssue~ of bonds of the City of Sanford, Florida to-wit: $150,O00.00 authorized by Ordinance $113 40,000.00 authorized by Ordinance 200,000.00 authorized by ordinance $119 400,000.00 authorized by ordinance $120 250,000.00 authorized by Ordinance $145 duly executed by each of said bond trustess, being presented,and the City Attorney advising that said bonds were in correct legal form and properly executed, the said Yidellty Bonds of the Sai~ Forrest Lake, S 0 Chase and E F Housholder, as bond trustees as aforesaid, were duly approved. Upon motion duly adopted the City Tax Collector was authorized to extend the time for payment of 1926 Taxes to September 1, 1927, amd close the books on said date, and them proceed to advertise and sell all lands on which the taxes have not beton paid, as provided by law. The following bi~lls were read and approved, and the Clerk authorized to draw checks to pay same ( For list, see Disbursement book) Thereupon a recess was taken until 2:30 O'Clock P N June 15, 1927 at which time the City Commissiom will re-convene for the purpose of receiving sealed proposals for the purchase of the following securities of the City of Sanford, Florida, to-wit: /$250,000.00 City of Sanford Florida 5}y~ Nunicipa.l Hospital Bonds. 150,000~00 City of Saz~ford, Florida 5~% Municipal Fire Station Bonds. ~O,000.00 0ity of Sanford Florida 5~% Electric Fire Alarm and Police Telephone 0all' System bonds. .200,000 O0 of an authorized issue of $400,000.00 Oity of Sanford Florida 5~% Muni- cipal Docks and Wharves bonds. 400,000.00 City of Sanford Florida 5~% Reclamation & Bulkheading bonds. Attest: Mayor